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5 days of Commanding Officers Qualifying Course

“More than a challenge, it is an adventure. It develops and

improves oneself. Our COQC is exciting.” –Cadette Princess Nicole Blando

First Day:
Everyone knew we must be on school ground at 04:30. Sadly, my
grandfather can’t give me ride in his motor because it’s too early. Our subdivision gates
are still closed too. He told me he can give me a ride when the clock hits 05:00. I made
ways, I called Cadette Cometa, but sadly we had the same problem. She’s only allowed
to leave their house at 05:00 too. I still find ways until I texted Cadet Bolaño. He fetched
me and treats me a ride in a tricycle. I saw Cadet Caduyac, Cadet Villanueva and Cadet
Baltazar. I told them that Cadette Cometa will come at 05:00 and Cadette Sartorio can’t
come anymore because of parent’s approval. The sky is starting to get bright while
waiting for Cadette Cometa, Major Rivera and Sgt. Gabaya we keep on chatting and
laughing. 05:00 striked and Cadette Cometa arrived, the sun is already shining on us
and we’re still waiting for Major and Sgt. Gabaya’s presence.

05:15 when Major and Sergeant arrived. We fixed ourselves and formed a
straight line. After Major and Sergeant changed to PT attire, everyone started to do
stretching in command of Major. Late of 10 minutes, Cadette Tagle arrived and joined
Next to stretching, we made our way to Royale Estates to do our jogging
session. We didn’t expect it. We started jogging from guardhouse then to the bridge
then until we’ve been to the chapel then back to. Everyone is shocked that we need to
go back to the clubhouse and make a one more round of jogging again. Yes, it is tiring.
There’s a signage 20kmph in the bridge and we joke that “Oh 20 kilometres more”. We
left behind Sgt. Gabaya and Cadet Baltazar.

After two rounds of long jogging, we made our stop in the grassy place near
guardhouse to do our stretching. To avoid muscle cramps. But this is the climax that
morning, Cadette Tagle told Major that “Excuse me po Major. Nandidilim po yung
paningin ko.” While Major makes Cadette Tagle retrieve her consciousness suddenly
Sgt. Gabaya and Cadette Baltazar arrived. Our two commanders help our classmate
Cyren to get well while we keep on stretching.

After a few minutes, classmate Cyren is now okay and shared us that she
has a Red Alert. Oh! She hasn’t told us.
Going back to our base, the school, it feels happy that for first day we all
passed altogether the morning jogging session. Leaving the base for an hour everything
changes, we saw our teachers, some students and parents. Just awhile, it was a quiet
place full of excited trainees and going back we saw people staring at us. It made us
happy inside.
We prepared our breakfast then we’re given 5 minutes to change to Type B
uniform. Then we took our breakfast, we do our military eating traditions first before
eating. It was fun; we’re eating while our teachers, students and parents are staring with
us. It’s really fun that we’re really having what you call “BONDING”. There’s a military
tradition every time we eat.

Next to breakfast is Flag raising. Even it’s our first day, we were given the
opportunity to do the flag raising for our teachers, summer kids students and to their
parents. It was really an honour for us since we are the first one to do this in the history
of our school.
After the flag ceremony we went to our designated room. The ROOM C, the
yellow door at preschool building. We’re thankful that the room is really a comfortable
place for us. Aircon is on, enough space, the projector and white board are prepared.
Everything is done just for us. We’re thankful how our school love and support us in our
Before we enter, we do the tradition in entering our classroom. Then, we get
our rifles. Then Major started to lecture us with the help of PowerPoint, notes given to
us, white board and the projector. It’s a two hours lecture about Military custom and
traditions and Military Courtesy and Discipline.

Afterwards, Ms. Leah Amor knocked in our room and told us that our lunch
is ready. We had a military style of eating where long tables are prepared and foods are
on top of foil. We used an alternative for banana leaves. Our viand for our first day of
training is grilled pork with potatoes and bacon then of course, the rice. I love the bacon!
Our meal was cooked by our school chef. Thanks to her.

We did the military eating tradition before and after eating. It was fun since I
miss doing it. I’ve tried it 5 times in banana leaf with my relatives.
After cleaning our tables and washing our hands, the next thing to do is to
SLEEP UNDER THE TABLE. It was really awesome. Our commanders allowed us to
sleep after taking lunch. We we’re given 1 to 2 hours to sleep that first day.
Followed by a continuation of lectures and some other topics related to
military and lastly, we reviewed, we chit-chat and enjoy the remaining time until the
clock strikes 18:00.
At home, since it was first day. I was really exhausted but despite of resting
I need to laundry and iron my PT uniform and Type B uniform in able to wear it the
second day.
Second Day:
Since it was announced we must be in our base at 05:00, gladly, it’s 05:00
and my grandfather gave me a ride. I felt so happy that I saw new student which is
willing to join our training and it’s Cadette Manreal. As far as I remember Cadette
Cometa is late this second day.

I was the C.O.D. and Sgt. Gabaya was our only commander that time. We
knew that Major Rivera will come late due to his air force uniform for Singapore military
Daily routine, we must do stretching and jogging. We made 4 rounds of
jogging. It was really tiring but fun. We build a friendly relationship with one of the
joggers that we always greet “good morning”. She’s ate Marife, despite of we’re just a
visitor joggers in Royale, seeing her always made us friends with her.

As what we deal about, the airplane dropping, we really drop in the roads of
Royale. It helps us to rest and it was fun despite of having dirt all over our body. After
physical training, next routine is go back to our base, change to type B and take our
breakfast. Since I was the C.O.D. I lead the prayer then after eating, we practice our
flag raising.

Same routine, going to our designated classroom, It was sort of sad

morning because of Sgt. Gabaya story that he shared with us. Since Major is not
around, we rested for a while and talks about our Autobiography presentation. We were
given a time to prepare, even newcomer Cadette Manreal is prepared. Since there’s still
lot of time, Sgt. Gabaya allowed us to sleep under the table. A few hours later, he
wakes us up and informed that Major will arrive soon and we must prepare for our

Clock strikes 13:00 and it’s a late lunch for us but we did the boodle fight
eating style without Major but gladly while we’re eating Major arrived. Our viand for our
second day of training is chicken curries then of course, the rice.

After cleaning the table part of the routine is to sleep next but since we’re
given enough hours to sleep, we move on to our autobiography presentation that will
help us build more self-confidence. At first everyone our having fun of presenting each
and everyone’s autobiography presentation until we we’re all done, we felt sleepy. And
yes, we we’re given an hour’s to sleep again with our rifles.
Then Major and Sergeant woke us up. Then back to lecture, we tackled
about rifles and we made practical positions in holding rifles. We had fun doing this.
After that was teaching us what are and how to perform commands. Then we had a
practical again, we did this outside. I commanded Cadet Caduyac, Cadet Bolaño and
Cadette Manreal. My other classmates are commanded by Sgt. and Cadet Baltazar
alone was commanded by Major. We we’re dismissed by 18:30 this day.

Third Day:
We expected newcomers that morning since it was shared to us, a 3 rd year
student came in but he also left early. He can’t wait to our commanders to arrive, I
thought he got bored and excused that he still has basketball league. Even our
commanders came late we haven’t get bored and waste our time. As responsible
C.O.D. Caduyac, we did stretching as early as we’re complete so that if Major and
Sergeant arrive we will proceed to jogging. However, we did stretching again in order to
Major, Sergeant and late classmate Cometa to do stretching too before going to
jogging. Our jogging lasts for 7 rounds with rest because of airplane dropping. Followed
by a practical activity regarding checking of cadets and cadettes and reporting.
Afterwards, since it’s getting windy and it’s about to rain we started walking with
cadence going back to our base.

Daily routine, change to type B and took a breakfast. Since it rained that
time. We haven’t performed flag raising. Since it is cold and it’s good to sleep, after
entering to our classroom we we’re given an hour’s to sleep. Our commanders even
slept with us, after a few hours, we all woke up seeing Hany’s chocolate, Boy Bawang
cheese flavour, Marty’s, Lala and a Pineapple juice. The money used is our money from
pass the hat. In our bonding, everyone must be equal, and everyone must share what
he/she has.
These foods serve as our snacks while Major is lecturing and the Hany
Chocolates are for trainees who will answer Major’s questions. I got 2 Hany’s.

Afterwards, we we’re called for our lunch. Our viand for the third day is
Menudo. We never forget of military traditions before and after eating. Then, when
everything is fixed, it’s time to sleep. Our commanders slept with us again. I really slept
and there’s a fun memories happened while I’m sleeping.
Afterwards, waking up and proceeding to Public Speaking lectures prepared
by Major for us to help and give reminders regarding speaking/presenting our
autobiography the next day, the final day for presenting our autobiography. It helps us a
lot and inspires us. We were also given a notes regarding this. All our COQC lessons
hand-outs were compiled in a clear book.
Until we tackled about Squadron Formation, until Major went to
commanding and reporting again and lastly, came up of having practical activities
outside. We didn’t rest; we keep on practicing the way we command and report. Later
on, we’re informed that Cadette Grimaldo will join our training. She made it nevertheless
she made sacrifices for us. She carried 10 rifles while jogging in 10 rounds which each
rifles represents us. Then going back to our commanding and reporting, she joined us
and at 06:30 we’re dismiss.

Fourth Day:
Same as previous training days, I will not forget the memories during our
jogging. Since I really want to urinate/pee, I asked for ate Marife’s permission to allow
us to use her c.r. and thankfully she did. Despite of we’re just a visitor joggers in Royale,
seeing her always made us friends with her and it just proves.

Fourth day serve as our final day for our autobiography presentation, I was
the first one who presented because no one wants to go first. I improved and what I will
not forget about that is during my presentation some of my classmates cried. It proves
that I really catch their attention telling them my life.

Then nothing changes, same routines and significant activities.

Maybe I might say, an anxious day because next day is an exam day, the
last requirement for us to be fully called as officers.

We’re dismissed by 17:00.

Fifth Day:
We waited almost 3 hours for Major presence. He came and we’re shocked
he came with Sergeant. We knew that Sergeant will not be with us that day but a
dilemma occurred.
Major came up with a decision that he should send us early in our homes, I
was the last one who make sure of that all my classmates sir and ma’am go home early.
It was a thankful and rest day but also a “miss” day. We will miss everything
we had in our training. Unfortunately, first Friday of first school days week of June is our

Nothing can replace and erase the memories and experiences I had
during our COQC days.

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