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This is one example of how to

solve this activity:

Hi Elliot! Thanks for sharing your first video and congratulations on learning financial analysis in
such a short time! I love your enthusiasm! Your audio is really good, but I noticed a few things you
could improve to really achieve a high quality video:

I think the framing of your shot isn’t ideal. You should either be in the middle of the shot or on the
sides using the rule of thirds. And make sure your camera isn’t too low, cutting of parts of your head.

Your camera is a bit shaky. Place it on a tripod or table for more steadiness.

I would recommend a different background. Yours has too much going on, too many things are
lying around and there is some movement in the back which is pretty distracting. Your light shirt
also doesn’t provide enough contrast from the white wall, so I’d recommend a different colored
background or a different shirt color.

While I love the natural light in the room, be mindful of the direction the light is coming from.
In this shot the light is too strong on the left side. It would be nicer if the light was coming from
behind the camera, so the whole front of you is lit equally well.

I hope you found this feedback helpful! I’m also pretty new to filming, so I know how hard it can
be at the beginning. But I’ve been watching Udemy’s Production Fundamentals course and it really
helped me a lot!

Good luck! Jessica

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