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(GRADE 10)

Name: _____________________________________________ Grade & Section: ____________________________

PRAYER: Lord, it seems as though our lives are one test after another, weighing us in somebody’s balance. Save us
from taking this coming tests too seriously or too lightly, but grant that we may reflect the best of the teaching we’ve
received; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it on the answer box provided in
the right corner of this answer sheet.
1. It is the fountain and source of strength from all 1. 11 – 12. K–
activities of the church, particularly the celebration
of the Eucharist. 2. 13 – 14.
A. Eucharistic Prayer C. Church P–
B. Liturgical Prayer D. Eucharist 3. 15 – 16.
2. It is the unlimited source and summit of Christian life for
a real commitment to peace. 4. 17 – 18. U–
A. Eucharistic Prayer C. Church
B. Liturgical Prayer D. Eucharist 5. 19 – 20.
3. It is a loving relationship that God initiated through the
beauty of creation, the sin and fall, the loving and patient 6. 21 – 22.
love of God in the different covenants of the chosen people in the TOTAL
scriptures, the redemptive acts of Jesus His Son, the Holy Spirit SCORE:
7. 23 – 24.
gifts, prayer gathering of the church, the sacraments’ power to give
grace, and the call to a blessed and holy life, these are all
8. 25 – 26.
expressions of the great power of (3)__ initiated by (4)__.
(3) A. Jesus B. Faith
C. Prayer D. Love 9. 27 – 28.
(4) A. Divine Providence
B. Actualization of Prayer 10. 29 – 30.
C. Human Dignity
D. Christian Faith
5. It is founded on our origin, meaning, and destiny. What is it?
A. Prayer B. Human Dignity
C. Christian Faith D. Love
6. A poor boy who was selling goods from door to door to pay his way through school became a doctor who wrote
something on the patient’s bill saying “Paid in full with one glass of milk”. Who is he?
A. Dr. Edward Kelly B. Dr. Howard Kelly C. Dr. Heward Kelly D. Dr. Howerd Kelly

7. He is known for his great compassion and charity towards his brothers and to other people. His
fidelity to the common life won the admiration of all. Who is this saint?
A. Saint Nicholas of Tolentine C. Saint John Paul XXIII
B. Saint Peter of Pesaro D. Saint Ezekiel Moreno
8. He lives in Sherwood Forest in England. He would rob the rich and give it to the poor. He is also an
excellent shooter using a bow and arrow. Who is he?
A. Sheriff Robin Hood B. King Robin Hood C. Robin Hood D. Mr. Robin Hood
9. It is Parable about a manager who is rich but unfaithful to his service to the people and the
management. Which title best fit to this parable?
A. The Parable of the Unfaithful Manager
B. The Parable of the Dishonest Manager
C. The Parable of the Honest Manager
D. The Parable of the Faithful Manager
10. The Morality of Human Acts has three elements. What are those elements that constitute morality?
A. the chosen, the result and the action
B. the object, the intention and the action
C. the object chosen, the end result of the intention, and the action of circumstances
D. the chosen, the intention and the circumstances

INSTRUCTION: Answer the following questions. These are two items per question, choose two answers
corresponding to number (11-30).

11 – 12 . Why do the presence of evil is mysterious even though God created the world in good
A.The presence of evil is mysterious even though God created the world in good condition because
of our Christian faith.
B.The presence of evil is mysterious even though God created the world in good condition because
of the value of human dignity.
C.The presence of evil is mysterious even though God created the world in good condition because
of the actualization of prayer.
D.The presence of evil is mysterious even though God created the world in good condition because
God’s providence is more powerful than evil.

13 – 14. All of the following help Jesus learned to pray EXCEPT____.

A. Jesus learned to pray from His mother who treasured everything in her heart.
B. Jesus learned to pray from His people, in synagogue, at Nazareth, and in Jerusalem at the temple.
C. Jesus learned to pray by Himself during the decisive moments of His public ministry inspired by the
Holy Spirit.
D.Jesus learned to pray from His innate, knowing that His identity as the Father’s Son.

15 – 16 . Which of the following statements best describes Victory Over evil?

A. To give sinners new life, Jesus freely offered Himself even to death on the cross.
B. The Mother of God who is full of grace, the Immaculate Conception, assumed to heaven.
C. To love our fellow human persons and build a loving community.
D. We are all capable of love and keep in mind that our dealings, concern, and compassion with others comprise our

17 -18. Even if our life is hard, we can still live in dignity through nurturing our relationship our relationships. The
following are ways to foster relationships in every aspect of our lives. Arrange the following statements according to its
1. Relation to self
2. Relation to material things
3. Relation to others
4. Relation to society

A. 1234 B. 1342
C. 3421 D. 3412

19- 20. At the end of time, when Jesus comes in glory, all people will be judge according to the moral
deeds they had done during their earthly life. Which of the following statements is TRUE during
the last judgement?
1. During the last judgment the righteous will go to heaven and the wicked will go to hell.
2. During the last judgment the righteous will be separated from the wicked, the just from the unjust.
3. During the last judgment the righteous will inherit the kingdom of God while the wicked will inherit the eternal fire.
4. During the last judgment the righteous will take the possession of the kingdom prepared for the just while the wicked
into the eternal fire which has been prepared to the devil and his angels.

A. 143 B. 234
C. 2 & 4 only D. 4 only

21- 22. All of the following are conditions to those who want to enter the kingdom of God EXCEPT___.
A. the poor B. the least C. the last D. the just

23 – 24. As human beings, we have the responsibility to accomplish and achieve. Thus moral life of Christians can be
lived through the imitation of Jesus in daily good actions, values, and attitudes. The essentials of Christian Moral Life are
directed always to the “Kingdom of God” which is the central teaching of Jesus in the Gospel. Which of the following are
the five conditions of the Proclamation of the Kingdom?

A. Repentance, Discipleship, Love of God, Law of the Spirit and the Beatitudes.
B. Repentance, Discipleship, Love of the Kingdom, Law of the Spirit and the Beatitudes.
C. Repentance, Discipleship, Love of life, Law of the Spirit and the Beatitudes.
D. Repentance, Discipleship, Love of self, Law of the Spirit and the Beatitudes.
25 – 26. God is not surprised by our wicked acts since He created us for free. He accepted the risk that we might fail. He
does not discriminate along with our distinctions between the righteous and the sinners, which presupposes that some
deserve reward and others punishment. Thus, human is responsible for his/her actions. There are elements that constitute
the Morality of Human Acts. Which statement best explains about a morally good act requires the goodness of its object,
of its end or purpose, and of its circumstances?
1. Object is an act of the will with good reason and in conformity with the norms of morality, as it intention is good and
it has concerns to the goal of its purpose as circumstances need it, then that act is morally good.
2. A morally good act requires a good reason or object chosen is good, thus choosing that object your intention or
purpose is to do good to others then as circumstances arises still you do it at the level of moral goodness, then you
need not to worry the consequences because you know you’re responsible for your action.
3. The object chosen should be concrete with no good reason and does not conform with the norms of morality as its
intentions is disordered and its concern is for one’s goodness, then the end of its purpose is intrinsically evil thus,
circumstances and its consequences result a morally evil act.
4. An object is an act of the will with good reason, thus an intentions of the act must anticipate good action, an
individual action is directed and can guide many other actions and it is said “the end does not justify the means”
through circumstances and its consequences, human responsibility for the action cannot change the quality of the
morality of human acts, thus the level of moral goodness or evil may be lesser or more.

A. 1 & 2 only B. 2 & 3 only

C. 1 & 4 only D. 1, 2 and 4 only

27 – 28. There are acts that are concrete and are intrinsically evil or wrong to choose because the choice itself is evil and
the will is disordered. There are five directions to minimize the disorder and disharmony of erroneous judgement of
conscience. Which statement is NOT true about this?
A. Our option must be prayerfully studied.
B. Fundamental principles must be meditated or be reviewed mentally
C. Advice must be found and learn lesson from your past experiences
D. Pray fervently

29 – 30. All of the following statements of the Fundamental Principles one must be meditated or reviewed mentally
A. The means is not justified by the end
B. Love your neighbor as yourself
C. Golden Rule
D. Pray fervently

ESSAY: Read and understand what is asked for in the statement and answer.

31 – 40. As an Augustinian, How can you overcome evil in this world?

41 – 50. Each person is gifted with the intellect and will. At shopping mall, a store helper wraps more
than the items you have paid for. Your friend urges you not to return them , as no one knows
about it and it is not your fault either. What would you do? Why?
51 – 60. How can human dignity get protected by communities and the laws of the land in modern
61 – 70. Communication with God takes various forms; how is this highlighted in the experiences of
people today?
“ Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle.”
Good Luck and God Bless everyone!

Prepared by: Ms. Cris Entac


2 – Attempted Product does not address the topic. Answers are not on prompt or track answers is
off topic.
4 - Incomplete Answers do not show understanding of basic content. Answers are inaccurate.
Answers show that mastery of the general content is missing.
6 - Summary Answer show some understanding of essential content, facts, but is lacking in greater
analysis and evidence
8 - Analysis Answers show some analysis. Students answer shows mastery and understanding of
10 - Connection Answers show mastery of content and deeper analysis/ understanding of the
content. Uses specific reference to add to explanation.

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