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This unit starts with the orientation of the course and its relevance to the field of electrical engineering

and also focuses on the fundamentals, classifications, recent developments, and properties of materials.

 How important is the course in your chosen field?
 How do the types of materials classify base on their atomic structure and chemistry?
 Why do the necessary elements need to consider in the production, design and utilization of
 How do advanced materials that are used in high-technology applications affects the recent
developments in engineering?
 What are the properties of materials that are based on their applicability?
 How does each property of materials affect the structure of those materials?


 Determine the importance of course orientation.
 State and identify the types of materials based on chemistry and atomic structure.
 Explain the aspects and elements needed to investigate and consider in the analysis of
 Identify and familiarize with the advanced materials that are used in high-technology
 Differentiate the properties applicable for materials.
 Discuss the relationships exist between the properties along with its measurements and the
structure of materials.


1. Differentiate materials science and materials engineering.
2. Describe the origin of the structures of materials.
3. Classify the following materials as either metals, ceramics, polymers or composites.

(a) (b) (c) (d)

4. List down at least three recently developed materials (aside from materials listed above) and
identify their relevance, advantage and/or application nowadays.

5. Give and define properties of materials for each of the following classifications.
(a) mechanical, (b) electrical, (c) thermal, (d) magnetic, (e) optical, and (f) deteriorative.



 “Material Science and Engineering” with “EES 4” as its course code which stands for “Electrical
Engineering Science 4” with a course pre-requisite of “ES 1: Chemistry for Engineers.”
 This has a credit unit of two (2) which is equivalent to a 2-hour lecture for an 18-week semester.
 This course deals with the properties of engineering materials including mechanical, acoustical,
electrical, magnetic, chemical, optical, and thermal properties.


 Assessment tasks can be written outputs that may either be in terms of seat works, course
works, board works, projects, quizzes and major exams; or oral participations such as
recitations, quiz bee or experimentations, if applicable.
 The summative tasks such as project, course works, quizzes, and major examinations are graded
requirements which are computed using 50%-based grading system. They translate the
outcomes of the course into what students are able to do given the breadth and depth of
content knowledge.
 Seat works, board works and recitations are formative assessment tasks (non-graded
requirements) unless otherwise there is an activity beforehand to help the students understand
the topic discussed.

Table 1.1: Breakdown of the Grading System for EES 4: Material Science and Engineering
40% - Major Examination
40% - Quizzes 1.00 97% - 100%
20% - Course Works 1.25 94% - 96%
1.50 91% - 93%
100% - Midterm / Final term grade
1.75 88% - 90%
2.00 85% - 87%
50% - Midterm grade
2.25 82% - 84%
50% - Final term grade
2.50 79% - 81%
100% - Final grade 2.75 76% - 78%
3.00 75%
Note: All shall be based on the 50% 5.00 Failed
passing percentage. INC Incomplete
Target: The desired standard is 100% UD Unofficially Dropped
with a passing grade of 75% or 3.00 D Dropped
For Engineering retention policy, a W Withdrawn
grade of 2.25 should be maintained.


The following are the policies inside the class and can be discussed to retain or omit if something might
cause conflicts or violent reactions; and later on come up with policies agreed by everybody – instructor
and students.
1. Attendance will be checked at the start of each session. Students arriving 15 minutes after the
start of the official class hours will be given a mark of late. Three marks for late is automatically
converted to a mark of absent. When students incur absences exceeding 20% of the total class

hours for the term in a course, they will be automatically given a failing grade of 5.00 (PLV
Student Manual p. 24).
2. Lectures will cover fundamental concepts presented in the reference books, instructional
materials and websites provided. It is strongly recommended and assumed that students had
read the relevant text sections while the course progresses.
3. Students are allowed to take photos of class lectures, materials or equipment, however, they
are prohibited to record videos and snippets.
4. Activities, course works, seat works and home works must be completed and submitted on the
due date specified. Late submissions, regardless of reasons, are not accepted.
5. Quizzes, exam results, seatwork and homework will be returned to the students a week after
submission of such activities. Students should keep a record of paper works and be ready to
present it upon request.
6. All quizzes and major examinations are announced. Quizzes and major examinations missed due
to valid reasons and with proper documentation are graded zero by default, unless a special quiz
or major examination is scheduled. Only one major examination can be waived for special
schedule. Missed or failed quizzes and major exams are not subjected for substitution for
another activity.
7. All failed students at the end of the semester are qualified and advised to take the one and only
removal examination for this course. Regardless of the final grade (close or far from passing),
the passing percentage for removal examination is 75%.
8. Plagiarism and cheating, of any kind, and of any form, are not tolerated, and will be sanctioned
according to the PLV Student Manual.

Consultation period for this course is to be announced during the discussion of the course orientation
and will be based on the time availability of the instructor. As for the complete and more detailed list of
the course content, a course syllabus will be given separately.



 These are the matter of the universe. Materials have properties that make them useful in
structures, machines, devices, products and systems.
 The selection of material is possible if the designer has an understanding of the various material
systems and their advantages and disadvantages, and can call upon this knowledge to make a
material selection.

 Investigation of the relationships that exist between the structures and properties of materials.
 The application of the theory of matter to the understanding, development and improvement of
materials. Materials scientist develops or synthesizes new materials.

 It is property correlations, designing or engineering the structure of a material to produce a
predetermined set of properties on the basis of these structures.
 Materials engineer creates new products or systems using existing materials, develops
techniques for processing materials. They specialize in the application of materials to
engineering design.

 It is the arrangement of a material’s internal components.
 Subatomic structure involves electrons within the individual atoms and interactions with their
nuclei while the atomic structure encompasses the organization of atoms or molecules relative
to one another.
 Microscopic structure is the next larger structural element, which contains large groups of
atoms that are normally agglomerated together that can be directly observed using microscope
while macroscopic structure is a structural element that may be viewed with the naked eye.

 It is a material trait in terms of the kind and magnitude of response to a specific imposed
stimulus and it is made independent of material shape and size.
 Important properties of solid materials may be grouped into six different categories namely
mechanical, electrical, thermal, magnetic, optical and deteriorative.


 These are the two other important components involved in the science and engineering of
materials in addition to structure and properties.
 The interrelationship between processing, structure, properties and performance is illustrated in
Figure 1.1. The relationships among these four components are determined in terms of the
design, production and utilization of materials.

Figure 1.1: Schematic Diagram of the Four Components of Material Science and Engineering
EXAMPLE 1.2.1:
 An example of processing, structure, properties and performance components of materials such
as steels, glass-ceramics, polymer fibers and silicon semiconductors. is listed in Table 1.2.

Table 1.2: Processing – Structure – Properties – Performance Components for Steels, Glass-Ceramics,
Polymer Fibers and Silicon Semiconductors
STEELS  Diffusion  Crystal  Solid solutions  Applications of
 Recrystallization structure,  Mechanical steel alloys
 Isothermal polymorphism properties
transformation  Development of  Dislocations,
diagrams, microstructure, slip systems,
continuous cooling iron-iron carbide strengthening
transformation alloys mechanisms
diagrams, heat  Microstructure  Phase
treating for of various micro equilibria, the
tempered constituents iron-iron-
martensite carbide phase
 Heat treatment of diagram
steels  Mechanical
properties Fe-C
GLASS-CERAMICS  Continuous cooling  Noncrystalline  Mechanical,  Applications of
transformation solids thermal, glass-ceramics
diagrams  Atomic structure optical
 Concept of viscosity of silica glasses properties
 Crystallization,  Polycrystallinity  Opacity and
fabrication, heat translucency in
treatment insulators
POLYMER FIBERS  Polymerization,  Electronic  Thermoplastic  Applications of
additives, melting, structure, polymers polymer fibers
fiber forming interatomic  Mechanical
 Melting bonding properties
temperature  Polymer  Degradation
polymer crystals
SILICON  Composition  Electronic  Electrical  Applications of
SEMICONDUCTORS specification structure, properties silicon
 Diffusion interatomic semiconductor
 Integrated circuits bonding s
 Electronic band


 Organic substances – contain the element carbon (and usually hydrogen) as a key part of their
structure. All living animals and plants are organic.
 Inorganic substances – Those materials not derived from living things, such as sand, and rock.
 The focus of this course is the engineering materials which are organic and organic solids that
have use in the fabrication of structures, tools and durable goods.


 Atomic structure – consists of basic particles called protons, electrons, and neutrons.
 Crystal Structure – unique arrangement of atoms and molecules in a crystalline material.
 Microstructure – consists of phase structure and grain structure.
 Macrostructure – the gross structure of a material.

Figure 1.2: Origin of Material Structures


Major materials are grouped into three classes which are from organic and inorganic solids. These are
metals, ceramics and polymers. There are also engineered combinations of two or more different
materials which are the composites. The first man-made materials were ceramics, followed by metals,
polymers and composites.

1.3.1 METALS
 A metal is defined as an element with a valence of 1, 2 or 3. All metals are inorganic materials
which possess metallic properties such as luster, opacity, malleability, ductility and electrical
conductivity. Typical examples of metallic materials are shown in Figure 1.3.
 The first use of metals by primitive humans involved the native metal copper and gold. Native
metals are the elements found in a relatively pure state. A metal ore is the native metal that are
not commonly concentrated in the Earth’s crust which was combined with other elements such
as oxygen or sulfur while an alloy is a mixture composed of two or more elements, at least one
must be a metal.

Figure 1.3: (Clockwise from Upper Left) Chilled Cast Irons, Copper Round Rods, Different Aluminum
Products, Corrugated Zinc Coated Metal Plates, and Brass Instrument (Alloy of Copper and Zinc)

 Ceramics are inorganic nonmetallic materials with covalent or a combination of covalent and
ionic bonding or a combination of one or more metals with a nonmetallic element, such
ceramics are metal oxides, carbides, nitrides, borides and silicates. They are characterized by
high hardness, abrasion resistance, brittleness and chemical inertness, and are poor conductors
of electricity. Typical examples of ceramics are shown in Figure 1.4.
 Ceramic pottery figurines are the first known human-made materials. The word ceramic comes
from the Greek work keramos, which means “potter’s clay” or “pottery”. The term ceramic now
includes many more materials than pottery.

Figure 1.4: (Clockwise from Upper Left) Fire Resistant Refractory Bricks, Various Colored Glass Bottles,
Abrasives, Clays, and Cement Silicone Molds

 Polymers are organic substances and derivatives of carbon and hydrogen. They are also known
as plastics. Most plastics are light in weight and are soft as compared to metals. They possess
high corrosion resistance and can be molded into various shapes by the application of heat and
pressure. Typical examples of polymers are shown in Figure 1.5.
 The word polymer comes from the two words – poly meaning “many” and mer meaning “units”.
Polymers are large molecules with many repeating units that are covalently bonded to each
other. Organic polymers are based on carbon and inorganic polymers are based upon other
elements. Polymers can be liquids or solids at room temperature and can also be natural or

Figure 1.5: (Clockwise from Upper Left) Polyester Fabrics, Phenolic Boards, High Density Polyethylene,
Various Types of Nylon, and Various Types of Rubber
 Composite materials are made of at least two separate materials that are combined into one
material, but the separate materials maintain their identity within the combined material.
Composites as a class of engineering material provide almost an unlimited potential for higher
strength, stiffness and corrosion resistance over the “pure” material systems of metals, ceramics
and polymer. They will probably be the “steels” of the next century. Typical examples of
composites are shown in Figure 1.6.
 Composites can be either natural or human-made materials. In many composite materials, the
main function of the matrix is to hold a strong material into the shape of the part. Matrix means
that the material is continuous such as metals, ceramics, plastics and concrete.

Figure 1.6: (Clockwise from Upper Left) Various Types of Wood, Cladded Metal Pipes, Fiberglass Fabrics,
Fiber-Reinforced Plastic, and Cemented Carbides


Advanced materials such as semiconductors, biomaterials, smart materials and nano-engineered

materials are another category of materials that are utilized in high-technology applications. These
advanced materials are typically traditional materials whose properties have been enhanced, and also
newly developed, high-performance materials. Examples of advanced materials such as semiconductors,
biomaterials, smart materials, and nanomaterials are shown in Figure 1.7.

Figure 1.7: (Left to Right, Top to Bottom) Electronic components with Semiconductor Materials,
Biomaterials for Orthopedic Implants, Nitinol – A Shape Memory Alloy Smart Material, and Carbon-
Based Nanomaterials

 Semiconductors have electrical properties that are intermediate between the electrical
conductors (i.e., metals and metal alloys) and insulators (i.e., ceramics and polymers). These
have made possible the advent of integrated circuitry that has totally revolutionized the
electronics and computer industries.

 Biomaterials are employed in components implanted into the human body to replace diseased
or damaged body parts. The materials that may be used as biomaterials are metals, ceramics,
polymers, composites and semiconductors.


 Smart or intelligent materials are a group of new and state-of-the-art materials now being
developed that will have a significant influence on many of our technologies. Components of a
smart material include some types of sensor that detects an input signal and an actuator that
performs a responsive and adaptive function.

 One new material class that has fascinating properties and tremendous technological promise is
the nanomaterials. Nanomaterials may be any one of the four basic types which are metals,
ceramics, polymers and composites. The nano- prefix denotes that the dimensions of these
structural entities are on the order of a nanometer and this is how nanomaterials differs from
other materials.

The development of materials by scientific methods is a result of the theory of matter and of
experimental methods that allow detailed study of materials. Creation of important products such as
high-performance automobiles, aircrafts and aerospace vehicles, high-temperature gas turbines, high-
performance sports equipment and medical devices has made possible by these recent developments.

Three important criteria in materials selection are in-service conditions to which the material will be
subjected, any deterioration of material properties during operation, and economics or cost of the
fabricated piece. Take note that the cost and the performance of a new material must be considered in
the selection for its design.



The major categories to be considered in material selection are chemical, physical, mechanical and
dimensional properties as shown in Figure 1.8.

Figure 1.8: The Spectrum of Engineering Material Properties

Material characteristics that relate to the structure of a material and its formation from the elements.
 Composition – The elemental or chemical components of the material and the relative
proportion of these components.
 Structure – The arrangement of atoms and molecules in a material.
 Stereo specificity – The tendency for polymers and molecular materials to form with an ordered,
spatial, three-dimensional arrangement of monomer molecules.

Material characteristics that are determined by the nature. Normally, includes electrical, thermal and
magnetic properties.
 Density – The mass per unit volume.
 Poisson’s ratio – The absolute value of the ratio of the transverse strain to the corresponding
axial strain in a body subjected to uniaxial stress.
 Refractive index – The ratio of the velocity of light in a vacuum to its velocity in another
 Specific gravity – The ratio of the mass or weight of a solid or liquid to the mass or weight of an
equal volume of water.

Material characteristics that are displayed when a force is applied to the material.
 Strength – The ability to withstand the stress of physical forces.
 Wear – The continuing loss of material from the surface of a solid body due to mechanical
 Resilience – The maximum energy per volume that can be elastically stored.
 Fatigue – The strength of the material when subjected to cyclic or rapid fluctuating load
 Creep – The progressive deformation of a material under a constant static load maintained for a
long period of time.

Material characteristics that deals with its available size, shape, finish, and tolerance.
 Camber – The deviation from edge straightness. It is usually the maximum deviation of an edge
from a straight line o given length.
 Lay – The direction of a predominating surface pattern. It is usually after a machine operation.
 Out of flat – The deviation of a surface from flat plane, usually over a macroscopic area.
 Roughness – Relatively finely spaced surface irregularities, the height, width, and direction of
which establish a definite surface pattern.
 Surface finish – The microscopic and microscopic characteristics that describe a surface.
 Waviness – Wavelike variation from a perfect surface.


The six important properties of solid materials are:
1. Mechanical properties,
2. Electrical properties,
3. Thermal properties,
4. Magnetic properties,
5. Optical properties, and
6. Deteriorative properties

The property of materials which affect the mechanical strength and it is the ability of a material to be
molded in suitable shapes. It reflects relationship between its response to and deformation from an
applied load or force.

 Tensile Strength – The maximum tensile load a material can withstand prior to fracture.
 Compressive Strength – The maximum compressive stress that a material is capable to
 Shear Strength – The stress required to fracture a shape in a cross-sectional plane that is
parallel to the force application.
 Flexural Strength – The outer fiber stress below which a material can theoretically endure an
infinite number of stress cycles.
 Yield Strength – The stress at which a material exhibits a specified deviation from
proportionality of stress and strain.

 Creep Strength – The constant nominal stress that will cause a specified quantity of creep in a
given time of constant temperature.

 Toughness – The ability to absorb energy and gets permanently deformed without fracturing.
 Elasticity – The ability to regain its original shape after the removal of load.
 Plasticity – The ability by virtue of which it undergoes permanent deformation.
 Rigidity – The ability by virtue of which the material resists elastic or plastic deformation under
applied loads, and also known as stiffness.
 Hardness – The ability to resist to permanent shape change due to external stress.
 Hardenability – The degree of hardness that material can acquire through a hardening process.
 Brittleness – It indicates how easily a material gets fractured when subjected to a force or load.
 Ductility – The ability by which it can be drawn into wires and deform upon tensile force.
 Malleability – The ability by which can be rolled into sheets and deform upon compressive
 Machinability – The ease with which a material can be removed during various machining
operations and describes the property of a material when it is cut.

The property of materials to conduct electric current and also determines the response of a material to
an electric field.
 Electrical Resistivity – The property which resists flow of electric current through material.
 Electrical Conductivity – The property which allows the flow of electric current through
 Temperature Coefficient of Resistance – It indicates change in resistance of material with
change in temperature.
 Dielectric Strength – The property to withstand at high voltages.
 Thermoelectricity – It is a small voltage produced when the junction formed by joining the two
metals is heated.

The property which is display by material when heat is passed through it. It refers to characteristic
behaviors of material under thermal load.
 Thermal conductivity – The property which represents how easily the heat can be conducted by
a material. It is defined as the amount of heat transmitted by unit thickness of material normal
to the unit area surface in unit time when material piece is unity in steady state condition.
 Thermal expansion – The rate at which a material elongates when heated.
 Specific heat – The amount of heat required to increase the temperature of unit mass of
material by 1°C.
 Latent heat – The amount of heat required/released by change in unit mass of material from
one state to another state.
 Curie point – The temperature at which ferromagnetic materials can no longer be magnetized
by outside forces.
 State change temperatures – The temperature at which the substance changes from one state
to another state.


 Melting point – Temperature at which the substance changes from solid to liquid state.
 Boiling point – Temperature at which the substance changes from liquid to gaseous state.
 Freezing point – Temperature at which the substance changes from liquid to solid state.

The property which determines the ability of material to be suitable for a particular magnetic
 Magnetism – The property which occurs in different forms and degrees in various earth
materials that act as conductors and insulators.
 Permeability – The property which indicates how easily magnetic flux density is build up in
 Retentivity – The magnetic field remaining in the material even after removing the external
 Coercivity – The minimum value of magnetizing intensity that is required to bring the material to
its original state.
 Reluctance – The property of magnetic material which resists to build up of magnetic flux in

The property that is determined to a large extent by atomic structure and the band gap structure of
crystalline grains, with optical transparency also being influenced strongly by the density and existing
grain boundaries in polycrystalline bodies. It is the response of materials to incident electromagnetic
 Refractivity – The property of a medium as determined by its refractive index.
 Reflectivity – The property which describes how much light is reflected from the material in
relation to an amount of light incident on the material.
 Absorptivity – The property of which describes how much light was absorbed in material in
relation to an amount of light incident on the material.
 Transmissivity – The property which describes how much light is transmitted though material in
relation to an amount of light incident on the material.
 Emissivity – The property which describes how much light is radiated / emitted from the
material in relation to an amount which radiates black body at the same temperature.

The property of the material to stand chemical reactivity with the environment, corrosion, and
 Corrosion resistance – The ability of the material to resists deterioration by chemical or electro-
chemical reaction with its environment.
 Oxidation resistance – The ability of metallic materials to resist chemical degradation of the
surface caused by the action of air or other gaseous medium at high temperatures.

1. How would materials science and materials engineering differ based on their application?
2. Discuss the schematic diagram of the four components of materials science and engineering.
3. How do organic substances differ from inorganic substances?
4. Explain the origin of materials and how they are classified accordingly?
5. How do metal ores and alloys differ from each other?
6. List the classification of structures of materials and differentiate each from one another.
7. Differentiate the basic classifications of materials and give at least three examples for each type.
8. How do advanced materials affect the recent developments in our environment or society?
9. Explain the four major categories of properties of materials and their distinct characteristics.
10. Identify the six important properties of solid materials and discuss at least two properties for


A. Identify the following fundamental concepts, terminologies and definitions described.
1. The application of theory of matter to understand, develop and improve materials.
2. The organization of atoms or molecules relative to one another.
3. It is a material trait in terms of the kind and magnitude of response to a specific imposed
4. Those materials not derived from living things, such as sand, and rock.
5. A structure consists of basic particles called protons, electrons, and neutrons.

B. Identify the following materials being described.

1. These are employed in components implanted into human body to replace damaged body parts.
2. Native metals that are not commonly concentrated in the Earth’s crust.
3. Materials that literally mean many units.
4. These are made of at least two separate materials that are combined into one material.
5. A group of new and state-of-the-art materials now being developed that will have a significant
influence on many of our technologies.

C. Identify the properties of materials based on their characteristics.

1. The ability of the material to resists deterioration by chemical or electro-chemical reaction with
its environment.
2. The property which describes how much light is radiated from the material in relation to an
amount which radiates black body at the same temperature.
3. The strength of the material when subjected to cyclic or rapid fluctuating load conditions.
4. The property which allows the flow of electric current through material.
5. Relatively finely spaced surface irregularities, the height, width, and direction of which establish
a definite surface pattern.
6. The ability by virtue of which it undergoes permanent deformation.
7. Temperature at which the substance changes from liquid to gaseous state.
8. The chemical components of the material and the relative proportion of these components.

9. The ratio of the velocity of light in a vacuum to its velocity in another material.
10. The property which indicates how easily magnetic flux density is build up in material.


 Agrawal B K. (1988). Introduction to Engineering Materials. New Delhi, India: Tata

McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. Ltd.

 Callister Jr., W. D., Rethwich, D.G. (2010). Materials Science and Engineering: An
Introduction. New Jersey, USA: Wiley & Sons, Inc.

 Murray, G., White, C.V., Weise, W. (2007). Introduction to Engineering Materials 2nd
Edition. Florida, USA: CRC Press











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