Advisory Client Agreement

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This Investment Advisory Client Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into by and

Between -----------------client,


-----------------advisor, Party set forth in the addendum.

In consideration of the mutual promises, covenants, and undertakings set forth herein, the
parties hereby agree as follows:

1. Appointment of Advisor. In consideration of the mutual promises herein

contained and other good and valuable consideration, the Client hereby appoints and authorizes
the Advisor on a non-exclusive basis to introduce the Client to one or more persons or entities
(each an “Investor” and collectively, the “Investors”) for the purpose of investment in the project
of the Client.

All services shall be performed in accordance with the following terms and conditions of this Agreement.

2. Acceptance of Appointment. Advisor hereby accepts such appointment, to be

carried out by the Client in accordance with applicable laws and regulations and the terms of this
Agreement. Without limiting the foregoing, the Advisor will (A) contact Investors who are within
jurisdictions in which (i) the Client or an affiliated entity of the Client is registered, or (ii) the Client
and Investor are otherwise qualified in such jurisdiction to make such contact, or (iii) such contact
will not violate applicable law.

3. Investment Authorization. Client appoints Adviser as agent with respect to raise

investments on behalf of the Client. Adviser shall carry out such investing only upon written instructions
received from Client. Client grants Adviser full authorization to issue such instructions, and engage in
such investments, as may be appropriate in connection with the management of the investment
4. Fees. A specific share from the raised investment amount or any other mutually
agreed service fee will be paid by the Client upon the issuance the investment by the Investor to

5. Custody of Account Assets. Adviser will not take custody or control of investment assets
at any time or under any circumstances and will have no authority to take or have possession of any
assets in the Account. Client assets are held by its custodial bank.

6. Non-Exclusive Agreement. Adviser will attempt in good faith to allocate

investment opportunities to Client's project over a period of time on a fair and equitable basis
compared to investment opportunities. Nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed to impose on
Adviser any obligation to the Client project, purchase or sell, or recommend for purchase or sale,
or any securities.

7. Confidential Relationship and Marketing. Except as otherwise provided in this

Section 7, all information and advice furnished by Client or Adviser to the other, with respect to
the Account, or other matters pertaining to this Agreement, shall be treated as confidential and
shall not be disclosed to third parties except as following:

Client will present all required and other documents which deems necessary by the

Advisor possess the right to show the client’s documents including but not limited to
business plan, reports, logos, Intellectual property, and legal documents related to
project to interested Investors.

Advisor possesses the right to promote and market the Client project on website,
newsletter and on other social media platforms in order to engage the Investors.

8. Standard of Care. Adviser shall perform its duties hereunder with the care, skill,
prudence and diligence under the circumstances then prevailing that a prudent person acting in a
like capacity and familiar with such matters would use in the conduct of an enterprise of a like
character and with like aims.

Client understands that the investment made for Client and the assets by investor are subject to
various markets, currency, economic, political and business risks, and that those investment
decisions will not always be profitable. Further, Client acknowledges and agrees that the value of
investments made for the project may go up as well as down and could suffer substantial losses,
that past performance of any Fund or index does not indicate its future performance, and that
Adviser will not be liable for its failure to achieve any investment performance targets or goals
articulated by Client or otherwise. Client acknowledges and agrees that Adviser does not
guarantee the performance of the project or any Fund and that the project is not insured against
loss of principal or income

9. Limitation of Liability. Client agrees that Adviser shall not be liable for (i) any loss
suffered by reason of any investment decision, recommendation, or other action taken or omitted in
good faith described above; (ii) any loss arising from Adviser's adherence to Client's instructions; or (iii)
any act or failure to act by the Custodian, by any broker or dealer to which Adviser directs transactions
for the Account, or by any other third party.

10. Waiver of Jury Trial. The parties agree to waive any right to have a jury participate in
the resolution of the dispute or claim, whether sounding in contract, tort or otherwise, between any of
the parties or any of their respective affiliates arising out of, connected with, related to or incidental to
this Agreement. Instead, the parties agree that any dispute or claim to be resolved in court will be
resolved in a bench trial without a jury. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, either party
may proceed to a court of competent jurisdiction to obtain injunctive relief at any time.

11. Notices. All communication to Advisor pursuant to this Agreement shall be sent to the
email address set forth during account opening by Client unless Client designates otherwise in writing.
Such communications shall be deemed given when delivered by electronic transmittal and shall be
effective immediately upon the date acknowledged by return receipt.

12. Termination. This Agreement may be terminated with or without cause upon not less
than thirty (30) days written notice by either party to the other (unless the parties mutually agree to any
shorter period of notice). Such termination will not, however, affect the liabilities or obligations of the
parties under this Agreement arising from transactions initiated prior to such termination.

13. Governing Law and Severability. This Agreement will be governed and interpreted by
the laws of Switzerland without reference to the conflict of laws rules, except as superseded or pre-
empted by applicable Federal law. If any provision of this Agreement is declared or found to be illegal,
unenforceable or void, then both parties shall be relieved of all obligations arising under such provision,
but only to the extent that such provision is illegal, unenforceable or void, it being the intent and
agreement of the parties that this Agreement shall be deemed amended by modifying such provision to
the extent necessary to make it legal and enforceable while preserving its intent or, if that is not
possible, by substituting another provision that is legal and enforceable and achieves the same

Each party has signed this Agreement.

_____________________________________________________ (Signature)
___________________________ (Name)


Date: _______________

_____________________________________________________ (Signature)

___________________________ (Name)


Date: _______________

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