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SLEDGE WU "WE TOOK THE JOB, WE DO THE 08: oN so Oe a cad Beanery ayaa SOL RCN tl rot Lotha ons SHADOWRUNNER DOSSIER PLAY THIS CHARACTER IF YOU LIKE SHOOTING AND SLICING THINGS IN THE NAME OF BEING A PROTECTOR. READ THIS FIRST u need to read are these two pages, and with the GM, you can dive {nto the adventure! The rest ofthe pages ofthis dossier bring the character to lite in various ways, expand your understanding of game play, and give you the tables you need to make that play smoother. srr Se 1. YOUR CHARACTER SHEET @ PERSONAL DATA This is you, chummer! All your flash and attitude, your warts and weaknesses, ‘whether you're convincing a suit to part with their nuyen, tying to tall a mark without being spotted, or hitting your target when the lead fe, the stats here guide you to ‘whatever brillant action you want to play out tthe table. If here's anything on ths sheet not covered inthe quickstart rules, work with the {Gt to make it up and build your character into legenat 2. PERSONAL DATA Your quick and-dirty rundown. The name makes the ner: make sure itsings. And then you've got the metatype, critical to your overall identity. Whether you're human, ‘war, ef rll or or, this wil shape te characteristics that define you. sme 4 (7) vee 11+ a a 3. ATTRIBUTES pee 4 salute ‘tributes are the foundation of your character Do you have a body te tempt an angel? & mind capable of solving P versus NP? A wl to overcome the darkest experi- ences? You'l build ofthese attributes to make a whole shadowrunner. INITIATIVE, {Atte start of combat, you ol your Initiative Dice (406) and ad the total to your Initiative rank Cu) to get your itive Score. Let the GM know what ist, ACTIONS oom tm wk cern combat rund ou ioe yeu Yr bas Acton lent os et f ee Siayk ain Your tun stn Acton a aor Ain, sie oe ee i ior cont enh ornate Dee nou ee a9. Sample ions ‘ems ay Seta ‘ table, on the last page of this dossier, describe which actions you might take and whether Less i + 4 =e * ‘they fal into the Minor and Major categories. Also on the second-to-last page, the Sample Sledge a soe clons table contains actions tare to your hater with ce oo reales y 5. EDGE AND EDGE PONTS = Ue uc of haournis sructred around png ard sig Ee. Your Ege rank indicates how many points you have to start, and the Edge Points tracker can be used a ; i z ‘as you gain and spend Edge. See the Edge Boosts table on the last page for ways to vere - * Spend your edge on extra fantasti eats ene : wom a —— | = 6 DEFENSE RATING a eel tensand mage tisued naan oar oporents Atak Rating Seermne bons Edge whenting oad lon J 7 SKUs tre you place your arts where You wl er Th est oto an IDS / LIFESTYLES / CURRENCY ee ite! Soden tad cestode allies eine sie oe os sine a: ie Slew Yu bes then een eee bla aden pene = aaa alge eae a er 8. AUGMENTATIONS lg aaNet hl ‘Trading flesh and blood for chrome and ste! is commonplace in the Sixth Word. non ‘You might get a dataack atthe temple for ease of Matrix surfing. Ora ciscreet cyber arm for enhanced strength. Oran entire skin and muscle replacement. How you com- bine lsh ad chrome i uterly up to you-and the price you're wiling to pay. S crnnscren Edge PLAvER, ores. iar at ge srs hg nad map cl ras a ae ed Dot weapors dealer Conectins 3/oyat 1 ‘Sturm, sireacka smuggler (Comections2oyay 3) GEAR plese cag (aig 0, Renak Sense cami, CORE COMBAT INFO | corona oMTER 7 Physi Damage Track tum Damage Tack \ aaa aie v4. 6) TESTS ‘Anytime you take an action wiere there's a chance fr failure, you'l need to perform ‘atest were you generatea dice poo roto get aresult, and then se if you ‘scceeded, There are two basi types of tests: Simple and Opposed. SIMPLE TESTS. 1a Simple test, you rol your dice pool, count your its, and se if you meet or beat 2 Uhreshold of hts established bythe gamemaster. A simple ests written ike this: FIREARMS + AGILITY (3) TEST a Ak SKILL LINKED TRRESHOLD ATTRIBUTE OPPOSED TESTS nan Oppose test, two partis (usualy the player a5 PCs. the gamemaster as NPC oF object ol ice pools and compare the numberof hits. The one with the mos its Wns. ‘an Opposed testis writen ike this: STEALTH + AGILITY VS. PERCEPTION + INTUITION cee ACTINGPLAYER'S DEFENDING PLAYER'S ‘SKILL AND SKILL AND ATTRIBUTE ATTRIBUTE, 9, ALL THAT GLITTERS.. Do you tip the bartender a thousand nuyen atthe hot-new dance clb? Or do you shuffle empty credsticks around, hoping there's ust bit mre electronic ash floating n- sides you lp in a dump inthe Barren? Feast or famine ial to often the runner way. 10, CORE COMBAT INFO sure, you can own a bevy of weapons and armor But realy, you always attune toa few favorites. reat ‘em wel an theyll etun it Loe ‘em. Name "em. COMBAT: STEP BY STEP (on the ast page, the Combat: Step by Step table wil walk you through building our dice pool and making an Opposed test to see if you succeed andi you dont, how to take damage. ILCONDITION MONITOR It You think you can run the mean, spraw streets without geting blood on your Collar, ime to step back out ofthe shadows. tll hee? Good. use the Condition Monitor to trac the damage your mind and meat takes-and the consequences. a rere) QUALITIES a 100 you always seem to break things? Perhaps you dont notice acut until the blood wm nm 'spootng? or maybe you ust never get sik Mes are the eta quirks only you bring {dk al egw, sn ye ie berm tony ale-goed or ad. (ats, ong ech ines = 1B.conTacTs sho youknou. wh can you ta for that extrait of knowledge you nee or for CONTACTS. @ that hey hole when the chips are down and there's nowhere else to turn? ‘kara ean bent cap omnis aay 1h. GEAR Aste heart and a quik tongue wil get you out of many situations. But the right gear can tp the balance in tough spots. a SLEDGE Sledge sa character who's been kicking inthe shadows, through ‘various novels and sourcebook, for several years. As such to do him |ustice in this fashion, he has expanded details. New Equipment and Cyberware have rules on page four, while rules for his Quirks are found on. 7. GRAB YOUR TOOL CARDS Once you've reviewed these two pages, and the GM has explained the rules, grab your Tool Cards and review. ‘These cards have items from your character dossier often with more details, presented ‘an easy-to-access Way. Take the following cards to use during a game: Ares Predator VI, armor vest, Renraku Sensei commlink, and Sword. PROFILE BACKGROUND A lot of kids growing up in Seattle's Ork Underground (now just known asthe Underground) dream of bigger and herter things—but Sledge reached our and grabbed them. He gor through eacly life by being tough and mean enough to make sure that anyone who tried to make trouble for his family would gee more than they bargained for. As he got older, Sledge worked his way up through sheer tough: ness and grit. He learned how to use a knife, chen a hand: guna litle Stretline Special he still keeps tucked away, partly asa reminder of where he started, and partly because nobody's ever managed to take it from him. He collec. ed other guns—submachine guns and assault silles being his favorites. First he used them to protect himself. Then some families in an Underground cave nor far from his said they'd pay him if he used his guns to protect them, too. VITAL CONTACTS ‘+ Etkarra Johanssen, ork beat cop + Red Dot” Dottie, arms dealer + Sturm, Skraacha smuggler ‘Those families became Sledge’s first clients. Word gor around that he'd take jobs for pay, and with every payout, Sledge upgraded his body like he'd upgraded weapons. His ceyberarms were and still ae his pride and joy, built both to Took tough and be tough. Over time, the jobs gor bis- ‘ger—especially after Sledge met Ms. Mych and started tak ing work topside—until they got roo big. to handle alone. Hardpoint and his drones were Sledge’s fist recruits, then Gentry and his eyberdeck, and Coydog and her spirits, The four have become a solid team, and Sledge fully intends 10 keep carving out his place in the world with his own two. ceyberarms, NEW EQUIPMENT AND CYBERWARE ‘Sledge isthe perfect vehicle for introducing some new equipment to the Beginner Box rues. His new weapons function the same as existing weapons inthe st, using the stats listed here. He als has cyberware, augmentation to his body that boost his capabilities (an lower his Essence). Here's a quick rundown of what his ‘ware does. Cyberarm: Boosts Agility, includes weapon holster ‘and retractable spurs that use knife stat. CCyberears: +1 die on tests involving balance, sound recording capabilites, bonus Edge on tests to find source of sound (must be spent immediately or it isos. Ccybereyes: Built-in camera, elimination of negative effects from flashes, bonus Edge in low-light con- ditions if opposition does nat have low-light vision. Damage compensators: ignore 4 boxes of Physical ‘damage when calculating damage penalties (does ‘not affect when character loses consciousness). Orthoskin: Provides Defense Rating bonus equal to ts rating. Reflex recorder: Increases rank of liste skills by 1 Wired reflexes: Adds 1 point of Reaction, 1 initiative Die, and 1 Minor Action per level PREFERRED TACTICS At heart, Sledge is a just a regular dude who likes to fight. He doesn't get sentimental about killing—if that's what it takes to get the job done, that's what he'll do. He's equally comfortable at range and in melee, especially when melee includes his eustom Neil the Ork Barbarian replica ‘monoblade, although he's smart enough not to make him- self a target for no reason by insisting on using his sword, He's completely happy to make himself a carget when he has a good reason, though. Sledge knows thar being an fork, he's tougher than anyone else on the team, and he's taken ie upon himself ro pur himself in harm’s way on their bbehalf—although with Coydow’s habit of concealing herself with invisibility spells, it's often Gentry that Sledge ends up Protecting, much ro the ork’s chagrin. Still, Sledge enjoys his role as the team’s protector, holding the line against all ‘odds while the others do their ching, He's even considered getting “Built Ork Tough” as his next rartoo. FAVORITE HANGOUTS + Crusher 495, an ork-owned bar and unofficial ‘community center in Recmond ‘+ indelible, a tattoo parlor in Touristvlle ‘+The Biz, the largest black market in the Seatle Un- derground (especially when they've got new ware) ROLEPLAYING TIPS In many ways, Sledge is the archetypal ork: stubborn, defiant, and more given to action than navel-gazing. He's proud of his orkish heritage, proud of how he built ev exything he has with his own hands (and the small ar rmory’s worth of weapons he wields). Running the shadows is Sledge’s way of getting what he wants in a world that doesn’t give you anything for fre, especially when you've ‘got tusks. The fat cats might not respect him, but they need him, and Sledge is perfeccly happy to take advantage of that, Part of him would love to rub it in more often than he does, but another part knows he can't get foo cocky if he wants ro keep the nuyen flowing—which is why he leaves the talking ro Ms. Myth, FAVORITE DOWNTIME ACTIVITIES + Getting new tattoos with Coydog + Making fun of Gentry’ elf fixation + Training the ork Underground's Skraacha militia/unofiial police force Slecge isn't heartless or completely selfish, though, Like every kid in the Underground, he learned early on that ‘many hands make light work. Fe understands che value of being part of a ream and how important itis for every team member to pull their weight, Sledge might not always get along with his teammates, particularly Gentry, but he does ‘eare about them, particulaely Coydog—although he’ stil kind of baffled that he'd fall for someone who was both a elf and a magician, the ewo things he likes les than almo anything else. 'SHADOWRUNNER DOSSIER: SLEDGE (ORK STREET SAMURAI) // PROFILE EXAMPLE RUN MEETING MR. JOHNSON Sledge already didn’t like this run, For one thing, he doesn't like any elf that wasn't Coydog. Doesnt trust em, He hates the monkey suit Ms, Myth made him wear, too. Myth said it was “tailored,” bur to Sledge, that just means “too tight to move in easily” and it covers his eyberam ‘The only good thing about the damn “Bercick Stupid-Fancy-Name Suit ‘was that Coydog thought he looked good init He'd sized Mr. Johnson up the second they walked in the door— ‘well, che second the snooty doorman atthe faney “elven restaurant” stopped giving him and Myth dliny looks. Telestrian Industries, Me Johnson said, ike the unbearable smugness and Tir Tairngire accent hadn't told Sledge that already: The keeb stats off by complimenting the tcam—which sets off warning bells in the ork’s head, because even a not-a-people-person like Sledge knows that scuck-up kkeebs saying nice things about non-elves was bullshic—saying Fhe cercain that “prime runners” like them are cut out to take the job he’s offering, Sedge is about to tel the keeb to get on with it when John. son finally says what the job is: He wants them to retrieve some magical doohickey from insice Cavilard Research Cen ter The place belonged to NeoNET before that corp fll apart, Me Johnson says. There isn't much time to grab the item be: fore the new owners clean everything our. “To Sledge’s ears, thisis sounding worse and worse. He likes magic even less than he likes elves, When Ms, Myth asks the team what they think, his reflex is to say no—but he knows that Coydog and Gentry will never let him live it down, so he says “more nuyen” instead, and goes back to grumbling to himself PLANNING AND LEGWORK Sledge is busy figuring oue how he's going to plan this run, Being the "gun guy,” i's his job to deal with the phys: al security—guards, entrance and exit routes, that kt thing. Building plans would help, but thaed mean asking Gentry © hack the place and download them, Sledge knows the ‘on him, so he swallows a resigned sigh and starts to ask the decker for help—until Ms. Myth cheerfully says she knows someone who could help with that. Sledge will even like her, Myth promises, which earns raised eyebrows from the rest of the team. Turns out, Myth's contact is a former NeoNET sec- ‘mage—and an ork! That part puts Sledge in a much better mood about the whole thing, Sledge and Coydog spend an afternoon with, uh, Feeczer Burn, who luckily has 2 beter ‘memory for building layouts and security procedures than Sledge does for names, Freezes Burn helps them draw a map ‘of the target, with as many details as she can remember about the security procedures there. ‘Once Sledge has the intel he needs, the ork mage takes off and Coydog goes for a nap, leaving Siedge ro work, With che incl Freezer Burn shared on the camera and drone locations (guard patrols aren't an issue—they all lost their jobs the same time Freezer Burn did!) Sledge has a pretty good idea Of how the team should move around the corp facility to ‘minimize their chances of being seen. Whether they actually stick with his plan is another question EXAMPLE RUN 17 SHADOWRUNNER DOSSIER; SLEDGE (ORK STREET SAMURAI!) DRAMATIS PERSONAE Sledge: Ork Street Samurai Mardpoint: Dwar! Rigger Coydog: Et shaman Frostburn:Ork Combat Mage Gentry: Human Decker ts. ryt Tell Team Fer When the team arrives at The Edge, afan- cy elven restaurant in Downtown Seattle, the ‘maitre d’ atthe door gives Ms. Myth and Sledge a hard time du to their metatypes. Sledge doesn't want to get the team thrown out on account ofhistemper, 0 he makes @ Composure Test (willpower + Charisma) and gets 4,6, 2, 6,1: two hits. He spends two points of Edge to Faise the 4 he rolled to a5 fora third hit, just to make extra sure he doesn't go off on the maftre ’, and the gamemaster confirms that Sledge kept his orkish temper in check. Hope- fully Mr. Johnson won't be as annoying. Inside the restaurant, Sledge sizes up the tactical situ ation, roling Perception + intuition. He has a Knowledge Skill called Small-Unit Tactics, which gives him the chance ta discover information on that topic with his dice roll. He rolls 6,6, 6 1, 1 3, 4: three hits. The gamemaster tells Sledge that the table where Johnson is seated has a good mix of visibility of the entrances and cover from potential attacks-the best of anywhere Sledge can currently see. ‘Sledge’s portion of the planning starts with the gamemaster laying out what Frostbum (ie. Freezer Burn) remembers about the layout of the ‘team’s target-which doesn't mean the team's guar teed to get all the right info. When the gamemaste’s done, ‘Sledge asks if he can count the inf that Frostburn's giving him asa Teamwork test to his planning roll. The gamemaster says ‘yes and tll Sledge that he and Frostburn will both be roling Perception + Logic, utilizing their Security Systems Knowledge ‘kil. The gamemaster then rolls Perception + Logic on Frost burn's behalf and tells Sledge thatthe ork mage got two hits, ‘so Sledge will get a +2 bonus to his own dice poo for that test. Good thing, too-Sledge’s Logic is only 2, s0 hel take all the hep he can get. Sledge rolls Perception + Logic, adding te +2 dice poo bo: ius from the Teamwork test. He gets 2,4 4 5,5, 45,3: three hits. The gamemaster tell the team that, thanks to Sledge's thoroughness, they ll get a bonus Edge on any Stealth test they make tostay undetected (but not to vanish again f they're spotted) while they're atthe target faci. TEAMWORK TEST ‘To performa Teamwork test, select oe person as the leader; any= ‘one els involved isa helper. ‘They all roll the same test—namely, whatever test they're trying to pull off together. The helper roll frst; any hits become extra dice added to the leader's dice pool. The total amount of dice added by all helpers cannot be greater than the leader's applicable sil rank (or the higher ofthe attributes, if’ atest involving two attributes) EXAMPLE RUN DOING THE JOB ‘The night of the cun, the team members all pile into their riggers van and head for Cavilard Research Center, This whole thing still makes Sledge a litle uneasy —ts magic, Coydog, assures him she'll take care of that side of things. Hie just has to wor ry about keeping them all alive long ‘enough to get the job done. No pres: sure, right? When the team arrives at the spot lan—a plan he’s quite proud of—indicates, everyone jumps out of the van except Hardpoine, who sends a Roco-Drone in his stead, Sede would've liked to have more firepower, but at least he's gor his Raiden and his sword (and a couple other guns, and some gre- nades, even though he’s only got the two arms), and he knows the Coydog’s spirits can pack a punch, The trio waits while Gentry hacks the door into the facility ‘This part always puts Sledge’ teeth on edge—he knows Coy dog’ spirits keeping them hidden, bur standing stil in front of a security camera just feels wrong. At least ie doesn't take Gen try Tong to get them inside. After thar, i's only a short distance {o the "magical containment area” where the doohickey is being kept. The team takes a detour to a side room where Gentry can safely hop into VR without someone stumbling over him, Once the decker’ logged back into the building host, Sledge and Coydog continue on, leaving Hardpoint’s drone on guard Sury—only to have to wait again while Coydog pushes her spir: itthrough the mana barrier around theie target. Finally, Sledge and Coydog get into the lab where the mag- ical doohickey is To Sledge, it just looks like a circular amulet about the sizeof his palm (well, maybe Coydog's palm), but the shaman assures him it the right object and plucks it from its display case. A moment later, Sledge hears Coydog muttering and smacking her commlink—then Gentry shouts a warning as alarms go off throughout the building, ‘When Sledge looks over at Coydog, she's already taking off for Gentry’ hiding spot. The doors magically open for them as they sprint down the halls, and they arrive back at the hiding spot 10 find Gentry shaking himself back to wakefulness, al= ready having dropped out of hot-sim. Then, Sledge heats some thing mechanical moving in the corridor. When the ork sticks his head out the door, he spots a Stee! Lynx combat drone—one of the secdrones that Freezer Burn warned them abou. The drone starts spraying bullets at Sledge, who spits out 3 curse as he ducks back into the team’s hideout. Hefting his Ya ‘maha Raiden, Sledge hits the Happy Switch and leans back into the hallway to return fire. The hail of bullets chews satisfying) lange holes in the Steel Lynx’s chassis, sending sparks flying in all directions. A barrage from Hardpoin’s Roto-Drone follows, ouging even lar oles, but the Sel Lyn fhe te uup—even after Coydog's lightning bole leaves a scorch mark on the wall beside i. ‘The drone fies another stream of bullets Sledge ducks back into cover to avoid getting shot, then lets loose with another rock 'n rol from his Raiden. It seems like excitement and recoil is getting the better of him, though, because these shots aren't nearly as accurate as the first—or maybe the drone's gotten spr, because Hardpoine’s Roto-Deone doesn’t have much luck, ei ther. Then Coydog’s second lightning bole hits, and the Stecl Lynx explodes into useless shrapnel Sighing at the smug look on the shaman’ face, Sledge keeps watch for more enemy drones as the team makes their way 0} (of the building, Luckily, their route—his route!—avoids the worst ofthe potential dangers, and they make it hack to the van without incident, ‘When the team arrives a thei target, the gam- ‘easter calls for evrvone to make a Stealth + Agility test to sneak inside, withthe option to use the bons Ege from Sledge legwork. They have the same op portunity on other Stealth tess later, but they wont be able cary that bonus Edge over to any ater testi they dont ‘seit itl vais, The gamemaster won't let Sledge apply the +2 ‘Aglty bonus from his eyberarm’sAtribute crease, s0 Slecge tgrumbles about The tan keeping orks down, then als Stealth * Aity (uth Bonus dice from his Sneaking specsization) and gets 2,63, 2,3 6,5, 2 Sethe his. tween that rll and Coy. og’ Spirit's Concealment power, Sledge probably does nees to sped the extra point of Eigebut ey, fee i ree, right? He ‘chooses tore-oll one of he 2.anditcomes up asa instead, At least didn tur his success ino agite. ‘Te gamemaster asks the team to make a Perception + In- tuition test. sledge rolls 4,3, 6, 5,5, 6 1: fur hits, more than enough to hear the lage drone rumbing down the hall ouside When Sledge sticks hisRead out whee thecrone can see him, the igamemaster declares that combat Is starting and asks everyone ‘orollinative. Thanks to his wied refers, sleage’ Initiative rank is 11 + 46. Te tree dice come Up 1, I, 2,3 Which gives him an na: tive score of 18 and four Minor Actions (one for hisbasc itive Die, lus three more from te estra ntative ice granted by his. ‘ware, The gamemaster says that the native order is the Stel Lym, Sedge, Hardpont, Coydog, Gentry. ‘The gamemaster then tals Sledge to coll a Defense test against the drone’ attack, with the three-quarter cover, giving him +3 this Defense Rating and a3 ce poo! bonus tothe Ce- fense test. That puts Sledge’ Defense ating at 1S, and the gam emaster gives him a bonus point of Edge for his Defense Rating beng furor more pons higher than the drone tack Rating. Sledge ols his Defense test with the +3 dice pool bonus, and ets 6, 5,2, 5,3, 4,2, 3.24, 2,4, 2: thee hits. He ist trad vith tht resi, oe spends two pont of Edge to upgrade one of his 45 t a5, giving him fur hits total. The gamemaster tls ‘Sledge that the drone’ shots narrowly miss him as he ducks back Now its Sledge turn. He spends his frst minor Action to change the Raiden fie mode from Semi-Auto to FultAuto, the Second 10 lean out of cover to fre (because of his three quarter cover), and the tir o Take ai, giving im a+ ce pool bonus toi Firearms tes fr his attack Acton His cyberarmis attribute Increase applies to that, on fora total of siteen ace which he Splits into two diferent attacks. Normally his smartik would tant him a bonus Ege since the Yamaha aiden has asmartgun ‘stem, but the three quarter cover prevents him from earning any Edge while attacking. ‘ledge rls, getting three hits on the fist attack an shits ‘on the second, Fulluto atacks hit for the weapon's full hase ‘damage and sledge gets one net ht on his ist attack and four ‘onthe second, meaning the drone had to soak SPand BP, respec: tively. In the second round, the gamemaster gives Sledge another bonus Edge for hs Defense Rating thenaskshim to make anther Defense test. Sledge gets Five hits, staying safely outside the ne of fie. When i is tun, he uses the same Take Ain/Full-Ato ~ttack Acton combo as before. Sledge’ fist attack only sores two hits, grazing the Steel Lynx without inficting any damage is second fares even worse, with only one it, missing the drone entirely SHADOWRUNNER DOSSIER: SLEDGE (ORK STREET SAMURAI) // EXAMPLE RUN, EXAMPLE RUN GETTING PAID Sledge still hasn't calmed down when the team ar ives at the meeting with Mr, Johnson. His head’s on even more ‘of a swivel than usual, because he knows Johnsons love to. try to backstab runners instead of paying for their work—especially when they're lousy keebs. Luck ily for Sledge’s blood pressure, the meet gocs off quick-as-you please, and the team walks away With significantly more nuyen in their pockets. That puts Sledge in a good enough mood that he doesn’t even give Gentry a hard time for the decker’ elfy-talk when the Johnson gives them their eredsticks. ‘Another job, another payday—and Sledge didn’t even get shot! IP3'a good night in Seattle's shadows, Paranoid, thanks to post-run jitters and dealing with sleazy elven Johnsons, Sledge tells the gamemaster he's ralling Perception + Intuition to search for any signs that Johnson's about to ambush them. He gets 6,1, 2, 1.4 6, 5: three hits The gamemaster tells Sledge that he doesn't see anything, but not that there's nothing thereto see; et the ork believe what he wants! SLEDGE'S GAME PLAY TABLES ‘SAMPLE SLEDGE ACTIONS / TRAITS / DICE POOLS (P. 5) ereption Perception nto (Base ce oo?) Action rv mars Rous ‘se pice POOL tack (ange) jor Front Aga 132 Automates) observe in Data ioe Perception + mtuon 7 Soka Use il) Major steal Agity 0 QUALITIES quay ores adc aun ce shoving both and 2 etermining alc. is doesnt aft cities. suit Tough) ‘haracte guns numberof adtioal ores on her Physical Conti Mito eg tothe evel f hs ua Serena Character may not soe regi ae when nti the ctv lok Oters ea 2 cpap bonus to Memory ets {orecal the character’ penance, f whether they ve see the character Bele uss Character uns an eta pit of Ege when esting intimation or effects that cause the Frightened Stas. tone Reach When tng. melee weapon, le ange extended 105 wets Toughness ‘Character hin amet polt of Ege when making Damage Resistance tess ot used on that et the pon of ge st EXAMPLE RUN // SHADOWRUNNER DOSSIER: SLEDGE (ORK STREET SAMURAI) SLEDGE'S GAME PLAY TABLES

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