Read The Quotation. Do You Agree With It?: GRAMMAR PRACTICE: Revision Question Formation

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1A Q&A

1. Read the quotation. Do you agree with it?

2. GRAMMAR PRACTICE: revision question formation. Study the table.

3. Complete the questions.

4. Complete the following questions with one or two question words or an auxiliary verb.

5. Tell about questions in exercise 4:

Are there any questions you would not ask a person you do not know very well?
Are there any questions you would not even ask a close friend?
Which questions might you expect to find in a magazine interview with a famous person?

6. Make sure you know the words below.

1. a sitar ситар (струнный музыкальный инструмент)

2. a shift смена
3. an inferiority complex комплекс неполноценности
4. a farewell tour прощальный тур
5. embarrassing смущающий; стеснительный
6. egotistical эгоистичный, обладающий большим
самолюбием, самомнением
7. insecure неуверенный, сомневающийся
8. to despise презирать, относиться с презрением
9. to keep awake не давать заснуть
10. to go round вертеться (в голове)

7. Look at the photos below. Do you know anything about either of the people?

8. Read the interviews to learn more about them.


9. Having read the interviews, can you tell: Which question is…?

10. Look through the interviews again and tell Norah or Lionel.

11. SPEAKING PRACTICE. Look at the answers other celebrities gave to some questions
in The Guardian interview series. Try to guess what the original questions were.


Now choose six questions from the interviews in exercise 8 to ask your teacher. Only ask
questions, which you would be comfortable to answer yourself.

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