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Unix Assessment Question

1) How to display the 10th line of a file?

Cat filename |head -10|tail-1 (or)

Sed –n 10p filename

2) How to remove the header from a file?

Sed 1d filename

3) How to display the first 20 lines of a file?

Cat filename |head -20 (or)

Sed –n 1,20p filename

4) Write a command to print the fields from 10 to 20 from each line of a file?

Cut –c 10-20 filename

5) Write a command to replace the word "apple" with "(apple)" in a file?

Sed ‘s/”apple”/”(apple)”/q’ filename

6) How to display zero byte size files?

Find . –size 0

7) How to remove blank lines in a file ?

Grep –v ‘^s’ filename (or)

Sed ‘/^s/d’ filename

8) Display all the files in current directory sorted by size?

ls -Sl

9) Write a command to redirect the output of date command to multiple files?

10) How do you display from the 5th character to the end of the line from a file?

Cut –c 5- filename

11) Write a Shell Script that adds two numbers if provided as the command Line
Argument and if the two numbers are not entered, it outputs an Error Message




If(A!null and B!null)


Echo “sum is”a+b


Echo “error message”

12) Write a shell Script to do the below operation,

1. Pass a file path and filename as argument

2. Check the file exist or not. If not, display an error message

FILE=(file path)

if [ -f "$FILE" ]; then

echo "$FILE exists."


echo "$FILE does not exist."


3. If file path exists, create the file with file name passed as parameter
4. Write the content "Hello World" to the file


Echo”Hello World”

13) Write the shell script that renames all files in the current directory that end in
“.jpg” to begin with today’s date in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD. For
example, if a picture of my cat was in the current directory and today was October
31,2016 it would change name from “mycat.jpg” to “2016–10–31-mycat.jpg”.


DAY=$(date +%F)

cd /home/

for FILE in *.txt


mv $FILE ${DAY}-${FILE}


14) Write a shell script that displays “man”,”bear”,”pig”,”dog”,”cat”,and “sheep” on

the screen with each appearing on a separate line. Try to do this in as few lines as








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