LBM1 PG - M Panji Marga - 1758011015

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LAPORAN TUTORIAL SKENARIO 1 BLOK PERINA-GERIATRI DISUSUN OLEH: NAMA — : MUHAMMAD PANJI MARGA 21758011015 FAKULTAS KEDOKTERAN UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG 2020 Scanned with CamScanner | j a CFatrronaetp: /obat Setelar Ciavtosi neonate ) © Epinegtin. Caro fenbetian & devs * Y Reagan © Leb Coifon 1 lee 200 Wrelatsi vera Umbibcals Cdhanyuvor) Ymebbi Pipa endevonen 4) kecepotan fembetion > sexepat murgkin + ote 0.3 mb/ig ® i | ot mi/gBB Reign + Golam sengrit y Ne ola ferentiation vohme Plas ee onl) Gaitan yory diporoi * : Coifon rofmal yg disejutkan 4 Dosis + lo eldest fingel okeoe » _ Dale > Vero Urbslikelis Kecepoton «© meni Ontoh 0 -Fegptig 2 | + Rbonaws (erik Menighabiean Gong Ook ® Rarofisiora: Iitdbin_taouh_ dapat “Gad: Pode leeberafo keadoon Reninytaten Kodor bil brain teloh mos Ke dalam otek _okan menitiobKon taxcititas reutal_melalvi mekonisere _betikve * Omepghontor emim Micverdso © rrenghombne fer- oral _Cmelohimaut) / introvera (erelalsi fembatuh deh) | 1? femue bisa _digurovon.telgootwng kepada. _betnertyon _ingorsi_ 4 orgpnisme eS ea -_Kodony antiiotix_ofel_£_teptal _digunavian. Secale belomnoon —ibv_bomil pete — B Henterikon totes mate eek nite /ansibiotie _ Cnicolnyen_eritfom! i 7 | AULCULLALE A PS a Kerditi_ dimana bay mengala Ii Umpat ar dim pr icentzagan nents! traeta _ Vici _ergaragy : (wring tal? yf Werhar Penk Meter, waepa pig__neta Fem 1 Now| yn Mergagerea, — WA pale alan fox or _ Yong 99% ry slur meee = rte tt Gaye ondeond tery Temata Matar CIM) parne afepan mereka yaro (con Taher Yay’ tape _telainn ENN. “ary iar mente yaa fins, bathanrs Terainr _menyyre ate cytes fence Scanned with CamScanner aan dibrdar of Mavtom “Menprichentan _sdny Lboh netted Yerq_eo8_atev _weol CRaetm dati 3,5 ty pate peat ahr are Ahir tem io seria 37 moaye) Memb Kom perivcturoan ter mal tabahan dan betorgotan vf hambertranfan phy NoOmal 2 Andean “rote don peatlttnoan caer Pointon boy dt tara Riegers mnt feeb thir (dalam mv pm lee momghnun) amy dala hga yam dah feat prac econ Yethberion paran hans ditede fofena peak Spenpie. Downs jhe Wilsons’ baye 3 Tecage _Geigan Pectin tone voy Haak Mittra crepe Pro (6 Ravi con any (era boryar. et bea are: ¥ Prnb'eionile ns Ponbank dinae' eases emyit” danjon dor obaten Yrs es CEE _wlawon __organitme_yarg tanyebelrben pony nay’. 4: Covemhan Iypeee s + berivas “peruoton pun yepoota bay) ba” lair Ye: Perimberatan ptiap omg Clamatt pay atin nap) bepten’ dan_9ratom fem bers oy alto pataian pelindling 2 fon, tar5an jprg_tdom_olapat _clleryen jor Scanned with CamScanner Shapito (A. 208. Bilvobin tovietty in the sea Pekok System. fet reveal 1 236s) Ho -1 — Denrery PA. Gilman 05, sevenson DK - Nemotal pain. 2 New 9 Med. 34H (2) B1-Go- Hateyeke A 20B.. Treatment and Pevention of ophibalmic sBovtrel Pe» 94 C1) * 9083 Seve NG. 2o0d. Gute “ake! seen Masala. To‘erta + G6. : Scanned with CamScanner

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