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Established 1879 | Columbus, Mississippi

Tuesday | November 24, 2020

Area residents, groups feed those ends FY 2020
in need during Thanksgiving week with a $2.8M
City received more in
revenue than expected;
spent $2.7M less than

Following sever-
al cost-saving mea-
sures implemented
in the spring, Co-
lumbus ended Fiscal
Year 2020 with a $2.8
million surplus, Pub-
lic Information Of- Dillon
ficer Joe Dillon told
The Dispatch last
By Sept. 30 —
the end of FY 2020
— the city took in
$24,119,441 and
spent $21,334,163,
Dillon said. Com- Smith
pared to the origi-
nally-budgeted figures, which pro-
posed a balanced budget at $23.9
million, the city saw an uptick in
revenue and spent more than $2
million less by the end of the year.
Slim Smith/Dispatch Staff See SURPLUS, 6A
Dustin Nichols, an Alabama native living in North Columbus, is aiming to cook and serve 100 to 150 plates for
community members between 11:30 a.m. and 2 p.m. on Thanksgiving Day at Zion Church. Nichols, who founded
the Lost and Found Ministry a month ago, said he found faith in God after he was released from jail last year, and
is aimed to help more people. “Sometimes, people can’t help themselves. My ability to provide, and just seeing
the tears and joy in some people’s eyes … is just amazing,” he said.
Former Tupelo police
Dustin Nichols: ‘We are just feeding anybody and everybody’
BY YUE STELLA YU pies and desserts. Zion Church in November 2019.
officer out of jail after “We are just feeding anybody “I started going to church and it manslaughter charge
and everybody,” he said. “They can really just changed my life.”
or five years, Dustin Nichols
cooked meals on Thanks-
be rich and not having family or
they can be poor and can’t afford
Nichols founded his own minis-
try — Lost and Found Ministry —
Suspect’s girlfriend died
giving Day and fed whoever
came looking for food from his
This year’s Thanksgiving,
a month ago, and is now attending
ministry school. The name of his
after he hit her with car
North Columbus home.
however, bears a different mean- ministry, he said, reflects his own DISPATCH STAFF REPORT
This year, the Alabama native is
ing to Nichols, who now considers experience and aims to tell others
hoping for a broader reach.
himself a changed man. As some- that they, too, can be found. The Starkville
On Thanksgiving Day, with
one with a history of arrests for “I’m trying to bring people clos- man charged with
the $900 he raised on Facebook,
possession of drugs and weapons, er to God every day,” he said. manslaughter in the
Nichols hopes to deliver 100 to 150
Nichols was released from prison With God’s guidance, Nichols death of a Starkville
plates to people in need between
in November 2019 and, shortly said he is trying to help more peo- woman over the
11:30 a.m.-2 p.m. at Zion Church.
after, found faith in God. ple in need. Aside from the food weekend is a former
His aunt and uncle will help him
That, he said, was a turning drive, he said he has been giving Tupelo police officer,
smoke the turkeys, he said, and he
point. speeches at different churches Capt. Brett Watson of
will serve a variety of traditional
Thanksgiving food, including ham, “I was 36 years old before I got and visiting jailhouses to tell his the Oktibbeha Coun- Kitchens
mac and cheese, green beans, saved, but it’s never too late,” Nich- stories to inmates. ty Sheriff’s Office confirmed this
mashed potatoes, sweet potato ols said, referring to him joining See MEALS, 3A morning.
James Heath Kitchens, 30, was
charged after hitting Brittany

Ellis recalls four decades of growth and change in MSU baseball, SEC sports
Broadcaster’s anecdotes reach back tary Club at
its Monday
Remember, I’m the base-
ball coach, you’re just the
The MSU baseball
team has made it to the
MSU’s entire athletic
budget was just $5.7 mil-
to Bulldogs’ past legends, impact of meeting.
He re-
radio announcer,’” Ellis
NCA A tournament 35
times in 42 years and
lion, while last year it
was $105.6 million. MSU
today’s college sports landscape me mb e re d But in his time as “just reached the College brought in $112.2 million
Polk cor- the radio announcer,” World Series 10 times. in athletic revenue last
BY TESS VRBIN Mississippi State Univer- recting his Ellis has seen four-plus The team has had two year and was one of few sity’s baseball coach for postgame decades of growth and separate back-to-back schools that turned a prof-
three years by then and analysis af- change not just in MSU CWS appearances, which it despite the COVID-19
In 1978, four words se- approved Ellis’ hiring as ter a doubleheader at the baseball, but in MSU and Ellis noted was unique pandemic, Ellis said.
cured the next 42 years the radio announcer, a University of Tennessee Southeastern Conference for having four different “In 1986, the entire
of Jim Ellis’ career: “Ron role Polk made sure Ellis in the 1990s. athletics as a whole, as coaches, one for each baseball budget was
says you’ll do.” stayed humble about, El- “‘He said, ‘Jim, there well as the sports broad- year. $176,000,” he said. “We’ve
Ron Polk had been lis told the Starkville Ro- was no play at the plate. casting industry. In the mid-1980s, See ELLIS, 6A


1 What comfort food is “for the soul” in a Monday, Nov. 30 MEETINGS
popular book series? Today: OCH Region-
■ Virtual Christmas Tree Light-
2 On the International Space Station, what al Medical Center
do astronauts convert their urine into? ing: Columbus lights its city tree
board of trustees
3 Name two of the “final Five” who made via Facebook Live and WCBI at 6
meeting, 4 p.m.
up the gold-medal-winning U.S. gymnastics p.m., with carolers and special
Dec. 1: Starkville
team in 2016. guests including Santa and Miz
Board of Aldermen
Cali Bradley 4 What Asian city-state had the highest Claus. Virtually chat with Santa
cost of living in the world as of 2017? meeting, 5:30 p.m.,
Pre-K, Annunciation following the lighting. Main Street
5 Which two iconic actresses play frene- City Hall
Columbus, 662-328-6305.

65 Low 55
mies whose husbands have left them for Dec. 7: Oktibbeha
High each other in the 2015 series “Grace and County Board of Su-
Increasing clouds
Answers, 6B
Tuesday, Dec. 1 pervisors meeting,
Full forecast on ■ “Deck the Halls”: Lowndes 9 a.m., Chancery
page 3A. County Master Gardeners host a Courthouse
Christmas decorating seminar at Dec. 8:
10 a.m. via Zoom. (Members may
INSIDE sign up to attend in person at the
Consolidated School
Classifieds 6B Health 6A Lowndes Extension office, if de- District Board of
Comics 4B Obituaries 5A sired.) Register for the video con- Trustees meeting, 6
Crossword 6B Opinions 4A ference at Caledonia resident Eliza Chrest p.m., 401 Greens-
Dear Abby 5B to receive a link. 662-328-2111. has a dog named Koda. boro St.


2A TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2020 The Dispatch •

Biden transition gets govt OK

after Trump out of options
Trump still refused to concede In recent days, senior
Trump aides including
came to my decision inde-
pendently, based on the
and vowed to continue to fight in court chief of staff Mark Mead-
ows and White House
law and available facts. I
was never directly or in-
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS let much of the air out of counsel Pat Cipollone had directly pressured by any
Trump’s frantic efforts also encouraged him to Executive Branch official
WA S H - to undermine the will of allow the transition to be- — including those who
INGTON — the people in what has gin, telling the president work at the White House
The federal amounted to a weekslong he didn’t need to concede or GSA — with regard to
government stress test for the nation’s but could no longer justify the substance or timing of
recognized confidence in the political withholding support to the my decision,” she wrote in
President-elect system and the fairness Biden transition. a letter to Biden.
Joe Biden as of U.S. elections. Those Yohannes Abraham, Trump tweeted mo-
the “appar- efforts haven’t ended and executive director of the ments after Murphy’s
ent winner” Biden are likely to persist well Biden transition, said decision: “We will keep
of the Nov. 3 election, for- beyond his lame-duck the decision “is a needed up the good fight and I be-
mally starting the transi- presidency. step to begin tackling the lieve we will prevail! Nev-
tion of power after Presi- challenges facing our na- ertheless, in the best in-
Murphy, explaining her
dent Donald Trump spent tion, including getting the
decision, cited “recent de- terest of our Country, I am
weeks testing the bound- pandemic under control
velopments involving legal recommending that Em-
aries of American democ- and our economy back on
challenges and certifica- ily and her team do what
racy. Trump relented after track.”
tions of election results.” needs to be done with re-
suffering yet more legal Murphy, a Trump ap-
She acted after Michi- gard to initial protocols,
and procedural defeats in pointee, had faced biparti-
his seemingly futile effort gan on Monday certified and have told my team to
san criticism for failing to
to overturn the election Biden’s victory in the bat- do the same.”
begin the transition pro-
with baseless claims of tleground state and a fed- cess sooner, preventing
fraud. eral judge in Pennsylvania Biden’s team from work-
Trump still refused tossed a Trump campaign ing with career agency
to concede and vowed to lawsuit on Saturday seek- officials on plans for his
continue to fight in court ing to prevent certification administration. The delay
after General Services Ad- in that state. denied the Democratic
ministrator Emily Murphy It also came as an in- president-elect access to
gave the green light Mon- creasing number of Re- highly classified national
day for Biden to coordi- publicans were publicly security briefings and hin-
nate with federal agencies acknowledging Biden’s dered his team’s ability to
ahead of his Jan. 20 inau- victory, after weeks of begin drawing up its own
guration. But Trump did tolerating Trump’s base- plans to respond to the
tweet that he was direct- less claims of fraud. The raging coronavirus pan-
ing his team to cooperate Republican president had demic.
on the transition. grown increasingly frus- Murphy insisted she
The fast-moving se- trated with the flailing tac- acted on her own.
ries of events seemed to tics of his legal team. “Please know that I

Biden signals sharp shift from Trump with Cabinet picks

BY MATTHEW LEE dent will nominate long- They “are experienced,
The Associated Press time adviser Antony crisis-tested leaders
Blinken to be secretary who are ready to hit the
WA SH I NG T ON of state, lawyer Alejandro ground running on day
— President-elect Joe Mayorkas to be homeland one,” the transition said in
Biden on Monday tapped security secretary and a statement. “These offi-
Obama-era officials for top
Linda Thomas-Green- cials will start working im-
national security and eco-
field to be ambassador to mediately to rebuild our
nomic roles, signaling a
the United Nations. Avril institutions, renew and
stark shift from the Trump
Haines, a former deputy reimagine American lead-
administration’s “America
director of the CIA, will be ership to keep Americans
First” policies that dispar-
aged international allianc- nominated as director of safe at home and abroad,
es and favored deregula- national intelligence, the and address the defining
tion and tax cuts. first woman to hold that challenges of our time —
The picks include for- post. from infectious disease, to
mer Secretary of State Thomas-Greenfield is terrorism, nuclear prolif-
John Kerry to take the Black, and Mayorkas is eration, cyber threats, and
lead on combating climate Cuban American. climate change.”
change. Biden is also ex-
pected to choose Janet
Yellen, who was nominat-
ed by former President
Barack Obama to lead the
Federal Reserve, as the
first woman to become
treasury secretary.
Biden’s emerging Cab-
inet marks a return to a
more traditional approach
to governing, relying on
veteran policymakers
with deep expertise and
strong relationships in
Washington and global
capitals. And with a ros-
ter that includes multiple
women and people of col-
or — some of whom are
breaking historic barriers
in their posts — Biden is
fulfilling his campaign
promise to lead a team
that reflects the diversity
of America.
The incoming presi-
The Dispatch • TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2020 3A

Health care fraud trial: Doctor acquitted on 7 of 8 counts

Prosecutors said the fraud began in Mississippi and cost insurers either have pleaded guilty or
been convicted of participating
$40,000 loan he made to Moran
to open Custom Care Pharma-
about $515 million in that state and $1.5 billion nationwide in the scheme.
Those who pleaded guilty in-
Asked why he would loan
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ory Auzenne, The Clarion Led- began in Mississippi and cost clude former pharmacist Marco a virtual stranger $40,000,
ger reported. The newspaper insurers about $515 million in Moran, 47, who testified against Auzenne replied, “He was well
JACKSON — A Mississippi said the U.S. Attorney’s Office that state and $1.5 billion na- Auzenne and Clark. known in the Black communi-
doctor has been acquitted on did not immediately comment tionwide. Auzenne was accused Moran said his Custom ty.”
seven of eight counts against Monday on whether it planned of taking $127,000 in kickbacks Care Pharmacy was opened to Auzenne testified that he
him in what prosecutors said to retry that charge. for his signature on preprinted process fraudulent prescrip- never signed the hundreds of
was about $18 million in health The two-week trial of prescription forms for com- tions for pain creams and other prescriptions for the medica-
care fraud involving expensive Auzenne and 46-year-old Tif- pounded medicines. medications, and that he paid tions under his name.
prescription pain cream. His fany Clark ended late Friday Clark was accused of taking Auzenne $127,000 in kick- Character witnesses testi-
secretary was acquitted on all in federal district court in Jack- payments to search patient files backs. fied that both defendants were
five counts against her. son. Charges on which they for those who met criteria for Auzenne said that $127,000 honest and trustworthy. They
Jurors were unable to agree were acquitted included con- the pain creams and whose in- check covered consulting fees, also said Clark probably didn’t
on the eighth count — making spiracy to commit health care surance would pay for them. and that his only connections know she was doing anything
false statements relating to and wire fraud. At least 25 people in Mis- with Moran were membership wrong because she was naive
health care — against Dr. Greg- Prosecutors said the fraud sissippi have been charged; 20 in a college fraternity and a and eager to please.

Continued from Page 1A
“There’s no feeling Club, Golden Triangle the doors of some senior Starkville Strong, a ally holding hands, we can … facilitate it, I feel
like it,” Nichols said of Early College High citizens. COVID-19 relief group are reaching out a hand,” like we are bringing such
giving to the community. School, Columbus Air Columbus salonist helping local businesses she said. “Every time positivity and momentum
“Sometimes, people can’t Force Base, Chocolate Courtney Harris also and residents, will also that Starkville Strong of hope to this area.”
help themselves. My Roses Social Club and will host a Thanksgiv- host a Thanksgiving
ability to provide, and just Good Deeds, as well as ing lunch from her own lunch pickup and delivery
seeing the tears and joy Stephanie Jones — wife salon, IamCourtney on at the J.L. King Center on
in some people’s eyes … to Ward 5 Councilman Fourth Avenue North. Wednesday, said group
is just amazing.” Stephen Jones — helped On Thanksgiving, she administrator Brandi
with the operations, he said she will hand out 150 Herrington.
said. sack lunches, including The event called for
Other area food drives Beard said he and his turkey sandwiches, donations of dishes in a
Like Nichols, many
wife will cook and serve chips, pecan pies and potluck style, she said,
other Golden Triangle
500 to 700 plates for any- water. and within four days, she
residents and groups also
one who comes looking. Harris said she wants had every item accounted
will feed those in need
The menu includes tur- to serve the meals on for. People will drop off
throughout the week. keys, green beans, corn, Thanksgiving Day, hop- those dishes at 10 a.m.
In Columbus, Ward strawberry and chocolate ing those in need can feel Wednesday, she said, and
4 Council- cakes and sweet potato cared for on the occasion. the drive-through pickup
man Pierre pies, he said. “Sometimes there are starts at 11:30 a.m.,
Beard will “Just come get a plate,” some individuals that where drivers can wait in
host his sec- Beard said. don’t have family to eat the parking lot for their
ond annual Due to COVID-19, with or pray with as well food. The group will also
Thanksgiv- this year’s service will as give thanks,” she said. deliver meals to those
ing lunch be drive-through only, “I felt there was a need to who cannot show up.
pickup at Beard said, and meals support those that don’t Some members sug-
the Boys Beard
will be picked up from have family and let them gested the cancellation
and Girls the side door without know that someone is of the event, Herrington
Club between noon and 2 anyone leaving their cars. thinking about them and said, but she still wanted
p.m. Tuesday. Volunteers He and some volunteers we care on that particular to make it happen safely.
from the Boys and Girls will also deliver meals to day.” “Even if it’s not liter-

Continued from Page 1A
Phillips, 26, with his car relationship and have a ing at OCH Regional Med- ing the incident and has not
on Riviera Road in north- child together but did not ical Center. Kitchens was released any other details.
east Oktibbeha County say if the collision was an released from Oktibbeha
around 8 p.m. Saturday escalation of a domestic County Jail on Monday af-
night. Watson told The situation. ter posting a $25,000 bond,
Dispatch that Kitchens Phillips was pronounced Watson said.
and Phillips were in a dead early Sunday morn- OCSO is still investigat-


Storms possible across South, gion, the national Storm Prediction Cen-
ter is forecasting.
Midwest on eve of Thanksgiving More than 21 million people will at
JACKSON — Severe weather — in- a marginal risk of severe Wednesday
cluding tornadoes — will be possible in parts of Louisiana, Mississippi, Ala-
across large parts of the South and Mid- bama, Tennessee, Kentucky, Illinois and
west just before Thanksgiving, forecast- Indiana.
ers say. That includes several large metro ar-
Damaging winds will be the main eas including Indianapolis, Cincinnati,
threat on Wednesday, but a tornado or Louisville, Kentucky and Memphis and
two will also be possible across the re- Nashville in Tennessee.

The solunar period indicates
peak-feeding times for fish and game.
Tues. Wed.
Major 8:30p 9:11p
Minor 3:38p 4:06p
Major 8:50a 9:31a
Minor 2:53a 3:47a
Courtesy of Mississippi Department
of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks

The Dispatch
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Published by Commercial Dispatch Publishing Company Inc.,
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If you don’t read The Dispatch, how are you gonna know?
PETER BIRNEY IMES Editor/Publisher
BIRNEY IMES III Editor/Publisher 1998-2018
BIRNEY IMES JR. Editor/Publisher 1947-2003

BIRNEY IMES SR. Editor/Publisher 1922-1947

ZACK PLAIR, Managing Editor

BETH PROFFITT Advertising Director
MICHAEL FLOYD Circulation/Production Manager

Let’s talk turkey
“Turkeys know their over 50 novels and was an crate as a Thanksgiving gift from a aluminum trays like airline service. The
names, come when you call, editor and contributor of the Mississippi resident purported to be a company quickly retrofitted and turned
and are totally affectionate. premier magazine “Godey’s woman named Joyce from Nitta Yuma, out “TV dinners” with turkey, cornbread
They’re better than teenag- Lady’s Book” for 40 years. or possibly a man from Peru, Missis- dressing, gravy, peas and sweet pota-
ers.” Mrs. Hale was an activist sippi. I was unable to confirm the town toes, sold for 98 cents. In 1954 10
— Elayne Boosler, for causes dear to her heart, Peru. President Coolidge elect- million dinners were sold.
Rolling Stone’s “First including confirming a na- ed to keep the raccoon as In 1963 President
Lady of Standup Comedy” tional Thanksgiving Day. a pet and named her John F. Kennedy
Prior to 1863, a time Rebecca. received the annual

his Thanksgiving will of thanksgiving was cele- In 1939 Pres- turkey given by
probably be different brated at random times in ident Franklin the country’s
for most of us as some isolated locations, mostly Roosevelt moved farmers and was
people will be able to gather Shannon Bardwell the Northeast. For 17 years Thanksgiving quoted saying,
with family and some will Mrs. Hale advocated to up a week to “We’ll just let
not. It could be different in the magazine’s 150,000 extend Christ- this one grow.” I
ways we have not thought of, like more subscribers as well as successive mas celebrations have to wonder if
appreciating health, happiness, family presidents for a common and united during the Depres- this had something to do
and friends near or far. We have tech- Thanksgiving Day. On Sept. 28, 1863, sion. The change was with the children.
nology to connect; then there’s always Mrs. Hale sent a letter to President mostly unappreciated and In 1989 President George
a phone call, cards and letters. I could Lincoln, “Excuse the liberty I have referred to as “Franksgiv- H.W. Bush was the first
fill a book with all the information I’ve taken with profound respect ... ” that ing.” Only 23 of 48 states com- president to officially pardon
gleaned on Thanksgiving I didn’t know. would convince the president on Oct. plied and in 1941 the designated the annual Thanksgiving turkey,
I’ll start with Sarah Josepha Hale and 3 to establish the fourth Thursday of day was returned to its original saying, “Let me assure you, and
finish with tidbits of trivia you may November as a national celebration for date. this fine tom turkey, that he will
enjoy and perhaps share. a “Day of Thanksgiving and Prayer to In 1953 the Swanson Company not end up on anyone’s dinner table, not
Mrs. Hale is known as the “Mother our beneficent Father who dwelleth in overestimated the demand for turkey, this guy — he’s granted a presidential
of Thanksgiving” and the author of the heavens.” leaving 260 tons of frozen turkey on pardon as of right now.”
“Mary Had a Little Lamb,” from her In 1926 President Calvin Coolidge railroad cars. Swanson’s Gerry Thom- Email reaches Shannon Bardwell of
children’s poetry books. She authored received a live raccoon in a wooden as immediately suggested meals in Columbus at

Aspects of
human emotion
m I too emotional, or am
I emotionless?
My first experience
of death was in early adult-
hood. It was my father’s death.
I didn’t cry; maybe I couldn’t
cry. I dutifully performed all
the rigorous traditional Hindu
rites required of a son after his
father’s death. I was just going
through the motions. Several
years after that, my mother
died. And over the last thirty Jiben Roy
years, one by one, my three
older brothers and two older
sisters died. It was only my father’s death that I saw with
my own eyes. I was informed of all the other deaths by
phone or letters, while living in a land far away from my
family of origin. I don’t recall crying at any of those times.
However, in recent years, long after all those losses,
tears strike me when I have flashbacks of memories, or
watch emotional movies. Some movies that have made
me cry are: Hachi: A Dog’s Tale, The Kite Runner, To Kill
a Mockingbird, The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, Anne VOICE OF THE PEOPLE
Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl, The Fault in Our Stars
Appreciates seeing Community determine what we consider to be the truth. I
and many others. Holocaust movies are especially reliable
raised this point about statistical facts and, more
tear jerkers for me. I guess I’m not alone in that experi- Counseling continuing to serve area specifically, about the number of people who: 1)
ence. At least I’m not yet like Robert Di Nero in Analyze Congratulations to Mr. Richard Duggin as the
This, bawling at commercials! consider the data on COVID-19 cases and deaths
newest Executive Director and to the Board of as either inflated or just plain total hoax; and 2)
Renowned neuroeconomist, Professor Paul J. Zak, af- Region VII Mental Health/Mental Retardation
firms that empathetic, emotional, even frequently tearful believe that President Trump actually won the
Commission (dba Community Counseling Ser- 2020 election despite repeated failures to legally
people “‘know how to handle their emotions better, and vices) for choosing him as their fifth Director.
they are stronger when facing daily challenges.” establish any claims that might overturn the
For almost 50 years, CCS and the Board have reported results (an astonishing 88% of Republi-
What a relief! been helping the residents of our seven counties
So, it was a relief to see President-elect Biden become cans according to the most recent poll).
(Choctaw, Clay, Lowndes, Noxubee, Oktibbeha I repeat my challenge that we all accept at
tearful when he heard the stories of nurses and frontline and Winston) receive quality mental health,
health workers faced with treating patients in the early least some numerical facts based on the trust-
effective alcohol/drug addiction and intellectual worthiness of the source. I claimed that, unlike
stages of COVID-19. With an emotionally intelligent disability services locally on a sliding fee scale
leader, we might finally reverse the course of failure of the Los Angeles Times and ESPN on baseball
which makes these services available to all citi- results, Rudy Giuliani was NOT a credible source
the American government on COVID-19. Our current zens, regardless of income.
unempathetic President meanwhile is busy firing anyone regarding the accuracy of ballot counting but
Special thanks also need to be extended on
with emotional intelligence. that state boards of election were — as has al-
this occasion to some of the earliest pioneers of
Psychology Today reports ”emotional intelligence, was ways been the case in the past, including in 2016
this endeavor. Without the generous contribution
the key” to President Jefferson’s success in governing when the results were MUCH closer than now.
and leadership of people like Mr. S.B. Platt III
the country at that time. According to author Anthony I was implying President Trump as being no
and Ms Margo Swain (former Commissioners),
Pantalone, “President John F. Kennedy’s cognitive and more credible than Giuliani. This is a President
Mr. Bud Phillips and Mr. Clay Terrell (Region
emotional intelligence during the Cuban Missile Crisis of who for over two weeks has remained fixated on
VII Foundation members) and Dr. Raymond
1962 had incredibly profound effects on this event and the the election results while ignoring the ever-in-
Overstreet (staff Psychiatrist), our region and its
United States’ national security.” Similarly, some theorize creasing number of new cases and deaths due to
people would not have had the quality of care we
that Bill Clinton’s emotional intelligence was the key to COVID-19.
now receive.
his popularity despite the Monica Lewinsky scandal. We have now endured 257,000-plus total and
When CCS was established in 1972, a psychi-
While emotional intelligence includes compassion, it is are seeing nearly 2,000 daily deaths due to this
atric nurse would come thru our region for a half
more than just compassion. Jimmy Carter is a very com- virus. Do you still believe these numbers are
day once a month on the way to Tupelo! There
passionate man known for his successful humanitarian were no local Mental Health office facilities nor part of a hoax? Even now that the election is
work and his failure to be popular as a president. Perhaps were there any group homes for developmentally over? Even now that we are on a path to reach
it is because emotional intelligence implies a toughness delayed individuals nor were there any quality an average of 3,000 deaths DAILY several
that people like to see in a leader, which they did not see residential addiction services available as there days before Christmas according to the IHME
in Carter. are now at The Pines and Cady Hill until the forecast (which I consider to be a trustworthy
The two emotions President Trump operates on are Foundation (Mr Phillips; Mr. Terrell) was estab- source along with Johns Hopkins University and
anger and disgust. His lack of empathy and emotional lished; there were no psychiatric care services the CDC)? The IHME model projects surpass-
intelligence is obvious in videos of his meetings with locally available for mental illness on a regularly ing 312,000 total deaths on that day (12/21) and
healthcare workers. Instead of shedding a tear for the scheduled basis by appointment until Dr. Ber- nearly 500,000 by the end of February — the
trauma suffered by front line workers or the thousands nard Ellis, followed by Dr. Overstreet, joined the furthest out the model predicts at this point.
of American lives lost, he argued with nurses about the staff. As I have pointed out in the past, these projec-
shortage of protective equipment. It seems like a sizeable As the fourth employee and third Ex. Director tions typically underestimate the actual deaths
portion of Americans still think men who spew anger on (1973-91), I was overjoyed to see the continuity observed.
others are strong. That is unfortunate. of these services going forward in an ever more If you do not believe the current numbers
The hopeful thing is a majority of Americans appre- expanded and diverse manner. Fifty years of what will it take for you to start?
ciate the real strength that comes from compassion and service could only have been achieved with Do you need a relative to die from COVID-19?
emotional intelligence. dedicated Commissioners and Foundation mem- Someone in your immediate family? Yourself?
We are a nation of dog lovers, and dogs are the most bers, executive leadership and line staff “helping Meanwhile, we have a President who appar-
emotionally intelligent animals! (This is probably why people build a life they can live with” multos ently still would have you believe that we are
Trump hates dogs.) Our dogs are capable of both staying annos! turning the corner on the virus.
beside us when we cry and defending us with all their Paul J. Ackerman This is the same President who just threw
might when we are faced with danger. Soon we will have Columbus Brian Kemp, Governor of Georgia, and Kelly
our first shelter dog in the White House! We should try to Loeffler, a sitting U.S. Senator from Georgia —
be more emotionally intelligent, like our dogs, and choose both big Trump supporters — under the bus.
leaders who can do the same. Wonders what it takes to We should all think about the implications of
This column was written by Jiben Roy and his daughter, start believing COVID numbers that.
Writtika Roy, M.D. Jiben Roy is a regular contributor, and Last week I challenged all of us to consider Paul Mack
his daughter is a licensed psychiatrist. the processes — conscious or not — we use to Columbus
The Dispatch • TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2020 5A

Thanksgiving could be make-or-break in US virus response

The nation is averaging 165K new virus cases socialize anyway. Experts say
that could put greater stress on
of blunts the impact of the mea-
sures themselves.”
to get together; in Oregon, the
gathering limit is six. California
per day, up over 70 percent in two weeks overburdened hospitals and lead
to an even bigger spike in sick-
The nation is averaging
165,000 new virus cases per day,
has imposed an overnight cur-
few. More states are requiring
BY MICHAEL RUBINKAM ing restrictions on small indoor ness and death over the holidays. up over 70 percent in two weeks, masks, including those with
The Associated Press gatherings, which have been “When this started in early according to Johns Hopkins Uni- GOP governors who have long
blamed for accelerating the March, we weren’t staring at versity. Hospitalizations, deaths resisted them. The nation’s top
In Pennsylvania, if you’re spread of the coronavirus. But Thanksgiving and Christmas, and the testing positivity rate health officials are urging Amer-
having friends over to socialize, while such measures carry the and we didn’t have the disease are also up sharply as the nation icans to avoid Thanksgiving
you’re supposed to wear a mask weight of law, they are, in practi- reservoir that we have. And that, approaches Thanksgiving. travel.
— and so are your friends. That’s cal terms, unenforceable, and of- to me, is the biggest concern in In response, elected officials There’s some evidence the
the rule, but Barb Chestnut has ficials are banking on voluntary the next few weeks,” said Dr. are imposing restrictions that, holiday will be quieter.
no intention of following it. compliance instead. David Rubin, the director of Po- with some exceptions, fall short Tamika Hickson, who co-
“No one is going to tell me Good luck with that. licyLab at Children’s Hospital of of the broad-based stay-at-home owns a party rental business in
what I can or not do in my own While many are undoubtedly Philadelphia. He called the risk orders and business shutdowns Philadelphia, said Thanksgiving
home” said Chestnut, 60, of heeding public health advice — of a Thanksgiving spike “ex- seen in the spring. was a bust even before her city
Shippensburg. “They do not pay downsizing Thanksgiving plans, tremely high.” Utah and Vermont have moved to prohibit indoor gather-
my bills and they are not going to avoiding get-togethers, wearing “I think you’re seeing a lot of banned all social gatherings. ings of any size.
tell me what to do.” masks when they’re around peo- resistance here,” Rubin said. “I So have local governments in “Nobody’s calling,” Hickson
As governors and mayors ple who don’t live with them — can’t speculate on what people Philadelphia and Dane Coun- said. “A lot of people lost a lot of
grapple with an out-of-control it’s inevitable that a segment of are going to do, but I can say ty, Wisconsin. In Kentucky, no loved ones, so they’re not play-
pandemic, they are ratcheting the population will blow off new that to the degree that there isn’t more than eight people from ing with this. And I don’t blame
up mask mandates and impos- state and local restrictions and a collective buy-in here, it sort two households are permitted them.”

COMMERCIAL DISPATCH Cribbs and Vandora In addition to her County High School pital-Golden Triangle. was formerly employed
OBITUARY POLICY McKinney. He was a parents, she was and a veteran of the Services will be at as a supervisor with
Obituaries with basic informa-
graduate of Todd High preceded in death by U.S. Air Force. He was 11 a.m. Wednesday, Ceco Building Systems
tion including visitation and
service times, are provided School and was for- her husband, Elbert formerly employed as at New Salem Baptist and the YMCA. He
free of charge. Extended obit- merly employed with Fenton; children, Elbert a mail carrier with the Church, with the Rev. was a member of New
uaries with a photograph, de- 3M. He was a member Fenton Jr and Roy Fen- U.S. Postal Service. Mel Howton officiat- Salem Baptist Church.
tailed biographical information of Rising Star Baptist ton; siblings, Clara Da- In addition to his par- ing. Burial will follow In addition to his par-
and other details families may Church. vis, Bessie Will Harris, ents, he was preceded in Egger cemetery. ents, he was preceded
wish to include, are available He is survived by Mattie Will Humphries, Visitation will be one in death by his siblings,
for a fee. Obituaries must be in death by his sister,
his children, Gregory Lizzie Fenton, Otis Har- Ann Murphy. hour prior to services Jane Jones and Mary
submitted through funeral
homes unless the deceased’s Cribbs, Ehko Luckett, ris, Arthur Lee Harris He is survived by his at the church. Memori- Ann Atkins.
body has been donated to Lamandy Howell, Tawo- and Earnest Harris. wife, Mary Nell Craw- al Gunter Peel Funeral He is survived by
science. If the deceased’s na Hutchinson, Jac- She is survived by ford Langley; and sib- Home and Crematory, his wife, Martha Burke
body was donated to science, queline D. Cribbs and her children, Frank Second Avenue North Dyer; son, Jason Dyer;
lings, Jimmy W. Lang-
the family must provide official Tiffany S. Jackson; sib- Fenton, Tommy Fenton, location is in charge of sister, Sue Wood; and
proof of death. Please submit ley, Johnny Langley and
lings, James C. Cribbs Robert Fenton all of arrangements. two grandchildren.
all obituaries on the form
Columbus and Mary Judy Merchant.
provided by The Commercial
and Joe S. Cribbs; 13 Mr. Dyer was born Memorials may be
grandchildren; and two Lynn Webber of St. April 30, 1938, in Ham- made to New Salem
Dispatch. Free notices must
be submitted to the newspa- great-grandchildren. Louis, Missouri, and 34 James Dyer ilton, Alabama, to the Baptist Church, 7086
per no later than 3 p.m. the grandchildren. COLUMBUS — late Eston Sullivan and Wolfe Road, Columbus,
day prior for publication Tues- James Bolin James Ray Dyer, 82, Mildred Farr Dyer. He MS, 39705.
day through Friday; no later
than 4 p.m. Saturday for the
WEST POINT — James Hill died Nov. 23, 2020, at
James K. Bolin Jr., 78, MACON — James Baptist Memorial Hos-
Sunday edition; and no later
than 7:30 a.m. for the Monday died Nov. 22, 2020, at Hill, 79, passed away.
edition. Incomplete notices Baptist Memorial Hos- Arrangements are
must be received no later pital of DeSoto. incomplete and will be
than 7:30 a.m. for the Monday Graveside services announced by Carter’s
through Friday editions. Paid
will be at 11 a.m. Funeral Services of
notices must be finalized by 3
Friday, in Beersheba Macon.
p.m. for inclusion the next day
Monday through Thursday; and Cemetery. Memorial
on Friday by 3 p.m. for Sunday Gunter Peel Funeral Quince Tate
and Monday publication. For Home and Crematory, MACON — Quince
more information, call 662- College Street location Tate, 92, passed away.
328-2471. is in charge of arrange- Arrangements are
ments. incomplete and will be

Margaret Blair
James Cribbs announced by Carter’s
SULLIGENT, Ala. Essie Fenton Funeral Services of
— James H. Cribbs, 73, COLUMBUS — Es- Macon. Annie Kessinger
Graveside Services:
died Nov. 17, 2020, at sie Harris Fenton, 95, Wednesday, Nov. 25 • 1 PM Margaret Elizabeth Smith Blair, age 78, of
North Mississippi Med- died Nov. 20, 2020, at Elbert Langley Friendship Cemetery
College St. Location
Caledonia, MS, passed away November 21, 2020,
ical Center-Gilmore. Baptist Memorial Hos- VERNON, Ala. — El- at Baptist Memorial Hospital.
Funeral services pital-Golden Triangle. bert Franklin Langley, Funeral services will be Monday, November
were at 1:30 p.m. Graveside ser- Jason Bishop 23, 2020, at 2:00 PM at Memorial Gunter Peel
86, died Nov. 21, 2020, Incomplete
Sunday, at Rising Star vices will be at 2 p.m. at his residence. 2nd Ave. N. Location
Chapel 903 College St. location with John
Baptist Church, with Wednesday, in Memo- Family graveside Longmire officiating. The interment will
the Rev. Willie Joe rial Gardens. Carter’s services are at 2 p.m. James Bolin immediately follow at Memorial Gardens of
Hollis officiating. Burial Funeral Services of today, in Furnace Hill. Graveside Services: Columbus. Visitation will be from 1:00 PM until
Friday, Nov. 27 • 11 AM
followed in McKinney Columbus is in charge Chandler Funeral Beersheba Cemetery
the time of the service.
Family Cemetery. of arrangements. Home of Vernon is College St. Location Mrs. Blair was born October 18, 1942, in
Visitation was from Mrs. Fenton was in charge of arrange- Brooksville, MS, to the late Grover Cleveland and
1-1:30 p.m. prior to born May 29, 1925, ments. James Dyer Sudie Mae Menees Smith. She was a graduate of
services at the church. in Columbus, to the Mr. Langley was Visitation: Brooksville High School. Mrs. Blair retired from
Wednesday, Nov. 25 • 10-11 AM Seminole/American Trouser Manufacturing
Otts Funeral Home of late Lacey Billups and born Nov. 10, 1934, New Salem Baptist Church
Sulligent was in charge Hosey Harris. She was in Lamar County, Services: after 47 years of employment and was a member
Wednesday, Nov. 25 • 11 AM of Caledonia United Methodist Church.
of arrangements. formerly employed with Alabama, to the late New Salem Baptist Church
Mr. Cribbs was born Beneke Corp. and was Denmon and Pauline Burial In addition to her parents, she was preceded
July 24, 1947, in Sulli- a member of Oak Grove McGill Langley. He was Egger Cemetery in death by an infant sister and sister, Martha
2nd Ave. N. Location Smith Cooper.
gent to the late Harold M.B. Church. a graduate of Lamar
Since retirement, she enjoyed going to dinner a
couple times a month with her dinner club which
consisted of several friends from high school. On
Friday nights she always said for some reason
the stove never worked.
Are dining tents a safe way to eat out during the pandemic? She loved spending time with her family and
making sure she played some hand and foot and/
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS professor at the Universi- minutes, says Gabby Mil-
or scrabble with her kids before they would leave.
ty of Minnesota School of ton, the restaurant’s man-
Are dining tents a safe aging partner.
She loved to do puzzles, playing candy crush
Public Health.
way to eat out during the and other games on her computer. One of her
“If it’s keeping you
pandemic? from being in a common
favorite things was cooking her grandbabies’
Health experts say out- airspace with other peo-
favorite meals like stuffed bell peppers, red
door dining tents are gen- ple, then that’s a good meatballs, congealed salad with extra grapes
erally safer than dining thing,” he says. and their mini pancakes, when they would stay
inside, but caution that Between parties, tents the night with her.
they’re not all equal. should be cleaned and Survivors include her husband of 54 years,
Many restaurants are William T. Blair of Caledonia, MS; sons, David
left open for at least 20
erecting individual tents, Blair and his wife Misty of Mantachie, MS and
minutes, says Aubree
igloos and other outdoor Wesley Blair of Caledonia, MS; daughter, Amy
Gordon, an associate pro-
structures that let people Blair Crews and her husband Vince of Wiggins,
fessor at the University of
who are dining togeth- MS; brother, Grover Cleveland Smith, Jr. and
Michigan School of Public
er avoid being indoors, his wife Nancy of Tyler, TX; and grandchildren,
where the coronavirus Health. She also suggests
servers should be able to Abagale McMahan and her husband Cody and
spreads more easily. Greyson Blair, both of Mantachie, MS. She also
Experts say the struc- leave food on a tray out-
side to minimize contact leaves behind a number of nieces and nephews
tures should be well-ven-
with diners. also great nieces and nephews.
tilated. A tent with four
walls and a roof, for exam- Tents are helping many Memorials may be made to St. Jude Children’s
ple, might not have better restaurants get through Research Hospital, 501 St. Jude Place, Memphis,
ventilation than an indoor lean times. But they may TN, 38105-9959.
dining room. cost extra. In Detroit, Lu- So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be
“The more airflow men restaurant charges dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen
through the structure, $30 per person to reserve you and help you; I will uphold you with my
the better it is,” says Dr. a heated structure with righteous right hand.
Isaac Weisfuse, a public windows for two hours.
health expert at Cornell Lumen’s igloos and green-
University. houses can each seat six
Igloos and individ- people, and the party
ual tents are a creative must spend at least $300.
solution but shouldn’t be Once a party leaves, Sign the online guest book at
shared with people who the structure is cleaned,
aren’t in your household, sprayed with sanitizing College Street • Columbus, MS
says Craig Hedberg, a fog and aired out for 30
6A TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2020 The Dispatch •

n Drink a glass of water first thing in the morning:
Coffee’s great too, but it’s best to start your day by re-
hydrating with a full glass of water. Hydrating first thing in
the morning helps to aid digestion, enhance skin health
and boost energy.

Health tips from Dr. Oz and Dr. Roizen

Two new ways aspirin may percent. The opti- taking the anti-in-
mal dose, suggest flammatory and
extend your life the researchers, blood-clot-prevent-
Since aspirin became widely may be 325 mg ing medication.
available in the late 1800s, it’s been daily, two to seven One reminder:
advocated for use in many odd times a week. Take aspirin with
ways, from birth control to pro- Taking it five times a glass of warm
longing the life of a Christmas tree. weekly showed a 3 water before
Fortunately, the modern science percent reduction and after to help
behind this common pain reliever’s and 20 times, a 10 minimize gastro
powers is far more reliable — and percent cut. problems or
ever-growing. Another new in- bleeding. Aspirin
Research suggests that this sight into aspirin’s Drs. Oz and Roizen blocks hormones
heart-friendly medication can also powers was pub- that protect your
lower your risk of certain types lished in Anesthesia & Analgesia. stomach lining, so you don’t want
of cancer, and the latest research It reveals that patients hospitalized the pill to land on vulnerable
published in Oncotarget on breast with COVID-19 who received aspi- tissue.
cancer is especially promising. In rin (usually 81 mg) within 24 hours Mehmet Oz, M.D. is host of “The
an analysis of 13 existing studies of admission or within seven days Dr. Oz Show,” and Mike Roizen,
that involved more than 850,000 prior to admission are less likely M.D. is Chief Wellness Officer and
women, those who took aspirin for to be admitted to the ICU, put on Chair of Wellness Institute at Cleve-
five years cut their risk of breast a ventilator or die (a 47 percent land Clinic. To live your healthiest,
cancer 14 percent, for 10 years by decrease in that risk) than hospi- tune into “The Dr. Oz Show” or visit
27 percent and for 20 years by 46 talized COVID patients who aren’t

Continued from Page 1A
got assistant coaches with the Bulldogs. cific times and refusing He grew up listening
making more than that Ellis had anecdotes to wait for anyone who to legendary MSU bas-
now. It’s really amazing and praise for a variety wasn’t there on time. ketball and football an-
what has happened with of MSU coaches and ath- “He was always ex- nouncer Jack Cristil and
investment in sports, par- letic directors, including tremely positive,” Ellis remembers the first time
ticularly in the Southeast- former AD Larry Temple- said. “I always appreciat- he heard him broadcast:
ern Conference.” ton, who he described as ed that about him, and it MSU’s football team had
Ellis has announced “really loyal to the peo- rubbed off on his team.” a comeback win against
both men’s and women’s ple that worked for him.” Prompted by a ques- Kentucky with an 80-yard
basketball at MSU in ad- Ellis’ wife was ill and in tion from the audience, touchdown pass in 1956.
dition to baseball, and the hospital for nearly a Ellis said sports radio Cristil was later El-
he remembers when the month in 2001, and Tem- has changed a great deal lis’ roommate for more
women’s team joined the pleton checked on him al- throughout his career, es- than a decade, until Ellis’
SEC in 1982 and did not most every day and gave pecially since television doctor told him Cristil’s
win a single game in its him the time off he need- and social media are now smoking was harming
first four seasons. The ed, Ellis said. the primary sources of his lungs, Ellis said.
team had just 16 SEC He described current sports news. “He was a true pro-
wins in 13 years until AD John Cohen, a for- “If you look at ESPN, fessional (and) a great
Sharon Fanning led the mer MSU baseball play- everything is hyped,” storyteller,” Ellis said.
women to multiple win- er, as “innovative … very Ellis said. “What goes “He could be a character
ning seasons and NCA A inquisitive, asks a lot of on around the game is sometimes, but he loved
tournament appearanc- questions and thinks out- almost more important Mississippi State.”
es, setting the stage for side the box.” than what goes on in the
Vic Schaefer to take the Polk became a special game, and that’s sort of
team “to a whole ‘nother assistant to Cohen earli- what happens with a lot
level,” Ellis said. Schae- er this year. During his of radio broadcasts. I love
fer left for the Universi- 22 years as head base- the announcers who actu-
ty of Texas earlier this ball coach, he ran a tight ally describe the game,
year, having reached the ship, Ellis said, requiring stay with the game and
national championship players to be on the bus don’t do a lot of coaching
game twice in his tenure for away games at spe- and speculating.”

Continued from Page 1A
The surplus indicates a by The Dispatch through raised from 47.59 to 51.24
better financial standing an open records request. last year.
compared to fiscal years Dillon told The Dispatch The city also saw year-
2017 and 2018, where the Oct. 30 the city received end salaries drop across
city ran at a deficit ex- $10,123,506 in proper- the departments, such
ceeding $800,000 each ty tax revenue — which as fire, police and court.
year. The savings came is an increase from the The police department,
after Mayor Robert Smith $9,838,080 it had request- for example, saw a cut
cut back employee hours ed from Lowndes County of $895,711 in overall
and therefore reduced Tax Assessor’s Office. expenses, including a
pay and froze hiring and The city saw less rev- $637,244 drop in salaries,
travel between April and enue in other categories, $94,664 less in matching
July. The measures were including $323,286 less retirement benefits and
estimated to save the city in police fines and for- $36,358 less in overtime
$1.56 million at the time, feiture and $99,721 less pay. Its cost of travel and
The Dispatch reported. in rental income at the training, however, rose
The city council Trotter Convention Cen- by $36,851. The depart-
amended the budget in ter. Dillon said the loss ment was only allowed
July for the first time, of income at Trotter was to have a maximum of 54
but then amended it anticipated due to the officers instead of the 64
again Nov. 3 as required COVID-19 pandemic. Po- originally budgeted fol-
by state law to reflect lice Chief Fred Shelton lowing the spring hiring
the surplus. The year- declined to comment on freeze, which Smith lift-
end budget amendments budget-related issues. ed in July, The Dispatch
lowered the previously The biggest cut in reported.
budgeted revenue by spending comes when Other departments
$210,000 and slashed the the city slashed $1.94 mil- experienced similar cuts
budgeted expenditure by lion in “transfer out.” Dil- and increases in earn-
$2.7 million. Dillon said lon said the money was ings. Dillon said the re-
the budget was amended historically used to pay duced salaries are partly
to match the actual year- for the city’s debts. due to the rolled-back
end figures. The city’s “The category ‘trans- work hours in the spring.
action was days after the fer out’ was historically In the administrative
state-set deadline, since used to satisfy bonded and finance department,
the law requires the year- indebtedness including however, salaries in-
end amendments to be Moore’s Creek and Uni- creased. The department
approved by city council versity Mall (Tax Incre- experienced an overall
no more than 30 days af- ment Financing) bonds cut of $1.8 million in ex-
ter the fiscal year ends, among other things,” he penses, but saw an uptick
said state auditor’s of- said in an email to The of $17,565 in salaries.
fice spokesperson Logan Dispatch Sunday. Dillon attributed that
Reeves. However, he said, the to the special election
Of the amendments, city raised millage last expenses after former
the city changed several year instead to cover Ward 1 Councilman Gene
budget line items to re- the debt payments. The Taylor passed away. Ward
flect a higher property millage rate — used to 1 Councilwoman Ethel
tax revenue than antici- calculate how much each Taylor Stewart, sister to
pated, according to a copy resident needs to pay Taylor, won the election
of the document obtained in property tax — was runoff in October 2019.

Get promoted? Win an award? Send us your business brief.
subject: Business brief

Season opener still on track, starters not yet announced

BY GARRICK HODGE about our players and and have all tested nega- their health and safety tive “for the most part.”
number one, as well as Both Wednesday’s con-
STARK VILLE — the staff. It’s just a part test against Clemson
Wednesday’s season of right now. I’ll be very and Thursday’s matchup
opener against Clemson thankful for a vaccine.” with Purdue or Liberty
is right around the cor- Various collegiate remain on as scheduled.
ner for Mississippi State programs throughout “We have to just fol-
men’s basketball. the nation have paused low the protocols,” red-
Yet, there seems to all basketball related ac- shirt sophomore guard
be a more pressing issue tivities because of posi- D.J. Stewart said of be-
on MSU coach Ben How- tive COVID-19 tests and ing diligent. “We have to
land’s mind. contact tracing, includ- social distance and treat
“We talk about it with ing Ole Miss, Florida most people like they
our team on a daily ba- and Tennessee. have COVID, so we’re
sis, how COVID is out of MSU hasn’t had the kind of staying away
control throughout our difficulties some of its from everybody to help
country,” Howland said. Southeastern Confer- keep our families safe.”
“How it’s at an all-time ence counterparts are Testing for MSU play-
high in terms of people having, though, as How- ers and staff has picked
coming down with it ... land said the team hasn’t up from once a week to Jim Lytle/Dispatch file photo
There’s definitely a lot of had any COVID-related three times a week per Mississippi State’s D.J. Stewart will be expected to step into a leadership role this
concern. I’m concerned stoppages whatsoever See MBB, 3B season. MSU begins its season against Clemson Wednesday night.


pauses all
Leach talks Egg Bowl history, Lane Kiffin and
youth ahead of first meeting with Ole Miss
Mississippi has can-
celed four basketball
games and suspended
team activities until
Dec. 7 because of posi-
tive COVID-19 tests and
contact tracing.
The school in Ox-
ford, Mississippi, an-
nounced Monday that
the Justin Reed Ole
Miss Classic set for this
week is canceled, along
with the Dec. 5 game
against Memphis.
The Rebels were
scheduled to host
Central Arkansas on
Wednesday, Jackson
State on Thursday and
Arkansas State on Fri-
Ole Miss says the
athletes and staff affect-
ed are “taking appropri-
ate safety measures in
accordance with univer-
sity protocol.”
The Rebels are now
scheduled to open the
season Dec. 12 against

pick up win

Heritage Academy boys
improved to 3-0 with a 65-
56 win over Delta Streets
Academy on Monday at
the Delta Duels at Missis-
Dale Zanine/USA TODAY Sports
sippi Valley State.
Mississippi State Bulldogs head coach Mike Leach is shown on the sideline during the game against the Georgia Bulldogs during the first
Trey Naugher had 23 half Saturday at Sanford Stadium.
points for the Patriots.
Mack Howard had 20, BY BEN PORTNOY fin. A friend of Kiffin’s father, plateau in a month, freshman nior Fred Peters is likely to be
and Drew Huskison had Monte, who currently serves quarterback Will Rogers de- sidelined for the year due to an
13. as a player personnel analyst livered his best game to date undisclosed injury and Marcus
Heritage Academy’s STARK VILLE — Mike for the Rebels, Leach was in- with a 336 -yard, one touch- Murphy’s recent opt-out, MSU
next game is Dec. 1 at Leach is new to the Egg Bowl, troduced to the younger Kif- down performance in Athens. is paper thin at safety. Corner-
Tuscaloosa Academy (Al- but his familiarity with it fin years ago. Beyond the quarterback back is perhaps even more of
abama). spans decades. The pair overlapped briefly position, Leach has relied a problem, where sophomore
Speaking with reporters in the Pac-12 when Kiffin was heavily on young pieces in his Martin Emerson and fresh-
Monday, Leach conceded he’s the head coach at USC and newly minted air raid. Rogers
Prep Girls Soccer perhaps not as well versed in Leach at Washington State, has received the bulk of the
man Emmanuel Forbes have
Caledonia 2, Amory 0 been asked to take on massive
Egg Bowl lore as even some though they never faced each attention, but classmate Jaden
AMORY — The Cale- of those on the weekly Zoom workloads given their lack of
other on the field. Coaching Walley enjoyed a breakout depth.
donia High School girls call, but that he’s long been conventions and other vary- game of his own notching 115 That said, the Egg Bowl
soccer team beat Amo- cognizant of the ramifications ing events have also seen yards and a touchdown Satur-
ry 2-0 in Monday’s road the game has within the state thrives on absurdity. From last
their paths cross. day. In all, four of MSU’s top
match. The Cavaliers of Mississippi. year’s Elijah Moore peeing dog
“If you’re stuck at one of five pass catchers were either
scored in the 7th and 34th “Just over the years, even celebration to 40 mile per hour
these coaches meeting things freshmen or sophomores.
minutes. as I was a kid, I know it was winds knocking down an MSU
that everybody pretends are “I think that we’re young
Caledonia’s next always an incredibly intense field goal attempt in the 1983
so important, Lane lightens enough that we’re definitely
match is Dec. 1 at Shan- game,” he said. “I know, it’s it up a little bit,” Leach said. going to change to the pos- edition. What the 2020 contest
non. very meaningful to people “And I, for one, am happy he’s itive,” Leach said. “That’s has in store? Time will tell.
and I know that it’s in conver- there.” where the biggest strikes “...This is a game that’s
Prep Boys Soccer sation all year round. Every Saturday’s 3 p.m. contest come is when somebody, the memorable,” Leach said. “It’s
Caledonia 2, Amory 1 day, there’s not a day I don’t in Oxford will be a reunion younger they are, the more very important to our fans and
AMORY — The Cale- hear somebody mention the of sorts for Leach, but for his they’re developing. And we’re even though they can’t be in
donia boys beat Amory Egg Bowl.” team, it’s a chance to further right there.” the stands as much as usual,
2-1 on Monday in Amory. While Leach isn’t wholly fa- improve on the progress made Defensively, MSU heads people will be watching and
Caledonia scored in miliar with the Egg Bowl, he in last week’s near miss at No. into a meeting with the nation’s people will definitely take
the 9th and 18th min- has spent years alongside Ole 13 Georgia. After failing to No. 7 passing attack with a an interest in this game and
utes. Miss counterpart Lane Kif- reach the 300 -yard passing depleted secondary. Given se- they’ll talk about it for a year.”
2B TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2020 The Dispatch •

No. 1 Bama gets chance to avenge tough loss to No. 22 Auburn

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS In what turned out to be is a good learning experi- Daniels figures to be ous knee injury sustained relegated to the scout
the decisive points, An- ence,” Jones said. “We’ve at the helm for the final in the 2019 season opener, team. Bennett played well
Alabama left Jor- ders Carlson booted a 52- learned and we’ve applied three games of the regular which turned out to be his until the second half of
dan-Hare Stadium last sea- yard field goal after replay that throughout this year season, giving him a head last game at Southern Cal. a 41-24 loss to No. 1 Ala-
son with its playoff hopes officials put one second so far, and we just have to start on holding down Even after he got the bama.
dashed and giddy Auburn back on the clock before continue to do that.” the job from the very first OK from the training staff, Georgia managed to
fans filling the field. the half. Saban agrees, saying practice of 2021. Smart said there were still beat Kentucky with a lack-
It’s a sobering mem- A missed Alabama field Alabama will have to elim- That’ would be a far cry doubts about his mobility luster performance, but
ory for the top-ranked goal late helped seal the inate miscues like being from this season, when and grasp of the playbook. Bennett banged up his
Crimson Tide going into Auburn win. Before that called for illegal substitu- four quarterbacks got a Daniels, who was one shoulder in the next game
Saturday’s Iron Bowl with setback, the Tide had ap- tion last year after Auburn crack at the starter’s role of the nation’s most tout- against sixth-ranked Flor-
the 22nd-ranked Tigers at peared in the first five Col- initially inserted the punt- for the No. 13 Bulldogs (5- ed QBs coming out of ida and wound up getting
Bryant-Denny Stadium. lege Football Playoffs. er on offense, leading to a 2,) who play at South Caro- high school, didn’t sec- replaced by Mathis, who
What could go wrong, did It’s not the first time in game-clinching first down. lina (2-6) on Saturday. ond-guess Smart’s deci- finished up a 44-28 setback
go wrong in that 48-45 loss recent seasons that Au- It was a penalty that Saban “What you’re looking sion to keep him on the to the Gators.
that kept ‘Bama from the burn has played the role of called “pretty unfair” after for is above-the-line play, bench the first six games. That left Smart with the
College Football Playoffs spoiler — and then some the game. high-level play, and that’s He was just glad to get obvious decision to give
for the first time. — against Alabama. But that one is in the what we’ve been searching back on the field for the Daniels a shot.
And the Tigers made The Tide lost the Iron loss column and if Ala- for all year.,” coach Kirby first time in nearly 15 Going deep over and
them pay for just about ev- Bowl 26-14 in 2017 but still bama doesn’t want another Smart said Monday. “Any months. over against a Mississippi
ery misstep. went on to win the national setback this year, Saban time you get continuity at “It’s been a long time State defense that stacked
Auburn (5-2 Southeast- title as a No. 4 seed. said, “We’re going to have that position, is it a benefit? since I’ve taken a game the line to stop the run,
ern Conference) returned Both were top 5 teams to execute a whole lot bet- Absolutely, it’s a benefit.” snap,” he said. “I was just Daniels provided Georgia
two Mac Jones intercep- in 2013, when Auburn ter to have success in this Smart will surely face thankful to do it again.”
with the sort of wide-open
tions for touchdowns and won 34-28 with Chris Da- game.” lingering questions about After the injury, when it
attack it had been lack-
the Tide (7-0) missed a vis’s 109-yard return of a why he didn’t make the became apparent the Tro-
ing all season, despite
potential tying field goal
among other mishaps.
missed field goal ending it.
The Tigers reached the na-
Georgia finally has its move to Daniels sooner.
By the time Daniels
jans would go in a different
direction at quarterback,
an immensely talented
“We didn’t play very tional title game that year. QB, likely too late to got the nod, Georgia had Daniels transferred to
group of receivers.
well in the game,” Alabama This time, both teams salvage 2020 lost to both Alabama and Georgia — even though
Freshman Jermaine
Burton hauled in eight
coach Nick Saban said on have regular-season ATHENS, Ga. — Geor- Florida to end any realistic the Bulldogs already had
Monday. “We made a lot of games remaining for a gia finally has its quarter- hope of getting back to the landed another transfer, passes for 197 yards and
mental errors in the game. change because of the re- back, though it’s probably Southeastern Conference former Wake Forest start- two TDs. George Pick-
Taking nothing away from vamped schedule amid the too late to salvage the Bull- championship game for er Jamie Newman, who ens had eight receptions
them, they played really COVID-19 pandemic. So dogs’ lofty goals for this the third year in a row and was favored to take over for 87 yards and a TD.
well in the game and they it’s far from a playoff elim- season. contending for a national for Jake Fromm. Kearis Jackson pulled
deserved to win. ination game for the Tide. Too bad JT Daniels title. Stunningly, just a few down the winning score
“We couldn’t make Last season’s Auburn didn’t get his shot a bit “Maybe the question weeks before the opener, on a 40 -yard touchdown
plays when we needed to win added to a similar- sooner. should be, ‘Man, aren’t Newman opted out of the play with just under 10
make them. Gave them ly close loss to eventual The transfer from they glad they got JT here season. Redshirt fresh- minutes remaining.
a couple of pick-sixes for national champion LSU. Southern Cal took his first when nobody thought they man D’Wan Mathis got “It’s super exciting
touchdowns. There’s a lot The Tide has been rolling snaps in the red and black needed him?’” Smart shot the start against Arkansas to see those big, explo-
of things to be learned in through a schedule of all last weekend, throwing for back. “Would I have loved but was largely ineffec- sive plays,” tight end
every game that you play. SEC games so far, includ- 401 yards and four touch- it if he had done the same tive, forcing the Bulldogs John FitzPatrick said.
There’s a lot of lessons to ing a 63-3 blitzing of Ken- downs in a 31-24 victory thing against those other to turn to one-time walk- “We hit our deep shots,
be learned in that game for tucky last weekend. over Mississippi State. teams? Absolutely. But on Stetson Bennett, who which should open up
us.” Jones said Alabama’s It was a tantalizing dis- decisions are made based served as Fromm’s backup more stuff in the run
It was a back-and-forth focus is what’s ahead for play by the strong-armed on who gives us the best last season. game and play-action .
affair one. them, though haven’t for- Daniels, who completed opportunity to win.” After Bennett rallied It’s exciting all the way
Alabama led 31-27 at gotten last year. six passes that covered at In all fairness, Daniels Georgia to a win over the around.”
halftime after the teams “That was a whole year least 28 yards — three of wasn’t cleared to play in Razorbacks, he took over If only it had hap-
combined for 17 points ago and we’ve kind of them going for more than the opener as he continued as the No. 1 quarterback pened a bit sooner for
over the final 66 seconds. moved on from that but it 40 yards. his recovery from a seri- while Daniels remained the Bulldogs.

Contacting the Sports Department

If you need to report game scores or statistics, you can call us at 662-327-2424 ext. 126. If you need to reach sports editor Garrick Hodge, email him at ghodge@cdis- If you need to reach sports writer Ben Portnoy, email him at or sports writer Theo DeRosa, email him at

High school football coaches who don’t speak to a reporter from The Dispatch are asked to email information to the sports department from their games. The Dispatch
will include its prep football coverage in Sunday’s edition, so we will contact coaches Friday night or Saturday to get details. Coaches, please let us know what is the best
time for us to contact you.
The Dispatch • TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2020 3B

Conferences join forces on virus testing procedures for refs

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS NCA A. The leagues de- room for a whistle. Oth- teamwork but always re- Korver and the oth- violated was agreed to
cided to use standard ers may use whistles maining humble ... and er Milwaukee Bucks this month.
Debbie Williamson is PCR tests instead of the with a pouch to collect preserving your own hu- went through in the “We are extremely
used to the challenges quicker but less reliable spit — similar to what manity.” NBA’s restart bubble honored to have had
of putting together the antigen tests. NBA and WNBA offi- The audience was — particularly when this opportunity to
officiating puzzle. Tests are delivered cials used this summer held days before a book they decided to sit out come to the Vatican and
Whether it’s assign- to officials’ homes to in Florida. comes out in which a playoff game against share our experienc-
ing officials to specific be self-administered. “The advantage of Francis supports de- Orlando in response to es with Pope Francis,”
games or figuring out The referees must then the mask is that it’s a mands for racial justice, the shooting of Jacob Korver said. “His open-
how a referee can make drop off the nasal swabs full mask that protects specifically the actions Blake, a Black man, by ness and eagerness to
it from one city to the at FedEx for overnight both players and of- taken following the kill- police in Kenosha, Wis- discuss these issues
next to call games on shipping back to the ficials,” Vaszily said. ing of George Floyd, a consin. was inspiring and a re-
consecutive days, Wil- lab. The tests are con- “We’re given the option Black man who died in “It was raw and emo- minder that our work
liamson has seen a lot sidered biological sub- to use either one as long May. A police officer in tional for our team,” has had a global impact
— both at the confer- stances so refs need to as its compatible with Minneapolis pressed a Brown told the pope. and must continue mov-
ence level and as the find a FedEx that specif- precision timing.” knee against his neck Brown sued officials ing forward.”
former NCA A’s women’s ically will accept them. He expects it to be for minutes while Floyd in Milwaukee after The delegation did
basketball national coor- Some have had to drive a lot more difficult to said he couldn’t breathe. getting taken to the not wear masks during
dinator of officiating. an hour for that. travel to back-to-back “I was there to sup- ground, shocked with its papal visit. The
But nothing has pre- The cost of the test- games. port my colleagues in a Taser and arrested union later said the
pared her for the test ing will be picked up by “Flight schedules are their daily struggle in during an encounter group was required
that the coronavirus has some of the conferences the United States, and with police in 2018, to undergo COVID-19
20 to 30% of what they
presented. And that’s while others are paying not just for that,” Beli- contending in that law- testing before meeting
were a year ago,” Vaszi-
before a game is played. officials less per game nelli said later Monday suit that police used the pope and followed
ly said. “Normally we
“In the past it was just to help cover it. on Twitter. “I also went excessive force and tar- other Vatican proto-
could work a 7 o’clock
a puzzle. Now it’s almost Referees must fill out to show that athletes geted him because he cols. Last month, the
game and then have a
like doing a puzzle on have an active respon- is Black. A settlement pope halted his public
a daily wellness ques- 2 o’clock game the next
the deck of a boat that’s sibility in society and where Brown would re- general audiences amid
tionnaire that’s upload- day in another city. It’s
in the middle of a storm,” need to dedicate them- ceive $750,000 plus an a surge of coronavirus
ed along with their test going to be hard since
said Williamson, who is selves toward changing admission from the city cases in Italy and the
results to a dashboard there are less flights un-
currently the officiating things that don’t work. that his civil rights were Vatican.
on the NCA A website less you’re in a hub city.
coordinator for nearly We athletes have a very
so the conferences can “We want to see
a dozen different con- big media platform and
see that the officials games played and
ferences. “You hold the we’ve got to use it pos-
are cleared to work. It played safely and do our
puzzle on the table and itively to reach where
also allows other con- best night in and out.
fix the puzzle.” institutions are lacking.
ferences to potentially You can’t get frustrat-
The biggest piece “The pope had im-
find last-minute replace- ed because things are
of the puzzle is placing portant words for us:
ments for games if previ- going to happen. This
her roughly 250 officials We need to continue to
ously assigned officials season will be all about
into position to referee be united, to operate as
can’t make it. flexibility and adaptabil-
all the games across the brothers, like a team,
conferences she admin- The dashboard will ity.”
show only if a referee is and to set an example
isters. Williamson said for the younger gener-
about 15 of them have available. It won’t show
if someone has tested
NBA players hailed by ations,” Belinelli con-
opted out this season
positive for COVID-19. pope at Vatican for tinued. “The key is to
due to COVID-19 con-
cerns. A referee could be un- demanding justice remain humble. I will
available after having Pope Francis met never forget this expe-
Joe Vaszily, who has rience.”
close contact with some- with NBA players at
worked the last seven Fi- Roberts said Fran-
one who tested positive the Vatican on Monday,
nal Fours, is looking for- cis sought the meeting
and going into the 14- lauding them as “cham-
ward to starting his 21st with the players, and
day quarantine mandat- pions” and saying he
season of officiating this that it “demonstrates
week despite the higher ed by the NCA A. supported their work on
Ackerman expects social justice. the inf luence of their
level of anxiety because platforms.” Demands
of the virus. managing referees to The five players —
be one of the most chal- Marco Belinelli, Ster- for social and racial
“There will be a lot of justice have been para-
adjustments, certainly lenging components of ling Brown, Jonathan
the season because they Isaac, Kyle Korver and mount among players,
there will be some chal- especially in recent
lenges with travel,” he travel so much. Anthony Tolliver —
“They have capacity were joined in the dele- months following the
said. “Normally we may deaths of Floyd and
share rental cars with to again infect and get gation by NBA players’
infected because of the union executive director Breonna Taylor, among
our partners if we are others.
coming or going to the way they have to con- Michele Roberts and
duct their work with two other union execu- Brown, in his re-
same airport. Now we’ll
travel and hotel stays tives, Sherrie Deans and marks to the pope, told
be arriving and leaving
and the like,” she said. Matteo Zuretti. him about what he,
Conferences on the “To that end, another “We’re here because,
East Coast are trying mandate has been, to frankly, we’re inspired
to make life easier for the extent possible, re- by the work that you do
referees by using the gionalize their assign- globally,” Roberts told
same virus testing pro- ments to avoid some of the pope during the
cedures. the ricocheting going meeting in the papal li-
Thirteen leagues on with refs going every brary.
have teamed up, with morning or evening to The union said the
the Big East in charge get to next game.” players spoke about
of the women’s consor- Ackerman said the their “individual and col-
tium and the ACC lead- biggest thing is to make lective efforts address-
ing the men. The men’s sure everyone feels safe. ing social and economic
alliance has about 185 “There have been and injustice and inequality
officials, with none de- will be refs that have occurring in their com-
ciding to opt out of the dropped out this year munities.” Belinelli
top leagues, according because they don’t want addressed the pope in
to the ACC. to subject themselves to Italian, and the group
“We have worked the risks,” she said. “It presented the pope
very hard to line up was a given and totally with a commemorative
and develop a master understandable. They basketball, a union-pro-
testing arrangement on will 100% be welcomed duced book highlight-
the men’s and women’s back when things get ing efforts players have
side,” Big East Commis- back to normal.” taken and an Orlando
sioner Val Ackerman Once at games, offi- Magic jersey.
said. cials will have different “You’re champions,”
Game officials are options for whistles to the pope said. “But also
considered Tier I per- avoid potential spread giving the example of
sonnel, so they need to of the airborne virus. teamwork, you’ve be-
be tested three times Some are opting to wear come a model, giving
per week, per the full face masks that have that good example of

Continued from Page 1B
SEC protocols, but How- guys have done a good thews is an option if
land has yet to be given job with it. I’m hopeful the Bulldogs want to go
a definitive answer on we’ll be able to move with a defensive-orient-
how many scholarship forward and not have to ed lineup, the same goes
players are needed for a take any breaks, but that for Alabama transfer
game to be played. For remains to be seen.” Javian Davis, who start-
context, SEC football ed a portion of last sea-
suggests a minimum of Howland mum son with the Crimson
53 scholarship players, Tide.
along with different po- on starting lineup “Once we get started
sitional requirements. The sixth-year coach
wouldn’t announce his and assuming every-
“We were discussing body is healthy, we’ll
it was going to be seven starting lineup ahead
of Game 1, but it can be have a set starting line-
or eight players (need-
safely assumed Stewart, up,” Howland said. “It’s
ed), but I haven’t heard
Iverson Molinar, Abdul always subject to change
if that’s been finalized
Ado and Tolu Smith will based on productivity
to be honest with you,”
occupy four of those and how things are go-
Howland said.
MSU’s first two spots. Figuring out the ing for us as a team.
games are in Mel- fifth becomes a little “Ideally we’d try to
bourne, Fla., then will tricky, because How- get a rotation set. A guy
have its home opener land could opt to play like Tyson Carter didn’t
against Texas State at small and start four-star start for us the last half
7 p.m. Monday at Hum- freshman Deivon Smith of the season last year
phrey Coliseum. at point guard, or start but probably was as im-
“I think with our stu- Molinar at the point and portant as anybody on
dents all going home utilize Smith as a Tyson our team. He was always
from campus here after Carter-esqe sixth-man in at the end of games.
today, it makes it easi- role. We’re a very young team
er to stay COVID free,” True freshman for- so we have a lot to identi-
Howland said. “Our ward Cameron Mat- fy moving forward.”
4B TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2020 The Dispatch •

On Football: About those rising NFL teams, never mind

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Neither the 49ers (4-6), Bowls, Tom Brady, is sig- ter, then the results will accompanies mediocrity. guys here,” embattled
the most injury-ravaged nificant enough to cause a be different and better. Then there are the Lions coach Matt Patri-
Mediocrity is medioc- team in the NFL, nor the major step backward. But, I don’t know, we just Falcons and Lions, real- cia said when asked if he
rity. You can’t hide it, es- Bears (5-5), the most of- Those who believed the couldn’t do it today.” ly outsiders to join in the feels as though he’s los-
pecially in the NFC East, fensively inept, played this Patriots were progressing Nor on many other postseason chase even ing the locker room. “We
where being mediocre is a week. Barring almost in- after a down-to-the-wire days in a 4-6 campaign. before Sunday. Atlanta have guys who are fight-
compliment. humanly quick health im- win over the winless Jets Then there are the had won three of four un- ing every day and work-
This, however, isn’t provement for San Fran- and a home victory in Vikings, who started 1-5 der interim coach Raheem ing really hard. That’s the
about those weaklings. It’s cisco, it won’t come close nasty weather against a before they won three Morris after an 0-5 start. one thing – I just love this
about teams many thought to defending its NFC title, now-slumping Baltimore straight division games. So it lost to a quarterback locker room. These guys
might be making moves particularly in the NFC can’t be buoyed by Sun- A home victory over the making his first NFL are strong; they want to
toward relevance in the West, where everyone else day’s defeat at Houston. struggling Cowboys could start, Taysom Hill, and the win. They’re trying to
standings: New England, decidedly isn’t mediocre. Yes, a Texans club whose have established Minne- Saints, in a relative blow- compete. They’re trying
Minnesota, San Francis- As for Chicago, it’s not only two previous victo- sota’s place in the playoff out. The Lions were even to do everything right.”
co, Chicago. Maybe even unreasonable to see the ries were over the sec- chase. Instead, inconsis- worse, getting blanked for Maybe they are just
Detroit and Atlanta. Bears go from 5-1 to the ond-worst team in the tency on both sides of the the first time in 11 years too mediocre to achieve
Never mind. bottom of the NFC North, league, Jacksonville. ball led to an ugly loss. at Carolina, which broke that.
Thanksgiving week which other than Green “It’s disappointing, but “There are positives a five-game slide using a Also stumbling in
is here, which means the Bay decidedly is medio- we’ll turn the page here to point to,” quarterback QB also in his first NFL Week 11 was Miami,
stretch run to the playoffs cre. and move on,” New En- Kirk Cousins said, “but start, P.J. Walker. which had won five
is at hand. Even with the New England might be gland coach Bill Belichick ultimately when you don’t Hill mainly has been a straight but lost at Den-
extra wild card in each the most disappointing of said. “(I) still have a lot win, you leave the stadium special-teamer and Walk- ver. The Dolphins’ de-
conference, it’s a pipe these underperformers, of confidence and belief feeling sick to your stom- er’s last start was in the fense is for real, and they
dream to rely on those though losing the main in the team. If we just do ach.” XFL. are well coached. But
half-dozen teams. reason it won six Super things a little bit bet- Indeed, nausea often “We have really good they lack maturity.

Comics & Puzzles

Dear Abby
EAR ABBY: IN THE MIDDLE child support since he now has
I moved to IN COLORADO two jobs. I need his help, but
town not DEAR IN THE I don’t know how to get him
long before the MIDDLE: Do not to contribute. Any ideas? —
pandemic and involve yourself STRUGGLING MOM IN OHIO
don’t have many in Ronna’s prob- DEAR MOM: You have tried
close friends lems on the job. asking, you have tried coun-
here. One of my If you do, they will seling. The only option left to
best friends is a spill over onto convince him to step up to the
co-worker, “Ron- you. Maintain plate and fulfill his obligations
na,” whom I love your personal as a father is to contact Child
dearly. relationship with Support Services and ask for
ZITS Ronna has her away from help.
had an extreme- the office, while P.S. You absolutely should
ly rough past, networking and NOT pay his bills!
including an trying to widen DEAR ABBY: I have been
extensive history Dear Abby your circle of asked by a close friend to
of parental abuse friends. officiate at his wedding. I’m
that has left her From what honored to have been asked,
thin-skinned and suspicious of you have written, I doubt that and it would be easy for me to
authority figures. Because of Ronna will be working for your get the credentials, but I am
this, she’s constantly butting employer much longer. Workers not comfortable doing it for
heads with our management who react in a “very dramatic/ personal reasons. I know it’s
team and confronting them livid” manner are usually laid his special day, and he really
about perceived slights. off because their behavior is wants me to do it. How can I
While some of the points unprofessional and disruptive. politely decline without hurting
GARFIELD she makes are reasonable, DEAR ABBY: I am having our friendship? I don’t know
many are taken too personally problems with my baby dad how to word my refusal. — NOT
or blown way out of proportion, helping me with our 2-year-old FOR ME
and she tends to act very dra- daughter. I don’t like the idea DEAR NOT: Be honest to
matic/livid about it. I’m looking of putting him on child support. the degree that you can be
to move up in the company, I have tried counseling with without causing hurt feelings.
and I’m torn between loyalty him. In addition to asking him Explain that you are honored
to my friend and the need to to step up, I have tried giving to have been asked to officiate
remain on good terms with our him lists of what our daughter (which is true), but would not
higher-ups. I’m also worried needs, and he still isn’t help- be comfortable in that role
that my friendliness with ing. Instead he’s asking me to (also true). Then deflect by
management will lead to Ronna help with his bills. offering to support your friend
resenting or distrusting me. I don’t know what to do. I in some other way on his
How can I safely navigate? — really don’t want to go after special day.
TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Nov. You’re used to people thinking earned the reward.
24). You excel in your talents you’re amazing at something LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). You
and do so in such an agreeable because you are. You’re also don’t know what’s in another
manner that you’ll be promot- afraid that if they knew how person’s mind. However, if they
ed, applauded and five-star terrible you were at other things, keep showing up for you, then
reviewed. You’ll become more then it would detract from your that’s a good indication that you
necessary to your various roles reputation. That’s the part figure strongly in their thoughts.
and jobs than they are to you — you’re wrong about. This is an honor you won’t take
a powerful position to be sure. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). for granted.
And you will be mindful to use You have a strong desire to VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
that power for the good of all. learn, and it only gets stronger The newborn baby doesn’t cry
Capricorn and Gemini adore when you have an excellent out of weakness; the opposite
BABY BLUES you. Your lucky numbers are: 8, teacher, an enticing model and is true. The crying announces
44, 3, 19 and 50. an exceptional method. All will life in all its glorious pain. What-
ARIES (March 21-April 19). be made available to you. ever emotion you feel, accept
Saying “no” will be more import- CANCER (June 22-July 22). and embody it as the natural
ant than saying “yes.” This “no” It’s wonderful to get your way gift it is.
will clarify the sacrifice you’re immediately, but even more LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23).
willing to make in order to have wonderful to get your way even- You have to ask what’s in it
what you want and be who you tually, as the anticipation makes for you. Otherwise, you’ll be
aspire to being. winning all the sweeter and living and giving at half-ca-
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). gives you the sense that you’ve pacity. When you know you’re
getting what you want from an
exchange, it will be easier for
you to commit to delivering
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21).
BEETLE BAILEY Whether you signed up for it or
not, you’re a role model. It’s not
always fun knowing that people
are watching and likely to copy
what you do, but it does inspire
you to make the best choices
you can.
21). You’re always happier
when you have outlets for your
creativity. This time, you won’t
have to go looking because the
project finds you. Tonight, you’ll
be rewarded for what you did
ages ago.
19). Thoughts can be a kind of
worship. To think of a thing is
to pay homage to it. Repeated
thoughts are veneration. If you
are “worshiping” something ac-
cidentally, you’ll be empowered
to change that.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
18). People have different reac-
tions to your curiosity. Some are
flattered and want to be known
and understood. Others are
threatened, likely because they
have something to hide. Take
FAMILY CIRCUS their skittishness as a warning
PISCES (Feb. 19-March
20). Your influence is more
potent than you realize. If you
aim for the kindest way to direct
others, you won’t regret it. Peo-
ple really want to impress you
and are wounded by anything
less than your favor.

Standing order
The Dispatch • TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2020 5B
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LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- level employee. Part time, Call for more info,
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a 9x9 gridis witha several
num- 4 2 1 5 9 7 3 8 6
205−695−2248 or
SIPPI flexible hours, ideal for zeroed, handmade knives. ber-placing
given numbers.puzzleThe object 5 7 8 1 3 6 4 9 2

2020 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

local college student. 205−799−9846.
IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- Email letter of introduction
Located: Hwy 45 Alt, North based onthe
is to place a 9x9
numbers 3 6 9 2 8 4 7 5 1
of West Point, turn right on
TATE OF ELIZABETH B. PROF- or resume to Yokahama Blvd, 8mi & turn grid
1 to 9with
in theseveral
empty spaces 9 4 2 8 7 1 6 3 5
FITT, DECEASED left on Darracott Rd, will given
so thatnumbers.
each row, eachThe 7 8 6 3 2 5 9 1 4
see sign, 2.5mi ahead object
column and each 3x3 the
is to place box
numbers 1 5 3 6 4 9 8 2 7
contains the1same to 9 number
ECUTOR shop on left.
8 1 5 7 6 3 2 4 9
the empty spaces so
NO. 2020-0227-RPF only once. The difficulty 6 3 4 9 5 2 1 7 8
Looking for a new home? that each row, each
NOTICE TO CREDITORS Let us help, shop here. Five Questions: level increases from
column and each
2 9 7 4 1 8 5 6 3
Letters Testamentary have
Ads starting at $25 3x3 boxtocontains
Sunday. Difficulty Level 11/23

been granted and issued to the same number only once. The difficulty level
Merchandise 1 Chicken
John Campbell Proffitt, Execut- Apts For Rent: West
or of the Estate of Elizabeth B. increases from Monday to Sunday.

Proffitt, deceased, by the Chan-
cery Court of Lowndes County,
Mississippi, on the 19th day of Ads starting at $12 soup
November 2020. This is to give
notice to all persons having
claims against said estate to Bargain Column
Probate and Register same
with the Chancery Clerk of
Apartments & Houses
WEATHER TECH liners for You’ll find the best deals 2 Water
Lowndes County, Mississippi,
within ninety (90) days from the 1 Bedrooms Ford Taurus. Full set, front, when you advertise
and shop here!
2 Bedroooms
date of first publication of this back & trunk. $50.

3 Simone
Notice. A failure to so Probate 662−368−6779
and Register said claim will
3 Bedrooms Building Materials
Biles, Gabby
forever bar the same.

THIS the 19th day of Novem- Furnished & Unfurnished

5 FT. Chain Link Fence.
ber 2020.
1, 2, & 3 Baths Top rails, caps, band, etc.
John Campbell Proffitt, Execut-
Lease, Deposit
& Credit Check
Reasonably priced.
Call or text
Vehicles Laurie
John W. Crowell, MSB 7906 Firewood / Fuel Ads starting at $12
Crowell Gillis & Cooper, PLLC
Post Office Box 1827
Columbus, MS 39703
327-8555 FIREWOOD FOR SALE. Trailers & Heavy Equipment Aly Raisman,
Various lengths.
PHONE: (662) 243-7443 662−295−2274.
FAX: (662) 328-6890 Apts For Rent: Other JD D110 42" Lawn Tractor
Lawn & Garden
PUBLISH: 11/24, 12/1 & 6’ x 10’ Carry−On Trailer,
12/8/2020 STIHL EQUIPMENT: fully lighted, high sides
BG 55 Hand held blower $1,000. 662−368−6779.

4 Singapore
SIPPI HS 45 Hedge Trimmer $50. Want to get back to nature?
Musical Instruments
5 Lily Tomlin
and Jane
MINISTRATOR for sale. $550.

Good for church.
NO. 2020-0212-PDE Call 662−425−6505. Shop here first.
Letters of Administration have
been granted and issued to
Vicki Rose Harpole Cox, Admin-
istrator of the Estate of Lisa
Harpole Heath, deceased, by
the Chancery Court of Lowndes
County, Mississippi, on the 6
day of November, 2020. This is
to give notice to all persons
having claims against said es- COLEMAN
tate to Probate and Register RENTALS
same with the Chancery Clerk
of Lowndes County, Missis-
sippi, within ninety (90) days 1 BEDROOM 1 Motionless
from this date. A failure to so
Probate and Register said 2 BEDROOMS 6 Programming
claim will forever bar the same. pro
11 Banks of the
THIS the 6 day of November,
© The Dispatch

DEPOSIT 12 Wonderland
/s/ Vicki Rose Harpole Cox
Vicki Rose Harpole Cox AND visitor
CREDIT CHECK 13 Does a wait-
William F. Gillis, MBN 4854 er’s job
PLLC 662-329-2323 15 Secret agent
16 Easy victim
Post Office Box 1827
Columbus, MS 39703 2411 HWY 45 N 17 Chiding
(662) 243-7334 COLUMBUS, MS sound
18 Errand runner
PUBLISH: 11/17, 11/24 &
12/1/2020 Houses For Rent: North 20 Osaka setting
23 Add up
2 & 3 bedroom w/ 2−3 27 Spoken 4 Tell tales nickname
SIPPI bath townhouses. $650 to 28 Movie pig 5 Course unit 26 Went ahead
$750. 662−549−9555. 29 Staff symbol 6 Runner, for 30 Historic
IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- Ask for Glenn or text.
TATE OF VIOLA NEAL, DE- 31 Blended example happenings
CEASED Mobile Homes for Rent 32 Squelch 7 Outdated 31 Coffeeshop
CAUSE NO: 2018-0245 34 Pub quaff 8 Slimming plan orders
3BR/2BA MH in New Hope. 37 Bird of myth 9 Beige 33 Young one
NOTICE TO CREDITORS $650 dep + $650/mo. No
pets, quiet area. Leave full 38 Debtor’s 10 Take a 34 Historic times
THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI name & message, letters breather 35 Not recorded
LOWNDES COUNTY 205−712−6697. 41 Is grateful 14 Clumsy fellow 36 Smooth
Letters Testamentary have 44 News item 18 Strong winds 38 A party to

Service Directory
been granted and issued to the
undersigned upon the Estate of 45 Find darling 19 Blue egg 39 Gumbo
Viola Neal, deceased, by the 46 Transmits layer vegetable
Chancery Court of Lowndes
County, Mississippi, on the
47 Sub system 20 Use the track 40 Manual
16th day of November, A. D., DOWN 21 Curved path reader
2018. This is to give notice to
all persons having claims
1 Hardens 22 Buddy 42 Finale
against said estate to Probate Promote your small business starting at only $25 2 Snare 24 Receipt line 43 Hoopla
and Register same with the 3 Black as night
Chancery Clerk of Lowndes 25 Lincoln
Building & Remodeling General Services General Services Lawn Care / Landscaping
County, Mississippi, within
ninety (90) days from the first
to Creditors. A failure to so Pro- CO. Building, roofing, Bucket truck & stump LANDSCAPING L.L.C.
bate and Register said claim remodeling, & home repair. removal. Free est. Phone: 662−549−1878
will forever bar the same. Licensed & Bonded. Serving Columbus Landscaping, Property
662−242−3471. since 1987. Senior Clean Up, Plant Care,
This is the 19th day of Novem- citizen disc. Call Alvin @ Bush Hogging,
ber, 2020. Carpet & Flooring 242−0324/241−4447 Herbicide Spraying
/s/CURTIS NEAL, EXECUTOR "We’ll go out on a limb for
you!" Painting & Papering
Steven R. McEwen
P. O. Box 709 DUMP TRUCK HAULING. Ext/Int Painting.
Columbus, MS 39703 Slag − $400 Sheet Rock Hang, Finish &
PUBLISH: 11/24, 12/1 & Clay Gravel − $250 Repair. Pressure Washing.
12/8/2020 Available for hauling any Free Estimates. Ask for
materials. Filling in specials! Larry Webber,
swimming pools. 662−242−4932.
**HOLIDAY SPECIAL** Columbus. Call Walter,
4 ROOMS − $100 Lawn Care / Landscaping SULLIVAN’S PAINT
1 Room − $50 SERVICE
All notices must be 2 Room − $70
WORK WANTED: Licensed JESSE & BEVERLY’S Special Prices.
3 Rooms − $90
emailed to Carpet−Rugs−Tile−Cars & Bonded. Carpentry, minor LAWN SERVICE
Mowing, cleanup, tree
Interior & Exterior Painting.
electrical, minor plumbing, 662−435−6528
classifieds@ DAVID’S CARPET &
insulation, painting, demo− cutting, landscaping,
UPHOLSTERY sodding & bush hogging. CLEANING lition, gutters cleaned,
Call for more info! pressure washing, land− Are you a painter?
662−722−1758 scaping, cleanup work. Advertise here!

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