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Personal branding: Final Assignment -1627

Facilitator: Safia Al Shehi

Purpose: to help you get started with your personal branding and networking
online, while applying concepts you learned in this course.


Start a document and work through the below (you may include examples from
your online profiles)
(This is for your own use but you don’t have to turn it into me)

What is your story? what makes you YOU?
3 main goals?
6 best values in you?
Your skills?
Your field of expertise?
Your achievements? (Not your company)
What are your strengths and weakness? List 3
What steps you can do to improve yourself?
Your favorite form of communication?
What makes you different form other colleagues in your industry?
What three topics you can focus on to establish yourself as a thought leader in your
industry, offline and online?
List 3 though leaders from your industry (their professions -social media platform

Massages you want to brand:

What are the main areas of expertise you want other professionals in your field to
List 3, brands or blogs or LinkedIn pages you want to engage with.
List 3 influencers from your field you want to engage with.
Are there any events, conferences, online webinar you want to join and engage
with? How you will approach them?

Map out some of the key terms your learned in this course: use recourses in
Module 3
What is your primary goal from being a thought leader in your industry (personal
brand)? use the SMARTER formula.
What are the main professional achievements that you want to convey to others,
list 3 of them with the evidence.
Choose the right form of communication to develop online content (post – video –
audio – blog) keep in mind to make is simple, relevant to your profession, use the
right color to reflect your personality and identity.
What is your tone of voice? what is the role you are going to take over in your
communication? Remember the (4 vocal roles).
Observe your body language signals, what is the positive signal your known for,
what is the negative one? (you can ask others to observe you)
Build your online profile (go back to LinkedIn video -Module 4)
Look over your social media platform and check the following:

Your profile name: are you using your full name or nickname?
Your headshot (pic). Is it professional?
What is your tagline? is it your professional title?
Do you have a web page (about me)? if you don’t you can create one on
How often you post and share? And what?
Who you following and who are your followers?
Who you want to engage with? List them and decide what resources you will share
with them that they can benefit from?
What you will share? (blogs -posts – videos-articles -pictures)
Are you monitoring the responses? what is the best post for this week (write the
impressions, likes, profile visits and shares)

The inspirational for this assignment came from: Discover your CEO brand by Suzanne

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