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Rational Software

Payroll System Subsystem Design Solution

Version 2003
Mastering OOAD with UML Issue: v2003
Payroll System Subsystem Design Solution Issue Date: February 2003

Revision History
Date Issue Description Author
09/01/2000 V2000 Generated for beta Shawn Siemers
10/03/2000 V2000 Final release Shawn Siemers
01/14/2003 V2003 Final Release Alex Kutsick

Confidential Rational Software, 2003 Page 2 of 14

Mastering OOAD with UML Issue: v2003
Payroll System Subsystem Design Solution Issue Date: February 2003

Table of Contents
1. Exercise: Subsystem Design 5
1.1 BankSystem 5
1.1.1 Interface Realizations 5
1.1.2 Subsystem Dependencies Class Diagram 7
1.2 PrintService 7
1.2.1 Interface Realizations 7
1.2.2 Subsystem Dependencies Class Diagram 10
1.3 ProjectManagementDatabase 10
1.3.1 Interface Realizations 10
1.3.2 Subsystem Dependencies Class Diagram 14

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Mastering OOAD with UML Issue: v2003
Payroll System Subsystem Design Solution Issue Date: February 2003

Payroll System Subsystem Design Solution

1. Exercise: Subsystem Design
1.1 BankSystem

1.1.1 Interface Realizations


1. deposit(Paycheck, BankInformation)
1.1. / / getAmount( )
BankSyste : :
mClient BankSystem Paycheck

1.3. submit(BankTransaction)
1.2. create(Deposit, paycheckAmount, BankInformation.routingNumber)

: BankSystemInterface
: BankTransact ion

1.3.1. // submit(BankTransaction)

: Bank System

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Mastering OOAD with UML Issue: v2003
Payroll System Subsystem Design Solution Issue Date: February 2003


BankSystemCli : BankSystem : Paycheck : : : Bank System

ent BankTransaction BankSystemInterface

1. deposit(Paycheck, BankInformation)

1.1. / / getAmount ( )

1.2. create(Deposit, paycheckAmount, BankInformation.routingNumber)

1.3. submit(BankTransaction)

1.3.1. // submit(BankTransaction)

The formal interfaces

with the external Bank
System would need to
be defined early in the
process and
represented here.
Such definition is
considered out of scope
for this course.

(from External System Interfaces)
+ deposit(aPaycheck : Paycheck, intoBank : BankInformation) Paycheck
(from Payroll Artifacts)
- amount
0..1 (from Payroll Artifacts)
+ name : String
+ // create with amount(forAmount : float) : Paycheck
+ routingNumber : String
+ // getAmount()
+ // getEmployee() : Employee

<<subsystem proxy>>

+ deposit(aPaycheck : Paycheck, intoBank : BankInformation)


0..1 + submit(theTransaction : BankTransaction)

- amount : float
- transactionOperation : BankOperation
- routingNumber : String

+ create(op : BankOperation, amount : float, routingNum : String)

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Mastering OOAD with UML Issue: v2003
Payroll System Subsystem Design Solution Issue Date: February 2003

1.1.2 Subsystem Dependencies Class Diagram

Bank System Dependencies

BankSys tem
(from Business Services)
To acces s t he
subsystem interface

External System
Interfac es
(from Business Services)

Payroll Artifacts
(from Business Services)

1.2 PrintService

1.2.1 Interface Realizations


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Mastering OOAD with UML Issue: v2003
Payroll System Subsystem Design Solution Issue Date: February 2003

1. print(Paycheck, String)
1.2. / / print(theImage)
PrintService : : 1.2.1. // print( )
Client PrintService PrinterInterface

1.1. 5. // buildPrintImage( ) : Printer

1.1. // create(Paycheck)

: PaycheckPrinterImage

1.1.1. // getEmployee( )
1.1.4. // getAmount( )
1.1.2. // getEmployeeName( )
1.1.3. // get Employee ID( )

: Employee Paycheck


PrintS ervice : PrintService : : Paycheck : Employee :

: Printer
Client PaycheckP rint erImage PrinterInterface

1. print(Paycheck, String)

1.1. // create(Paychec k)
1.1.1. // getEmployee( )
Create an image of Include similar
the Paycheck from 1.1.2. // getEmployeeName( ) operat ions for all
the given Paycheck Employee
for the specified informat ion that is
Printer 1.1.3. // get Employee ID( ) to appear on the
printed Paycheck

1.1.4. // getAmount( )
Build an image of the
Paycheck from the Include similar
retrieved data for a operations for all
1.1.5. // buildPrintImage( ) Paycheck
specific Print er
information that is
to appear on the
printed Paycheck
Print the
1.2. // print(theImage)
image 1.2.1. // print( )

The formal interfaces with

external printers would need
to be defined early in the
process and represented
Such definition is
considered out of scope for
this course.

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Mastering OOAD with UML Issue: v2003
Payroll System Subsystem Design Solution Issue Date: February 2003

(from External System Interfaces)

+ print(aPaycheck : Paycheck, onPrinter : String)

<<subsystem proxy>>

1 0..* + // print(theImage)
+ print(aPaycheck : Paycheck, onPrinter : String)

{ one-to-one }


0..* Anything that can be

printed must have a
specific PrinterImage For every printer the
PaycheckPrinterImage class defined, and that system must
class must inherit from communicate with, a
the base PrinterImage
+ // create(fromPaycheck : Paycheck) PrinterInterface,
class PrinterImage, and a
+ // buildPrintImage()
1 class must be defined

0..1 <<entity>>
(from Payroll Artifacts)
(from Payroll Artifacts)
- name
- amount
- employee id : int
- social security number
+ // create with amount(forAmount : float) : Paycheck
- address
+ // getAmount()
+ // getEmployee() : Employee
+ // get Employee ID() : int

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Mastering OOAD with UML Issue: v2003
Payroll System Subsystem Design Solution Issue Date: February 2003

1.2.2 Subsystem Dependencies Class Diagram

PrintService Dependencies

To access the subsystem
interface (from Business Services)

External System
(from Business Services)
Payroll Artifacts
(from Business Services)

1.3 ProjectManagementDatabase

1.3.1 Interface Realizations


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Mastering OOAD with UML Issue: v2003
Payroll System Subsystem Design Solution Issue Date: February 2003


1. getChargeNumbers(S tring)
1.1.3. new( )
1.1. getChargeNums(string)
1.1.7. add(ChargeNum)
: :
: ChargeNumList
ProjectManagementDatabase DBChargeNumbers

1.1.6. new(projectName, value)

1.1.4. getString( ) 1.1.1. createStatement( )

1.1.5. getString( )
: ChargeNum
: ResultSet 1.1.2. exec uteQuery(S tring)

Statement : Connection // execute query( )

: Project

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Mastering OOAD with UML Issue: v2003
Payroll System Subsystem Design Solution Issue Date: February 2003


ProjectManagemen : : : Connection : Statement : : ResultSet : ChargeNum

: Project
tDatabaseClient ProjectManagementDatabase DBChargeNumbers ChargeNumList

1. getChargeNumbers(String) The formal interfaces with

returns a
the external Project
1.1. getChargeNums(string) Management System would
Request the
need to be defined early in
currently available
1.1.1. createStatement( ) the process and
charge numbers
represented here.
from the database
Such definition is
1.1. 2. execut eQuery (S tring) considered out of scope for
this course.
DBChargeNumbers builds t he sql // execute query( )
s tat ement to ret rieve the charge
numbers and passes it t o St atement
Create a list to hold all
t o be executed. A Result Set is
retrieved data
ret urned.
1.1.3. new( )
Repeat these operat ions for Retrieve the project name
each element returned from the for the charge number
1.1. 4. getSt ring( )
execut eQuery() command.
Retrieve the value for the
The ChargeNumList is loaded charge number
1.1. 5. getSt ring( )
with t he data ret rieved from the
Build the class from the
retrieved data.
1.1.6. new(projectName, value)

Add the retrieved course offering

to the list to be returned
1.1.7. add(ChargeNum)

To read a class, the ProjectManagementDatabase proxy class asks the DBChargeNumbers class for the list of available charge numbers
from the database. The DBChargeNumbers creates a new statement using the Connection class createStatement() operation. The
statement is executed and the data is returned in a ResultSet object. The DBChargeNumbers then creates a new instance of the
ChargeNum persistent class and populates it with the retrieved data. The data is returned in a collection object, the ChargeNumList class.


ProjectManagement : : :
: Project
Database Client ProjectManagementDatabase DBChargeNumbers DriverManager

1. initialize( )
1.1. initialize( )

1.1. 1. getConnection(url, user, pass) // get connection( )

The formal interfaces with
the external Project
Management System would
need to be defined early in
the process and
represented here.
Such definition is
considered out of scope for
this course.

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Mastering OOAD with UML Issue: v2003
Payroll System Subsystem Design Solution Issue Date: February 2003


1. initialize( )
ProjectManagementD :
atabase Client ProjectManagementDatabase

1.1. initialize( )


1.1.1. getConnection(url, user, pass)

: DriverManager // get connection( )

: Project

<<Interface>> A "plural" DBClass was defined
IProjectManagementDatabase because the charge numbers
(from External System Interfaces) always are retrieved as a set (a
list of the available charge
+ getChargeNumbers(criteria : String) : chargeNumList numbers).

<<subsystem proxy>>
+ getChargeNumbers(criteria : String) : chargeNumList
+ initialize() 1 1 + getChargeNums(criteria : string) : ChargeNumList
+ initialize()

ChargeNumList 0..1
(from java.sql)
(from Payroll Artifacts)

+ new() + executeQuery()
+ executeUpdate()
+ add(theChargeNum : ChargeNum)
1 ResultSet
(from java.sql)

0..* + getString()
ChargeNum 0..*
(from Payroll Artifacts)
- projectName
- value

+ // getProjectName() DriverManager
+ // getValue() (from java.sql)
+ new(projectName, value)
+ getConnection()
(from java.sql)

+ createStatement()

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Mastering OOAD with UML Issue: v2003
Payroll System Subsystem Design Solution Issue Date: February 2003

1.3.2 Subsystem Dependencies Class Diagram

ProjectManagementDatabase Dependencies

To access the ProjectManagementDatabase
subsystem interface
(from Business Services)

External System
(from Business Services)
(from Middleware)

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