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Sodexo is a facilities management company specializing in providing foodservices to institutions,

businesses, schools, and hospitals. For Sodexo, gender equality is a strategic imperative. They have
five dimensions for diversity – gender, LGBT+, disability, culture and origins, and generation.


Gender: To achieve gender balance and make it an inclusive culture at Sodexo, they have set up an
advisory board made up of global senior leaders and the campaign is known as SoTogether.

LGBTQ+: The group’s mission is to elevate awareness and nurture an inclusive culture for all LGBTQ+

Differently abled: Started a campaign, The Disability Voice, that has evolved to include a taskforce of
ambassadors focused on driving change and leading action.

Culture & Origin: Sodexo’s Global Taskforce of Cultures and Origins continually supports business
growth by helping to attract the best talent and foster respect among people from diverse race and

Generation: They understand and encourage the free flow of knowledge between the institutional
knowledge and historical views of their most tenured employees and the progressive mindset of
their emerging talent.


“BETTER 2020’’ is not just a campaign but their renewed mission.

One of the three focus areas of the campaign is gender equality.
Today at Sodexo, 54% of the board members and 32% of their leaders are women.
The goal is to represent at least 40% women in its senior leadership staff by 2025.

Sodexo conducted its own study in 2018 that highlighted that gender-balanced management teams
were more effective across several areas and demonstrated improved performance in terms of
profit, employee engagement, and client retention.

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