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caret f8=q_ GQ sANAws HINDU cpralet goer Pier faxafoenerat y) UNIVERSITY Office of the ‘Ar nisin None Ingo etal yon At Patiement Controller of Examinations (CENUET-20207 Date. 16.04.2020 NoTICE In the ight ofthe notification issued by the Government of India on extension of Lockdown period up to 03.05.2020, to contol spread of COVID 19 in the county, itis noted for the information of all concemed that the UETIPET 2020 Entrance Tes's scheduled on 26" ‘April 2020 and 10 May 2020 stand postponed. Fresh dates for the Entrance Tests ‘Scheduled on said two days would be announced later. Applicants are advised to visit the University’s Entrance Test Portal ( regulary for updates related with conduct of Entrance Tests. ‘aranasi- 221005, UP, NDIA T:91-542-2568466 F 91-542.2368466 We note sein

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