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Your Guide to Unleash the True Potential

of Your Workforce by Humanizing Work
with Hyperautomation
Challenges Businesses Face Today.............................................................. 01

Different Approaches for Business Automation ......................................... 02

Why Businesses Need to Adopt a Holistic Automation Approach ........ 03

What is Hyperautomation ................................................................... 08

Business Benefits of Hyperautomation ............................................... 09

What Should be Considered While Utilizing Hyperautomation ............... 10

Nividous Platform – Out of The Box Hyperautomation Functionality ... 11

Nividous Quick Start Guarantee

Production Roll-out of a Trained RPA Bot in 3-4 Weeks ....................... 13

About Nividous ................................................................................... 15

About Nividous RPA ........................................................................... 15

Challenges Businesses Face Today
Although every business is different and operates uniquely, they each face the same long-standing problems: lack of innovation, low employee
morale, poor collaboration, inconsistent business growth and competitive pressure. If we look deeper, we can identify multiple factors that trigger
these business challenges.
Most companies deal with thousands of manual operations that can be mind-numbing, time-intensive, and potentially error-prone. There can be
hundreds of disparate systems and applications, many are lacking documentation and well-defined integration points. Research indicates that
knowledge workers spend 40% of the day’s time on such manual tasks that limit their ability to work on high-value tasks. Moreover, manually
dealing with multiple and inconsistent data sources limits the complete visibility into end-to-end processes.

Repetitive Lack of visibility on Outdated inflexible

manual tasks end-to-end process systems Research indicates that
knowledge workers spend
40% of their working time on
Multiple and inconsistent Manual paper-based Employees cannot focus mundane tasks.
data sources processes on high-value tasks

Advancements in automation technologies such as robotic process automation, artificial intelligence, and business process automation tools are
gaining increased attention from business leaders to overcome these challenges.
These technologies are causing a fundamental shift in the way organizations operate. But the transition is challenging. Businesses are not able to
figure out the right set of digital technologies to affordably meet their organization’s automation needs and successfully achieve their
transformation goals.

Different Approaches for Business Automation
Businesses need a well-thought-out approach to embrace digital transformation and succeed as they navigate competing priorities. Let us take a
look at the available automation approaches.

Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

Robotic Process Automation uses software robots (Bots) to perform work by emulating human actions through the user interface of any
system. Multiple systems can be involved in each business process that is automated without any need for integration or changes to the
underlying system. This avoids the most significant cost element of many automation projects.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial intelligence is a collection of different technologies, including machine learning (ML) and natural language processing (NLP)
working together to enable machines to sense, comprehend, act, and learn with human-like intelligence. AI applications enhance the
abilities of software robots with the skills to process documents, recognize dynamic interfaces, and make complex decisions.

Business Process Management (BPM)

Business process management is the discipline of improving a business process from end-to-end by analyzing it, modeling how it works
in different scenarios, executing improvements, monitoring the improved process, and continually optimizing it. BPM often involves
automating tasks and decisions within any given business process.

Why Businesses Need to Adopt a Holistic Automation Approach
Before embarking on any automation initiative, companies must understand which technologies solve what type of problem, and the strengths and
limitations of each.
RPA-enabled software robots automate rules-based, tactical tasks but are not capable of learning and improving on their own. Artificial intelligence
applications, on the other hand, are great at learning from large volumes of labeled data, and when used with RPA, can automate more processes
with better accuracy and speed. However, both technologies cannot deliver complete visibility into end-to-end processes. BPM can seamlessly
connect the dots enabling an effective orchestration of processes and work between humans and Bots.

One technology can’t solve all of the challenges. Automation needs a holistic approach.
Businesses should adopt a holistic approach with the following combination of automation technologies to overcome
mentioned business challenges and successfully optimize any given process for digital transformation.

Repetitive manual Lack of visibility on Outdated inflexible

tasks end-to-end process systems

Multiple and inconsistent Manual paper-based Inability to focus employees

data sources processes on high-value tasks

Why Businesses Need to Adopt a Holistic Automation Approach (Continued)
Let us understand this better with an example of the loan origination process.

Manual Loan Origination Process and its Challenges

Application Data Entry Appraisal Underwriting Account Disbursement


Siloed Paper-based Inefficient

Manual Customer Dissatisfaction
Inflexible Lack of Visibility Error Prone
High Turnaround Time Unpredictable
High Cost

Why Businesses Need to Adopt a Holistic Automation Approach (Continued)
RPA and AI/Cognitive Capabilities Can Add Significant Value

Application Data Entry Appraisal Underwriting Account Disbursement


RPA Bots AI/Cognitive Capabilities

Retrieve Application Categorize Emails using Natural Language Processing

Data Entry into Legacy System Improve OCR using Computer Vision
OCR Appraisal Report Predictive Fraud Analysis
Account Creation in Legacy System

Why Businesses Need to Adopt a Holistic Automation Approach (Continued)
End-to-End Process Automation Combining RPA, AI, and BPM Leads to Human-Bot Collaboration
and Visibility
Enhanced visibility leads to
agile improvement. An ability to
add Auto Underwriting Rules is
an example of that.
Data Entry Retrieve
Application in Legacy Data from
System Appralsal
No Underwriting

Fraud Disbursement
Yes Manual

Why Businesses Need to Adopt a Holistic Automation Approach (Continued)
The Possibilities are Limitless....
Purchase and
Finance and Vendor Vendor portal Vendor pricing Secure fund Intelligent Periodic Customer
sales order Journal posting Incentive claims
Accounting onboarding management comparison transfer reporting collections onboarding

Human Employment Employee Payroll Employees Employee exit Attendance Training Employee benefits Compliance
Resources history data Tax management administration reporting
onboarding management management management schedules
verification management

Sales and Sales quote Invoice creation CRM update Intelligent Market research Social media Monitoring of
automation ERP automation Data aggregation List building competitive
Marketing and distribution automation reporting with intelligence monitoring

Policy Customer Licensing and Screening and Outside

Compliance / Fraud and IP Compliance Credential Reconciliation
administration due diligence registration Periodic disclosure risk management affiliation review
Legal Operations detection reporting verification processes
and servicing

Scheduled and Customer

Integration on CSR support by
Customer Call and contact Service requests Customer data triggered Renewal Transactional preferences and
center processes and scheduling call center, email loading detailed Price matching
Service management customer notices automation information
and core system information log
communications update
News and social
Customer New customer Customer Customer due Customer data monitoring; Upsell/Cross-sell Customer Customer New customer
acquisition eligibility check Online registration
Onboarding diligence management customer opportunity report communication retention welcome packet
risk rating
Synchronizing, FTP download,
Information Server and User setup and Data aggregation ERP and other Installations
application Document Application Batch processing deleting and upload, and
Technology management configuration integration and migration system integration updating file processes
monitoring backup

Inventory Demand and Contract Invoice, quote, Order Shipment Work order
Supply Supplier system/ Refunds and Freight
management supply estimation/ monitoring and and contract processing scheduling management
Chain portal integration returns management
planning enforcing management and tracking

Contract Performance Returns, repairs, Vendor Agreement

External Vendors Vendor/partner Vendor/partner Vendor/partner Vendor/partner Vendor
sourcing monitoring and measurement and recalls offboarding maintenance
and Partners qualification onboarding portal integration partner reviews
enforcing and optimization

Data extraction, Cognitive

Human-Bot work Data
Cross-Function formatting, Report compilation Data cleansing automation Process monitoring
Data entry Form processing Data migration orchestration reconciliation
aggregation across and distribution and verification for intelligent and optimization
(RPA+BPM) and management
discrete systems data capture

What is Hyperautomation
Hyperautomation has been named as the #1 trend in Gartner’s list of Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for 2020*.
Hyperautomation is defined as harnessing multiple advanced
technologies to achieve end-to-end automation. It starts with
robotic process automation (RPA) at its core and adds a range of
complementary and advanced technologies, including:
Artificial Intelligence (NLP, Computer Vision, Intelligent Optical
Machine Learning (ML)
Business Process Management System (BPMS)
Advance Analytics
Other Business Automation Tools

“Enterprise architecture and technology innovation leaders lack a defined strategy to scale automation with tactical and strategic goals. They
must deliver end-to-end automation beyond RPA by combining complementary technologies to augment business processes.”
Gartner calls this Hyperautomation**
(**Source: Gartner, Move Beyond RPA to Deliver Hyperautomation, Saikat Ray, Cathy Tornbohm, Marc Kerremans, Derek Miers, December 16, 2019.)

*Smarter With Gartner, “Gartner Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for 2020,” October 21, 2019.

Business Benefits of Hyperautomation

Hyperautomation involves a combination of tools and technologies to help an enterprise achieve real progress on its digital transformation journey.
The combination allows for end-to-end automation of more complicated business processes that can also include human tasks when needed. This
delivers productivity gains to more employees, improves their job satisfaction, and thereby their motivation and performance. It can also improve
customer experience, help with new customer acquisition and retention of both customers and employees. The goal is to improve the productivity
and efficiency of business processes across the enterprise.

Flexible and easy to Better team collaboration Improved visibility Ability to move beyond
integrate tools tactical automation

Advanced and Management of complete Effective work orchestration Greater productivity

accurate analytics process life cycle between humans and Bots

What Should be Considered While Utilizing Hyperautomation
There are very few automation vendors that are solely capable of helping businesses in their Hyperautomation journey. Generally, it requires
multiple vendors, having niche technology expertise, partnering in order to deliver solutions using Hyperautomation. Organizations’ investments in
such engagements result in a very high total cost of ownership (TCO) that can include unreasonably high implementation and licensing costs, with
a low return on investment (RoI). Furthermore, many automation projects fail due to short-term planning and gaps between a customer’s
expectations and the vendor’s ability to deliver.
Following are some of the key considerations that businesses should look for while evaluating vendors that claim to deliver Hyperautomation

Mature robotic process automation and AI Low dependency on third party vendors/tools to
capabilities for automating complex processes deliver intelligent automation

Ability to build a ‘Centers of Excellence’ for enabling Transparent licensing models that allow
end-to-end automation businesses to realize rapid RoI

Nividous Platform – Out of The Box Hyperautomation Functionality
Nividous’ Hyperautomation platform includes very powerful traditional robotic process automation (RPA) and artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities. In
addition, the Nividous platform offers business process management system (BPMS) capabilities. All of these components of Hyperautomation have
been developed natively and are well-integrated within the platform. This combination of technologies allows for very sophisticated processes to be
automated end-to-end, and provides an easy to use analytics and dashboarding module for real-time monitoring and reporting of business data.

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Artificial Intelligence

The enterprise-grade RPA allows error-free execution of Artificial Intelligence-enabled Smart Bots deliver intelligent
any business processes in any environment. It is document processing (IDP) using natively embedded
exceptionally easy to learn and implement and can scale Machine Learning (ML), Computer Vision (CV)-based
on demand. An intuitive interface allows you to easily run Optical Character Recognition (OCR), and Natural
attended, unattended and smart Bots. Detailed audit trails, Language Processing (NLP). In addition, the use of
custom dashboards and advanced analytics help in predictive models can evaluate risk and uncover
making better decisions. opportunities.

BPMS Professional Services

The platform has tight integration with several popular Nividous offers full life-cycle professional services that
platforms and that allows organizations to protect their include process discovery, implementation, support and
existing investments. Leverage RPA and BPMS together for building Centers of Excellence (CoE). Unlike other
robust governance and collaboration between humans technology solutions, clients work directly with the same
and Bots. Nividous’ Control Center also has native BPMS team that built and maintains the Hyperautomation
functionalities. platform as is being deployed.

Nividous Platform – Out of The Box Hyperautomation Functionality (Continued)
Key Differentiators of Nividous’ Hyperautomation Platform

In-built capabilities with robust Mature and proven native On-device data extraction
human-Bot governance to AI/Cognitive capabilities for involving field workforce
automate end-to-end processes intelligent document processing

Guaranteed, outcome- based Transparent licensing models Enterprise grade scalability and
Quick Start program (perpetual / subscription) with no security
hidden costs

Nividous Quick Start Guarantee
Production Roll-out of a Trained RPA Bot in 3-4 Weeks
Nividous Quick Start Guarantee is designed to expedite the adoption of robotic process automation. Our professional services consultants work
closely with clients to deliver a trained Nividous RPA Bot and roll it out into production within 3-4 weeks. Nividous also creates a case for
enterprise-wide adoption of Nividous RPA by developing a strategic roadmap.

Includes Benefits
Guaranteed production roll-out No/Low risk way to assess the benefits of RPA
Fixed price Great way to start or re-start a program
Upfront workshop and professional services Highlight the technical and capabilities requirements
Nividous RPA Software: Get key stakeholder buy-in by proving RoI
1 year subscription of Nividous RPA Bot *Conditions apply Allow creation of strategic roadmap

Nividous Quick Start Guarantee
Production Roll-out of a Trained Nividous RPA Bot in 3-4 Weeks (Continued)
3-4 Weeks Engagement Process

Workshop Scoping
1-2 days 1-2 days
The team ideates and identifies RPA eligible processes, The team documents processes at key-strokes level
demonstrates Nividous RPA capabilities for them along with including activities, exceptions, business rules, input/output
sharing industry case studies and builds a business case. fields, trigger value; establishes a project plan and gets the
sign off within one-two days.

Implementation Roll-out
2-3 weeks 2-3 days
We design the workflow for process automation, set up Exceptions are captured with end-user acceptance using test
environments for development, testing and production and cases and are handled within the process. The team provides
initiate the process automation using agile methodology. hyper support while migrating to production & knowledge

About Nividous RPA

Nividous' flagship product - Nividous RPA is built on a strong foundation of user experience and with security and scalability in mind. This allows
rapid unattended, attended and AI-enabled automation that accelerates business growth allowing organizations to work at their peak efficiency
with rapid RoI and lowest TCO.

Nividous RPA is one of the very few platforms that offer key Hyperautomation capabilities out of the box. RPA, Business Process Management and
Artificial Intelligence, the key components of Hyperautomation have been developed natively within the platform. This combination of technologies
allows for very sophisticated processes to be automated to free human workers from repetitive, mundane tasks.

About Nividous

Nividous helps you to unleash the true potential of your workforce by humanizing work with its Hyperautomation platform.

The Nividous leadership team has decades of experience delivering hundreds of digital process automation solutions in companies and
organizations of various sizes around the world.

Leveraging its tremendous domain expertise, the Nividous team offers vertical solutions that are RPA and AI-enabled and built on configurable
process automation capabilities to empower businesses to operate with flexibility and agility. Nividous also offers end-to-end professional services
that include process discovery, implementation, support, and building Centers of Excellence (CoE).

Get in touch +1 (442) 444 2767

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