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Using details from the novel you have studied, describe one main character in the novel. Support your answer with close reference to the text. choose the novel Sing to the Dawn, written by Minfong Ho. Dawan is the main character of the novel. There are many proofs for that First of all, Dawan is the protagonist of the novel. She is 14-year-old Thai girl, the eldest child in her fanily. She is a dynamic character. In the beginning of the story, she was 2 timid person who thought she would not win the scholarship as she said "I'm a girl.” After she won the scholarship, she became bolder. As she fought for her right to take it and continue her education inthe city school, she showed determination and courage. Dawan is a realistic character with both strengths and weaknesses. Apart from that, shes always loving and caring. She really loves her brother, Kwai. For example, she worried how he felt about not winning the scholarship. She thought to herself. "Kwai already knows the ‘good news’, and he hates me for it.” Knowing that, she went to search Kwat when she was home. She was concemed that he would fal ill sitting in the rain when Dawan left Kwai to work out his feeling. She gave him her umbrella and headed home in the storm despite him hurting her badly earlier, Because of that, Kwai was moved by her kind and selfless actions. Last but not least, she is an ambitious girl. She believed she could do anything a boy can do. “T'm as good as vou are. Shut up!” she said to Kwai when they argued about the scholarship. She also wanted to further her studies in the city school and be the one to help improving life in the village. “You think vou can take on these respousibilities? You can fight and argue and lead, and help make a better place for the rest of us to live in?.. So can J, little brother.” Although she was aware that life is not necessarily easy inthe city, she still refused to give up on her dream. All in all, Dawan is really a best main character that the novel portrayed. She is the protagonist, always loving and caring, thus an ambitious girl. All the positive values in her, helped her to face and deal challenges. She deserved it, to finally able to pursue her study in the city and was able to get green light from her father. Plus, she successfully made up with Kwai, Dawan really is a character that everyone needs to idolize.

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