N Human Fragility in Times of Crisis

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Human fragility in times of crisis

Without a doubt, the pandemic or Covid-19 as it arrived took us out of the comfort of the life we were leading, which
generated 'some' concern and emotional instability in all people, since the activities we perform to obtain the income
that sustains our day-to-day needs are at risk. Many economic sources were affected, which somehow made us
fragile and meant new challenges for humanity.

That's why living in the uncertainty that the companies would be able to move forward with their employees
and sustain the levels of production at a time when a partial or total closure of the companies was
demanded or, on the contrary, risking the contagion of hundreds of workers who saw with concern that their
independent work was the only source of income to sustain their families, was a daily struggle in the big
cities of the country.

There have been many centers of the economy that have been affected by the mandatory closure in these
times of crisis: entertainment centers, markets, businesses, schools, etc.. but at one time it was necessary
to prevent the expansion of covid-19, and now that many of these economic activities are reopened,
uncertainty, anxiety and fear of contagion take hold of each of us, because nothing has guaranteed that 'the
curve' of contagion has decreased.

We have shown our weakness in the face of an 'invisible

bug', a simple flu that enters our bodies to create
irreparable damage to the entire respiratory system with
irreparable consequences to the body or in the worst
case, death. And even more, the weakness is in the
permanent emotional crises of fear of contagion that
deprives us of the possibility of bringing our families their
daily sustenance. Or why not say it, the fear of losing our
jobs due to the inevitable closure of our companies...
That is our great human weakness in times of

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