Flow of Debate PDF

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Flow of Debate

General Debate Voting Procedure

• Starts with the Roll Call • If the Draft Resolution gains
• Speeches on the topic in simple majority it passes
General – Position Papers • If it fails the House discusses
• Use the General Speaker’s list the working paper with the
• Approx.: 90-110 minutes second most co-submitters

Time against the


• Amendments are entertained

• After time against elapses we
move into Voting Procedure
unless delegates propose
Lobbying Time Motion to move into Open
• Delegates are working on
their working papers, the
one with the most co-
submitters will be discussed
=> Draft Resolution
• Informal session Time in favor of the
• The Draft Resolution shall resolution
be sent to the Approval
Panel • Delegates who wish to
• Approx.: 90-100 minutes support the resolution are
(can be extended in case, no holding speeches
more than 120-130 • When time in favor elapses
minutes) the house moves into time

Open Debate

• Roll Call
• Reading out the Operative Clauses
• The Main Submitter holds a speech,
then he may yield the floor to a co-
submitter, after answering Points of
Information if any
• The Presidency sets equal time in favor
and against

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