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At the end of this experiment the student should be able to :

i.) Study and measure the performance of MOSFET amplifiers.
ii.) Calculate MOSFET amplifier voltage gain, input and output resistances.
The common source amplifier is obtained by connecting the input signal to the gate and the load
resistance to the drain.
The common source amplifier can provide large voltage gain, high input impedance (limited by
the value of the biasing resistor of the gate), and a large output resistance. Compared to CE BJT
amplifier, the MOSFET has a lower transconductance (gm) for the same bias current level. This
will directly affect the gain level of the amplifier.
Equipment & Components Required

Prototype board Resistors 5.6k, 10 k, 100 k, 1 M, 2k

Digital multimeter 2 capacitors 22 uF

Function generator MOSFET transistor

Step 1:
Connect the MOSFET amplifier shown in Fig. 1 after measuring all resistors.

This diagram is the circuit simulation and design of above circuit in ORCAD
Step 2:
Use a voltmeter to measure the transistor operating point: (VD, VG, VS, and
ID) and record the results in table 1 below.
Parameter VD [V] VG [V] VS [V] ID [mA]
Measured 2.89 2.86 0 2.287
Calculated 2.86 2.86 0 2.166
%diff 0.03% 0% 0% 0.121%
ID= (15-2.86)/5600
= 2.167mA

1_Is the transistor in the saturation mode?

For saturation mode operation of Mosfet,
2.86> (2.86-1.95)
Hence, MOSFET is clearly working in saturation mode as drain to source voltage is greater than
the difference of gate to source voltage to threshold voltage.
Calculated values:
V D [ V ]=2.869V

V G [ V ] =2.869 V

V S [ V ] =0 V

I D [ mA ] =2.166 mA

2. Compute the MOSFET transconductance, gm at the operating point.

Take K=0.12A/V2
The small-signal drain current due to Vgs is therefore given by
The transconductance of mosfet can drive be drive from this formula and calculated below:
gm =I D ¿ V GS= =0.38 m
2.869 V
Step 3:
Change VDD to 8V and repeat all measurements of step 2

Change VDD to 8V and repeat all measurements of step 2.

From results of step 2 and 3 try to compute the MOSFET threshold voltage Vt
and its conductivity parameter K.

Calculated values:
V D [ V ]=2.855V

V G [ V ] =2.855 V

V S [ V ] =0 V

I D [ mA ] =918.7u A
918.7 u
gm =I D ¿ V GS= =321.78um
As bias voltage decreases the drain current and drain to source and gate to source voltage also
decrease and as transconductance depends upon drain current and gate to source voltage, so it
also decreases
𝐼𝐷1= ( 1− 𝑉𝑇 )2
𝐼𝐷2= ( 2− 𝑉𝑇 )2

2.288 = ( 2.213− 𝑉𝑇 )2
1.05 = ( 2.117− 𝑉𝑇 )2



𝐼𝐷1=(𝑘/2) ( 𝑉𝐺1− 𝑉𝑇)2

2.288𝑚=(𝑘/2) ( 2.213− 1.915 )2
K = 0.0515 A/V2

Step 4:
Restore VDD to 15V.
Apply a 10mV, 10KHz sine wave. Display both input and output signals on the
oscilloscope and note the phase difference.

Step 5:
Measure the voltage gain
Voltage gain of mosfet amplifier circuit with analog input source is given by
V i (p− p )=20 mV

V o (p − p)=400 mV

A1=Vo /Vi=400 m/20 m=20

Step 6:
Connect 120KΩ between the voltage source and the coupling capacitor C1
and measure the voltage gain.
By adding input resistance to analog source, Mosfet input resistance increases
which amplifies the outputs as well

V i (p− p )=20 mV

V o (p − p)=2 V

A2=Vo/Vi=2/20 m=100

Ri = (𝐴1/(𝐴2−𝐴1))×𝑅𝑠

Step 7:
Disconnect RL from the circuit and measure the voltage gain.
When Load resistance is disconnected, the drain to source voltage act as output voltage which is
equal to 2.869V which decreases the voltage gain
V i (p− p )=20 mV

V o (p − p)=2.869 mV
A3 =Vo/ Vi=2.869m/20 m=0.143

Deduce the output resistance (Ro) of the amplifier from A1 and A3

Ro = ((𝐴3−𝐴1)/𝐴1)×𝑅𝐿
RO =((0.143-20)/20)*3K

Step 8:
Increase the input amplitude until clipping in the output occurs. Plot the
clipped output and write down the input voltage level.

Clipping started when the source voltage was at 150mV p-p

1. What is the maximum input that can be amplified without distortion?
150mV peak -peak

2. Compare all results to the prelab calculations and simulations. Explain

the differences.
There are some errors in the readings because all components have error factor from
manufacturing and some errors occurs due to reading.

3. Compare the MOSFET and BJT amplifiers.

Both the amplifiers are compared as follows on certain parameters
Parameters BJT MOSFET
Terminals Base, Emitter, Collector Source, Drain, Gate
Working Dependency Current Controlled Device Voltage Controlled
Applications Low Current High Power

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