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Non-Governmental Organizations.


This research considers the internal structure of organizations whose goals are to
encourage economic development and reduce poverty. It is now broadly understood that poverty
is multidimensional in character; the Human Development Index, introduced in 1990, recognizes
the role of health and education in addition to consumption; and the Multidimensional Poverty
Index, introduced in 2010, explicitly accounts for complementarities across dimensions of health,
education, and several key assets. But organizations and their programs working to ameliorate
poverty themselves are multidimensional. The great variation in the range of activities of an
organization, and of activities included in the design of programs addressing poverty (or
development more generally) is striking. Divergence in program design can and does coexist
stably for long periods of time and in the same general location.


The objective of the study deals with the problems that have been faced by the poor
people or the people who are unemployed. I would like to tell my view majorly in the countries
like India which the people has faced the problems.


I would like to implement some of my ideas in the topic which would help to promote in
the social status of Non-Governmental Organizations and I would like to tell major problems that
have faced by the people. Some of them are lack of educational facilities entry into the schools or
educational institutions for children, unemployed etc.


By the new laws and policies implemented by Government on NGO’s and to promote
their social status.

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The author Emmanuel Woyome in his book “How to Start & Manage an NGO: To
Change The World” with his over a decade of experience in the NGO sector, shares his extensive
experience and knowledge to help you achieve of dream of changing the world as a founder of
employee of an NGO or social enterprise. Learn how to make a difference and change the world
with a career in NGO.

The author Ovasdi in his book “Management of NGO’s” said that Non-Governmental
Organizations (NGOs) are involved in a wide range of services to the society. They normally
create their areas of competency depending upon their mission and objectives. They fall in the
category of ‘not-for-profit’ organizations. While the bottom line of commercial organizations is
profit plus service to the society, in that order, the bottom line of NGOs is service to the society
and wealth creation for their own survival and growth, in that order. This book is designed to
cater to the needs of the persons and organizations that are interested in the concept of civil
society and in the role of NGOs in organizing groups to help look after the collective needs of
the various segments of society and humanity in general.


What is the Goal of Non-Governmental Organizations?

How the existence of NGO’s is making change to the people who are depended on them?


This study is based on Doctrinal type of methodology.


Secondary Data is collected through various publications of newspapers, magazines and books.


The researcher wants to conclude that NGO’s are basically Non-Governmental organizations
working for the benefits of the society. In which they are many specific organizations working to
reduce poverty in our country and they are many other organizations working for women
empowerment. In this study the researcher mainly going to discuss about organizations working
for child welfare and women welfare and cite the related cases of NGO’s.

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