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Casey Affleck Exposes How Big Cats Are Dragged and Hit With Sticks in the Circus

1) What does Casey Affleck denounce ?

2) What spaces does he oppose ?

3) What are they forced to do that is degrading ?

4) What are circuses blamed for ?

They …………….... them mercilessly, and …………….. them into jumping through hoops.
Sometimes flaming ones, even though big cats are innately terrified of fire. And they…………..them
to ……………... on pedestals and ……………. on their hind legs. These ridiculous, meaningless
stunts are confusing and can even be painful. This industry……………..families ……………. and
subjects individuals to a life of torment and deprivation.

5) What does he suggest we should do ?

6) Study the magic of 3.

Casey Affleck Exposes How Big Cats Are Dragged and Hit With Sticks in the Circus

1) What does Casey Affleck denounce ?

2) What spaces does he oppose ?

3) What are they forced to do that is degrading ?

4) What are circuses blamed for ?

They …………….... them mercilessly, and …………….. them into jumping through hoops.
Sometimes flaming ones, even though big cats are innately terrified of fire. And they…………..them
to ……………... on pedestals and ……………. on their hind legs. These ridiculous, meaningless
stunts are confusing and can even be painful. This industry……………..families ……………. and
subjects individuals to a life of torment and deprivation.

5) What does he suggest we should do ?

6) Study the magic of 3.

Casey Affleck Exposes How Big Cats Are Dragged and Hit With Sticks in the Circus

1) What does Casey Affleck denounce ?

Abuse, neglect, deprivation, confinement

2) What spaces does he oppose ?

The wild/open grasslands/dense forest/ ponds

Barren cages/travelling shows

3) What are they forced to do that is degrading ?

Eat, drink, sleep, urinate, defecate in one small place

force/coerce (contraindre/forcer)/ deprive

4) What are circuses blamed for ?

They beat them mercilessly, and bully them into jumping through hoops.

Sometimes flaming ones, even though big cats are innately terrified of fire.

And they force them to balance on pedestals and stand up on their hind legs.

These ridiculous, meaningless stunts are confusing and can even be painful.

This industry tears families apart and subjects individuals to a life of torment and

6) What does he suggest we should do ?

refusing to buy a ticket to any circus that uses animal.

7) Transcript : Study the magic of 3.

provide protection, comfort, and guidance

deprived of everything they need, want and deserve.

hit them with sticks, poles, and whips.

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