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Chapter os* The Subject of Transport Phenomena (GUL Whatare he vanepont phonons? 412 Tyee level forthe sty of wanepatphenamens 13 Treconsevaton laws: A mela 514 om molecules to coins 5 Conling comments “The purpose ofthis introductory chapter isto describe the sope aims and methods of the bjt of taneport phenomena, ts iporant fo have sme den shou! te sae ‘ure of the eld before plunging nto the details without tus perspectives nt pos Deo appreciate the upg pnts ofthe subject and the lnteeation of the var ‘inde! topics A fo grasp of anspor phenomena sexsi or anderson ing many press in enginecring, agri, mcowslogy, eyeing, biology, a Iya tems, motels scence, pharmacy and other reas, Trangpor phenome i ‘elected an einetiy nsf bach of physic tht pervades many ets of ‘plied eaceand gineering $0 WHAT ARE THE TRANSPORT PHENOMENA? ‘The subj of transport phen nce thee coe rete ope: ald dynam, et trae ad ms nf Hd yams volves the rape lier momen ‘nd angusr moment, het natn Seis wt he rape, nd mas rater fcancerned withthe traport of mss route hema spores These thee tan pos penomena should at he intuctor level be sad ogee othe aon, + Thy fequonly occur simultaneously in indus, isogil agecltrl, nd mceorloieal preblems tfc the occurrence of any one tangpor process by ‘ulfetheocepion ate han fre + Thebascequation thet dese the thie tenport phenomena ae lowly te, ‘These ofthe euatons under splecontions theta oreo pa Jems "by analog.” + The mathematical took needed for descbing these phenomena are very sila Ahough isnt the aim a his book to teach mathematics the stent may find i ssoumary fo review vudius euthematen topic a the develope als 1 2 Chopler0 The Sbjct of apr Phanemene ‘Leaming how tose mathematics may bea very valuable by-product of tying ‘eaupor phenomena + Themolecular mechanisms underying the various tanportphenomna ae very ‘oe elated, All materials are mae up of melecule, and te sme mele ‘othe and ileictons are esponsble fr vac heal conductivity, ae ‘isi “The man in ofthis bok so gveabalancd overview of eid of enapot phenom na, poser the fundamertl equations of te subject an sate Bow wether 0 solve problems "There re many excelent eases on Hid dynamics, heat anf and masa ane ‘ex tna, thre ate mary teat and eve Tals devoted ee dial ‘hiabook soul find pombe toconault the wetins and joueals and go more deeply int othe aspect fh toy experimental cigs, empirical cores design ‘ehods an applets Tat this book sould not De reared te comple pre Senttion these but enter asa stepping stone toa wealth of owed hts eye 502 THREE LEVELS FOR THE STUDY OF TRANSPORT PHENOMENA In Fig 02:1 wo show a schematic dagramn of lange system —foe example, ange pce equipment though eich ald mitre ein We cn dese the wanepat ‘ass mrrentum, eer, and angular momentum ate diferent evel ‘A the mace! (Pg O21), we can write down ast of ations called the “macasopc tances” which desert aw the mass momentum, ener, ae! age ‘momentum thesystem change becuse of Ue inoduction and moval ese ens 1s the enrng and ling remand Desire of vara oter inp othe sytem ‘fom the stroundings: No atlempt is made to understand al te dtl ofthe ster Instudyingan engineering or biological sstem Iisa goed ide tart with hs mcr scopic deeipionn oder make’ aba aesanent of he problem nsomeintances, Itigenly ths oveal view tats need [Athenee Fg 02 1B, we examine whats happening the Aid min tore try region within he equipment We te down a at of equations cal the “cutis of chang,” which deseo how the ass, omentum, energy ad ang laren change within thi tay regio. The aim hereto ge oration abot Jo=hntatie oem Fig 02. 0) 4 ‘macescape ew sytem a= Wok nec hsysemy nani Nr an Ot Sekemmeirany con tO a emcee yom ‘onaning Nand Oy o (@) ‘eich we in astte a ow @_ 69 (Gvcalison between Peele ot Nand @ occ of 9L2Threetieleorthe Shady of Tansport Phenomena 3 ‘velocity smpeatre, pressure an concertation proies within the sytem. Ths mane {ett formation maybe ruled for the understanding of se processes. ‘Al he acai me ig 02 wren fuamental understanding of themed nimsof momentum, nergy and mastransporin ens of molec stead ie ‘oles fores Ganeal this eons the aim of he thoretial physio psc ‘emis but occasionally engineers ae applied sense ave to et involved at level Ths partculely tue the procese being studied nvlve complex malas, cetreme anges of temperature and pressure, o chemically reacting stems. should be evident that these thee Ives of description solve dierent Tenge scales far oximpie pial nda! problem, the macros level the dimen Sons of fe ove stems ay be of the ode of centimeters or metry he mire love inv what happening i he micron to the centimeter range: an molecule eve problems involve ranges of abut 14 000 nanometers “hisbook ie dvided into part + Chapters 1-8: Flow of pure fds ¢ constant mpertae (ith raph on i oat and cvective omentum anspor) «+ Chapters 9-16 ow of pune id with varying temperate (ith empha fendctiveconvestve, and radiative nergy anspor) “+ Chapters 17-24 How of beary id matures with varying composition (with ‘enpass on olifsive and convective mas tanepor), sr wel smaltaneous ‘engy and mass wareport “Thats, we bul fm the simpler othe mone dificult probleme. Within each of these parse star witha inal chapter desing with seme ells of the wale tbaory ofthe anspor proper scot thermal conduc, ad dfsiity Then we ro ‘eed to fe upc level and lee howto determine the velocity temperature, nd “Srcenaion profi in various Kinds of system The dacusion fen focuses on the ‘map evan the desrption of age sytrs Each part concldes witha chapter atte pel topes that aso outside the main soy As the discon asthe reser wl appreciate tat here ae many connections betwtenthelevelsof dexripon The transport ropes that ae deserbed Dy meletlat Theory aed atthe micrncpic level. Frthenmore, Uk equations developed a the crows evel re need inert provide see inp into poblem solving atthe smocronic level ‘Thea alio many connections berweun the tre areas of momentum, ees. nd sas tenor. y erring howto save problems none sre, oe x lar he riques Kr lving preblersn another ats The rina of te equations the hee tee spn tha ntany instances one can sove a problem "by analogy™—tht by tale ingoversslston direct fom one ares ond by changing the symbols inthe equates, Immecinely wg down he niaion tape i anoter aes "The tent wil fd that bene conecone —unng levels en amang te various teansporphemerarenre the Inn pose. At one ge rm he St pat of ‘heal omer transpoet tothe second part (nergy tasport an ther oto he {hd par (nas tranepox te story wile very Smart the "ames of he players” vel charge "Tb. shows the anrneent of he chapters inthe form of 38 “mate” ast siege a the matrix ill make it abundanly clear what Kinds of erannectins ‘an be expected in the cours ofthe tay of he Book. We hve tadonally taught ox “indents noc rangport phenomena course by columns, uta come May be tght by ome aswell: 4. CheplerO The Set of npr Phenomena “lea, Organization of Topics protease Mamet Tea Mas “anspor 1 Visosiyand 9 Thermal 17 ivy ae the mechan Bement” ransuctity mas x vector tunflevetoe — Snthe at Fiver Ganupetinone 2 Sha 10 Stellengy 18 Shel er bans dimerson (el meron ane an Soleemerton Ielancemefods) alaeesand ernest tater volt Asean Stitone ‘Tameponir 3. Equtinsof 1 Equa ol 1 ‘Equations of cunge bien en crrge [thar cre) oti {sothermal] __[raristheal) anwpocie 4 Tabula = Turbulent ne tele oon ony pat cel foreport alot aly aslo ase cae arr Transpo trepat tampon “Taneportacom 6 Fridion 1 Hesttrnster 22 Me toster weboudarie "com ueot —" gicanase Gece se empire empire npr ‘colons eons TS ‘Tonuportininge 7 Macosople 18 Macrosoic 23 Macmopie sptora stat blanes anes lanes ists poof [Gothermal] another Epupment cr pies tert Terwporty ——@ Momentum 16 Eoeay 24 Crores her tranpatin — aneprtby aticompon- ehanint fomplortiide rater ents ‘Atal e eeleof description molecular micrscopis and macroopic—the eration Ine playa ey tle, The derivation othe conservation ls fr molec ye tems sealghfrward and intracive With elementary pis onl nna fa mats, wecan state Ue ain cncepts a eve key pycal quent tht ll ‘Scencountead thoughout thisbok Thats the tpl o the nxt eon §03 THE CONSERVATION LAWS: A MOLECULAR COLLISION EXAMPLE ‘The system we conser her ie that of 0 calling disomic molecules, For simple ly we asume thatthe melecele do not intact chemically and that each moe 18 homonucear—that I hat tome muck ae Meni. The meses are 8 $03 The Conservation Lams: A Molec Colson ample 5 Po ole A ace Fig. 054. Acalsion between ident, tomencer tee molecules such aN ad OF Mola 4is made pal wontons Aland 2 Malar rma pol two ti ‘st 2: From RB Bit, Ro] Chom Eg. 15 05-123 0959), Fg. 03.2.Potonvctororthe stm se + v4 ‘Aland inated Pm Be, aman oa) Chem Eng 5 18-123 (1988, low-tenity gic 0 that we nen ot consider interactions with ther mcs I Bg Us-tweshow thecoision between the wo homonuclerdatomie molecules Aan Brand nfig. 03-2 we how the notation for speyng the oct ofthe two ator of ‘one meluleby means af poston vctrs awn flomtan aria ogi ‘Actaly the deserpion of events tthe stoi and moles evel shod be made bys quantum mechani: However excep forthe gest mecles (Mand He) a tol bys of eles chai ‘Sven! ations mnt ld between quatiesbeforeand after acalisin Both aloe sa aterthe collin, de molecules are presumed tobe suffice distant hat the wo Iolscalts cant “fet” the inermolosr fore Between ther: Beyond tance of tout 5 nolacla amet the itermolcuse fre known to be nelle Cut "sate the collision are andiested ih pees (a) Aecoringtothelenefcomeration on he ttl mass ofthemoleales entering and leaving the clin ent sal: rmgtmy mm os) © Chepter0 ‘The Subjet of npr Phenarene Herem an my atethe asses ofmlecules A and. Since there arena chemical reactors, ‘hemacsesof te individual species wil ao be comerved, ott y= ad ‘ 032) (©) Aconding othe no of consrotion of momentum the su ofthe moment ofl the atoms tefore the clson must be equal fo that afer the ellison so that Mata t mata Hata +a = Maa +MY + Mn+ Maven (035) sn which = dy it ithe velo ofatom Lofmoecule befor thclision avg =| t/t ely after the cali, We ow wre yg = + gy that oy rn 1 'the sum of the postion vector for the centr of mas of mole A and the positon ‘ecto oft atom 1 with respect the canter of mas of molecule A We ecngpie tat jg = Ray and by taking the tne derivative of this reltion, that l= "dR, ‘Bg (39, yw replace by Raya make analogous replacements for, and ry: Wealorepince vy By ¥a + Vas and make sla placements or YY th a We tren the primed quaitessinlny We also let my, = qr = St. With thse ‘Seaton along ith 0°32, wether get Baga Vasd+ Amaia + Vn)+ ble + Vat Sloe +i) = Jas V+ mie 6 Vud By Vp + myths Vey 024 “Then wing Vos tes, we ttn fa and Ves dsl relstion forthe primed quae ava t mane may + aN 039 isimportent to notice hatthe atomic masses and welases have completely disapeared in this inal ret thatthe aw of conservation of moment ewe in en of ‘he mae masses and ects alone This docs ot happen for energy and ang momenta as we tall se presen (©) Acsring to the ns of comers of nergy, he energy ofthe colliding pir of rolecuze must be the same teore and after the colison. The energy ofa lated ‘moleul the um of the Hntic energies ofthe fo stom and the interatomic potent nergy yeh desc the foro the chemical bond joining the wo atoms and 2 ‘tmelecte andi function of the interac diane [ty Therefore, energy ‘servation lends 0 (bmi + Smet +00) + (Lee tmnt 4s) = (burs doavtneeh)*(Inavenavird) 080 [Noe that we ave wes the abbrevited tion = (4 “Wa $03 The Conervation Laws: A Molecular Colson Bample 7 Wena now place fyb Fy +R th Va BY V4 FV 85 boven). We als lt na bmg Ton bf 83. bocce a [0a ¥a) +24 Was) + (Var Vas) Ein (vv) #2 (ee Waal + (Var Val] ns [(va-vs) +2 (04: Vn) + (Van-Vud)) J [ie veb+2004-Van) + (Wer Ve] +4 4 ava) +200 Va) + (Van Yad] rally 2 Wa) a] 4 Jog |v) +200 Va) Wi Ve] m[eiwd 20e¥e) avd] 7 In Bg 07, ech single-andertned term enely cana the doubly weed tem in thefeloving line bernie Vy = Vs nd Vay = "Va Hence we pt Anateavat bran Yn ala Wa 1 4 Var) + dmge(Vie Vin) + + Praoe-w0+ San Vad + ain Va) +4 = nto LmaVay Vi + Eman Vd +¥ mses r+ Bian Vnd+ iin Vereey 98) In theft oe ofthe equation above, the teens have thefllowing sigan: term Tithe Since enemy of melee Ain fed coordinate syste em? the Ket ney of tom A ne coordinate ste ed at the canter of mas of melee A em [Tis th hnetc energy of atom A2 im a sondinate natn aed at cote of mast of rmolcse erm athe peri erery ofemoloele A whi a farton afl the espantion of the we tome a molecule A: Equation 0.8 nay be writen (ston) «(ston)» (Queted) mo awh ra nr = tans Lan ut the sum of he etc Sate te ela ttt nas Hale ete ilies occas Ai toporu oe tt he wf ee serge [Pine maces foget tgeyck ep oft tng nd hone ok Seve cme fn ocd usin up Tos ely thematic ander energetic tte ay mgr Be ‘Sinenge beth inets nd nero dung inh ‘lla pane muscomersin amon tlt oor frown as “sds fhe canon Deck te dntonc ere sng screamer chore ter oval egy senna ery spl cnn concep arin whether Hire eney- wera {hoy treed incon wis oud peed ms on Whee a 8 Chapter The sbjet af prt Phenomene vegas cominwun, i may be dial o undartand how one goes about split ‘heenergy aa id into Kineticenegy anneal energy, srl ow Yo define theater ‘ordering the collsin btwean to data molecules, however the splitng ite siphtonvard (aly the aw of cnr of angler momenta mary be applic oa colision ogive Ae. XU 2% + XP +e XD = eg Xe) gx mad +e Me MD — 03-10) In hie xis used for the cos proc of to vets Net ntesuce the center of ‘ans and mltve position vectors nd vlc wstrs vac ae we di in prs () and (Ghabove without ving the interment sop we got (Ue, xg] +L) +p Xmavel +L) igre) +d + mg +1) oa lnwhih = yx Vai + [gael isthe sum of the angular momenta ofthe toms with espet othe crter of massa he molecu tat fhe “teal angele ere ain there the possibilty fr intehange betwen th angular momentum of the molecules (vith respect othe origin fcordinates) and the internal angular momen tum (with espect othe centers of me of Un molecules) homer te or neg fly smal then there virally no interchange. Exchange of angular moment wl be referred ate nt Chapter 3, where we dice he equation of change fr angle ‘momenta hist Much of ths bok sconceme with extaishing the conservation laws for ids regan as “continu,” and for Inge pecs of equipment or parts there The above ‘Session gies ago perspective forthe adventure, 504 FROM MOLECULES TOCONTINUA ‘Wet at gust on igus consi of molecules a th te maar motos Init determine how Ads flow how energy moves around inte is and Row By tet gee sess ci92 NTO of vo 2a ET «sso asi9 ne se and Tf K The emsinngaelations maybe displayed in able Vicor lem =) 100 ste 9 vr Predicted Observed mo 18S aM LORRI! ——Loisx0~ SO 1S 128 set Lact ao 4219585 mam 32953 104 ‘sperma ats re shoe inthe at clin for compan The god apes to be ‘pected se the Lana Jones prastes of Tabe Bt wee dried rm assy dt. $17 VISCOSITY OF LIQUIDS Although hemolcua theory hasbeen werkedoutin some dtl for gases atl density ‘nd stl for making clelations the same cot be sid of gids, sispensions ses, another fis In the absence fexprimental dat, ocanry tune expe formals of varying degrees frablity. 70 Hide CF Carns Bp Chap rand RB ‘Wooden Cua) Ch Pg 1-105 Gt Man #7 Sh aE Nao, tei. ow ao FCs ae Bri Ch i Nee RRL WE em nd EN ght Dr Ph Revi Sond Wy Car cha Pg, 57-199 sr abo] W. Beebe en ld rages, Nai Rig M wt ll Ocoee pf MC Hi nso on Mea, 6, 10-08 0990, 51S Viscosity of Suspensions 37 Mig 1.7. Vics a5 fein [Freche ret gue {Baa tnom BE Ping). esata and} RO Cnet Pac Proper of Gases and Lis, Macrae Hil New Yr 3 ‘sin 2001), Chapter) we wr, ees ul emp sed net way ng anova Mop (222) ar) in which Avogades nubs his Planes constant, Othe mole volume the boing pln temperature and isthe 2boltetmportue Tis expression Hustats ‘hat thes of gud dereane it erating teers, a agro with he Jong-iselempirism y= AexptB/2, An approximately exponential dependence an the fnvere temperate ofen served stated in 17-1 Hever cron a age 220% ayecommon, ad this erpistem shold ot be wed for long slender molecule, Suchasn-CyF. The approximately exponential dependence ontheinwereabsolte ta pertareiser med forinterplaton between cpt values tern! epee (eg. ty plotang ny vs), §L8_ VISCOSITY OF SUSPENSIONS orvary iste steno ofphesinasuspnding medion with viscose and volume fraction ct sphere igre thecry by Fineten ives forte etectve xcs of he supp (@= 0) 5, By “This expesion lusts hata dite suspension of partis is Newnan, and ts vis- cosityineasae with increas concentration ofthe slid parle further indests ‘hat foowvotumeeacions the eve Vico is ndependent of the patil size Haas aay ‘gna ng dan. Bt ed ag Sin a hy (et Chapter See abo toy. A erty hte, Pl Cory ie, Shee neato da oe hemmmorneak= Seen tesco iebmoecremremtes i eater mete teesenitcaecfecnamtees omic stnemtnmapninimpecteigie ‘ant ish Ft cas, Pergamon Pes Ono a ei 97 Pp. 7 38 cupert ‘Yecnty ante Mechs Momeni Tsp Equation 1841, however is acurte ony for relavely dist suspnsions. Fr ear centrated suspensions of partie, the Kreg Dougherty? eution fen sed ~ = tan ‘inept ain fu ee ty ane nmi Tat mine pg fc acm soley eres teers arama Se eras eee aayaeeen ad se Ens eet pl on bea deena np a See eee Leer §19 CONCLUDING COMMENTS “The main purpose ofthis chapter isto describe the ifernt ways that momentum canbe transport and to define the coespendng moments anes Theconvectve mame tum fax arises from the bulk fw ofthe Su (§0.). The lecular moment dex ses remieleclar mation cllsons a interactions and cons of two pate ape Saree thts presen even when the Mu ost an a vcs er tat ees ‘when the uid wing, The convective ant molecule monet faxes ae added together to form he total moment fox which wl be sed in Chapters 2 snd 3 salve ow problens. “The mementum axes ae seconde sors. hisimportant note, however that the etme of transport phenomena in his teat does ol mais te oder t rer stand tencar mathemati, but ony to understand haw the indice onthe ela enor omponent are amped forthe moment fx tenaoe compet, he eine rep "sats therectionthal momenta btn trancpord andthe second ex represents {he componant of momentum hat sbing tanepete. In Chapters 2and’ we wl show how the salar tensor components are sed ost up momentum balance. vary of Imathematal topics are reviewed la Appends« A, lading summary of tensor oper Hons the varus eon system or thevscous momenta our tention wl cus almost exclusively on New towslaw ovis, where thet companents are weiten ia erme dereatives ofthe ‘elacty component Thewereltonchipe ae writen explicly in Append Bn Carte Sn finda and spherical coordinates. Seling up an saving Ue How problems in ‘Chaptors 2nd wil ele foquent ws ofthe hey equations sn Appendix "nal we have desered methods for etimating ales ofthe viscose of gases andliguldstntheeventthatexprimental data arent avaiable. Appendix Econom ‘version facts for converting between cfferentsjsters of unis, or praccalealelations ‘hot appeariner this appendix il prove tobe ndapensble ‘QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION 2 erly thatnorentm per unit ere per wtih the seme dimensions “force pert 5. Compareand contrast te meter nd convective mechan or momen anspor LM Renger mE Deu Tm Se Rh 3H, PROBLEMS: mL 1M mas Problems 39 ‘what arto pysial meanings ofthe Lona ons paamtars ad how an tay be ten ‘id tam vay dr federation gue? Heda tne isnt ofl ann deny sn depend on he tempera pres se “he enna Jones poeta depends only on he interme separation. ar wht kinds moles wouldyou expect hat hk of pnt woul be rappropete? Skt the pel energy fant fr sonata sphere Maleclsifrng oly inter storie laps ave te sae alu of he Lena Jones Pia parameters: Nou you expos the way of CL fo be ner sma than hat SICH, lite sume tenet ara presse? Fd haw a vicoty tice tt tid 8 which Rid would you expec to ln mone ‘apy thigh rz oe lng tod adie when the sae Pres iferencs opel? Bras sec ofthe toolcue fe feos fm he Lennar Jones freon fe (Ao deterin the vaso Bg. nes the Lean nes arate hott ideas ae used when oo goes am Newton a of set In E122 to he tenralatonin 1230 tiation of dense-pa ices. Etmite he vst of open a 66° ane 100 pg Uypmenngor Pg usng te eel vist rom Tote. Give te rel in unis of Tig Forth mening of peg ele E92 rover 1104 fo sinatin of he wal of mat! Use i151 al the vaca in Pa of Cegpat 2M and 120m. Use fling abies or he cea constans 7, = 425°, B= Sain. p, = OSD Computation ofthe viscosities of gases a low deny. Prec he vcs of mokclar tay. atogen, and methane st oe atmos pest a ope fhe sls ‘nfs Compare he sas wih epermuntal dt gens poe ‘Answer: am, 00172 OU NPs & tain of gu soy stint he vison of satu qui water tC ad 00°C by murs ea 17, Compare he ess with he vals n Tbe Are 40. 095 — Mola elt and meanne path. Compu the san roca velocity (i /0) the the san fe pth Gc ov ony at abn snd273.2 A asoable ae ford SA Whats theca fhe manent tote lear dancer under hse condos? ‘What won be the oder mnt ofthe corespencing raion eu ae? Arsene T= 42510 e/a 930° ‘Checking diensionsin equations, Mvryinporacto make aabitofchecking uations ‘cr tmetuoralcnastec} Sow tut te towing equation ine ex are isenonay ening fy 17, and 132-Do tiny epang the syle orale bythe appa dimensions Omit marl tors hat sppene els rofie and the tse components For each ofthe lowing velo dite ‘ions daw a anny sth swing he Bw pater. Then Gal component f= tnd pw the Newton i. The parameter ba cont TA Rie pe J om Ran PT ep a 30 Chapter Vicosty andthe Mechannsof Momentum Tapa Af in stato gd rotation, (0) Verity thatthe vlc estrbution (2). Problem 181 descbes a Bud in rotting te dd etn ke gd body Whats the angry oan? (6) Porta fw puter evant the symmetric and antoymtre combination acy devas: tate of pre con 028/09) 14 eye (2/99 (© sus thers off) in canon with he development 1.2

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