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I choose the novel Sing to the Dawn written by Minfong Ho. I think Dawan, the main character of the novel, is a good role model for teenagers. Her characteristics ate the best to be followed by teenagers because of several reasons. The first reason why she is a good role model for teenager is because she is a clever girl. For example, she has her early education in the village school and wins a scholarship and has a chance to further study in the city school. Winning the scholarship means she is the best in the village. She succeeds because she is really industrious as Kwai once said, “You always get good marks, and you study harder than Ido.” The second reason is Dawan is a determined girl. Dawan is not easily give up when she needs to face many disapprovals from the people around her; her father, Kwai, Noi and the head abbot. She disagrees with the idea that girls have no right in education. Her father tries to abuse his power by forbidding Dawan to accept the scholarship and go to the city. It is for enabling Kwai to go to the city instead, Even though in fear, she bravely voices out her stand to his father as she said, “Even if you have this power, father, you should not misuse it so.” The third reason why Dawan is a good role model for teenagers is because she is a kind-hearted girl. Dawan does not blame Kwai because of the incident that hurting her left ankle. Thus, she is concemed that he will fall ill sitting in the rain when Dawan lefts Kwai to work out his feeling. She gives him her umbrella and heads home in the storm despite him hurting her badly earlier. Dawan’s characteristics make me realize that she is a good role model for us, teenagers. She is clever, determined and kind-hearted girl, Plas, when she is dealing with her obstacles, she teaches me to be mature and better prepared to face the future

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