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These notes will be shared on a daily basis:

* through Webex file transfer

* at

INitial ground rules:
all will be muted.
If you have a comment, use chat and send to "all participants"
Tim (that's me) will dispense with the questions when we have a break
in the content.

There is one facilitator here, and many managers.

Please allow me to help those who still cannot hear while I introduce the class.
If you continue to ask questions, it will be considered disruptive and I will
review ALL questions without analyzing after class.

You will find me accommodating, patient, and relaxed - until 3-10 people are
constantly asking me to help them. I am not a technical expert.

We will work with all of you in turn.

A few of you still have problems with audio. Most do not.

1) it could be because you did not join the audio session.

2) it could be because you are not selecting your primary audio device.

3)IT could be your Webex files are corrupted. This happens some times,
and by logging out and in these are rebuilt. Please try this.

MOST of you hear me quite well.

I have backup networks, I have a separate monitoring system for my traffic,

I understand what is happening in my part of the internet. If you listen to me,
I understand a lot your frustration.

Can we please start?

Thank you.

Like the rest of the world, this will be very strange. We are learning new things
and are constantly frustrated. This is human.

I"m currently getting multiple private requests for attention. I understand

how you feel, And I will attend as I am attending also to the class.
Please be patient.

Is it mandatory to attend all your classes, if at all I miss any classes, is it

fine ? Please let us know.
I have covered this, and forgive me, but I go VERY fast.
This is the reason I take notes and you have a recording.

- responsibility
Duty to take ownership for decisions we make or fail to make, actions we take
or fail to take, and the consequences that result.
- respect
Duty to show a high regard for ourselves, others, and the resources
entrusted to us.
- fairness
Duty to make decisions and act impartially and objectively.
- honesty
Duty to understand the truth and act in a truthful manner
both in our communications and in our conduct.

*- How to Log in
If no ID, contact support immediately.

* - How to download recordings

* - How to attend the session

* - Our PMP Community

Why should you even care?

YOu get answers
to the questions that trouble
the details you didn't capture earlier
the information from people who just took
the exam recently.

* - Projects
What is a project?
1 project is a requirement to receive your certificate
It takes about 2 hours to complete, has about 5 assignments,
and we will give you all the instructions when we get to
a certain point in the content.

Introduction to PMP

Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK)

Tim will describe the details, and its relevance
and we will use this in this class as a constant reference.

This is not a set of rules. It's GOOD Practice

'We have studied this over the last few decades and determined
this is a good way of doing these things.'

YOUR organization may do it differently - that's all right.

There are many reasons companies don't follow good practice.
This is often discussed post-session.
You have your PMP for 3 years once you earn it.
What can you do after that?
* Let it expire, it goes away.
* Let it expire, re-take the exam.
* Before expiring, earn 60 hrs in professional development
and volunteering credit and re-certify.

Experience documented in your application

Non-overlapping months
* LEADING and DIRECTING projects *
You may have been a team member and still did this work.
You don't have to have had the job title
YOu don't have to have been the assigned PM.
You merely have to have performed the work.

The work looks like...

Exam Content Outline - lists the tasks a PM performs, leading and directing the

Once you fill out your application:

* Passed - move to next step
* We have ???? can you clarify?
* Not at this time. (they tell you the gaps)

3-5% of you will be audited.

Audits are generally not driven by quality of the application.
RANDOM and 3-5% will be audited.

PMI reserves the right to ask for:

evidence of education (submit your transcript/diploma)
evidence of formal PM Training (submit your certificate)
evidence of experience ..........

PMI is a community of trust and during application they don't ask.

when audited they reserve the right to ask for any / all of these
They will give you 90 days to submit the information.

When you submit your application your experience will

be broken out by project. Each project requires a reference.
Reference can be a reference for more than one project.

Reference should be:

* someone in authority
* not a team member
* Not a peer
If you think you can't find a reference for your work,
contact PMI immediately and they'll brainstorm.

If you are audited and PMI needs your references, they will not
contact them. They will send you a pdf for you and your reference
to fill out and then you to return.
36 Months spread over how many years?
PMI appreciates the required months across about 3-8 years.

If a person is a Team lead and has done just his Bachelor degree (Not MBA)..will he
be alligible ?
Remember what Tim just said -
focus, slow down, relax...

You don't have to have been the assigned PM.

You don't have to have held the job title of PM.
You merely have to have performed the work of leading and directing the
as documented in the Exam Content Outline.

At this point, PMI asks for money.

Non-members Exam $555 USD
members Exam #405 USD
that's a $150 discount.
Membership (1 year) $129 / $139 if it's your first time.
gives you:
exam discount
Free copies of all standards / guides / etc

tim recommends:
become an active (Paid) member before you take the
exam. It gives you a LOT of benefits and has a
total savings of about $13.
that doesn't count the fact that you might have paid for
a lot of other content you're going to use.

Once the exam is paid for:

PMI sends you an authorization email
this gives you a code for you to schedule the exam.

You have 1 year within which to schedule and take your exam
*once* you receive this code and email.

YOU choose when you are ready to take the exam.

Pearson Vue - many have taken the exam from home/work

Rescheduling: generally:
if you reschedule the exam when it's within 30 days,
there's a fee (handbook)

If you missed any of the first half, download the class recording
(generally available within 8-12 hours of class end) and the details
are there.

To download the SImplilearn course materials

Go to and log in
select PMP class
select self-learning
go to course resources
5:45 AM 11/23/2020
Questions captured and not immediately answered go here.

* What's a good plan for preparation (during the class, after all the sessions
are over?)
* US support number is...
* Do I need to read the PMBOK cover to cover?
* Can I get a free copy of the PMBOK?
* There's too much information - how am I to memorize?
* When should I start applying? (now, and when you
receive your certificate, submit)
* What's a good preparation plan?
* SHould I prepare to take the exam before or after Jan2?
the differences are minor, and I will share the differences.
Once you see that and the amount of effort required to prepare...

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