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RF in SAP Warehouse Management

Significance of RF in Warehouse Management:

Mobile data entry in the warehouse involves the use of wireless radio frequency (RF) terminals or devices carried by
the warehouse staff to record data. The use of bar codes and RF devices has made warehouse operations more
efficient. Data entry errors are fewer and the time needed to perform operations in the warehouse has been reduced
because the date can be collected by a RF device without requiring manual collection and manual entry of data. The
use of RF devices for data collection and transaction processing in warehouse management has been increasing
over a number of SAP releases. The modern efficient warehouse uses RF technology and constantly reviews
procedures to further adopt the technology to improve operations.
Technical and Functional Landscape of RF environment
Efficient warehouse management processes requires faster data entry and processing for inbound, outbound and
internal warehouse operations. SAP transactions can be executed on RF devices that are handheld (terminals,
barcode scanners) or forklift mounted. No middleware software is required to connect the devices to SAP.
SAP’s functionality enables real time handling of material flow through RF scanning devices. There are two standard
RF devices that can be used with SAP which are
1. 1. GUI Devices: uses windows based operating system and this graphical user interface RF device can use
a small keypad, touch screen or some other procedure, but the data is always displayed to the user in a graphical
manner. The device is connected to the SAP system as any other standalone computer.
2. 2. Character based devices: The character based device is not connected directly to SAP but communicates
via an interface called SAP Console. The communication between SAP console and the RF device can be achieved
using a Telnet server. Two industry standard screen sizes are supported by SAP
A.    RF Devices for Forklift: 8 X 40 (8 lines by 40 characters)
B.    Portable RF Devices: 16X20 (16 lines by 20 characters)
RF screen for 8X 40 looks like
SAP Console enables RF devices to be run within SAP applications. SAP Console is used as a framework for
automatic data collection in a warehouse environment. SAP console translates GUI screens to character based
screens that are used on a variety of data collection devices. The SAP console does not contain business logic,
database or external functionality. Its sole function is to translate SAP GUI screens in the SAP environment to the
character based equivalent. The SAP console consists of four components, which are:
1.      RF terminal: The RF terminal which is the Telnet Client receives data directly from the SAP
System and transmits the results back to the system. We can scan the information that needs to
be recorded, such as storage unit numbers, using a bar code (for example, based on
UCC/EAN128 standards), and also use the bar code scan to verify the storage bins.
2.      RF Access Point which allows for wireless Ethernet
3.      Telnet Server/SAP Console Administrator, which allows each RF terminal to convert to the window machine in
character, based mode and supports VT220 terminal emulation.
4.      SAP R/3 system that receives the data from mobile terminals
1.     RF in distribution environment
Radio Frequency is primarily used in Warehouse Management process in distribution environment as it efficiently
handles the huge volumes of transactional data processing requirements and minimizes human interventions. The
high volume of warehouse transaction processing requirements in industries like Retail, chemicals, pharmaceuticals,
Auto Components can be handled using the RF integration with warehouse Management. The following processes
can utilize radio frequency devices:
1.    Goods Receipt Processes with shipping notifications
2.    Goods Issue Processes for outbound Deliveries
3.    Internal Warehouse Processes
4.    Stock Transfer Processes within the Distribution Network
5.    Physical Inventory Processes for the warehouses within the Distribution Network
2.     RF Supported Warehouse Processes: The following Warehouse
Management Processes are supported by RF
A.    Goods Receipt Processes with RF:
RF supports Goods Receipt Processes with Inbound Delivery. The goods receipt for the inbound delivery can be
performed based on the Inbound Delivery number, Handling Unit Number, Staging Area, Shipment Number etc.
warehouse workers can perform the following goods receipt-related functions:

 Check all delivery items and report differences

 View and change shipment information
 Print shipping unit labels
 Unload deliveries
 Pack/unpack delivery items
 Generate and confirm TOs for delivery items
 Post goods receipts to Inventory Management
B.    Goods Issue Processes:
The goods issue processes are based on the outbound delivery and can be performed for the outbound deliveries
identified by Delivery Number, Handling Unit (HU) Number, Staging Area, Shipment Number, Group Number etc.
Using the RF devices, Warehouse Workers can perform the goods issue related activities like view and change
shipment related information, print shipping unit labels, pack/unpack delivery items, load deliveries, split deliveries,
generate and confirm transfer orders for delivery items, post goods issue to inventory management
C.   Put away Processing:
Radio Frequency supports the put away processes and it is based on the Transfer Orders created in warehouse
management. Put away can be performed based on the selected storage unit/handling unit, selected by deliveries,
selected by transfer orders or cluster
D.   Picking Process for Deliveries:  Picking execution is based on transfer orders created in the warehouse
management as part of the delivery processing processes.
E.    Physical Inventory:
RF devices can be used for inventory counting, enabling a greater degree of accuracy and efficiency. New Dynamic
Cycle Counting functionality provides a number of features that facilitate cycle count in the warehouse including
Physical Inventory counting against inactive inventory documents (while open transfer orders exist for a bin),
inventory counting at quant level, creation of inventory documents by RF users and automatic clearing of active and
inactive documents.
3.     Associated SAP Configuration for RF
a.     Configuration for Bar codes: Verification profile is a set of fields that can be verified by the user.
Path: IMG>Logistics Execution>Mobile Data Entry> Verification control> Define Profiles
b.     Verification profile can be assigned to movement  types used in warehouses that will be subject to bar code scanning.
Path: IMG>Logistics Execution>Mobile Data Entry> Verification control> Assign Verification Profiles to Goods
c.     Define bar codes for warehouse
Path: IMG>Logistics Execution>Mobile Data Entry>Bar Code> Assign Bar Code Types to Warehouses.
d.     Maintaining Bar code specifications
Path: IMG>Logistics Execution>Mobile Data Entry>Bar Code> Maintain Bar Code Specification.
e.     Defining the Radio Frequency Queue: To assign a range of activities to certain users, functionality called the RF
Queue Management must be defined
Path: IMG>Logistics Execution>Mobile Data Entry>Rf Queue Management > RF Queue Definition
Path: IMG>Logistics Execution>Mobile Data Entry>RF Queue Management > RF Queue > Assign
areas and activities to queue
Path: IMG>Logistics Execution>Mobile Data Entry>RF Queue Management > RF Queue > Assign
processors to queue
4.     Reasoning for Developing Custom RF transactions
The following developments take place in warehouse management with RF
1.    Making Changes in Standard SAP Transaction using user exits
2.    Making Custom Development
In the first case like other SAP modules, changes can be made in the standard SAP transactions to meet the specific
business requirements using the suitable user exits. In general the custom RF transactions are developed to merge
several RF transactions into one RF transaction in order to optimize and reduce the process steps to be carried out.
For example for a goods receipt of an inbound delivery with handling units the GR transfer order should be created, it
should be confirmed and put away transfer order should be created for the same. Therefore the GR process includes
execution of three standard SAP RF transactions but the same processes can be executed using single custom
developed RF transaction.
The custom RF Transaction development includes the following steps:
1.    Creation of the executable program
2.    Creation of the screen
3.    Creation of the function module to access the screen
4.    Screen Programming
5.    Subroutines to call the screen and check the data coming from the screen
6.    Assigning transaction code to the program
7.    Assigning transaction code to the RF menu
The custom development should be made considering the workload and the extent to which the automation is
required in the warehouse. The average transaction volume, warehouse efficiency and the cost/benefit analysis
should be made before deciding on the custom development requirement. 
5.     Day in the Life flow using RF Technology
Warehouse Management transaction LRF1 is used to monitor the queues of warehouse person. Warehouse
supervisors can drag and drop the transfer orders from one queue to other as per the load situation, user absence.
The transfer order priorities can also be changed as per the requirement.  The monitoring of the queue can be
configured per warehouse based on the business requirements by following the given steps:
- Define Queue
- Assign areas and activities to the queue
- Assign processors (users) to the queue
The limitation imposed by the transaction LRF1 restricts more than one user to access the transaction per
warehouse. The transaction LRF1 can also be used in conjunction with the SAP Delivery Monitor transaction VL06
for warehouse workload estimating.
6.     Change Management Related topics for WM and RF
The following change management related topics should be considered before implementing WM and RF
1.    Selection of appropriate RF Device based on the existing business processes
2.    Transaction Volume analysis and assessment of custom developments
3.    Identifying users and setting up appropriate users profile and assigning users to the RF monitoring queue
4.    Users training and Process Documentation
SAP Mobile Data Entry in Warehouse Management
Posted by Shekhar Rane in shekhar.rane3 on Jan 16, 2011 1:06:50 AM

Companies that have deployed SAP Warehouse management (WM) software have come to rely on its flexibility and capabilities
in managing increasingly complex and time-sensitive shipping, receiving and warehousing tasks. Extending the capabilities of
SAP WM software to mobile workers increases the ability to gather data and direct operations in a seamless and efficient manner.
Understanding the requirements and capabilities of mobile terminals in an SAP environment can help make the right decisions at
the right time.
SAP Data Collection Solutions - SAPConsole, WebSAPConsole and ITSMobile
SAP offers multiple options for connecting RF-linked mobile terminals to the SAP mainframe: SAP Console,WebSAPConsole,
and ITS Mobile are the most common methods in use today. Each of these solutions is designed   and assumes an always-on RF
link back to SAP R/3. SAP Console translates SAPGUI pages into text-only pages for character-based terminals.
WebSAPConsole and ITS Mobile provide a similar interface but maintain the SAPGUI look for mobile terminals running
Windows CE or other graphics-capable operating systems.
SAPConsole includes an administrative function (SAPConsole Administrator) to create and manage connection profiles that link
the mobile terminals to an SAP module. The SAPConsole server translates SAPGUI screens to suitable text-only screens for
character-based mobile terminals and receives input from the terminals for transmission to the SAP module. Once the connection
has been established, the mobile terminal can provide the same functionality as a desktop terminal running the SAP WM module
WebSAPConsole is essentially the same as with SAPConsole except that server is a web server, running Microsoft IIS or SAP’s
own Web Application Server (WAS). The same capabilities and procedures are used for terminal ID and communication between
the mobile terminal, the WebSAPConsole server and the SAP WM module.  The significant difference, in terms of the user
experience, is that WebSAPConsole maintains the graphical look of standard SAPGUI screens.  
ITSMobile similar to WebSAPConsole, ITSMobile produces web-based screens for display on graphical mobile terminals.
Unlike WebSAPConsole, however, the translation of SAPGUI screens is completed at development time, rather than runtime. As
the ITS engine is embedded in the SAP Netweaver Application server, there is no need for a separate web server, making
ITSMobile a truly direct connect solution for an SAP environment. The development methodology of transactions in SAP for
ITSMobile is identical to SAPConsole.
SAP's ERP Warehouse Management functionality offers a number of "pre-configured" RF transactions that are accessible by
SAPConsole, WebSAPConsole and ITSMobile. These transactions include the most common transactions and simplify the set-up
and configuration of mobile terminals. Since each application is different and pre-configured modules cannot be provided to
cover every contingency, each option supports transaction development using SAP's standard Advance Business Application
Programming (ABAP) and SAP Graphical User Interface (GUI).
RF Device Support 
Mobile data entry in the warehouse today involves the use of wireless radio frequency (RF) terminals or devices carried by the
warehouse staff to record data. The data is usually in a bar code form, either as bar code printed in Transfer orders or bar codes
that identify products, storage bins or other objects.

 Mobile Data Entry currently supports two device types:

GUI devices (with graphical user interface) that run on Windows 3.x/95/98
Character devices (character-based) under terminal emulation mode
GUI Devices
These devices are connected to the SAP System just like any other client-dependent PC. The screens can be touch screens, using
predefined pushbuttons, or they can operate using a keyboard. If you are using touch screens, you simply "touch" the appropriate
positions on the touch screen instead of clicking with the mouse on a pushbutton.
System fonts and size should correspond to the guidelines provided in order to achieve optimal utilization of the screen size.
Character-Based Devices
These devices are linked to the system through an SAP standard interface called the SAPConsole. The SAPConsole operates on a
Windows NT/Windows 2000 platform and interacts with the RF terminals connected to it. This concept is currently supported by
the leading providers of RF terminals.
The following two industry standards for screen sizes are supported:
Devices for forklifts: 8 lines by 40 characters each
Portable handheld devices: 16 lines by 20 characters each
Bar code support in SAP:
SAP reads bar codes for identification and verification. The items that can be identified include Storage bin, Material, Storage
unit, Handling unit, Quantity, Delivery, Staging area, Shipment, Pick wave. It is possible to scan items for verification purposes
and these fields includes Storage unit, Storage bin, Material, Quantity.. SAP may increase few more fields in future.
RF- Supported Warehouse Processes 
The Mobile Data Entry RF solution supports the following warehouse processes:
 Goods receipt
 Goods issue
 Put away
 Picking/replenishment
 Interleaving
 Packing and unpacking
 Inventory counting
 Loading and unloading
 Serial number capture
 Inquiries
 Movement by storage unit
 Posting changes
 Configuration steps in SAP Mobile Data Entry 
 Configuration for Bar codes
 Maintaining Bar code specifications
             Path: IMG>Logistics Execution>Mobile Data Entry>Bar Code> Maintain Bar              Code Specification.
 Define which bar code is supported in your warehouse to identify goods
            Path: IMG>Logistics Execution>Mobile Data Entry>Bar Code> Assign Bar                 Code Types to Warehouses.
Configuration for RF
  Verification profile is a set of fields that can be verified by the user.
               Path: IMG>Logistics Execution>Mobile Data Entry> Verification control>                  Define Profiles
  Verification profile can be assigned to movt types used in warehouses that will be subject to bar code scanning.
              Path: IMG>Logistics Execution>Mobile Data Entry> Verification control>                 Assign Verification Profiles
to Goods Movements.
 Menu Management configuration settings can be done and you can set up the menu sequence for a particular user
              Path: IMG>Logistics Execution>Mobile Data Entry>Menu Management.
 In this Transaction you configure the settings of the screens. You can define logical screen names and  assign a format
(narrow and large format) to each logical screen
             Path: IMG>Logistics Execution>Mobile Data Entry>Define Screen                                Management.
 The definition and management of queues, as well as the assignment of activities and users to queues, assigns a range
of activities to certain users and ensures that transfer order processing is run as efficiently as possible.  
             Path: IMG>Logistics Execution>Mobile Data Entry>RF Queue                                        Management.
  Define Queues
  Assign Areas and Activities to Queues
  Assign Processor to Queues
           The queues are easily identifiable for picking, put away, and goods receipt.            The queues then can be assigned to the
relevant areas
  SAP Easy Access Menu Configuration  
    Adding a User for mobile data entry using Transaction code LRFMD
   Logging on to Mobile Data Entry using Transaction code LM00
 RF Monitor (LRF1) 
The RF monitor is a tool for central, cross-queuemonitoring and coordination of transfer order (TO) processing.
Each RF user is assigned to a queue in Customizing for Mobile Data Entry. This assignment can be viewed and changed using
the RF monitor. The user's view at the RF terminal is limited to the transfer orders of its current queue. The RF monitor operates
as a central coordination point, ensuring that TO processing is run as efficiently as possible.
Using the RF monitor, an authorized RF user can do the following:
 Monitor queues, including the number of assigned TOs, number of users and ratio of workload to users
 Assign TOs and users to other queues
 Change the processing priorities of TOs
User Exits in RF
User exits offer you the option of enhancing existing functions according to your personal requirements.
User Exit Screens   
The RF solution supports the two screen formats (8x40/16x20) that are offered by most manufacturers of RF devices. The user
exit function enables you to display other fields, according to your particular requirements, and also to implement other screen
formats. You can add fields that are available through standard transactions to the existing screens. Currently, these fields can
only be used for display purposes. Also, you can eliminate fields, which are part of the RF solution, from the display.
Verification with User Exit 
Mobile Data Entry supports the following four types of verification:
 Storage bin
 Storage unit number
 Material
 Quantity
To be able to verify other fields, the system also provides a general verification entry. You can use this verification to meet
individual requirements, such as verification of batches.
Sorting Using the User Exit  
 Mobile Data Entry supports sorting possibilities for system-guided transfer order processing:
 Printing Using the User Exit 
Mobile Data Entry supports the printing of different label types, such as shipping and handling unit labels. You can use the print
pushbuttons in the respective transaction by creating your own user exit function module, which is called from the
LE_MOB_PRINT function module.

 Performing a Goods Receipt   

Using an RF device, you can perform a goods receipt for an inbound delivery identified by one of the following:
 Delivery number
 Handling unit number (if HU already exists and is assigned to an inbound delivery)
 Staging area
 Shipment number
 Other criteria

We recommend that you use the staging area selection method only when you cannot identify
deliveries by any of the other criteria, since this method is time consuming.

GR for Delivery Identified by:
  Delivery Number HU Number Staging Area Shipment Number Other Criteria

1 From the RF menu, From the RF menu, From the RF menu, From the RF menu, From the RF menu,
chooseInbound chooseInbound chooseInbound chooseInbound chooseInbound
Process ®Goods Process ®Goods Process® Goods Process® Goods Process® Goods
Receipt® GR by Receipt® GR by Receipt ® GR by Receipt ® GR by Receipt® GR by
Delivery. Handling Unit. Staging Area. Shipment. Others.
The Select The Select Storage The Select Delivery by The Select Delivery by The Select Delivery
Delivery screen Unit/Handling Staging Areascreen Shipment screen by Others screen
appears. Unit screen appears. appears. appears. appears.

2 Enter the delivery Enter the handling unit Enter the staging area. Enter the shipment Enter one or more of
number using the number using the number using the the following criteria:
scanner or keyboard. scanner or keyboard. scanner or keyboard.  Material
 Vendor
 Delivery date
 External
delivery reference
 Service agent

3 Choose Nxt. The Delivery Header Information screen appears, displaying the following information for the delivery:
 Load/unload status
 Vendor account number
 Vendor name
 Shipping point and shipping date
 Total weight of goods delivered
 Number of packages
 HU indicator indicating whether or not a HU exists for the delivery
 TO indicator indicating whether or not a TO exists for the delivery

4 You can scroll between deliveries by choosing PgUp (

Ù) / PgDn (Ú) (applies to deliveries identified by staging area, shipment number or other criteria only)

5 Choose Items. The Delivery Item Information screen appears, displaying the following information:

 Delivery information, including total number of items in delivery and number of items confirmed
 Material information, including material name, special stock number, quantity and batch number

6 Scroll between the delivery items by choosing PgUp (

Ù) / PgDn (Ú).

7 If the received quantity of a material is not equal to the TO quantity, report the difference by doing the following:
1. Choose Diff. The Differences screen appears.
2. Enter the actual quantity in the relevant field and choose Chk. The difference quantity is automatically
3. Choose Conf to confirm the reported difference. You return to the Delivery Item Information screen.
The item is now marked as having been checked and is added to the total of confirmed items as displayed in
the Conf. field.

If you did not choose Chk in the Differences screen, you can now choose Selto mark the item as
having been checked and update the Conf. field.

8 To view or change information on the corresponding shipment:

1. Choose Shipmt. The Shipment Information screen appears, displaying the shipment number, external
ID, container ID, shipment type and shipment route.
2. To manually change the unloading start date and time or unloading end date and time, enter the data in
the relevant fields and choose Save.
When you commence the unload process selected by shipment, the start date and time are automatically updated. The
end date and time are automatically updated when unloading the last HU.
3. To print a shipping unit label, choose PrSh.

9 To unload the delivery:

1. Choose LdUn. The Load/Unload by Delivery screen appears.
2. Follow steps 2 onwards in
Performing Loading/Unloading (Load/Unload by Delivery).

10 To pack or unpack delivery items:

1. Choose More and then Pack or Unpck. The Pack/Unpack screen appears, displaying the status of
Packing or Unpacking.
 Follow steps 2 onwards inPacking or Unpacking.

11 If a TO does not exist for some or all of the items in the delivery, choose G.TO. to generate a TO for the items without a

If the delivery contains batch-managed material, the batch number must be entered in the delivery in
order to generate a transfer order.

12 To confirm the TOs for the delivery:

1. Choose TOex. The Source Information screen appears.
2. Follow steps 3 onwards in
Performing a Putaway.

13 To post the goods in Inventory Management:

1. Choose Post. A message appears.
2. Choose Yes to post the goods.

Generally speaking, the TO must be confirmed before executing the posting.

You can determine that the delivery is posted before TO creation and confirmation in Customizing
for Logistics General ® Handling Unit Management ® Basics ®Delivery ® Define Sequence of
Transfer Order – Goods Receipt.
You can also determine that the delivery is automatically posted when all of the delivery items are
processed in Customizing for Logistics Execution ®Warehouse
Management ® Interfaces ® Shipping ® Define Shipping Control ®Define Shipping Control at the
Movement Type Level. Enter
2 in the Copy WM quantity field.
You can also set the system for partial posting of deliveries (data for a specific delivery item, whose TOs are completed,
is posted) in Customizing for Logistics Execution ® Warehouse Management ® Interfaces ® Shipping ® Define
Shipping Control ® Define Shipping Control at the Movement Type Level. Enter
4 in the Copy WM quantity field.

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