Segunda Essay of Crear o Morir de Andres Oppenhaiemer Zaar Aroca

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Segunda Essay of Crear o Morir de Andres Oppenhaiemer

Zaar Aroca

Taking into account the previous essay I would like to deviate a bit more into the
references and ideas we can pull from this book to our actual situation on behalf of this
world wide pandemic in many opportunities one could have said that they never had a
chance to evolve or the business was in to much of a comfort zone to not become big,
but this pandemic forced change upon many businesses, we can take a look a every
major type and observe and actual palpable adaptation and on this essay I want to take
some examples in the book and compare them to real examples happening upon as I
write this.

My first example is going to be based on the surging of virgin records and the parallels
that can be drawn between their unique approach to finding and fulfilling a need with
now a days most textile producers over the globe, the idea is pretty clear, as it’s
mentioned in the book they took a huge list of problems that were impacting most
students worldwide and tackled them head on . The same can be said about our
modern day textile industries, who modified their focus on supporting and making the
masks that were going to be obligatory by most state in the world, a simple trend that in
itself was already extremely poplar in Korean and Japanese countries, all they did was
import that idea of custom and personalized masks, and used as a new way of allowing
the people to express themselves end feel unique in the world. For better or worse they
did take a evolving problem and seeked to make that profit and best of the situation.
This same concept of immense adaptability to the world and its events is what allowed
virgin records and modern-day industries survives the test of time. Right now you can
google custom made masks and the amount of options can feel almost endless, but if
you did the same exact thing a couple of months ago before the pandemic, and people
could have seen it as a joke, why wear a mask when it’s sunny, etc, etc. So many
excuses but nowadays it’s unheard of to walk outside without a mask, almost as if
saying what kind of madman would do such a thing.

The main point I want to touch is adaptability and willingness to change, are as
important if not more important than it is to stick to your tried and true concepts.

Another comparison that I believe is true, although they are completely different in terms
of reach, division, and concept; I sincerely believe they share a common idea. I am of
course talking about a parallel drawn between SpaceX colonizing mars program and
restaurants that surged during this pandemic exclusively through some type of delivery
service. And yeah ot sounds absurd but here me out. The SpaceX program offers a one
way trip to mars, a bet on the future of mankind, a wager on your future, are these new
restaurants not dong exactly that, the owners invest in a company that may or may not
take off, it may crash land, it may be the future they were searching for, but those who
never took the risk will never know, thus I can come to my second essential to properly
successful companies and those who run them. They are all risktakers, they are willing
to bet in most cases their life’s for the probability of something new and greater.

Those who are willing to take risks are the same who will probably crash into a terrible
pothole every once in a while, but at the end of the day all they really need is for one
rocket to go the correct way, one correct takeoff, like any other is all you will need to
make your idea successful, but the necessity of taking that extra step is invaluable.

These comparisons are to be taken with a grain of salt, yes, they are, but also they are
to be taken with a glimmer of hope, after all that is the situation in which the world is
currently. Or can anybody guarantee everything that will happen in the next year, how
about the next five, twenty and so on and so on.

Now let’s talk about Kargieman, he pioneered the satellite industries because of an
overnight idea that he followed and pursued until he made it real. Now look out your
window, haw many people out there in this country are trying to do the same thing, I can
draw simple comparison and complex comparisons, I can even write about made up
comparison, but the ting they will probably all have in common is the human, not just the
human, the opportunity, the support, and of course the desire to triumph, the desire to
move ahead and better the individuals condition.

If anyone came up to me, an asked me what was probably the most important thing
from this book, I would tell them that those who strive never stop seeking their
opportunity to share the spotlight, in good times, like in the book, and in desperate time
like throughout this pandemic.

Humankind just like time itself, never stops moving forward.

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