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1 The main substrate of cellular respiration is

Substrat utama bagi respirasi sel ialah

A galactose B glucose
galaktosa glukosa
C sucrose D cellulose
sukrosa selulosa

2 Diagram 1 shows an equation for the anaerobic respiration of yeast.

Rajah 1 menunjukkan suatu persamaan bagi respirasi anaerob yis.

Diagram 1

What is X?
Apakah X?
A Water B Lactic acid
Air Asid laktik
C Carbon dioxide D Ethanol
Karbon dioksida Etanol

3 Diagram 2 shows an equation.

Rajah 2 menunjukkan suatu persamaan.
Glucose + oxygen → carbon dioxide + water + ATP
Glukosa oksigen karbon dioksida air
Diagram 2

It represents
Ia mewakili
A the anaerobic respiration
respirasi anaerob
B the hydrolysis of glucose
hidrolisis glukosa
C the aerobic respiration
repirasi aerob
D the condensation of glucose
kondensasi glukosa

4 The anaerobic respiration in muscle cells is represented by the following equation.

Respirasi anaerobik dalam sel otot diwakili oleh persamaan yang berikut.

→ X + 150 kJ

What is X?
Apakah X?
A Lactic acid B Water
Asid laktik Air
C Ethanol D Carbon dioxide
Etanol Karbon dioksida
5 An athlete takes part in a weightlifting competition.
Which equation represents his respiration process after he lifted the weight?
Seorang atlet mengambil bahagian dalam pertandingan angkat berat.
Persamaan yang manakah mewakili proses respirasinya selepas dia mengangkat berat?
A Glucose + Oxygen → Carbon dioxide + Water + Energy
Glukosa + Oksigen → Karbon dioksida + Air + Tenaga
B Glucose → Lactic acid + Energy
Glukosa → Asid laktik + Tenaga
C Glucose → Ethanol + Carbon dioxide + Energy
Glukosa → Etanol + Karbon dioksida + Tenaga
D Glucose + Oxygen → Lactic acid + Energy
Glukosa + Oksigen → Asid laktik + Tenaga

6 Diagram 3 shows an experiment to investigate the yeast respiration.

Rajah 3 menunjukkan satu eksperimen untuk mengkaji respirasi yis.

Diagram 3
Rajah 3

The mixture that can increase the rate of respiration of yeast is

Campuran yang dapat meningkatkan kadar respirasi yis ialah
A 1 g of yeast and 25 mℓ of 5% glucose solution
1 g yis dan 25 mℓ larutan glukosa 5%
B 1 g of yeast and 25 mℓ of 6% glucose solution
1 g yis dan 25 mℓ larutan glukosa 6%
C 1 g of yeast and 25 mℓ of 10% glucose solution
1 g yis dan 25 mℓ larutan glukosa 10%
D 1 g of yeast and 25 mℓ of 13% glucose solution
1 g yis dan 25 mℓ larutan glukosa 13%

7 Diagram 4 shows an equation for an aerobic respiration.

Rajah 4 menunjukkan suatu persamaan bagi respirasi aerob.

Diagram 4
Rajah 4

What are V, W, X, Y and Z?

Apakah V, W, X, Y dan Z?
A Water Oxygen ATP Carbon dioxide Glucose
Air Oksigen ATP Karbon dioksida Glukosa
B Glucose Oxygen Carbon dioxide Water ATP
Glukosa Oksigen Karbon dioksida Air ATP
C Oxygen ATP Water Glucose Carbon dioxide
Oksigen ATP Air Glukosa Karbon dioksida
D Oxygen Water ATP Glucose Carbon dioxide
Oksigen Air ATP Glukosa Karbon dioksida

8 Where does the gaseous exchange occurs in the respiratory system of a fish?
Di manakah pertukaran gas berlaku dalam sistem respirasi ikan?
A Intercostal muscle
Otot interkosta
B Gill raker
Sisir insang
C Filament
D Rib cage
Sangkar rusuk

9 The structure which is involved in the breathing of a frog is

Struktur yang terlibat dalam pernafasan katak ialah
A diaphragm
B intercostal muscle
otot interkosta
C rib cage
sangkar rusuk
D buccal cavity
ruang mulut

10 Diagram 5 shows a model of the lungs.

Rajah 5 menunjukkan satu model peparu.

Diagram 5
Rajah 5

What happens to X and Y when the string is pulled downwards?

Apakah yang berlaku kepada X dan Y apabila tali ditarik ke bawah?
A Volume decreases Contract
Isi padu berkurang Mengecut
B Pressure increases Contract
Tekanan bertambah Mengecut
C Pressure decreases Contract
Tekanan berkurang Mengecut
D Volume increases Expand
Isi padu bertambah Mengembang

11 What will happen if alveoli in the lung burst?

Apakah yang akan berlaku jika alveolus dalam peparu pecah?
A Snoring
B Shivering
C Sweating
D Gasping

12 Diagram 6 shows a part of human thorax.

Rajah 6 menunjukkan sebahagian toraks manusia.

Diagram 6

What happens to structure P and Q during exhalation?

Apakah yang berlaku kepada struktur P dan struktur Q semasa penghembusan nafas?
A Moves upwards and outwards Relaxes
Bergerak ke atas dan keluar Mengendur
B Moves downwards and inwards Contracts
Bergerak ke bawah dan ke dalam Mengecut
C Moves downwards and inwards Relaxes
Bergerak ke bawah dan ke dalam Mengendur
D Moves upwards and outwards Contracts
Bergerak ke atas dan keluar Mengecut

13 Diagram 7 shows the tracheal system of an insect.

Rajah 7 menunjukkan sistem trakea pada seekor serangga.

Diagram 7

What is X?
Apakah X?
A Tracheole B Trachea
Trakeol Trakea
C Spiracle D Muscle
Spirakel Otot
14 How does the efficiency of gaseous exchange of a fish is maximised?
Bagaimanakah kecekapan pertukaran gas bagi seekor ikan dimaksimakan?
A The opposite direction of blood and water flow through the gills
Arah pengaliran darah dan air yang bertentangan melalui insang
B The closing of mouth
Penutupan mulut
C The opening of operculum
Pembukaan operkulum
D The same direction of blood and water flow through the gills
Arah pengaliran darah dan air yang sama melalui insang

15 Diagram 8 shows a part of the respiratory structure of an insect.

Rajah 8 menunjukkan sebahagian daripada struktur respirasi bagi seekor serangga.

Diagram 8

What are substances P and Q?

Apakah bahan P dan Q?
A Water Carbon dioxide
Air Karbon dioksida
B Oxygen Water
Oksigen Air
C Oxygen Carbon dioxide
Oksigen Karbon dioksida
D Glucose Oxygen
Glukosa Oksigen

16 Diagram 9 shows the structure of the fish gill.

Rajah 9 menunjukkan struktur insang ikan.
Diagram 9

The process that occurs at P during the gas exchange is

Proses yang berlaku di P apabila pertukaran gas ialah
A facilitated diffusion
resapan berbantu
B osmosis
C diffusion
D active transport
pengangkutan aktif

17 Diagram 10 shows a part of a lung.

Rajah 10 menunjukkan sebahagian peparu.

Diagram 10

What are the adaptations of alveolus which increase the rate of gaseous exchange?
Apakah adaptasi pada alveolus yang menambahkan kadar pertukaran gas?
I Close blood capillary network
Rangkaian kepilari darah berdekat
II Covered by a thin moisture
Diliputi oleh satu lapisan nipis kelembapan
III Able to expand and contract
Dapat mengembung dan menguncup
IV Small surface area
Luas permukaan yang kecil
A I and II B I and III
I dan II I dan III
C II and IV D I, III and IV
II dan IV I, III dan IV

18 The following information shows the results of an experiment to determine the oxygen content in
exhaled air.
Maklumat yang berikut menunjukkan keputusan satu eksperimen untuk menentukan kandungan oksigen dalam
udara hembusan.
Length of exhaled air column = 10.0 cm
Panjang turus udara hembusan
Length of exhaled air column after treatment with potassium pyrogallate = 8.3 cm
Panjang turus udara hembusan selepas dirawat dengan kalium pirogalat
Length of exhaled air column after treatment with potassium hydroxide = 9.7 cm
Panjang turus udara hembusan selepas dirawat dengan kalium hidroksida

What is the percentage of oxygen content in the exhaled air?

Berapakah peratusan kandungan oksigen dalam udara hembusan?
A 0.3 % B 8.3 %
C 14.0 % D 24.0 %

19 Diagram 11 shows an alveolus and a blood capillary.

Rajah 11 menunjukkan alveolus dan kapilari darah.

Diagram 11

What are the partial pressure of oxygen at X, Y and Z?

Apakah tekanan separa oksigen di X, Y dan Z?
A Low High Low
Rendah Tinggi Rendah
B High High Low
Tinggi Tinggi Rendah
C Low Low High
Rendah Rendah Tinggi
D Low High High
Rendah Tinggi Tinggi

20 Diagram 12 is a graph which shows the rate of heartbeat of a athlete during a marathon training.
Rajah 12 ialah graf yang menunjukkan kadar denyutan jantung seorang atlet semasa latihan maraton.
Diagram 12

Which part of the graf labelled A, B, C or D, shows the rate of heartbeat after the athlete stops running?
Antara bahagian pada graf berlabel A, B, C dan D, yang manakah menunjukkan kadar denyutan jantung selepas
atlet tersebut berhenti berlari?

21 The graph that shows the relationship between the percentage of haemoglobin binding with oxygen and
the partial pressure of oxygen in the lungs is
Graf yang menunjukkan hubungan antara peratusan gabungan hemoglobin dengan oksigen dengan tekanan
separa oksigen dalam peparu ialah

22 Which processes occur in respiratory system to return the oxygen level from low to normal?
Proses manakah yang berlaku dalam sistem respirasi untuk mengembalikan aras oksigen dari rendah kepada
I Breathing and ventilation rate increase
Kadar pernafasan dan ventilasi meningkat
II Respiratory muscles contract and relax faster
Otot respirasi mengecut dan mengendur dengan lebih cepat
III Intercostal muscle contract and relax slower
Otot interkosta mengecut dan mengendur dengan lebih lambat
IV pH of blood decreases
pH darah menurun
A I only B I and II
I sahaja I dan II
C I, III and IV D II, III and IV
I, III dan IV II, III dan IV

23 Smoking has the immediate effect of

Merokok mempunyai kesan serta merta yang
A blackening the alveoli
menghitamkan alveolus
B contracting the alveolus
mengecutkan alveolus
C causing the formation of cancel cells
menyebabkan pembentukan sel kanser
D drying up the lining of the aveoli
mengeringkan permukaan alveolus

24 Which of the following is correct about aerobic respiration and photosynthesis?

Antara yang berikut, yang manakah betul mengenai respirasi aerob dan fotosintesis?
Aerobic repsiration Photosynthesis
Respirasi aerob Fotosintesis
A Condition at which process takes place Presence of light Absence of light
Keadaan di mana proses berlaku Keadaan bercahaya Keadaan tanpa cahaya
B Substrate Water and carbon dioxide Glucose and oxygen
Substrat Air dan karbon dioksida Glukosa dan oksigen
C Cell that carries out the process Cell with chloroplasts All types of living cells
Sel yang menjalani proses Sel berkloroplas Semua jenis sel hidup
D Products Carbon dioxide, water and energy Glucose and oxygen
Hasil tindak balas Karbon dioksida, air dan tenaga Glukosa dan oksigen

25 Diagram 15 is a graph which shows the relationship between intake and release of carbon dioxide and
light intensity.
Rajah 15 ialah graf yang menunjukkan hubungan antara pengambilan dan pembebasan karbon dioksida dan
keamatan cahaya.

Diagram 15
At which point, A, B, C or D, is the intake of carbon dioxide and the release of carbon dioxide are
Pada titik manakah, A, B, C dan D, pengambilan karbon dioksida dan pembebasan karbon dioksida adalah

26 Diagram 16 shows how a plant utilises the energy from sunlight.

Rajah 16 menunjukkan bagaimana suatu tumbuhan memanfaatkan tenaga dari cahaya matahari.

Diagram 16

The total amount of energy, in kJ, used by the plant is

Jumlah tenaga, dalam kJ, yang digunakan oleh tumbuhan tersebut ialah

27 The following information shows the conditions of planting plants X and Y.

Maklumat yang berikut menunjukkan keadaan penanaman tumbuhan X dan tumbuhan Y.
Plant X : Planted in highland
Tumbuhan X Ditanam di tanah tinggi
Plant Y : Planted in waterlogged area
Tumbuhan Y Ditanam di kawasan air bertakung

Which of the following are the products of respiration of the roots of plants X and Y?
Antara yang berikut, yang manakah adalah hasil respirasi akar bagi tumbuhan X dan tumbuhan Y?
Plant X Plant Y
Tumbuhan X Tumbuhan Y
A Carbon dioxide and water Ethanol and carbon dioxide
Karbon dioksida dan air Etanol dan karbon dioksida
B Ethanol and carbon dioxide Carbon dioxide and water
Etanol dan karbon dioksida Karbon dioksida dan air
C Ethanol and carbon dioxide Lactic acid and carbon dioxide
Etanol dan karbon dioksida Asid laktik dan karbon dioksida
D Lactic acid and carbon dioxide Ethanol and carbon dioxide
Asid laktik dan karbon dioksida Etanol dan karbon dioksida
28 Diagram 17 is a graph which shows the release and intake of oxygen by a plant.
Rajah 17 ialah graf yang menunjukkan pembebasan dan pengambilan oksigen oleh suatu tumbuhan.

Diagram 17

Which of the curves, A, B, C or D shows the effect of the increasing of light intensity after midday?
Antara lengkungan A, B, C atau D, yang manakah menunjukkan kesan daripada peningkatan keamatan cahaya
selepas tengah hari?

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