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Time: 3 hours


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The test consists of four sections:

 Section A: Fill in the blanks.

 Section B: Research Blog Writing (350-500 words)
 Section C: Creative Writing (300-500 words)
 Section D: Copy Editing

Things to note:

 For each section, follow the instructions where specified.

 Do not copy content from online sources. Plagiarism will result in immediate
 Tip: Proofread your work when done to ensure error-free submission.

Section A: Fill in the Blanks

Choose the best word to complete the following sentences:

1. Things are quite different in a world ____________ (braked/powered) by technology

2. When a crime you ____________ (abandon/commit) becomes known to someone else, it
becomes real.
3. Most things, I’ve come to understand, fit into some sort of ____________
4. “What smells so horrible?” said Jake, ____________ (curling/wrinkling) his nose.
5. The crowd ____________ (grew/rose) to its feet with one loud cry.
6. These are just a writer’s imaginings, not ____________ (dreams/facts).
7. The old house had been ____________ (devastated/knocked) down and was lost for
8. The ____________ (stench/noise) of cow muck struck me as I got out of the car.
9. The woman suddenly ____________ (ceased/seized) the doll, and dashed it against the
stone wall.
10. She clapped wildly and ____________ (requested/threw) him a box of cigars.
11. Johnny will charge me ____________ (change/rent) for the apartment so I’ll look for a
job next week.
12. In some African tribes, there is an incredible four-day (tradition/rite) ____________ of
passage ceremony.
13. A flock of youths on undersized bikes ____________ (entered/tore) across the path.
14. The unlit pavements looked ____________ (deserted/lively) before her eyes became
accustomed to the dark.
15. James slipped on the damp surface, and his bruised knee left a ____________
(wash/smear) of blood on the tiles.

Section B: Research Blog Writing

(Word count – 350-500 words)

What is eCommerce? Briefly describe the types of eCommerce platforms. Also, list the
advantages of an eCommerce store (your explanation of each ‘advantage’ should not exceed 2-3

Keyword: eCommerce store.

The keyword should appear at least four times in the blog. Decide wisely where to add the

1. Conduct a thorough research on the topic online. Your writing, as well as research and
analytical skills, will be evaluated in this part.
2. Make sure to include only relevant information; be as concise as possible.
3. Come up with a catchy title for the blog.
4. Structure your content. There should be an introductory paragraph, followed by the body,
then a proper conclusion.
5. Add headings where necessary.
6. Keep your writing style engaging.

Section C: Creative Writing

(word Count – 300-500 words)

Use the following prompt to write a short piece of fiction. Follow the conventions of
storytelling: use dialogues and descriptions as necessary.

Prompt: “She set down her coffee cup and looked up. In front of her was a man who
looked suspiciously like Gary. She met his eyes, expecting him to recognize her at once
but he looked away…”

Section D: Copy Editing

1. Turn on track changes for this part of the test. Once finished, turn it back off.
(To turn on track changes: Go to Review – Click on “Track Changes.” Click the same
for turning it off after you are done editing).
2. Edit the following passage for grammar, consistency, and flow.
3. You may replace or remove incorrect words and rewrite sentences that do not make
sense to you.
As single mom, I was so broken, tired, done, hurt so deep and really given up
on life. I remember agonizing through too many days of coming home only to
lie down and crying because the loneliness and heavy load of caring all
responsibilities on my shoulders alone. Too much stress and no support help for
me to handle and deal with so many things of life. As a single mom working
full time, I was also take care of my parents and two teenagers who were in
rebellion depression suicidal stage, and at the same time going to college and so
I couldn’t do it anymore.

I was at the breaking moment of my life, I knew inside I would go to the

hospital with heart attack, nervous breakdown, from real demands of stressing. I
was at the breaking moments of my life, when it’s really enough is enough. I
was afraid for my life to die. I knew something bad would happen to me if thing
wouldn’t change soon anymore. I called out deep to God to send me physical
real help and He heard my cry and answered me and sends me real help. In the
word God spoke “I never knew you” and that is scary too me. Mathew 7:21-23.
This is where my new journey has began in God’s perfect timing. Perseverance
and obedience is what it took for me to come to this place and starting living
my new life.

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