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Organizational Change and Organizational Innovation

In today’s technology oriented world, the rules for the development and success in business are
changed exponentially. Organizations need to change and innovate in the response of changing
environment. Organizational innovation needs to identify the new ways to deal with the things,
which may lead an organization to provide a collective resource for innovation (Vadim Koteliikov,
2004). Innovation in simple words can be defined as to change in ways of doing things in order to
create useful new stuff (McKeown, 2008). It can also be viewed as change in product or services that
involves the evolution of features and capabilities as well as the introduction of “new-to-theworld”
(Benner & Tushman, 2003). The term innovation has been investigated through multiple angles and
aspects by the researchers including technology, economic, social global and political environments,
customers and market trends, organization culture, behavior and organizational change and there is
a wide range of approaches through which the phenomena of innovation can be viewed from the
organizational point of view (Fagerberg et al, 2004). The innovation can be referred as the growth
and the improved performance of an organization, which can lead an organization towards a
sustainable success. Linking the organizational innovation to organizational change in their article
“Nurturing Organizational Innovation During Change” Khazanchi, Slay and Rothenberg claims that
organizational change may lead to organizational innovation as the successful organizational change
increase the level of personal creativity of an organization which is a key factor which can become a
base of organizational innovation (Khazanchi, Slay and Rothenberg, 2006).

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