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1. Title - Muslim Conquest of Spain

2. Author - Lieutenant General Agha

Ibrahim Akram

3. Pages - 237

4. Price - Not Known

5. Published by - Army Education Press GHQ

6. The book Muslim Conquest of Spain has been written by Lieutenant

General AI Akram. A well known author, who has already written three

books on rise of Muslims as a military power. Muslim Conquest of Spain is

another master piece from the General. He was ambassador in Spain when

he wrote this book.

7. His appointment facilitated his research work. However he found his

work complicated, as in case of his earlier books, because of conflicting

versions of the same events. He was able to overcome all this confusion

with detailed study/research.

8. About the Book. The author has divided the book into twenty

chapters. He has gone into detail of the conquests. However, after reading

the book one can divide the book into three main parts. Briefly, these parts

are :-

a. First Part. In this part author has given the reasons of Muslim

Invasion and battles fought by the Muslims in Spain. As an ex

General himself he has critically analysed all the battles. He

has described the tactics used by both the armies. He has

admired the courage and determination of Muslims who after

burning their boats had no way out of the Spain were they to

lose the first battle fought on the soil of Spain i.e, Battle of

Barbate. He appreciates the army of Goths, blamed their

Generals and describes the Gothic soldiers as hardy and


b. Second Part. In the second portion he has discussed all the

personalities, who had appeared on the theatre of Spain and

had played some role. He had given their family background

and previous record of battles, their tribes and their qualities of

leadership. For this he carried out a detailed study and

highlights that even the Christian historians of 18th and 19th

Century accepted the leadership of Berbers because of their

drive and honesty to cause.


c. Third Part. In the third portion of the book, author has discussed

the politics for power and hunger for fame. In this portion he

has discussed in detail the reasons for the down fall of Musa

Bin Nusair. He has discussed all the events which brought the

Muslim advance to halt in Northern Spain.

9. Comments. The book has been written by an experienced author of

three books. It is written in very simple language. All events have been

appropriately linked . The paramount lesson which can be brought out after

reading the book is that to defeat a superior army weapons do not matter. It

is the leadership, determination of soldiers and sincerity to the cause which

ultimately results in victory. The book is recommended to be read by

officers of all ranks, specially young officers.

Submitted by


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