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Poem Overviews 1:

Poem Overviews 1:
GCSE English Anthology •
Ozymandias Power & Conflict

The voices are that of
Who are the two voices in the
the traveller, and that of
poem, Ozymandias?

1 1
Poem Overviews 1:

Poem Overviews 1:
GCSE English Anthology •
Power & Conflict

What form does the poem,
The poem’s form is a sonnet.
Ozymandias, take?

2 2
Poem Overviews 1:

Poem Overviews 1:

GCSE English Anthology •

Power & Conflict


Does the poem, London,

The poem contains mostly
contain mostly positive or
negative language.
negative language?

3 3

What language
Poem Overviews 1:

Poem Overviews 1:

GCSE English Anthology •

technique is used in Power & Conflict

the following line of



The language technique used

in this line is a metaphor.
‘The mind-forg’d manacles I

4 4
Extract from The Prelude

Extract from The Prelude

Poem Overviews 1:

Poem Overviews 1:

GCSE English Anthology •

Power & Conflict

At the beginning of the

What does the speaker do at
poem, the speaker finds a
the beginning of Extract from
boat and takes it out on a
The Prelude?

5 5
Extract from The Prelude

Extract from The Prelude

Poem Overviews 1:

Poem Overviews 1:
GCSE English Anthology •
Power & Conflict

In what verse form is Extract The poem is written in

from The Prelude written? iambic pentameter.

6 6
Poem Overviews 1:

Poem Overviews 1:
My Last Duchess

My Last Duchess
GCSE English Anthology •
Power & Conflict

Who is the subject of the

The Duke talks about a
portrait that the Duke talks
portrait of his late wife.
about in My Last Duchess?

7 7
Poem Overviews 1:

Poem Overviews 1:
My Last Duchess

My Last Duchess

GCSE English Anthology •

Power & Conflict

What does the use of The use of possessive

possessive pronouns suggest pronouns suggest the
about the Duke in My Last Duke’s narcissism and pride
Duchess? in himself.

8 8
Charge of the Light Brigade Charge of the Light Brigade

Charge of the Light Brigade Charge of the Light Brigade

Poem Overviews 2: The

Poem Overviews 2: The

GCSE English Anthology •

Power & Conflict

What does the rhythm used The rhythm used in the poem
in The Charge of the Light symbolises the sound of hoof-
Brigade symbolise? beats: the charge itself.

9 9
Poem Overviews 2: The

Poem Overviews 2: The

GCSE English Anthology •

Power & Conflict

The Charge of the Light

The poem is based on a real
Brigade is based on a real
event from the Crimean War.
event from which war?

10 10
Poem Overviews 2:

Poem Overviews 2:
GCSE English Anthology •
Power & Conflict

Nihilism means extreme


One of the themes of
negativity: the belief that
Exposure is nihilism. What
nothing in life has any value
does nihilism mean?
or meaning.

11 11
Poem Overviews 2:

Poem Overviews 2:
GCSE English Anthology •
Power & Conflict

The poem is set at the front
What is the setting of the
line in the trenches during
poem, Exposure?
World War I.

12 12
Poem Overviews 2:

Poem Overviews 2:
Storm on the Island

Storm on the Island

GCSE English Anthology •

Power & Conflict

What extended metaphor is The poem contains an

present throughout Storm on extended metaphor of a
the Island? military attack.

13 13
Poem Overviews 2:

Poem Overviews 2:
Storm on the Island

Storm on the Island

GCSE English Anthology •

Power & Conflict

Who is the speaker in Storm The speaker is one of the

on the Island? islanders.

14 14
Poem Overviews 2:

Poem Overviews 2:
Bayonet Charge

Bayonet Charge

GCSE English Anthology •

Power & Conflict

The poem’s speaker describes

What does the speaker of
a terrified soldier running
Bayonet Charge describe in
across the battlefield during a
the first few lines?
bayonet charge.

15 15
Poem Overviews 2:

Poem Overviews 2:
Bayonet Charge

Bayonet Charge
GCSE English Anthology •
Power & Conflict

Who wrote Bayonet Charge? Ted Hughes wrote Bayonet

What do you think was his Charge. His father was a
inspiration for writing it? World War I veteran.

16 16
Poem Overviews 3:

Poem Overviews 3:
GCSE English Anthology •
Power & Conflict

What memory haunts The speaker is haunted by the
the speaker of the poem, memory of his involvement in
Remains? the shooting of an Iraqi looter.

17 17
Poem Overviews 3:

Poem Overviews 3:

GCSE English Anthology •

Power & Conflict
The final line suggests that


the soldier feels responsible

What does the final line of
for what happened and
Remains suggest?
cannot erase the memory. He
may be suffering from PTSD.

18 18
Poem Overviews 3:

Poem Overviews 3:

GCSE English Anthology •

Power & Conflict


The speaker is a mother,

Who is the speaker in the
whose son has left home to
poem, Poppies?
join the army.

19 19
Poem Overviews 3:

Poem Overviews 3:

GCSE English Anthology •

Power & Conflict

What is significant


about the title of the poem, Poppies are symbolic of those

Poppies, when considering its who have died in war.
subject matter?

20 20
Poem Overviews 3:

Poem Overviews 3:
War Photographer

War Photographer
GCSE English Anthology •
Power & Conflict

Who wrote the poem, War Carol Ann Duffy wrote War
Photographer? Photographer.

21 21
Poem Overviews 3:

Poem Overviews 3:
War Photographer

War Photographer
GCSE English Anthology •
Power & Conflict

What kind of imagery is used The poem uses religious

in War Photographer? imagery in the form of similes.

22 22
Poem Overviews 3:

Poem Overviews 3:

GCSE English Anthology •

Power & Conflict

The poem is a train of



What is the overall meaning

thought about the fragility
of the poem, Tissue?
of human existence.

23 23
Poem Overviews 3:

Poem Overviews 3:

GCSE English Anthology •

Power & Conflict

What language technique is The layering of paper is



used to imitate the layering imitated by the use of

of paper in Tissue? repetition.

24 24
Poem Overviews 4:

Poem Overviews 4:

GCSE English Anthology •

Power & Conflict
The Emigrée

The Emigrée

In what person is The The poem is written in the

Emigrée written? first person.

25 25
Poem Overviews 4:

Poem Overviews 4:
GCSE English Anthology •
The Emigrée Power & Conflict

The Emigrée
What does the speaker tell The speaker tells us that she
us in the first line of The left her home country when
Emigrée? she was a child.

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Poem Overviews 4:

Poem Overviews 4:
GCSE English Anthology •
Power & Conflict

Kamikaze were suicide attacks
What were kamikaze? made by Japanese airmen
during the Second World War.

27 27
Poem Overviews 4:

Poem Overviews 4:

GCSE English Anthology •

Power & Conflict


What do the italicised

The italicised lines represent
lines in the poem,
the mother’s direct speech.
Kamikaze, represent?

28 28
Checking Out Me History

Checking Out Me History

Poem Overviews 4:

Poem Overviews 4:

GCSE English Anthology •

Power & Conflict

Which three
The poem talks about
prominent figures of black
Toussaint L’Overture, Nanny
history does Checking Out Me
de Maroon and Mary Seacole.
History talk about?

29 29
Checking Out Me History

Checking Out Me History

Poem Overviews 4:

Poem Overviews 4:

GCSE English Anthology •

Power & Conflict
The speaker uses non-Standard
Why do you think non- English to highlight his own
Standard English is used in culture and its difference from
Checking Out Me History? the history of white culture
that he was taught.

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