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Construction and Building Matvals 194 (2019) 216-225, Contents lists available at ScienceDiract Construction and Building Materials ELSEVIER journal homepage: www. = Experimental study of compressive behavior of polypropylene-fiber- reinforced and polypropylene-fiber-fabric-reinforced concrete ‘te it Yuan Qin, Xianwei Zhang, Junrui Chai, Zengguang Xu, Shouyi Li Sate ey aboratory of Ee-byaais in Noches Ard Reion of hea (an Univers of Teno Chine + Waste polypropylene fiber fabric added to concrete i considered {The compressive behavior and destruction characteristics of polypropylene-fiber-fabric-enforced concrete ae studied, 1 Results are compared with those of plain conerete and polypropylene-iber-teinforced concrete. ARTICLE INFO ABSTRACT Received 26 January 2018 Received in revied form 17 Oxtber 2018 ‘cepted 3 November 2018 ‘Waste fiber fabric has already become an important pollutant source of the world's environmental prob> Jems, If this waste was added into concrete, could the resulting composite concrete material be good enough for engineering use? This study is focused a feasibility study ofthe addition of polypropylene fiber fabric into concrete, as well as analysis ofits compression property, damage evolution rule, and damage performance in macroscopic and microscopic fields. Concrete specimens were made fom polypropylene spun-bonded materials produced from used clothes. Their compressive behavior, energy sora Toorpion characterises and desticton characterises were compared wth pan concrete (FC) and msc polypropylene ber enfored concrete PPR) The rest se that the adn of waste Mer ab eee FRecan improve the compresion performance of concrete heaton of waste fier arc materials f0 Compressive behavior ‘concrete isa technology that can be constantly improved. considering changes in both technical and ent= Fbcrssinfrced concrete onmental conditions Introduction In industrial and life waste, there are many fiber-based fabrics that occupy a considerable volume in landfills, such as the Jiang ‘cungou Landfll in Xi'an, China (Fig. 1). Waste fiber fabric is accu- ‘mulating. forming approximately 30% of the total quantity of garbage. Some organizations have introduced use of used clothes Collection bins to reduce the quantity of life waste fer fabric centering landfils, but the effect of such collection remains mini- imal, because ofthe surprising amount ofthis kind of waste. There- fore, its recycling and the development of technologies for ‘minimizing the problems caused by its accumulation of interest to researchers, Some of the abandoned textiles naturally decompose, while ‘thers do not. Some decomposition will produce harmful sub- © Corresponding author smal adress: (¥. Qin (Chl swzengguangexautedien (Xo) ups: ioior10.016i.conbuitimat.2018.11.082 50-0518) 2018 Eee Ue Argh reserve © 2018 Elsevier Lid. Al rights reserved. stances, while others will not. If these abandoned! fiber fabries ‘can be Fationally used in engineering services instead of increasing, ‘environmental pressure, they will contribute to the enhancement of environmental quality and sustainable development. ‘Commonly, fiber fabrics in industry and life are made of varied types of fibers, like cotton fiber, wool fiber, nylon fiber, polypropy- lene fiber, polyester fiber, etc. Owing to its ight weight poor water absorption, good thermal insulation and chemical resistance, and retention of same strength regardless of the dryness or wetness of the environment, polypropylene fiber (PPF) is one of the most widely used fibers in industrial or common life, n geotextiles. fish- ing nets, packing bags, raincoats, evercoats, protective suits, cur- tains, tablecloths, ete. For this reason, waste polypropylene fiber fabrics (PPFF) constitute a large quantity of waste fiber fabric Polypropylene-fiber-reinforced concrete (PPFRC) is well known, at present. Concrete with the addition of PPF has seen a wide- spread increase in its application, including tunnel 1-4), ground slab [5], bridge decks |6), canal [7], concrete pipe (8), pavement ‘construction [9-12] and repair and rehabilitation work [13] It is Qin et ak/Constracton and Buin Matevls 194 (2019) 216-225 a Nomenclature PC plain concrete PPF and PPFRC polypropylene-fiber- and polypropylene-fiber- reinforced concrete PFF and PPFFRC polypropylene-fiber-fabric and polypropylene-fiber-fabri-reinforced concrete L Fength of PPF or PPFF W width of PPFF T average thickness of PPFF D, diameter of single fiber of PPF or PPFF SG specific gravity of PPF or PPFF TS tensile strength of PPF or breaking force of PPFF Denier of PPF of te single fiber of PPEF EB elongation when break E elastic modulus MP melting point of PPE or PPFF Derr diameter of single PPF Dereer diameter of single PPFF rai frst crack loads of PC, PERC or PPFFRC, i = PC, PERC, or PPFERC hous maximum load of PC, PPFRC, or PPFFRC, i= PC, PPFRC, or PPFFRC ‘A value of pressed area of specimen, ‘A= 100mm « 100 mm CS the compressive strength CPE area under compressive load-time curve up to Pj is ta- kken as compressive first crack energy absorption capac- ity CCE area under compressive load-time curve from Pj.) 0 Pj staken as compressive cracked energy absorption capacity ECEC CPE*CCE is used as compressive effective energy absorption capacity (CEyjzx compressive energy absorption capacity FCC CEiyyx - (CPE CCE) is used as compressive failure en- ergy absorption capacity CT! CEyunlCPE is used as the compressive toughness index. slope of descending branch of curve, i= PC, PPFRC, or PPFFRC Sy standard values of PPFRC and PPFFRC relative to PC, {= PPFRC and PPPERC Si Value of CS, CPE, CCE, ECEC, FCEC, CFyjq. ancl CTT of, PPFRC and PPFFRC (i). j~ PPFRC and PPFFRC Sir value of PC, and take the every Spe to be the maximum value of 100, = C5, CPE, CCE, ECEC, FCEC, CE. and CTL WiC water-cement ratio Be sand ratio Waste fiber fabric in Landfill de iangoungou Landi! Fig. 1. Jngcungou Landi, Xan, Shaan, Cin. used in hydraulic engineering in China. An appreciable improve- ‘ment of performance related to its mechanical properties was ben- ficial {0 some important applications, such as tunnel linings, spillways, flood discharging tunnel exit, stilling pools, sluice gate Dbaseplates, and ship lock floors. PPFRC isa kind af concrete that has ‘good tensile strength, flexural strength, toughness, and energy absorption | 14-18; moreover, it guarantees better control of spal- ling cracks for high Toad fevels (4). Its compressive strength (19), flexural strength [20-21], spitting tensile strength [17], durability [22-24], Impact resistance [25-26], slump [27], and ae Yl ea / Construction and ung Materials 194 (2018) 216-225 fracture-energy-absorbing ability [28], etc. under static, dynamic loads, different temperature and freeze-thaw effects has been inves- tigated |29-32]. The mixture proportions of PPFRC, the fiber lengths, fiber types, and fiber shapes added to PPFRC has also been analyzed inthe work of Ehsan [33], Guoming [1] and Aiman [3], respectively ‘The main material in PPFF is polypropylene fiber (PPF). While they may have similar chemical and physical properties, PF can ‘decompose in the natural environment, but PPFF can barely ‘decompose in the natural environment, due to the fact that PPFF usually contains a light stabilizer. How do we deal with this kind ‘of waste? If waste PPFF is added into the concrete, is the resulting polypropylene-fiber-fabric-reinforced concrete (PPFFRC) good ‘enough to work in engineering applications? similar wotk has been carried out by Peled [35-39], Maga | 40), and Jens (41. Peled [3536] indicated that fabrics provide benefits like excellent anchorage and bond development, and improve composite behav- ior. The correlation between fabric strength and cement composite properties is not necessarily straightforward, The properties of the ‘composite are influenced by the geometry of the fabric and the bond that develops between the fabric and the cement matrix, and less by fabric strength (37-39), Magdi [40] reported that when the cement was reinforced by just one fabric layer, its bending strength was enhanced. The value of tensile and bending strength ‘depends on the fabrie’s tensile properties and its structure, specif ically its tightness. The higher the fabric specific tightness, the lower the tensile strength of fabric-cement composite. This sug- .gests that one fabric layer forthe formation of fabric-cement com- posite will result in the composite having higher tensile properties. Jens [41] investigated the influence of several bond properties on the tensile behavior of textile reinforced concrete by means of parametric studies, and proved the relationship between bond properties and stress distribution, as well as ultimate mean stres- ses and mean strains under uniaxial tensile stress, ‘The addition of waste polypropylene fiber fabri to concrete is a rnew perspective in the aforementioned research activities. The present work focuses on a feasibility study of the addition of PPFE to concrete, its compression property, damage performance, and the reduction of environmental problems caused by the amount ‘of fiber fabric in landfills and in the environment in general 2 Experimental procedures 21 Raw mais ‘The tense strength oF FF used inthe experiment ws 562 MPa The breaking force of paspropyene Re bie wismeasred sng are Desking fore tester (Gee 2} The warp dvection beating force of pelyprpytene bee Tabac was 248456, the well diecion breaking force Of polypropylene fiber Lab 25 92 Nand the ther pramcters are shown in Tie pa (A) (B) ig. 2. (8) Breaking force ester of ares: () damaged HF The length of he FPF was 11mm, and fom electron microscope (EM) obser vation, he dameter the PF aoe Was 31.2 Hn: see Second ow of able 2. THs raw material was asd to make PPERC We then ct afar set rom waste PPP the mensions ofthe sheet ere L= 30 hm and W = mm, and serge tik ess was T= 042mm. Te singe er lamer i the PFE Das 3517-4 Fromm EM observation, we found that cere were some spaces Becween fibers in th PPF the space sizes rm several micron to tens of microns lng see third raw of abs 2 shoud be note hat the length a the PEF sto Ton. some FF shuts vl gomerate or Knot when sing! however, the length tthe 22. Mu design casting procedurs and specimen mang The mix design ratio of PCs 1: 3.12: 492: 071 (CS A: W). The aggregates were detritus and the pale sze ange rom Smo 20mm The sand wes ve ‘Sid whose maximum size was 3mm afer sieving According to Chia National Standard ci 175-200, te 32.5 Poland cement was sed 3: cements mate- ‘al The PP faded nthe cement ith 1mm Rb length and 0 kg/d PREF saded in the cement with 30mm leth, 3m width and 09 gh or the preparation of PPFRC an PPFFR, rerpetvely. The mix designs of PC, PPR and PPFFRC ae shown in Table 3. ths paper. we use oly ome volume Faction (G11 inthe experiment, because some researchers considered Tow fiber content 1s good forthe effect of enforcement [15.18 soe researches considered the Tenforcement fete weskened when ier content exer 3 ean preetage [e2c3] Om the ether hand, the Bus cnertetce rock day in Ningbo Cy, {hing t's bersconcretetacesab a 1000 00 PERC with Dg PP (G.12 volume facon) was used to bul this hydraulic structure I is «subject ‘worth studying whether PP canbe replaced by PPFFin el projets. When makin Specimens, st the aggregate sand and cement (i PPFRC fs PF and cen, and In POFERC is OFF and cement wore pollo an aatr and sine fr 2m, ad then water was poured into the mixture thee diferent tines. ler ths sep the mature was sted for3 mi, and then pu ino a mod and vibrated for 15-205 Next, the mold ied wl unset concrete was placed sn a curing bos for 24, a Towed by removal ofthe mol. Curing of the coacrece secmen continued it the ‘ating box Tor 2d withthe curing temperature kept constant at 20°C 2°C and the humidity no lower than 95 In this paper, we only investigate the compressive behavior of PC, PPR, 2nd PPPFEG ad the tensile strength and fracture toughness analysis deferred t 2 lbter work he geometry af the specimen inthe campressive behavior experiment Is shown ine (A). and the redy-made PC, PERC. and PPFFRC specimens are Shown in Fig (8). These specimens are divided into thre groups depending on thedifeent components ad every soup has thre specimens: the dese com pressive stergth s 15 MPa 23. Testing procedure ‘he concrete material compression test used 2 concrete specimen. ulta-hgh- seat camera (UHSE).compters, connection system line sytem ight sre, loading sjstem. ee. The experimental stu 5 shown in Fie A) andthe exper ‘mental scene shawn in fg (8) Ths experiment requed two compute: one to contol the USC andthe other the loading stem. The Ut source was 2 lghcemiting diode (LED) ight, because LED light low-wage iet-curent light An alteroatingcuten light would result i ickring video. Al ebe spec ens were tested tha compression testing mache to studying the compressive betovor i to determine the cmpressivestrenth compressive fst erak ney absorption compressive toughness index et 3. Test results and analysis, 4.1. Compressive properties ‘The compressive load-time curves of PC, PPFRC, and PPFFRC are shown in Fig, 5(A). The ftst crack in PC. PPFRC, and PPFERC speci- ‘mens appear at Py, = 130.36, 134.09, and 142.37 KN, respectively, (is the conerete type, i. = PC, PPFRC, or PPFFRO), corresponding fo 88.52%, 87.47%, and 87.88% of their respective maximum loads. ‘The difference in maximum loads and first crack loads leads to the different ratios. Obviously, Pyremnc and Pyrsrre Of PPFRC and PPFFRC are increased by 3.73 and 12.01 kN, respectively, compared to those of PC, proving that the polypropylene fibers and polypropylene fiber fabric pieces can improve the bearing capacity of concrete. ‘The compressive load-time curves of PC, PFRC, and PPFFRC and the atea between the curves and horizontal axis were divided into Qin et ak/Constracton and Buin Matevls 194 (2019) 216-225 ne Abs ope ee Tex D MP (om) im 4ft000 m)—(8000m) co) Warp Wer Aad Warp Wet al wena, 1 The detnition of, Dy 5G, 15 ER Eand MPs Hsted Nemec Mscoscopi and micencopi geometry of FPF and PPE ber Raw meted Macroscopic Microscopie PF 0 tom 2 (CPE, CCE, ECEC, CEMax, FCEC, and CTI, as defined in the Nomencla- ture. The sketch maps of these definitions are shown in Fig. 5(B) Based on the definitions, the values of CS, CPE, CEE, ECEC, CE\ux FCEC, and CT1 are calculated, and the results shown in Table 4. In “Table 4, the CS values of PC, PPFRC, and PPFFRC are 15.11, 15.30, and 16,04 MPa, respectively. The CS values of PPFRC and PPFFRC are increased by 0.19 and 0.93 MPa, respectively, compared 0 those of PC. This represents a 1.26% and 6.15% increase in the com- pressive strengths of PPFRC and PPFFRC, respectively, compared 0 ‘that of PC. Owing to the proper compaction of PC compared to that (of PPFRC and PPFFRC, the CS values of PPFRC and PPFFRC may be higher. However, the reason for the increased PPFRC and PPFFRC strength may be the proper quantity of polypropylene fibers and polypropylene fiber fabric pieces, which can resist and apply force inside of concrete, since the polypropylene fibers and polypropy- lene fiber fabric pieces were added in the same mix design ratio as PC. Thus, another reason could be the effect of stirrups or anchoring effects (Fig. 6), in which the sideways force that leads to cracks is reduced by these fibers or by the fiber fabric. However, ‘we surmise that the fiber fabrics are likely to be mote efficient than the fibers because of the stress characteristics working inside the conerete. ‘The same effects have also been reported in similar works, Asad and Majid [7] considered adding a great deal of PPF fibers have lit- tle influence on the compressive strength (50 mm long PPF fibers ‘with 5% volume fraction), or even reduce the compressive strength [44] (more than 1% volume fraction), but if lowering the content of fibers, it may enhance the compressive strength of concrete [7.42]. Majid [42] reported there ate 11.7% increase inthe compressive strength of wave polypropylene fiber reinforced concrete (WPFRC, 50mm long WPF with 0.8% volume fraction). Song [43] investi gated the compressive strength of PPFRC at a fer content of {0.6 kg/m3 (0.067% volume fraction), and Find there i 5.8% higher than that of PC. Zhang [45] reported the compressive strength of PPFRC with vatious polypropylene Aber contents of 0, 08, 1.2, 1.6, 2.0, 5.0 kg/m3 (0%, 0.089%, 0.13%, 0.17%, 0.22%, 0.56% volume fraction), The result shows that the PDF can significantly affect the CS of concrete, that is, the CS of concrete is enhanced when cooperating with polypropylene fiber but it gets weakened asthe PF content increases. The maximum compressive strength can be improved by 11% 7% and 3%, with corresponding Aber contents of 08, 12 and OS kgim3 (water-cement rato is 04, 05, 06), respectively. And the reinforcement effect of polypropylene ber is weakened along with fiber eontent an when it exceeds a certain Percentage, the compressive strength of PPFRC becomes lower than that of PC “The main reason for the this increasing is due to proper mix- ing of PPF and PPET in concrete, the CS of PPFRC and PPFTRC might have increased. On the other hand, when load is applied to the specimen in compression, fracture occured parallel the direction of applied loading. The bridging effect of PPF and FPF provided resistance against cracking which may results in Improvement of CS of PPFRC and PPFFRC 42. Some researchers think when polypropylene fiber Is distributed inside ofthe con- crete, it plays the role of bridging. and reinforcing. The great fdhesion between the fiber and concrete has abilities to transfer the stress of the crack tip to the upper and lower concrete sur- face inthe crack areas, The degree of stress concentration will be alleviated and the stress inside concrete tends to became more ‘uniform. However, too much PPFS in concrete has poor disper- son and tends to conglobate. This results in creating weak inter- facial transition areas and internal Naw, And will cause the los ot polypropylene ber reinforcement on concrete eventually 145}. “The CPE values of PC PPFRC, and PPFFRC are #628, 9418.6, and 9826.5 kN, respectively, The CPE values of PC and PPFRC are approximately equal, but those of PPFFRC are increased by 17.50% and 16.72% compated to those of PC and PPERC. The reason may be that, when micro-ctacks appeared in the PPFRC and PPFFRC, the polypropylene fibers and_polypropvlene fiber fabric pieces can prevent their development, but fiber fabrics are more ‘able Nc design of PC, PPR, and PERC we ter) Conan) Sana) Game) ro oo Unit in) me 175 26 737 ma - - rene 135, 246 167 bu 09 7 ¥. Qi et /Comsruction and Bung Mater 194 (2019) 216-225 « @B) Fig. 5. Geometry an photograph of specimens: (A) geometey of ach spcinen: (8) photograph of specimens Light 7 Lond — ‘in ansmiion ne Toad ont ine te “ ® Fig 4. Experimental setup (A)conmcton pan) photgaph of sen ie a nr o Tin) o Fig 5. (A) Compressive lod-time curves of FC PRC, and PPEFE: (8) definition of CPE. CE, ECE, FCEC, 218 CE efficient due to their space structure and binding power with thatof PC, respectively. The reason could be that the bridging effect ‘cement; this will be discussed in Section 3:3 is present in PPFRC and PPFFRC, and the polypropylene fibers and ‘The CCE values of PC, PPFRC. and PPFFRC are 3192.7,33304, and polypropylene fiber fabric pieces absorb the cracked energy of 4472.7 kN's, respectively. The CCE value of PC is the lowest, while the compression: the absorption capacity is related to the quantity the CCE values of PPFRC and PPFFRC are 4.31% and 40.09% higher __of the fiers or ofthe fiber fabric pieces. Qin et ak/Constracton and Buin Mates 194 (2019) 216-225 ma (GB OPE, CEE, ECE CE FEC ad Cf PC, PERG ad PERC. Parameters Deceptive ‘Gncree ube Soap wean ‘sa 1530 1508 Standard deviation oa on 8 PENS) Mean 83028 sass 98205 Standard deviation ra09 4420 aasr cceaNs) Mean is27 sina aan7 CEC (ANS) Meas s555 i792 vs02 Sandal deviation san sua vst FCEC(RNs) Mean 19613 sora 27497 Senda deviation 430 nw 129 Cua (tS) Mean os168 ves71 vos Standard deviation oa 7995 nm Standard deviation 00s 8 ais F F / . FW FHA F ree (a) PPE (B) PPFF Fig 6 Force analysis f(A) FPF and (8) PPE in PPERC and PEER The ECEC values of PC, PPERC, andl PPFFRC are 115555, 11749.2, and 14290.2 KNs, respectively. The ECEC values of PC and PPFRC are approximately equal. The ECEC values of PPFFRC are 23.74% and 21.70% higher than those of PC and PPFRC, respectively. The FCEC values of PC, PPFRC, and PPFFRC are 1961.3, 30479, and 2749.7 KN s, respectively. The FCEC value of PCis the lowest, while ‘those of PPFRC and PPFFRC are 55.40% and 40.20% higher that of PC, respectively. During the experiment, at the moment at which the specimen has already been partially destroyed, but not totally ‘destroyed, the polypropylene fibers and polypropylene fiber fabric pieces bridging effect is present, and it can stil absorb some of the energy, and we can hear a clearing sound of fibers crashing, How- ‘ever, because of the quantity of the polypropylene fibers is greater than that of the polypropylene fiber fabric in unit volume, the bridging effects in PPFRC are more obvious than those of PPFERC, and the FCEC value of PPFRC is 9.78% higher than that of PPFFRC. The CEyjy< values of PC, PPERC, and PPFFRC are 135168, 14797.1, and 17048.9 kN respectively. The CEyax value of PPFFRC is the highest, while the CEyax values of PC and PPFRC are 24.13% and 15.22% lower than that of PPEFRC, respectively. The CT values (of PC, PPFRC, and PPFFRC are 1.62, 1.76, and 1.73, respectively. The (CT values of PPFRC and PPFFRC are increased by 8.64% and 6.79%, respectively, compared to that of PC. The addition of polypropylene fiber and polypropylene fiber fabric may have limited the spread- Ing of cracks by bridging cracks. These fibers provide significant resistance against stresses after the cracks appear. This ability :may be the cause of the increased CTI values of PPFRC and PPFFRC. ‘Moreover, three different trend lines are drawn in the descending branch of each curve are shown in Fig. 9(A), and it can be seen that the slope of PPFRC, kere = - 7.24.15 the largest, and the kpyrac and Ike values are 14.36% and 37.98% lower than those of PPFRC, respectively. This is the direct reason leading to the FCEC value fof PPFRC and PPFFRC larger than the PC, and this characteristic ‘demonstrates that PPFRC and PPFFRC both have an inhibiting abil- ity with respect to the final damage to concrete, and can lengthen the damage time. ‘A comprehensive comparison of CS, CPE, CCE, ECEC, FCEC, CEs and CTI values of PC, PPFRC, and PPFFRC is shown in Fig. 7. The computation method of Fig. 7 is ‘The definition of the standard values Sy, Sj, and Spc can be found in Nomenclature. Taking every value of Si; to be the maximum value of 100, the result graphed in Fig. 7 are obtained. From Fig. 7, it can be concluded that, regarding the compressive results of PPFRC and PPFFRC, the CS, CPE, CCE, ECEC, and CEs values of PPFFRC are increased by 484%, 16.72%, 34.30%, 21.70%, and 15.22%, respectively, compared to that of PPFRC. However, the FCEC and CTI values exhibit a certain gap. The FCEC and CTI value of PPEFRC are decreased by 9.78% and 1.71%, respectively, as compared to that of PPFRC. The reason could be the following: From the appearance of the first crack in the concrete until the concrete is finally destroyed [yellow and green area in Fig. 5(B)), the bridging effect may be stronger in the polypropylene fibers, bbut less in the polypropylene fiber fabric, due to the content of fibers in the being greater in unit volume than in the fiber fabric. co cu rere rere coe Fig. 7. Comprehensive comparian of FC FRC sd PPE. 22 ¥. Qi et Construction and Bung Mater 194 (2019) 216-225 Watercement ati, sand rat, sump, and density of PC PERG and PEFR Tipe Wiatercemet ratio Sond ato ‘Siam Density wi oo (wm) (sin) ¥e om 3878 % 276 rec ont 3876 a ass. PrFFRC ont 3876 16 nas730 PC PPFRC PPFERC () @) © @) Fig. Cracks in PC FPFRC. nd PPFFEC 3 heir maximum lad: Row (A) s the graph achieve fom UHSC, row (8) the ketch map of eas row ()shaws the ral

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