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Subject: Criminal Law – 1
Faculty: Prof. Bhavani Prasad Panda

Guidelines for Research Topic:

1. The students are expected to thoroughly study the topic and undertake work themselves
and they are at liberty to contact the faculty for clarification anytime.
2. It is to be noted that the contents are more important than the form.
3. The Research Paper submitted must show output, which indicates intensive, serious, and
focused research.
4. Relevant case laws should be suitably discussed.
5. Research must conclude with its findings, conclusions, or recommendations.
Quote authority or attribute sources where applicable
Sl.No Research Topics Name of the
Roll No Student
1. Aim & Historical Development of Criminal Dhanyamraju V
Law: A Judicial Perspective 19LLB 002 N V Sirichandana
2. A Critical Study on Relationship between Kanchumarthi
Intellectuality and Crime 19LLB 003 Vineetha
3. An appraisal on Criminal Law in the Vedic & Sambit Kumar
Islamic era 19LLB 004 Patri
4. Reformation of the Criminal justice system: Ayushman
Judicial Review 19LLB 005 Somani
5. Legal Dimensions of Emotional intelligence in
Karanki Harshitha
the commission of Crimes 19LLB 006
6. Mens rea as such is not Punishable – Perla Bali Sai
Legislative Framework 19LLB 007 Charitha
7. Role of consent and legal capacity in protecting Peddireddi Udaya
the rights of persons with disability 19LLB 008 Bhanu
8. New Dimensions of Review of Criminal Law Adibhatla
Amendments 19LLB 009 Akshara
9. A Critical Analysis of Over criminalisation In Bhaskaruni Surya
India 19LLB 010 Lalith
10. Punishing the Innocent: A Judicial insight 19LLB 011 Nalluri Gowthami
11. Scope of Crimes in the light of various social 19LLB 012 Nagendla
structure theories Bhargavi
12. Actus Rea versus Mens rea: A Legal Study Murakonda Sai
19LLB 013 Chowdary
13. The Legal Status of Legal Disability in Penal K.Srivalli
Laws: Judicial Review 19LLB 014 Vaishnavi
14. Offences Committed under compulsion:
Aashritha Bathula
Schema for Reform 19LLB 015
15. The curvilinear relationship between age and
Anirudh Das
crime 19LLB 016
16. Correctional Institutions are an essential
component of the criminal justice system in
India- An Overview 19LLB 017
17. Survival Crime during Pandemic: Critical Yanamadala
analysis 19LLB 018 Amrutha
18. Police interrogation concerning Human Rights:
Ponnam Sahithya
A Critical analysis 19LLB 019
19. Punishment as a means of Reform Kodali Venu
&Rehabilitation: A Critical Appraisal 19LLB 020 Madhav
20. Social and Economic offences: An analytical Jonnala Pradeep
study 19LLB 021 Reddy
21. Legal insight on Defence of Intoxication under Sai Rishiitha
Indian Penal Code 19LLB 022 Dasari
22. An attempt to commit a crime must be
distinguished from an Intention to commit it-
an analytical critique 19LLB 023
23. Critical appraisal of the laws relating to the
Katragadda Rahul
Insanity under India Penal Code: Judicial
Review 19LLB 024
24. Law of Self Defence in India: A critical Mohammed Vazir
evaluation 19LLB 025 Imam Khadri
25. Sentencing Policy in Death Penalty: A Critique Muppidi Rupesh
19LLB 026 Bharath Bhushan
26. Gratification to exercise the 'Electoral Right'- Buridi Daalu Raja
Legal framework 19LLB 027 Ashish
27. Compensation for Victims of crime: Judicial Lakshmi
19LLB 028 Killampalli
28. ‘Ignorantia facti doth excusat' with the support Pedavegula S R S
of R v Prince (1875) 19LLB 029 Pavan Kiran
29. Crime and Conspiracy are two facets of the 19LLB 030 Arikatla Geethana
same coin – Judicial review
30. An overview of ' Exceptions to Punishment' –
Gandreti Keerthi
Critical Analysis 19LLB 031
31. Fundamental elements of 'Crime'- A
Gootala Hema
comparative study 19LLB 032
32. Necessity & onus of proof – Judicial Approach Prudhivi Renuka
19LLB 033 Sai
33. Standards of proof in Criminal Law- An
Rampu Pranathi
appraisal 19LLB 034
34. Excusable defences under Criminal Law – A
Done Anindita
Legal study 19LLB 035
35. A study on the Root cause of crime & Asish Ansuman
Rehabilitation Institutions 19LLB 036 Mishra
36. Punishment for the crime during a pandemic:
Raushan Kumar
Critical analysis 19LLB 038
37. Comparative study of Mental Insanity and Divyansh
Legal Insanity 19LLB 039 Bhatnagar
38. Legal implications and Dimensions of Section
Siddeeqa Iram
34 of Indian Penal Code, 1860 19LLB 040
39. A critical review on Sources of Criminal Law 19LLB 041 Shaik Naila
40. A Comprehensive Review of Sentencing Chidige Sai
Policies& Punishments in India 19LLB 042 Varnitha
41. Purpose of the sentencing: to Deter or to Chidige Sai
Reform? 19LLB 043 Varshitha
42. Legal Implications of Child Sexual Abuse in
Mannam Shiva
India 19LLB 044
43. Evaluation of Capital Punishment in Modern Maddela Satya
Penology: Plea for Abolition 19LLB 045 Swaroopa Rani
44. Role of intention in Crimes & distinguish with
Koppala Nikhil
Motive 19LLB 046
45. Significance of Common Intention in joint
Shaik Lalbee
liability of offences 19LLB 047
46. Nature of ‘strict liability’ and distinction from
Mythri Medam
‘absolute liability’ 19LLB 048
47. Conviction versus Acquittal in Inchoate Crimes 19LLB 049 Sashwat Nayak
48. Legal analysis of Victim as a Party to Crime 19LLB 050 Lovika
49. Defence of Insanity: Loopholes in Criminal Samiksha
Justice System 19LLB 051 Shrivastava
50. Scope of Section 89 of Indian Penal Code: Shloka
Judicial Review
19LLB 052 Dikshit
51. Attempt to commit offence- Issue of
Mansi Mishra
Jurisdiction 19LLB 053
52. High Profile Sedition cases in contemporary
Anushka Sharma
India 19LLB 054
53. The expression "disaffection" includes
Prakhardeep Jain
disloyalty- critical analysis 19LLB 055
54. Right of Private defence under Criminal Law &
Aishwary Singh
Effect of Human Rights 19LLB 056
55. The socio-legal perspective of Law and Crime 19LLB 057 Amit Patel
56. A critical appraisal of 'Theories of punishment
Jagdish Pradhan
and Crime control' 19LLB 059
57. Defence of Territorial Jurisdiction in Property
Siddhant Tiwari
Disputes 19LLB 060
58. Quid-pro-quo concept of punishment - Critique 19LLB 061 Mansi Tiwari
59. Comparative analysis of Section 34 and Section
149 of Indian Penal Code, 1860 19LLB 062
60. An overview of the Function of Penalty Law Sreenadhu V S S
19LLB 063 G Akhil
61. Wrongful loss versus Wrongful gain: Critical Boda Deepika
Analysis 19LLB 064 Bala
62. Reasonable force in Right of Private Defence-
Sade Tejaswi
An appraisal 19LLB 065
63. Purpose of Establishment of Law Commission Manju
with reference to Criminal Law 19LLB 066 Molakalapalli
64. Review of Statutory Conspiracy Vangapati
19LLB 067 Hemanth
65. ‘Instigation’ plays a huge role in dowry death Tyada Akash
Kumar Venkata
cases- Critical Analysis
19LLB 068 Sai
66. ‘Fine’ as a Punishment under Indian Penal Reethika Jyothi
Code, 1860 19LLB 069 Nagumanthri
67. Sedition Law: Use or Abuse? - Critical analysis 19LLB 070 Ginka Kalyan
68. Vicarious Liability versus Joint Liability in the Tulugu Sai
commission of crimes: A Critical Analysis 19LLB 071 Malavika
69. Fabrication of false evidence & Consequences Padala Meghana
under Criminal Law 19LLB 072 Rani
70. Inchoate offences: Legal insight Vaditha Vamsi
19LLB 073 Krishna Naik
71. Offences promoting enmity between different Killo Johnson
groups: Legislative approach 19LLB 074 Robin Kumar
72. Plea of Intoxication: Need to Relook 19LLB 076 Amandeep Malik
73. Aiding to commit the crime: Judicial Trend 19LLB 077 Rishika Rai
74. ‘De Jure’ immunity under section 132 of Indian
Potu Avinash
Penal Code, 1860 19LLB 078
75. Critical Review on "Offence regarding peace Badugu Surya
and morality' 19LLB 079 Chandra
76. Pleads consent as a defence: A critical analysis 19LLB 081 Shatakshi Arya
77. The force causing personal injury may be
Ashirbad Sahoo
justice –Judicial Review 19LLB 082
78. Critical analysis of Retributive Theory 19LLB 083 Makireddy Manoj
79. Offence without Criminal intention: A Critical
review 19LLB 084
80. The distinction between Fine and
Ashutosh Sharma
Compensation in criminal cases 19LLB 086
81. Test of Insanity with reference to M. Naughten Arun Pratap
Rule 19LLB 087 Singh
82. An Assembly without unlawful Object –
Yashashvi Dubey
Critical Analysis 19LLB 088
83. Capital Punishment versus Right to Life: A
Miska Swetcha
Critique 19LLB 089
84. “Quad Necessitas Non-Habet Legam” – Bondada Sanjana
Judicial Approach 19LLB 090 Sai Sridevi
85. A historical legal analysis of ‘consent’ with
Palle Tejeswari
reference to crime 19LLB 091
86. Affray: Beyond the mere use of words- Critical
Bojjagani Rahul
analysis 19LLB 092
87. A detailed analysis of ‘Public Tranquillity’. Amrita Chander
19LLB 093 Mittasurya
88. Violence by Unlawful Assembly- Judicial
Approach 19LLB 094 Disha Chaturvedi
89. A detailed legal insight on ‘Section 77 of
Gauri Jha
Indian Penal Code’ 19LLB 095
90. Every man is presumed to be sane until the Kotha Nitin
contrary proved: Critical Review 19LLB 096 Bhargav
91. Role of Punishment in a Criminal Justice Shivansh
System- Critique 19LLB 097 Bhalerao
92. Criminalization of Unlawful Assembly –
Kuncham Chandu
Judicial Review 19LLB 098
93. An overview of Offenders & Reformation in
Antara Ranjan
India: Critique 19LLB 099
94. Forfeiture of Property under Criminal Law: A
Abhinav Akash
Legal framework 19LLB 100
95. Unsound mind: Sound principle under General Rasamsetty Sai
Exception 19LLB 101 Sree Keerthika
96. ‘Liability for constructive criminality’- Critical
Arthi Gaddipati
Review 19LLB 102
97. Intoxicated Men rea versus involuntary Goduguluri
Venkata Sri
intoxication: Judicial Approach
19LLB 103 Vidya
98. Exceptions under Criminal Law is not an Cheerla Geethika
exception to commit the crime: Critical review 19LLB 104 Thanmai
99. Role of Judiciary in Prevention of Crimes:
Analysis 19LLB 105 Teesha Seth
100. Consent by Insane people: Judicial review 19LLB 106 Avni Rajak
101. Critical analysis of Section 53 of Indian Penal
Code, 1860 19LLB 107 D Mithila Reddy
102. ‘Peace, Public order & Police’: An Appraisal 19LLB 108 Arabinda Sahoo
103. False information versus False evidence with
Pulapa Meghna
reference to Indian Penal Code, 1860 19LLB 109 Srinivas
104. ‘Act’ includes illegal omission under Criminal
Law: Critical analysis 19LLB 110 Prashant Dixit
105. The stranger can defend the person or property:
An analysis with reference to Section 97 of
Indian Penal Code, 1860 19LLB 111 Jayant kashyap
106. A mistake of fact bona fide in nature- critical
review 19LLB 112 Mohanty
107. A critical review on ‘Purpose of a juvenile
adjudication’ 19LLB 113 Shatabdi Nayak
108. The constitutional validity of Section 295 A of
Indian Penal Code, 1860 19LLB 114 Itihas Kovi
109. Malpractices in an Election- A critical Analysis Singaraju Laasya
19LLB 115 Ratna
110. Scope and legal analysis of Section 171 C of
Indian Penal Code, 1860 19LLB 116 Pranay Bhardwaj
111. Offence and Classification of offence with
Deepak Kumar
reference to criminal law 19LLB 117 Baliar Singh
112. Dishonestly versus Fraudulently under
Criminal Law: Critique 19LLB 118 Chakraborty
113. Role of Legislations in the prevention of
Crime: Critical analysis 19LLB 120 Mukul Dhiran
114. Doli incapax: Defence to a criminal charge – 19LLB 121
An analysis Pamnani
115. Jurisprudence aspect of theories of punishment 19LLB 122 Ananya Panicker
in the modern era
116. An assembly with common object – Critical 19LLB 123
Analysis Ananya Dash

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