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Question 24 and 25

Read the story below and answer the questions that follow.
A mouse and a frog were friends. Every morning, the frog would hop out of
his pond and went to visit his friend who live in a hole at the side of a tree. He
would return home at noon.
The mouse was very happy to receive visit from his friend. However, the
frog slowly became upset with his friend because the mouse had never tried to
visit him.
One day, when it was time for the frog to go home, he tied one end of a
string around his own leg, while the other end to the mouse’s tail and hopped
away. The frog was dragging the hapless mouse behind him.
The frog dived deep into the pond. The mouse tried to free himself but could
not. Soon, it drowned. His body floated to the top.
A hawk saw the mouse floating on the pond’s surface. He swooped down
and grabbed the mouse in his talons and flew to the branch of a nearby tree. The
frog was hauled out of the water too. He desperately tried to free himself, but he
could not. The hawk then put an end to his struggles.

Question 24
(a) Write True or False in the space provided.
i. The frog lived in a pond.
ii. The mouse visited the frog every night.
[2 marks]

(b) Number the following sentences according to the correct sequence.

The mouse could not breathe and drowned.
The frog visited the mouse every day. 1
A hawk caught the mouse’s floating body and the frog.
The frog tied his own leg to the mouse’s tail and brought him to the
[2 marks]

Question 25
Write your answer in the space provided.

… put an end to his struggles.

(a) What do you think the meaning of the phrase above?



[2 mark]

(b) In your opinion, why does the frog feel upset with the mouse?



[2 mark]

(c) Do you think the frog did the right thing by dragging the mouse to the pond?




[2 mark]

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