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Zaar Alejandro Aroca Gutierrez

Cod: 45161158

Book Report: Crear o Morir by Andres Oppenhaimer

This book in it’s most purest essence is telling us to never stay put, those who live in confort of their own
achievments, and success are bound to not triumph more than they already have. In general the main
message I obtained from this book consists of the struggle, how to go through it, how others have delt
with it and why it is important to obtain as much experience as possible from it.
Now when I talk about the struggle I am not referring o the struggles of every day life or relationship
struggles no, I am referring to the struggles on the paths to success, the risks we are fore to take, the
possibility of failure, and acting opon our ideals in despite of it, this book shows us various examples of
people surpassing their problems and so on, and so on. If something is to be known and interiorized is the
fact that we cant be in our own confort zone and succeed at the same time, the closest relation I can
currently make with this in mind is the fact that even right now during a period of global quarantine the
world hasn’t stopped, and us just like our continuing our studies from our home, they may not be the
perfect conditions for doing the things but, at least we are doing things, in a way improving our
experience in self discipline among other things, you can take this quarantine however you may want, but
take in mind, that it is gonna be practically impossible to exit this space without having learned something
Returning more on the book focused topic, it tries to paint a picture of satisfaction, but wants to make you
try to understand the struggle it took to get there for every individual. Yes, there are cases that simply
jump to success, but if we analyze why this happens to them and not everyone with a dream is because of
two main things. First they tend to follow through and continue molding and improving their ideas,
second they are opportunity seekers, they are people with loud voices that consistently try to be heard in
whatever way possible. We as engineers in an upcoming more popular and ever growing industry should
strive to have this attitude towards our future, such a new career means there are now more than ever
more doors open to us and more opportunity available. We are part of the group of pioneers in areas yet to
be explored, by not having this to principle faculties ingrained in our form of being we miss out on many
opportunities to improve our thinking and learn from them.
We can’t be afraid of experimenting with new ideas, but we must have the knowledge to back them up or
else the credit goes to someone else and so does our opportunity with it.
The moral of this story is to be intrepid, face things head on and deal with the circumstances as you go,
manage your problems adequately and with a cold mind and as the saying goes all should be well.
In the earlier chapters there is something useful that stands out to me. People must reinvent themselves
and this stands true the person we are at the moment of obtaining triumph, we must seek to outdo
ourselves every time we can. If there is something to take away from all this, it is to never be in a moment
of satisfaction and always keep moving forward for that is what keeps us from ever truly failing. At the
time of writing this review I have read more than half of the whole book almost finishing it, as I was
caught by it’s interesting themes and the amount of examples of people doing great things from seemingly

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