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Leftew, Leonarda Froula. 2019. ​Relationship of Knowledge with Community

Self-Efficacy in Performing RJP Acts on People with Cardiac Arrest in
Oro-Oro Ombo Village, Batu City.​ Thesis, Nursing Study Program,
Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Tribhuwana Tunggadewi
Malang. Advisor I: XXXXXXXXXXX. Advisor II:

Cardiac arrest is the leading cause of death in the world and the most common
cause of cardiac arrest ​is coronary heart disease​. ​The high incidence of cardiac
arrest is also followed by​survival rate for​a very smallpatients with cardiac arrest.
The purpose of this study is to ​determine the relationship of knowledge with
community self-efficacy in performing CPR actions in people who experience
cardiac arrest in Oro-Oro Ombo Village, Batu City​. This research design uses
correlation design. The population in this study is the community in the ​village of
Oro-Oro Ombo Batu City as many as 185 people, and the sampling technique uses
simple random sampling technique​. The instrument used was a questionnaire. Data
analysis usinganalysis ​Fisher's Exact Test.​ The results of the study revealed that
most of the ​people ​have ​poor knowledge in performing CPR actions in people who
experience cardiac arrest that is as many as 59 people (90.8%), most ​people have
self-efficacy who are not skilled skilled in performing CPR actions in people who
experience cardiac arrest as many as 58 people (89.2%), and the analysis results
obtained significant value of 0.000​(pvalue ≤ 0.05), which means the data was
significant and H​1 accepted, meaning that there is ​a relationship of knowledge with
the community self-efficacy in performing CPR action in people who have cardiac
arrest in Oro-Oro Ombo Village, Batu City. ​Thus it is expected that the community
can increase their knowledge so that they can provide confidence in helping people
who are experiencing cardiac arrest.

Keywords: Self-Efficacy, Knowledge, RJP.

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