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Venue Conference Topics

Cluj-Napoca is the most active city from scientific and cultural Quality Engineering and Management
perspectives in Transylvania, a very famous historical province Track coordinators: Numan DURAKBASA and Sorin POPESCU
of Romania. Located in the Northwestern region of Romania, - Quality and performance management
Investeºte în oameni! - Quality systems and organizational excellence
Proiect cofinanþat din Fondul Social European prin Programul Operaþional Sectorial pentru the city was first attested during the Roman occupation of - Industrial Metrology
Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007-2013 Dacia, in 106 A.D. Since the middle of the 16th century, the city - Quality measurement and control
became the main commercial center of Transylvania and one of - Technology and quality improvement
the most important ones in Eastern Europe. Nowadays, - Management for sustainability
400.000 people call this city home. - The future of quality
- Quality for “life”
The Technical University of Cluj-Napoca invites you to the: - Education for quality and Quality for education
Innovation Engineering and Management
Track coordinator: Stelian BRAD
- Innovative processes and models
- Methods and tools for innovation
1st International Conference on - Business and process innovation
- Innovative quality tools
Quality and Innovation in - Barriers and success factors for quality and
Engineering and Management - E-Innovation and E-Quality
Design Engineering and Management
Cluj-Napoca, 17th - 19th of March 2011 Track coordinator: Daniela POPESCU
- Product development
- Sustainable product innovation
- Organizational intelligence and competitive
- Project management

Important Dates:

Abstract submission: January 5, 2011
Abstract acceptance notification: January 12, 2011
Having a strong multi-cultural nature, Cluj-Napoca is inhabited Full-paper submission: February 14, 2011
by Romanians, Hungarians, Germans, Jews and other ethnic Full-paper acceptance: March 7, 2011
groups. As multi-culturalism enables the exchange of ideas, Fees:
higher education naturally developed during the last century,
becoming one of the major strengths of the city. The city is a Conference attendance & electronic proceedings 100 €
Printed proceedings 25 €
major university center of Romania, hosting six important Gala dinner 25 €
higher education institutions, with over 100.000 students.
FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT Among them, The Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
PhD students will receive 50% discount of the above fees

AND represents the main center for engineering sciences and Papers will be reviewed and published in the official Conference
related fields, with 70 research centers, 9 faculties, over 650 Proceedings. Selected papers, in expanded version, will be
CALL FOR PAPERS academic staff and over 12.000 students which follow courses considered for publication as full-length research papers subjected
in 42 specializations (Bsc, Msc, PhD, PostDoc) from 20 fields of to full peer reviewing with appropriate revisions in scientific journals
study. indexed in international databases.
Scientific Committee: Objective:
Ioan ABRUDAN, Romania Stanis³aw ADAMCZAK, Poland The primary objective of QIEM 2011 is to provide an international
Branimir BARISIC, Croatia Peter BAUMGARTNER, Austria forum for researchers to discuss the state of the art in the fields of
Tony BENDELL, England Petru BERCE, Romania quality and innovation and to disseminate their recent advances and
Liam BLUNT, England Stefan BRACKE, Germany their views in these areas.
Conference Chairman:
Constantin BRÃTIANU, Romania Dan CÂNDEA, Romania
Leonardo DE CHIFFRE, Denmark Carmen CONSTANTINESCU, DE Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr.-Ing.E.h. Dr. h.c. mult.
Adrian CURAJ, Romania Michael DIETZSCH, Germany Albert WECKENMANN
Mihaela DRÃGAN, Romania Jan DUDA, Poland
Program Chairs:
Numan DURAKBASA, Austria Valentina GECEVSKA, MK
Gert GOCH, Germany Adrian GRAUR, Romania Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Prof.E.h. O.Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing.
Piotr GRUDOWSKI, Poland Dietrich HOFMANN, Germany Dr.-Ing.E.h. Dr. h.c. mult. Dr. h.c. mult. Dr.techn.
Jussi HORELLI, Finland Zbigniew HUMIENNY, Poland Engelbert WESTKÄMPER Peter Herbert OSANNA
Liviu ILIEª, Romania Hans-Friedrich JACOBI, Germany
W³adys³aw JAKUBIEC, Poland Roland JOCHEM, Germany
Dãnuþ JULEAN, Romania Claus KEFERSTEIN, Switzerland Local Committee:
Claudiu Vasile KIFOR, Romania Benno KOTTERBA, Germany Prof. Dr.-Ing. Daniela POPESCU - Track Coordinator
Ivan KURIC, Slovakia Stanislaw LEGUTKO, Poland email:
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
Jutta LIEBELT, Germany Gerhard LINß, Germany 28 Memorandumului Street, 400114, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Hermann LÖDDING, Germany Jan MADL, Czech Republic Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sorin POPESCU - Track Coordinator

Inocenþiu MANIU, Romania Jozef MATUSZEK, Poland email:

Martin MOLITOR, Germany Cornel MUNTEANU, Romania Organizers:
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stelian BRAD - Track Coordinator
Radu MUNTEANU, Romania Mircea NEAGOE, Romania The Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, as the main organizer of the
Stephen T. NEWMAN, England Adrian NICOLESCU, Romania conference, proposes the Conference Topics in order to capitalize
Jozef NOVAK-MARCINCIN, SK Marieta OLARU, Romania upon the research activity, experience and competences, from the
Constantin OPREAN, Romania Peter Herbert OSANNA, Austria major fields of interest within the Department of Machine-Tools and
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Liviu CRIªAN - Administration
Zoran PANDILOV, Macedonia Brigitte PETERSEN, Germany Industrial Robots.
Valentin POPA, Romania Heikki RUOHOMAA, Finland
Costache RUSU, Romania Enrico SAVIO, Italy Lecturer Dr.-Ing. Dan HURGOIU - Papers & Proceedings For additional information please refer to:
Jan SLADEK, Slovakia Ludwig THEUVSEN, Germany email: Conference website:
Mihail ÞÎÞU, Romania Matti VÄÄNÄNEN, Finland
Xavier VELAY, England Ion VIªA, Romania Lecturer Dr.-Ing. Cãlin NEAMÞU - Technical Support Email:
Aurel VLAICU, Romania Albert WECKENMANN, Germany email: Tel / Fax: +40 264 415710
Hartmut WEISE, Germany Engelbert WESTKÄMPER, DE
Petra WINZER, Germany Lutz WISWEH, Germany Assist. Dr.-Ing. Mihai DRAGOMIR - Communications The support of the EU funded project
Plowucha WOJCIECH, Poland Ralf WOLL, Germany email: POSDRU/18/1.2/G/9136 is acknowledged with gratitude

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