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The Little Smoky Landslide

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2G7
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EBA Engineering Consultants Ltd., 14535 -118 Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta T5L 2M7
Received December 17, 1974
Accepted May 12, 1975

The west abutment of the Little Smoky River bridge in central Alberta showed evidence of
movement toward the river. Subsequent investigations revealed that the landslide on which the
bridge was built was moving slowly. The Little Smoky River occupies a broad preglacial valley
eroded in Upper Cretaceous clay shales and is re-excavating tills deposited during glaciation. The
site was instrumented with tiltmeters to define the failure planes. Soil strength parameters were
determined on samples obtained from boreholes. Analysis revealed that the failure mechanism
consisted of a series of blocks each acting as a separate entity but all merging to a com,mon lower
shear zone. The key to understanding the failure is the failure of the individual blocks progres-
sively from the toe to the scarp. The slow movement allows the bridge to be kept in service. Since
the first block is subject to river erosion, its stabilization would be a step in stabilizing the slope.
Can. Geotech. J. 1975.12:379-392.

La culee ouest du pont sur la rivibre Little Smoky dans le centre de I'Alberta presentait des
signes de mouvement en direction d e la rivibre. Des etudes ulterieures ont rCvElC que le glisse-
ment de terrain sur lequel le pont est construit se dCplace lentement. La rivibre Little Smoky
occupe une large vallBe preglaciaire qui a CtC Brodee dans des schistes argileux du crCtac6
superieur, et recreuse son lit dans des dep6ts glaciaires. Le site a CtC instrument6 avec des
inclinombtres pour determiner les plans de glissement. Les parambtres de resistance du sol ont
CtC determines 8 partir d'tkhantillons pr6levCs dans des forages. L'analyse a r t v t l i que le
mecanisme de rupture se compose d'une strie de blocs agissant les uns sur les autres individuel-
lement mais ayant un plan de cisaillement infkrieur commun. Le glissement de terrain ne
s'explique que si on considbre la rupture des blocs individuels qui se developpe progressivement
depuis le pied du talus jusqu'8 I'escarpement sup6rieur. Le mouvement est suffisamment lent
pour que le pont puisse Stre maintenu en service. Le premier bloc etant soumis B 1'6rosion de la
rivibre, sa stabilisation serait une premibre mesure vers la stabilisation de la pente entibre.

Introduction Physiographic Setting and General Geology of

In 1956, the road link from Valleyview the Site
(some 300 miles (480 km) northwest of Ed- The general area is characterized by rolling
monton) northward to the town of Peace River uplands and deeply entrenched river valleys.
in the Peace River District of Alberta was up- The long period of subaerial erosion during
graded and paved. Part of this project involved the Tertiary period resulted in a mature topog-
a bridge across the Little Smoky River about raphy with wide river valleys having long gently
30 miles (48 km) north of Valleyview. The sloping walls. A large thickness of bedrock,
bridge was completed early in 1957 and the consisting of all of the Tertiary and part of the
following year the west abutment showed evi- Upper Cretaceous sediments, was stripped
dence of movement toward the river. Subse- from the vicinity of the bridge site (Henderson
quent investigations revealed a landslide of 1959).
considerable magnitude which has been the During the Pleistocene, the area was invaded
subject of study over the ensuing decade. The from the north and northeast by continental
purpose of this paper is to review the latest ice. Basins and river valleys were infilled with
exploration and instrumentation and to present till and associated glacial sediments. Many
an analysis of the slide. The site is shown on areas at prairie level were mantled by lacustrine
Fig. 1. deposits. In postglacial time, rivers rapidly cut
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about 50 ft ( 15 m) per mile. In the immediate

vicinity of the bridge, the bedrock is the marine
Smoky River Group which is near the base of
the Upper Cretaceous sequence. The group
consists of three members briefly described as
follows. The Lower Smoky Formation is in the
order of 800 ft (245 m) thick and consists of
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thin bedded, dark blue-grey to black clay shales.

It has been referred to as the Kaskapau Forma-
tion (McLearn and Kindle 1950). Henderson
(1959) attributes slumping of the valley walls
of the Smoky River to this member. It is over-
lain by the Bad Heart Formation which is a
dark reddish sandstone 15 to 25 ft (5 to 8 m)
thick. The Upper Smoky River Formation rests
on the sandstone and is similar to the lower
member. These latter two formations were
eroded during the Tertiary and the Little Smoky
River at the bridge site is in the Lower Smoky
River Formation. A geologic profile illustrating
Can. Geotech. J. 1975.12:379-392.

the bedrock as mapped by Rutherford (1930)

is shown on Fig. 2.
As was noted, the Pleistocene glaciation in-
filled the preglacial valleys with glacial deposits.
Some of the present day rivers are re-excavating
these deposits whereas other buried preglacial
valleys have been abandoned and little or no
surface expression exists to reveal their loca-
FIG.1. Location of Little Smoky landslide. tion.
The Little Smoky River is re-excavating its
into the unconsolidated glacial sediments pro- preglacial valley in the area of the bridge site
ducing a somewhat more rugged topography but a large proportion of the glacial deposits
than had previously existed. The rapid post- still occupy the valley. Several sites in nearby
glacial river erosion resulted in landsliding areas have till sections in excess of 100 ft
along many miles of the rivers in the general (30 m) thick exposed along the valley walls.
area. The original bedrock walls of the river channel
The bedrock of the area consists of inter- are not exposed and their location is unknown
bedded shales and sandstones of Upper Cre- in detail.
taceous age that dip gently to the south at Henderson (1959) identified three till sheets


(feet) (metres) 2 I

2000 .......
-700 lyN i -
.................... ............ ................
"J.i5FIMox?~&"'?% SMOKY ............. .......
- 3oo ....................................................
l I l I I I I
5 0 5 10 15 20 25 (miles) 30
I I I , I I I I I I 1 I I
10 0 10 20 30 40 50

FIG.2. North-south geologic section, Little Smoky River (after Rutherford 1930). Note:
Bad Heart sandstone and Pleistocene are too thin to be shown at the scale used.
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Can. Geotech. J. 1975.12:379-392.

FIG.3. Air photo of the Little Smoky River bridge site.

in the area which represent three ice advances, tion and does not appear to be incised into the
all of probable Wisconsin age. The upper till bedrock to any considerable depth. The depth
has a somewhat higher clay content due to the of the valley measured from prairie level to the
re-advance of the ice over proglacial lake sedi- west to approximately river level is some 320 f t
ments. The two lower tills are coarser in tex- (98 m ) . For many miles both upstream and
ture. For the purposes of this paper, the two downstream from the bridge site there has been
lower tills have been considered as a single considerable landslide activity. Judging from
unit. Since they are similar, their differentiation the surface topography of these slides their age
from borehole samples is difficult. Sand seams varies from fairly recent to many hundreds of
of varying thickness are present that may repre- years.
sent outwash or terrace deposits accumulating An air photo of the bridge site, which can
during glacial retreat phases. The slumping of be viewed stereoscopically, is given on Fig. 3.
these tills and subsequent toe erosion appears The two survey lines referred to subsequently
to be the mechanism for removal of the glacial and shown on Fig. 6 are clearly visible. North
material from the old valleys. is toward the top of the picture which is an
enlargement from Government of Alberta Air
Site Description Photos No. AS1 252-9-21 8 and AS 1252-9-219
In the immediate vicinity of the bridge the taken in 1973. Figure 4 is a general view of
river is flowing in a general northwesterly direc- the landslide area of interest to this paper taken
CAN. GEOTECH. J. VOL. 12, 1975
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Can. Geotech. J. 1975.12:379-392.

FIG.4. General view of the Little Smoky River landslide.

from across the river. The slide scarp is on the recorded as 24 in. (61 cm) toward the river
skyline and is outlined by the snow. The west and 2 in. ( 5 cm) in the upstream direction.
end of the bridge is just visible on the extreme The supporting timber piles were also found to
left of the photo. A general view of the bridge be twisted out of plumb. However, no move-
structure is shown on Fig. 5. The photographs ment was observed in the two abutments.
of Figs. 4 and 5 were taken in 1968. During the summer of 1958 the pier was pinned
In view of the fact that there are innumerable with steel H piles and was extended so that the
landslides it is virtually impossible to select an movements of the pier could be accommodated
acceptable bridge site that does not cross a by adjusting the bridge bearings on the top of
landslide. The bridge, which has an overall the pier.
length of 900 ft (275 m ) , was constructed It was clearly recognized that the site was
during the fall of 1956 and the spring of 1957 an old slide area and during construction
and was designed with one abutment and one measures were taken to improve the surface
main bridge pier on the west bank (Hardy et drainage. The scarp of the landslide is at
al. 1962). However, soft subsurface soil con- prairie level and is about 2000 ft (610 m)
ditions were encountered in the construction west of the left bank of the river. The west
of the main bridge pier and therefore the bridge abutment is about 400 ft (120 m ) from the
was lengthened by an additional short span and left bank of the river. Generally, the slopes are
an abutment to avoid overloading the bank heavily wooded although the trees, which are
above the pier. The pier was constructed on largely second growth aspen, seldom exceed 6
timber piles 21 ft (6.4 m) long driven to a to 8 in. (15 to 20 cm) at the butt. The average
nominal 20 ton ( 18 t) bearing capacity. They slope from prairie level to river surface is in
were, in fact, driven to refusal in the clay the order of 7'. A considerable number of
shale. The two abutments were carried on steel exploratory boreholes had been drilled in the
H piles about 40 ft (12 m) long. These pene- area (Hardy et al. 1962). In the summer of
trated into the clay shale for a distance of about 1966 additional drilling was done and five in-
20 ft (6 m). Early in 1958 movements towards clinometers and three piezometers were in-
the river were observed in the pier. They were stalled. In June 1967 five additional inclinome-
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Can. Geotech. J. 1975.12:379-392.

FIG. 5 . The Little Smoky bridge.

ters were installed. A general site plan showing greater than about 60 ft (18 m ) from the
the location of the 1966 and 1967 boreholes surface it was generally hard and intact.
and instrumentation is shown on Fig. 6. Drilling and sampling were performed with
a Failing 1500 drilling rig. Boreholes were
Results of Laboratory Tests augered dry to a depth of about 40 ft (12 m)
A brief description of the major profiles of below which it was necessary to revert to a
the soils is as follows (Hayley 1968): water-flush drilling procedure. Undisturbed
(1) Upper till, plastic with some pebbles; samples were obtained by means of a pitcher
ranging in depth from 10 to 75 ft ( 3 to 25 m) sampler (Terzaghi and Peck 1967).
across the site. The results of classification tests on the two
(2) Uniform medium brown sand ranging tills and the clay shale are given in Table 1.
in thickness from 0 to 15 ft ( 5 m ) . The two tills, from a geotechnical point of view,
( 3 ) Lower till with streaks of grey clay and are not greatly different although the somewhat
many pebbles. Cobbles and boulders which higher proportion of the fines in the upper till
could not be sampled were encountered during is reflected in the Atterberg limits. The break-
the drilling. Abundant selenite crystals were down of the clay shale for the grain size
encountered in the sandy phases of the ma- analysis was accomplished by immersing sev-
terial. eral chunk samples in distilled water and sub-
(4) Clay shale whose condition as noted jecting them to several freeze-thaw cycles. The
during drilling depended on its depth below soil was never drier than its natural moisture
the ground surface. If this depth was shallow, content.
in the order of 20 ft (6 m) it was found to be The mineralogy of the clay size fraction of
soft and fractured. On the other hand, when the soils was determined by the Geology Divi-
the clay shale was encountered at depths sion of the Alberta Research Council. The re-
CAN. GEOTECH. J. VOL. 12, 1975
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Can. Geotech. J. 1975.12:379-392.





200 400 600 800 1000 (feet)

50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 (metres)

FIG. 6 . Site plan of Little Smoky slide area.


TABLE1. Summary of classification test results, Little Smoky landslide


Clay shale

Property Upper till Lower till Soft Hard

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Natural water content (%)

Liquid limit (%)

Plastic limit (%)

Plasticity index (%)

% sand sizesb
% silt sizesb
% clay sizesb
Bulk density (p.c.f. (g/cm3))
OAverage and range of values.
bM.1.T. grain size scale.

2. Clay minerals in soils, Little Smoky landslide peak effective angle of shedring resistance was
Can. Geotech. J. 1975.12:379-392.

obtained by means of consolidated, undrained

Soil triaxial tests with pore pressure measurements
carried out on undistur5ed clay shale samples
Upper Lower Clay from borehole LS2 at a depth of 58 to 59 ft
Clay mineral (X) till till shale
(17.7 to 18 m). The effective peak angle was
Montmorillonite 60(17) 90(20) 20(8) determined as 32" and the results are shown
Illite 20( 7) 5( 2) 60(25) on Fig. 7. It is of interest to note that there is
Chlorite/kaolinite 20( 7) 5( 2) 20( 8) no cohesion intercept.
NOTE:Figures in parentheses are percentages of total sample. The residual angle of shearing resistance was
determined from direct shear tests at low rates
sults, presented in Table 2, were determined of deformation using a reversing direction
by X-ray diffraction on samples sedimented on technique. It was not possible to obtain satis-
a glass slide and allowed to air dry. The entire factory samples for testing from the shear plane
technique is considered accurate only within using the pitcher sampler; therefore, undis-
*10%. It is interesting to note that the tills turbed samples were obtained from just below
are richer in montmorillonite than is the clay the shear plane. For this reason, three different
shale. This is probably due to the ice sheets procedures were used in the direct shear testing
moving over lacustrine sediments deposited in to evaluate the shear parameter for use in the
the glacial lakes by northerly flowing streams analysis. The first series consisted of standard
which were eroding the younger Wapiti For- tests in which the sample was trimmed to fit
mation. These younger rocks are richer in the shear box and subjected to reversed shear-
montmorillonite whereas the clay shales near ing deformations. A typical shear test result is
the bottom of the Upper Cretaceous sequence shown on Fig. 8. The second series of tests
and in the upper Lower Cretaceous are richer were conducted on precut shear planes. The
in illites. The presence of montmorillonite in third series consisted of consolidating samples
the tills tends to lower their angle of shearing remolded from a paste-like consistency in a
resistance. In the clay shales, the illites influ- large oedometer and trimming shear samples
ence their strength in that the shearing resis- from the consolidated soil.
tance is higher than might be assumed for fine- The results of these tests are shown on Fig. 7.
grained soils. The peak values from the direct shear tests fit
The shearing strength of the clay shale was reasonably well with the triaxial results and
investigated by means of both triaxial tests and confirm the value of 32". The remolded tests
direct shear tests. The Mohr envelope for the define a straight line envelope for residual
CAN. GEOTECH. J. VOL. 12, 1975

'? -DIRECT SHEAR (samples from LS 9, 79 - 8 0 feet)
-a A PEAK (undisturbed)
A 3 2 0
80 - 0 RESIDUAL (remoulded, preconsol. to 140 psi)
0 RESIDUAL (undisturbed) /
0 RESIDUAL (cut p l a n e ) /
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I l l I I l l I
0 150 300 450 600 750 900 1050
FIG. 7. Mohr envelopes for Little Smoky clay shale.
Can. Geotech. J. 1975.12:379-392.

Site Investigation
The Alberta Department of Highways under-
took an investigation of surface movements
that consisted of accurately locating a series of
control points. These points consist of steeI
rods 10 ft ( 3 m) long driven at intervals along
lines A and B of Fig. 6 which extend from the
' A - 3 4 5 6 7 (inches) river to the prairie level beyond the scarp. The
0 5
I5 (centimetres) 20
profile of these survey lines is shown on Fig.
HORIZONTAL DISPLACEMENT 9 ( a ) and the plan view indicating the relative
FIG. 8. Typical stress ratio versus displacement movements on Fig. 9 ( b ) . Control points were
for direct shear test on clay shale. also established on the west abutments and on
Pier 1. The movement of these points is also
strengths and yield a value of 19.5". However, shown on Fig. 9 ( b ) .
the test results of the undisturbed samples show The results of the survey of surface control
some scatter and the residual angle can be in- points indicated that the entire area from the
terpreted to range from 14" to 17.5'. The cut- scarp to the river was moving. Horizontal dis-
plane samples are on a line through the origin placements are larger than the estimated survey
at an angle of 14". This value agrees with the error except for point j where its movement is
lower value from the undisturbed samples and uphill. The amount, however, is small and
was chosen for the analyses. The higher angle within the survey error. A review of Fig. 9(b)
from the remolded tests may reflect the differ- indicates that, in general, the amount of move-
ences in fabric between the natural and re- ment of the ground surface increases from a
molded materials. minimum at the scarp to a maximum near the
The residual strength of the till was assessed river. This feature is important in the subse-
from a series of four direct shear tests on re- quent analysis.
molded samples. The presence of stones in the The failure plane in the vicinity of the bridge
till disturbed this soil during sampling which was located by slope indicator installations
gave rise to unreliable results from the subse- LS1, 2, and 3. In hole LS4 a shear zone was
quent shear tests which were attempted. The noted at elevation 1644, almost 60 ft (18 m)
tests on the remolded soil established the re- higher than in the first three holes. Installation
sidual angle as 18". LS5 was not deep enough, hence no movement
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Can. Geotech. J. 1975.12:379-392.




FIG.9. Plan and profile showing control survey for Little Smoky slide area.

was recorded. Slope indicators LS6 to 10were TABLE

3. Location of failure planes from slope indicator
installed the following spring at sites chosen to installations
yield the maximum data. LS6 was installed to
a depth of 200 ft (61 m) to ensure penetration Elevation of
failure Elevation of
of the shear zone. LS7, 8, and 9 were chosen Slope indicator plane(s) (ft) bedrock (ft)
to explore the northerly portion of the slide
area and LSlO was placed to explore the effect LSl
of the little gully. The orientation of each slope LS2
indicator is shown on Fig. 6 with an arrow LS4
indicating the 'north' direction. LS5
Typical plots of the readings from the in- LS6
clinometers are shown in Fig. 10 and the loca-
tions of failure planes are listed in Table 3.
The failure zones as judged from drilling and
tiltmeters were in the order of 2 to 4 ft (0.5 to LS8
1 m ) thick. In holes LS6 and 7 more than one LS9
failure plane was located (see also Fig. 10). LSlO
CAN. GEOTECH. J. VOL. 12, 1975

(feet) (metres)
1 JULY 1 1 0 1 JUNE 24 0
2 AUG. 5 25 2 JULY 11 17
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3 AUG. 22 42 3 AUG. 5 42
4 SEPT. 30 81 4 AUG. 22 59
5 OCT. 28 109 5 SEPT. 30 98
6 OCT. 28 126
Can. Geotech. J. 1975.12:379-392.

-10 0 10 20 30 -10 0 10 20 30 40
LS 7 ( E - W ) LS 8 ( E - W )
FIG.10. Typical slope indicator data, Little Smoky slide.

The deepest failure plane had the most move- sonably consistent, there is, of necessity, much
ment and was taken as the main failure surface. extrapolation required to create a subsurface
The interpretation of the higher failure zones profile. The profile used in the analysis is shown
will be considered subsequently. on Fig. 12 and is considered to be an adequate
Since the two inclinometers installed in the working model. The boreholes combined with
vicinity of the west abutment of the bridge the geologic history establish the bedrock sur-
located the failure plane, it was possible to face. The overlying Pleistocene materials are
place two transducer-type piezometers imme- the result of the ice advances within the valley.
diately above the failure zone. The piezometric As was noted previously the deposits are mainly
data are shown on Fig. 11. Water levels in tills but there are discontinuous sand seams
adjacent slope indicator access tubes are also within and separating the tills. However, on
shown and the agreement is tolerable. As a the scale of the landslide the influence of these
consequence, and in lieu of installing more sand seams on shear strength is likely minor
piezometers, water levels in the boreholes were and a single set of representative strength
used to establish the piezometric surface. parameters has been assigned to the Pleistocene
deposits overlying the bedrock.
Profile of the Slide
The area of the slide is very large, as may be Failure Mechanism and Analysis
noted from Fig. 6. It is also obvious from this The main failure zone, established by the
figure that the number of boreholes is limited. slope indicator data (Table 3 ) , is essentially
Therefore, although the borehole logs are rea- horizontal at an elevation of 1589 ft (484.65


(water level in
slope indicotor) L LSP 1A
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I ,, , , , , 1
0 10 20 30 401 5 0 0 10 210 30 40 50 60 70 8P 90 100
TIME (days)

m. 11. Piezometer data, Little Smoky slide.

Can. Geotech. J. 1975.12:379-392.

-;. 1900

0) 560
r l800
540 A
1700 520
i- 500

2i= 1600
I I 4 I
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 (metres)


FIG. 12. Stratigraphic profile used in analysis of Little Smoky landslide.

m). The downward projection of the scarp lonite but Table 1 shows a high proportion of
area was taken as the rear part of the failure sand. The montmorillonite is probably fairly
surface. The stability of this failure surface was evenly distributed through the till, suggesting
checked using the noncircular surface method that the value of 18' used for the residual angle
of Morgenstern and Price (1965). Using re- of the till is acceptable. As a confirmatory check,
sidual angles of shearing resistance and zero however, the entire slide surface was analyzed
cohesion for the entire slide surface the factor assuming the shearing resistance of the till was
of safety was computed as 1.7. This value is 10'. The factor of safety was still 1.52. The
surprisingly high. The factor of safety could be factor of safety of 1.7 for the entire sliding sur-
reduced by employing lower strength param- face assumes that the slide mass moved as an
eters for the till and clay shale. However, the intact block. In this instance, this assumption is
strength data are considered reliable although clearly incorrect.
the residual angle for the till was determined A study of Figs. 9 ( a ) and (b) and Table 3
on remolded material. Table 2 indicates that reveals a fruitful line of reasoning. The con-
the clay sizes of the till are largely montmoril- figuration of the ground surface depicted on
CAN. GEOTECH. J. VOL. 12, 1975

the profiles of Fig. 9 ( a ) and Fig. 12 suggests and, noting the area1 extent of the failed mass
a series of slides whose lower surfaces merge to (Fig. 6 ) , it is fortuitous that the upper parts of
form a single continuous shear zone. For such shear planes between blocks were intersected
a series of slides to occur, they must have done in three boreholes.
so retrogressively, each block acting as an On the stratigraphic profile shown on Fig.
independent unit. This implies that the block 12, a series of tentative slide blocks was out-
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at the toe adjacent to the river failed first, lined as suggested by the configuration of the
which is a likely event following erosion by the ground surface. Each block was analyzed as an
river. In addition to its own movement, the individual unit using the noncircular arc method
first block had to move far enough to deprive (Morgenstern and Price 1965). The curved
the next inward block of its toe support. The failure surface was represented by a series of
failure of this second block had to have a river- straight lines that merged with the main failure
ward movement sufficient to allow failure of plane. That part of the slip surface extending
the third block, hence the first block moved from the toe of the block being analyzed to the
further. Each successive block must behave in river bank was assigned a nominal angle of
a similar manner; therefore, as one approaches shearing resistance of 2".
the river from the scarp, each slide block must In the analysis of any particular block, the
have moved a distance somewhat greater than downhill blocks cannot be considered absent
its adjacent uphill block. Erosion of the river, because the weight of, the adjacent downslope
on the outside of a bend, eroded the first block block acts on the downhill 'face' of the block
Can. Geotech. J. 1975.12:379-392.

as it slid forward. being analyzed. The downslope blocks, having

Confirmation of the preceding concept is failed and moved forward, were considered to
given by the ground surface survey results re- have little effect on the stability of the block
corded on Fig. 9 (b). As was noted previously, under consideration. In order to account for
the vectors representing movement are, in the weight of a block acting on the downhill
general, shortest near the scarp and increase face of the adjacent uphill block and at the
to a maximum at the toe. Point M of line B is same time to have a minimal effect on the
an apparent anomaly but its location on a factor of safety, the nominal angle of 2" was
rather steep slope (Fig. 9 ( a ) ) suggests that chosen.
surface movement of the point may be occur- The analyses of the first series of blocks
ring, thus adding to the deeper seated motion. chosen yielded encouraging results and refine-
Further confirmation is available from the ments were made in the location of the shear
data of Table 3. Failure planes were located at planes defining the blocks. The analyses were
elevations considerably above the main failure repeated and a further series of failure planes
plane in boreholes LS4, 6, and 7. It-is evident selected. The location of the main slip surface
that these boreholes intercepted the steeply at elevation 1589 was maintained in all the
dipping shear planes between blocks. This in- trials. It became apparent that the mechanism
terpretation is consistent with the concept of adopted was clearly acceptable and accounted
a series of retrogressively failing blocks. This for the failure. The failure surfaces of a final
failure mechanism was adopted as a working analysis are given on Fig. 12 along with the
model. individual factors of safety. Of the seven blocks
The concept of a series of slides as the shown, three have factors of safety that appear
failure mechanism was neither envisioned nor too high. Further analyses resulting from re-
appreciated during the drilling program. The located failure surfaces or, perhaps, the addi-
hummocky topography was considered to be tion of another slip surface, would eventually
the result of deformation of the slide mass result in acceptably low factors of safety for
after initial failure had occurred. It was subse- each block. The series of blocks shown on
quent to the first analysis using residual strength Fig. 12 is not the only combination nor do they
parameters which yielded a high factor of safety necessarily reflect the actual failure surfaces
that a more critical examination of the entire that exist in the field except for the lower sur-
slide became essential. The boreholes were not face upon which each surface converged. How-
sited with the final failure mechanism in mind ever, the series of blocks depicted suffice to


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Can. Geotech. J. 1975.12:379-392.

FIG.13. Modification to superstructure and pier, Little Smoky River bridge.

TABLE4. Transverse elevations of failure plane, Little Smoky landslide

1. Borehole number 10 2 1 7
Elevation of failure plane (ft) 1590 1584 1589 1589
Horizontal distance boreholes 10 to 7 = 850 ft
2. Borehole number 10 2 3 9 8
Elevation of failure plane (ft) - 1590 1584 1576 1580 1579
Horizontal distance boreholes 10 to 8 = 1100 ft

illustrate that the mechanism of a progressive superstructure on top of the pier or abutment
series of failures is valid. allows the ground to advance slowly without
distortion of the superstructure. The modifica-
Discussion tion is illustrated on Fig. 13, a photograph
The key to an understanding of the failure taken in 1968, which also shows the extension
mechanism is the retrogressive failure of a to the concrete to accommodate the movement.
series of slices or blocks, each acting as a At the time of writing (November 1974) over
separate entity. As river erosion affects the 12 ft ( 4 m) of movement toward the river has
slice adjacent to the river, each slice in turn, taken place.
progressively toward the scarp, moves forward. The failure mechanism also suggests that
It is this mechanism that allows the bridge to stabilizing the block adiacent to the river, for
be kept in service despite the accumulated example, by armoring the bank, would be a
large riverward movement. The simple but large step toward stabilizing the entire slide.
effective expedient of placing rollers under the Although this has the merit of geotechnical
392 CAN. GEOTECH. J. VOL. 12, 1975

simplicity, the size of the slide and its location ment of Highways which provided information
on the outside of a bend in the river must be and which carried out the ground survey was
considered. of great value and is deeply appreciated. The
Although the majority of slide analyses are authors wish to acknowledge the able contribu-
two dimensional, one wonders how flat the tion of E. W. Brooker, then Associate Professor
shear plane is laterally. The data in Table 4 of Civil Engineering, under whose guidance the
Downloaded from by Calif Dig Lib - Davis on 12/28/14. For personal use only.

indicate that, in this instance, the failure surface project was conducted.
is remarkably horizontal over a wide distance
transverse to the slide movement.
The value of simple, but precise, ground HARDY,R. M., BROOKER, E. W., and CURTIS,W. E., 1962.
Landslides in over-consolidated clays. Eng. J. 45(6),
surface survey data is well known and this case pp. 81-89.
history serves to emphasize its importance. HAYLEY,D. W. 1968. Progressive failure of a clay shale
Similarly, an integral part of field work is the slope in northern Alberta. Unpublished M S c . Thesis,
value of the tiltmeter. It is of interest to note Dept. Civ. Eng., Univ. Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta,
the depth to which it was necessary to monitor HENDERSON, E. P. 1959. Surficial geology of Sturgeon
to ensure intersecting the failure plane. Several Lake map area, Alberta. Geol. Surv. Can. Mem. 303,
intermediate shear planes were located which 1Wp.
subsequently provided confirmation of the fail- MCLEARN,F. H., and KINDLE,E . D. 1950. Geology of
ure mechanism. northeastern British Cplumbia. Geol. Surv. Can.
Mem. 259, 102p.
Can. Geotech. J. 1975.12:379-392.

MORGENSTERN, N. R., and PRICE,V. E. 1965. Theanalysis

Acknowledgments of the stability of general slip surfaces. Geotechnique,
The authors are indebted to the National 15, pp. 79-93.
Research Council of Canada and to the Alberta RUTHERFORD, R. L. 1930. Geology and water resources in
parts of the Peace River and Grande Prairie Districts,
Joint Co-operative Highway Research Program Alberta. Res. Counc. Alberta, Rep. No. 21,68p.
for providing financial assistance for this re- TERZAGHI,K., and PECK,R. B. 1967. Soil mechanics in
search. The cooperation of the Alberta Depart- engineering practice. Wiley, N.Y. 31 1p.

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