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Quantum Key Distribution and Quantum

Random Number Generation with Photonic

Integrated Circuits.

QRNG: Safer and Smaller!

QKD: Faster and Smaller!

Hugo Zbinden
GAP – Quantum Technologies
QRNG chip in mobile phones

Galaxy A
QRNG chip in mobile phones
IDQ brings a new level of Quantum enhanced phone
security allowing differentiated security solutions for
ICT services.
Applications Pay Services
and Services
use Security
Algorithms Cryptocurrency services

Identification services

Single pixel model System-level view with array of pixels

CMOS Image sensor: each

pixel = photodiode + amp (low-noise + high QE)
provides a random voltage

QRNG exploiting photon statistics
Example with a Nokia N10


Possibility to
extract quantum randomness

10-bit ADC per pixel: voltage becomes a 10-bit sequence

~5.7 bits of quantum

Don’t fluctuate over the Influenced by
range of illumination classical noise
Device independent QRNG
x y
Bell experiment

a b
Quantum nonlocality Measurement outcomes
must be truly random

“Black box” QRNG

Strongest form of security
BUT extremely challenging in practice

Review by Ekert & Renner 2014 Pironio et al. Nature 2010, Acin, Brunner et al. PRL 2007
“Black box” QRNG


Commercial device
Semi-device independent of Self-Testing QRNG scenario

Only few assumptions:

- Only one channel (No side channels)
- Bound on the Energy transmitted on the channel.

Real time estimation of the conditional min-Entropy using the conditional

probabilities P(b|x).
Self-Testing QRNG scenario

The device prepares 2 non-orthogonal quantum states

cannot be perfectly distinguished

However, 2 states can be distinguished probabilistically!!

Self-Testing QRNG scenario

USD measurement: unambiguous state discrimination

No errors

St at es not perf ect ly dist inguishable
Occurrence of inconclusive
Inconclusive cases out come must be random.

Near-opt imal inconclusive rat e
Occurrence of inconclusive cases must be genuinely random 10
and fixed δ, the bound (2) holds for any p(b|x). This
mplies t hat it is not necessary t o run an SDP every t ime
p(b|x) isSelf-Testing
updat ed. One onlyQRNGneedsscenario
t o evaluat e (2) which II. I M P L EM EN T
s a simple, linear funct ion of the dat a, using fixed values
of ⌫ bx (or a few tabulat ed values and t ake the tightest We now discuss di↵erent possib
bound). This enables fast QRNG and simple incorpora- our prot ocol. In t he next sect ion
ion of finite-size e↵ects. Not e that for perfect USD of ment al realizat ion of two of these
st at es with overlap δ, we find (numerically, using SDP t o st rat ing practical relevance in si
opt imise ⌫ bx ), that our bound cert ifies pg 6 δ [42]. and imperfections.
In st ep (2) of t he prot ocol, from t he experimental dat a Implementat ion 1. A first imple
of a number of runs, t he input -out put probability distri- bin encoding, see Fig. 2 (a). H
but ion p(b|x) is estimat ed, and the bound (2) is evalu- encoded by weak coherent pulses e
Data: p(b|x)
at ed. This also provides a bound on t he genuinely quan- bins
um ent ropy in the st ring of raw bits c, given by t he
Upper bound guessing probabiliy | = |↵ i |0i , | 1

St at es not perf ect ly dist inguishable 0i
Occurrence of inconclusive
H min = − log2 (pg ). (4) outwhere |0i be
denot es t he vac
come must random.

Near-opt imal inconclusive rat e Compression factor for randomness
| ↵ | 2 P 1 extraction
Big block size exp(−
requested ~10 62 ) n = 0 n ! |ni a cohere
The min-ent ropy quant ifies the number of cert ified ran-
phot on number |↵ |2 . The 11
Simple OOK Protocol
Assumption: energy of each single pulse is limited

J. Brask et. al. Phys. Rev. Appl. 7, 054018 (2017)

Cost effective realization:

Certified random bit rate ≥ 10 MHz

Laser 30€ SPD 100€ FPGA 300€

Optimized extractor (Toeplitz matrix):

block size 106 raw bits @ 50 MHz
New Implementation: source

State preparation:

- Phase modulation of a coherent state


−𝛼 𝛼

New Implementation: homodyne measurement

State preparation:

- Phase modulation of a coherent state



- Quadrature sign of the optical signal via


homodyne measurement.

X 14
Experimental setup
Verification stage of the main protocol’s

Modulation rate: 1.25 GHz

Active stabilization of the interferometer.

Real time monitoring on the power of

the signal state.

Synchronization of the discrimination

and modulation.


1.25 Gbits block size, (1s of measure).

Maximum achievable Rate: 0.18 bits/round

Maximum achievable rate of certified

random bits: 225 MHz

Real time extraction is an issue

Robustness to time fluctuations

∗ Energy threshold fixed at 𝜔 = 0.006 mean photons

per pulse.

Entropy threshold fixed at 0.12 bits/round.

Success probability = 97%.

Average rate of certified random bits: 145.5 MHz

D. Rusca, H. Tebynian, A. Martin, H. Zbinden,

Fast self-testing Quantum Random Number Generator based on
homodyne detection, Appl. Phys. Lett. 116, 264004 (2020)

InP Photonic Integrated Circuit (PIC)
In collaboration with
Fraunhofer, Berlin.

Everything Integrated:
- Laser source
- Fast phase modulator
- Balanced detectors

New simple and
efficient QKD
2.5 GHz Ultralow-loss detectors
repetition rate fibers developed in
transmitter Geneva
QKD: Faster
1) Increase clock rate
• Correlations between succeeding pulses (polarization, intensity)

• Existing security proofs taking these effects into account are

completely unsatisfactory.
Secret Key rate vs distance
Dmax = f(dcr, block size)

10 Mbit/s
≈ 1/tdead

400 km
EOM QKD: Smaller


Bob Silica on Silicon

• Currently tested
Alice Silicon Photonics

• Currently tested
• QRNG is the first consumer quantum device
• Self-testing prototype under construction

• QKD over 500 km twinfield, 400 km (SNSPD),

300 km (InGaAs)
• Bit rates over 10Mbit/s @ < 50km, 100 Mbit/s
• Prototype with PIC under construction.

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