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Computers & Industrial Engineering 63 (2012) 58–74

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Contract analysis: A performance measures and profit evaluation within

two-echelon supply chains q
Kannan Govindan a,⇑, Ali Diabat b, Maria Nicoleta Popiuc a
Department of Business and Economics, University of Southern Denmark, Odense 5230, Denmark
Engineering Systems and Management, Masdar Institute of Science and Technology, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Coordination is regarded as key in managing dependencies between distinctive members of a supply chain
Received 29 December 2010 through the benefits of coordination mechanisms. Such coordination mechanisms are contracts, imple-
Received in revised form 28 December 2011 mented to increase total supply chain profit, reduce costs and share risk among supply chain members.
Accepted 17 January 2012
However, by contract implementation the retailer is constrained in his purchase by bearing the entire risk
Available online 30 January 2012
of holding the inventory (wholesale price contract) or by limited risk allocated to the supplier (buyback,
revenue sharing and quantity flexibility contracts). By implementing an advanced purchase system the
risk of inventory is fairly divided between the supplier and the retailer. In order to observe inventory
Supply chain coordination
implications on the supply chain bottom line, this article is directed towards the evaluation of perfor-
To-level supply chain mance measures and supply chain profit behavior under buyback, revenue sharing, quantity flexibility
and advanced purchase discount contracts versus no coordination and wholesale price systems.
Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction – Pull contracts, where the supplier takes the risk of holding the
inventory by supplying the goods during the selling season as
Managing the interdependencies among supply chain members demand is observed (the case of vendor managed inventories)
can be a very challenging task. One solution for coordination prob- and
lems involves coordination mechanisms, applied in both theory – Advanced purchase discount contracts (APD), where the inven-
and practice. Contracts are a particular form of coordination mech- tory risk is shared between the members: the retailer bears the
anism designed to improve supply chain performance by increas- risk of any purchased but unsold items, and the supplier bears
ing the total profit of the chain, and reducing risk by dividing the the risk of unsold inventory.
risks fairly among the members of the supply chain. The risks re-
ferred to are specific to the terms identified by the parties involved This article contributes to the literature by evaluating the per-
in the contract. However, current contracting literature is limited formance improvement of the supply chain as a whole under the
in addressing the issue of inventory management and inventory applicability of different contractual terms.
risk allocation as important supply chain considerations. While The rest of the article is structured as follows. Section 2 presents
buyback, revenue sharing, and quantity flexibility seem to offer the literature review in terms of push, pull, APD, and coordinating
some risk allocation to the supplier, the efficiency of implementing contracts, while Section 3 presents the novelty aspect of the
coordination contracts has been exaggerated by the contracting lit- research. The analytical model is visualized in Section 4 with a par-
erature because coordinating contracts are, according to Cachon ticular focus on supply chain members’ profit functions. In order to
(2004), ‘‘often compared against an inappropriate benchmark emphasize the distinctions among the cases under research, a sim-
(often just a push contract).’’ Furthermore, in relation to the alloca- ulation based numerical example is considered in Section 5. The
tion of inventory risk in a supply chain, Cachon (2004) classifies final section summarizes the outcome of the research and draws
coordination contracts in three broad categories: general conclusions.

– Push contracts, where the retailer takes the risk of holding the
inventory by placing his order before the selling season (the 2. Literature review
case of wholesale price contract).
With a groundwork in game theory and the newsvendor model,
This manuscript was processed by Area Editor Mohamad Y. Jaber. numerous contractual models have received attention from
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +45 6550 3188; fax: +45 6550 3237. researchers. Starting from the classification of contracts as sug-
E-mail address: (K. Govindan). gested by Cachon (2004) into push, pull, and APD, contracting

0360-8352/$ - see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
K. Govindan et al. / Computers & Industrial Engineering 63 (2012) 58–74 59

literature can be divided into three categories according to the ap- by the supplier. From coordination contracts and APD observa-
proach towards inventory risk allocation, as visualized in Fig. 1. tions, the supplier may directly or indirectly manage the risk of
Each of these categories has its own defining characteristics as inventory. Because of the hybrid nature of shared risk, this cate-
presented in the following. gory benefits from further analysis.

2.1. All the risk allocated to the retailer (push models) 2.3.1. Indirect risk taken by the supplier
These contracts imply the supplier selling to the retailer at a
With the supplier producing and selling the optimal order predefined wholesale price with only one replenishment opportu-
quantity before the start of the selling season and with no return nity before the start of the selling season. The risk of inventory is
possibilities for the retailer, the wholesale price contract allocates allocated as follows:
all inventory risk to the retailer. Among the papers that study
wholesale price models, Dong and Zhu (2007) focus their attention – Under buyback contract, the retailer takes the risk of inventory
on inventory ownership and inventory availability within the sup- by purchasing units up to an optimal order quantity. At the end
ply chain, and Sabbaghi, Sheffi, and Tsitsiklis (2007) look at how of the selling season, the supplier takes responsibility for any
inventory availability and capacity constraints influence wholesale remaining inventory by buying back leftover units from the
price. Other recent approaches to wholesale price contracts may be retailer. The risk taken by the supplier in this case is indirect
found in Chen and Li (2007), Jinghong and Dingti (2008), and Shin because the goods purchased and held by the retailer are sub-
and Tunca (2010). ject to damage, affecting the buyback quantity and value. Buy-
back considerations are discussed in He, Chin, Yang, and Zhu
(2006), Hou, Zeng, and Zhao (2010), and Höhn (2010).
2.2. All the risk allocated to the supplier (pull models)
– By selling the units at a discounted price and by agreeing to
receive a fraction of the retailer’s revenue, under a revenue
As opposed to push contracts, under vendor managed inven-
sharing contract the supplier indirectly takes the risk of unsold
tory settings (VMI), the retailer pulls units from the supplier
inventory. In other words, he will not receive any benefit from
through multiple replenishment orders, shifting all inventory risk
the retailer for the unsold items as imbursement for selling at
to the supplier. Articles that study the implications of VMI mod-
a discounted price. Approaches about revenue sharing contracts
els on supply chain performance include Dong and Xu (2002),
are presented by Dong and Li (2009), Giannoccaro and Pontran-
with a focus on prices, inventory, and quantities in relation to
dolfo (2004), and Koulamas (2006).
economic order quantity, and Nachiappan and Jawaher (2007)
on transaction quantity and channel profit optimization. Exten-
Further approaches to simple coordination and coordination
sions of the model under various decision making strategies be-
by contracts may be found in Cachon (2003, 2004), Malone and
tween retailer and vendor are presented by Fang, So, and Wang
Crowston (1994). General reviews of coordination contracts may
(2008), Gümüs, Jewkes, and Bookbinder (2008), and Xu and
be found in Gomez-Padilla, Duvallet, and Llerena (2005), Lariviere
Leung (2009).
(1999), Tsay, Nahmias, and Agrawal (1999) and more recently in
Jaber and Zolfaghari (2008) with a focus on quantitative models
2.3. Shared risk between retailer and supplier for centralized supply chain coordination and inventory manage-
ment. Albrecht (2010) and Höhn (2010) discuss general classifica-
Under this category we can distinguish between two different tions of contracts, and Kannan and Popiuc (2011) focus on
approaches to inventory risk allocation based on the risk taken coordination contracts and models on both forward and reverse
supply chains.
Attempts to evaluate coordination by comparing contracts are
brought to the literature by Gerchak and Wang (2004) on revenue
sharing versus wholesale price (push contract), Cachon and Larivi-
ere (2005) and Wang and Webster (2007) on buyback and revenue
sharing, and Höhn (2010) on buyback and quantity flexibility. Fur-
thermore, Arshinder, Kanda, and Deshmukh (2009a, 2009b) offers
an evaluation study of wholesale price, buyback, revenue sharing,
and quantity flexibility performance measures in relation to the
decentralized supply chain in a two-level setting. Arshinder et al.
(2009a) also presents the evaluation of wholesale price, buyback,
and quantity flexibility in relation to the decentralized case in
three-level supply chains.

2.3.2. Direct risk taken by the supplier

As opposed to buyback and revenue sharing, with a quantity
flexibility or APD contract, there is some inventory stored at the
supplier for replenishment in case of high demand during the sell-
ing season. The risk of inventory is allocated as follows:

– With a quantity flexibility contract, the retailer takes the risk of

the inventory ordered before the start of the selling season
Fig. 1. Contracting literature classification based on inventory risk allocation. The (lower than optimal order quantity) while the supplier takes
coordination contracts considered for review are wholesale price, buyback, revenue the risk of storing remaining units (up to optimal order quan-
sharing, and quantity flexibility as the most analyzed contracts within the
literature. All other coordination contracts are of equal importance but they do
tity). Detailed studies of quantity flexibility contracts may be
not represent interest for the study in case and, consequently, will not be discussed found in Bassok and Anupindi (2008), Li, Lian, and Zhou
here. (2010), and Tsay and Lovejoy (1999).
60 K. Govindan et al. / Computers & Industrial Engineering 63 (2012) 58–74

– APD setting implies that the supplier offers the goods at a lower – Investigate the performance improvement of push and hybrid
wholesale price before the start of the selling season, providing contractual models in relation to the non-coordinated case
the retailer an incentive to purchase more and to increase its (decentralized supply chain) by performance measures and
risk of inventory. If the retailer has some storage capacity, he profit evaluation.
will assume the risk of holding units in stock for replenishment – Verify the statement made by Cachon (2004) (exaggerated
during the selling season and for any leftover inventory. These efficiency of coordination contracts) by comparing the perfor-
units held by the supplier are provided to the retailer at a mance measures and profit evaluation of (1) hybrid models with
wholesale price higher than the initial price. push contracts and (2) coordination contracts with APD settings.

Numerous studies combine and compare coordination con- Furthermore, the behavior of profit functions and performance
tracts with VMI. For instance, Gerchak and Wang (2004) shows measures is observed by means of a numerical example and Excel
that VMI with revenue sharing offers higher performance improve- simulation (with 100 computations of demand) applied to the ana-
ment than VMI with wholesale price and VMI alone. Kraiselburd, lytical model proposed in Section 4.
Narayanan, and Raman (2004) makes a parallel among retailer
managed inventory (RMI) and VMI, proving that VMI can perform 4. Analytical model
better than RMI when the supplier can influence demand with a
contract or when the customers are loyal to the product. Other Under the consideration of a simple supply chain consisting of
studies that scrutinize push, pull, and hybrid contracts are pre- one supplier and one retailer facing stochastic demand, we first
sented by Darwish and Odah (2010), Dong and Zhu (2007), and proceed with presenting the model description, followed by a prof-
Wang (2009). it function presentation of four cases: no coordination, push, vari-
ous coordination contracts (buyback, revenue sharing and quantity
3. Research highlights flexibility), and APD cases as presented in Fig. 2.

In relation to the literature classification proposed in the previ- 4.1. Model description
ous section, a large volume of work treats individual contracts or
combinations of different contracts. However, a limited body of The parameters considered for supply chain profit calculation
work has been found to treat most or all contractual models by are the marginal cost of producing the goods, the marginal cost
comparison (i.e. Arshinder et al. (2009a, 2009b)), in the sense that of the retailer and, for both members, the goodwill and salvage
comparing different types of contracts brings about the possibility costs, the wholesale price, the optimal order quantity, and the ex-
of studying the implications on overall supply chain performance. pected sales. The notations used for profit equations, the assump-
For this purpose, with focus on push and hybrid contracts, the tions behind the model, and the performance measures used for
objectives of this article are to: evaluation are presented in the following.

Fig. 2. Proposed model for analysis. This proposed model represents an extension of the model presented in Arshinder et al. (2009a) with the addition of APD contracts to the
K. Govindan et al. / Computers & Industrial Engineering 63 (2012) 58–74 61

4.1.1. Notations – although there is infinite capacity at the supplier, there is no

inventory hold during the selling season and the production
cs, cb: production cost of supplier and marginal cost of the takes place according to optimal order quantity. The only excep-
buyer/retailer tion is quantity flexibility where the retailer orders less than
gs, gb: goodwill costs optimal order quantity and, in the case of high demand, the sup-
ss, sb: salvage costs plier commits to provide units up to optimal order quantity. The
w: wholesale price from supplier to retailer assumption is further relaxed in APD case where the supplier
qb: optimal order quantity of the buyer/retailer (decentralized produces according to order for a predefined wholesale price
supply chain) and stores a number of units to be sold in case of replenishment
Q sc : optimal order quantity of the supply chain (coordinated during the selling season at a higher wholesale price.
supply chain)
S(q): expected sales 4.1.3. Performance measures
Z The performance measures in number of units considered for
computing the calculations are: average sales, leftover inventory
SðqÞ ¼ qð1  FðqÞÞ  yf ðxÞdx
0 and units short while revenue realized (RV), goodwill cost incurred
(GW), wholesale value realized (W), salvage value realized (SV),
Z q
and marginal cost incurred (MC). These performance measures
SðqÞ ¼ q  FðxÞdx
0 are in monetary units (MU) used for performance evaluation.
Furthermore, the profit functions of the two members depend
where F is the distribution function of demand (D) and f is the den- on the performance measures as described below:
sity function. Furthermore: F(0) = 0, FðxÞ ¼ 1  FðxÞ and l = E[D].
Decision variables for buyback contract: Ps = f(SVs, GWs, Ws, MC), where Ps represents the profit realized
by supplier and
– b: The buyback price received by the retailer from the supplier Pb = f(RVr, SVr, GWr, Wdr, MCr), where Pb represents the profit
for the unsold units at the end of the period under buyback set- realized by retailer.
ting, with b < w
In addition to the performance measures considered directly for
Decision variables for revenue sharing contract: profit evaluation and in order to measure service level, the ex-
pected fill rate will be considered as the performance measure to
– w0 : new wholesale price evaluate customer satisfaction, as a function of expected sales
– u: revenue sharing fraction, with u e (0, 1) and expected demand.
The formula to be used for calculation is:
Decision variables for quantity flexibility contract: Expected sales
Expected fill rate ðaÞ ¼
Expected demand
– d: quantity flexibility fraction, with d e (0, 1)
– ð1  dÞQ sc : minimum purchase quantity committed by retailer
under quantity flexibility setting 4.2. Profit functions

Decision variables for APD contract: 4.2.1. No coordination (Case I)

If the members of the supply chain do not cooperate, the retailer
– r: the price paid for units ordered during the selling season, will place the appropriate order quantity such that only his own
with r>p profit will be maximized.
– Rq: the inventory build by the supplier in order to meet any The profit functions of the two members may be calculated,
additional orders during the selling season based on the notations presented in Section 4.1, as follows:
Pb ðqÞ ¼ pSðqÞ þ sb ðq  SðqÞÞ  g b ðD  SðQÞÞ  cb q  wq
4.1.2. Assumptions
Ps ðqÞ ¼ ss ðq  SðqÞÞ  g s ðD  SðqÞÞ  cs q þ wq
– the time frame considered is one period under the assumption
of a short-lived cycle product with no replenishment possibility Optimal order quantity of the decentralized case may be ob-
under Cases I, II, buyback, and revenue sharing; tained by differentiating the retailer’s profit function and the re-
– the demand is normally distributed within given mean and sulted formula as:
standard deviations N(l, r2);
c b þ w  sb
– any unmet demand is considered lost and a goodwill cost per FðqÞ ¼ 1 
p  sb þ g b
unit is applied;
– the remaining stock can be salvaged by both members at the
end of the selling season; 4.2.2. Push contract (Case II)
– in a buyback contract, if there is any leftover inventory at the As introduced by Cachon (2004), a push contract is similar to a
retailer, the entire amount can be returned to the supplier at wholesale price contract where, as opposed to the non-coordinated
a fraction of the wholesale price; case, the optimal order quantity placed by the retailer is equal to
– in a revenue sharing contract, each participant is allocated a the supply chain optimal order quantity.
share of the total revenue generated by the retailer; Under a wholesale price contract, the profit functions of sup-
– the maximum commitment of the manufacturer in a quantity plier and retailer are:
flexibility contract is the optimal order quantity of the supply
chain; P0b ðQ SC Þ ¼ pSðQ SC Þ þ sb ðQ SC  SðQ SC ÞÞ  g b ðD  SðQ SC ÞÞ  cb Q SC  wQ SC
62 K. Govindan et al. / Computers & Industrial Engineering 63 (2012) 58–74

P0s ðQ SC Þ ¼ g s ðD  SðQ SC ÞÞ  cs Q SC þ wQ SC PQF     

b ðQ SC Þ ¼ pSðQ SC Þ þ wðQ SC  DÞ  c b Q SC  wQ SC

Supply chain optimal order quantity under coordination can be PQF    

s ðQ SC Þ ¼ ðss  wÞðQ SC  DÞ  c s Q SC þ wQ SC
obtained by differentiating total supply chain profit (P 0r ðQ SC Þþ
cb þcs sb
P0s ðQ SC Þ): FðQ SC Þ ¼ 1  ps þg þg
: – Demand higher than optimal order quantity: D > Q sc
b b s

4.2.3. Coordination contracts (Case III)

b ðQ SC Þ ¼ pSðQ SC Þ  g b ðD  SðQ SC ÞÞ  c b Q SC  wQ SC
Among coordination contracts, the attention is directed towards
the three most debated contracts in the literature, namely: buy-
back, revenue sharing, and quantity flexibility. By differentiating PQF     
s ðQ SC Þ ¼ g s ðQ SC  SðQ SC ÞÞ  c s Q SC þ wQ SC
total supply chain profits, the optimal order quantity takes the
same form as in the case of coordination by wholesale price 4.2.4. Advanced purchase discount contract (Case IV)
contract: The advanced purchase discount is a fusion of pull and push
c b þ c s  sb contracts. Following the same set-up as the one presented in Sec-
FðQ SC Þ ¼ 1  tion 4.1, the retailer will place his order quantity before the selling
p  sb þ g b þ g s
season and will have replenishment possibilities in case of high de-
mand levels. The number of units that can be ordered during the
The three contracts are described as follows.
selling season is restricted by supplier’s inventory, Rq. Further-
more, the supplier does take back any units left at the retailer in Buyback contract. A buyback agreement between supplier
the case of low demand. Under the assumption that the retailer
and retailer implies that the supplier buys back from the retailer
purchases a number of units equal to optimal order quantity in
any unsold units at the end of the selling season at a price b < w.
the decentralized case, we have three possible scenarios:
In this way the supplier takes partial responsibility for any unsold
items. The profit functions are:
– D < q, with no replenishment made by the retailer. In this case
PBb ðQ SC Þ ¼ pSðQ SC Þ þ bðQ SC  SðQ SC ÞÞ  g b ðD  SðQ SC ÞÞ  cb Q SC  wQ SC the retailer bears the risk of unsold units. The contract takes
the form of a wholesale price contract, with the supplier paying
for the unsold inventory:
PBs ðQ SC Þ ¼ ðss  bÞðQ SC  SðQ SC ÞÞ  g s ðD  SðQ SC ÞÞ  cs Q SC þ wQ SC
with: PAPD
b ðqÞ ¼ pSðqÞ þ sb ðq  SðqÞÞ  c b q  wq

ðsb þ g b  cb  wÞq  sb SðqÞ þ ðcb þ w  g b ÞQ SC

6b PAPD ðqÞ ¼ ss Rq  cs ðq þ Rq Þ þ wq
Q SC  SðQ SC Þ s

ðg s  cs þ wÞQ SC  ðg s  cs þ wÞq þ ss ðQ SC  SðQ SC ÞÞ

6 – q < D < D + Rq, with partial replenishment made by the retailer
up to demand level. The retailer bears no risk while the supplier
bears the risk of leftover inventory: Revenue sharing contract. A revenue sharing contract im- PAPD
b ðqÞ ¼ pD  c b D  wq  rðD  SðqÞÞ
plies that the retailer purchases the goods at a discounted price be-
fore demand is observed, but commits to sharing with the supplier
s ðqÞ ¼ ss ðRq  ðD  SðqÞÞÞ  cs ðq þ Rq Þ þ wq þ rðD  SðqÞÞ
a fraction of the revenue realized at the end of the selling season as
– D + Rq < D, with full replenishment made by the retailer and
b ðQ SC Þ ¼ ufpSðQ SC Þ þ sb ðQ SC  SðQ SC ÞÞ  g b ðD  SðQ SC ÞÞg  c b Q SC goodwill loss occurring for both members:
b ðqÞ ¼ pD  g b ðD  ðSðqÞ þ Rq ÞÞ  c b ðq þ Rq Þ  wðq þ Rq Þ

s ðqÞ ¼ g s ðD  ðSðqÞ þ Rq ÞÞ  cs ðq þ Rq Þ þ wðq þ Rq Þ
s ðQ 
SC Þ ¼ g s ðD  SðQ 
SC ÞÞ  c Q 
s SC þ w 0 
Q SC þ ð1  uÞ pSðQ SC Þ
 Under the consideration that the retailer tries to maximize his
own profits, the optimal order quantity under APD is:
þ sb ðQ SC  SðQ SC ÞÞ  g b ðD  SðQ SC ÞÞ
cb þ w  sb
FðqÞ ¼ 1 
p  sb þ g b Quantity flexibility contract. Under the quantity flexibility
In order for the comparison among the four cases to be relevant,
contract, the retailer commits to buy ð1  dÞQ sc units with the pos-
we have applied the model described in this section on a numerical
sibility of replenishment during the selling season up to optimal
example by running 100 computations of demand by means of a
order quantity level; d is a contract parameter and d e [0, 1].
simulation in Excel. This data, along with decision variables, com-
According to demand level, we have three different scenarios:
putations, and results discussion are presented in Section 5.

– Demand higher than commitment quantity: D > ð1  dÞQ sc

5. Numerical example
P QF     
b ðQ SC Þ ¼ pSðQ SC Þ þ sb ðð1  dÞQ SC  DÞ  c b ðð1  dÞQ SC Þ  wðð1  dÞQ SC Þ
With the scope of evaluating coordination by contracts,
Arshinder et al. (2009a, 2009b) proposed a framework divided into
s ðQ SC Þ ¼ cs ð1  dÞQ SC þ wð1  dÞQ SC
two phases: Phase I – Decision support tool (with a focus on per-
formance measures evaluation of five different scenarios: no coor-
– Demand higher than commitment quantity but smaller than dination, optimal order quantity, optimal order quantity with
optimal order quantity: ð1  dÞQ sc < D < Q sc buyback, optimal order quantity with revenue sharing, and optimal
K. Govindan et al. / Computers & Industrial Engineering 63 (2012) 58–74 63

order quantity with quantity flexibility) and Phase II – Graph the- in Table 2. The other decision variables for each case have been ob-
oretic model (based on diagram, matrix, and permanent function tained by applying the formulas presented in Section 4 or gener-
representations). Due to existing similarities between this research ated as output from simulation.
and Phase I of the evaluation of coordination by contracts frame-
work, we consider the numerical example used by Arshinder 5.2. Simulation results
et al. (2009a, 2009b) for contract evaluation corresponding with
our study and we use it as input for our proposed four cases eval- The models presented here and by Arshinder et al. (2009a,
uation as presented in Fig. 1. 2009b) are similarin generating the results in terms of decision
variables presented in Table 2. However, after computing all per-
5.1. Data and decision variables formance measures calculations (as presented in Table 3), we iden-
tified differences from the results obtained by Arshinder et al.
The data used as input for model evaluation, including all the (2009a, 2009b). This observation triggered an investigation into
parameters used for calculations and the demand characteristics, the causes that generated these differences. In this respect, follow-
are presented in Table 1. ing Arshinder et al. (2009a, 2009b) research methodology, we
Based on the input data and on optimal order quantity formu- found existing inconsistencies in notations and profit formulas as
las, we have obtained the optimal order quantities as presented well as miscalculations in computing the results (Table 3 versus

Table 1
Input data.

Supplier’s DATA Retailer’s DATA Demand

Cost (Cs) 12 Cost (Cb) 2 Demand distribution Normal
Salvage (Ss) 9 Salvage (Sb) 10 Mean 100
Goodwill cost (Gs) 8 Goodwill cost (Gb) 14 Standard deviation 30
Wholesale price (w) 20 Price of product (p) 30

Table 2
Optimal order quantities and other decision variables.

Decision variables
Q Optim b w0 (Simulation) u d (Simulation) r (Simulation) Rq (Simulation)
Case I No coordination 111.32 – – – – – –
Case II Push contract 139.27 – – – – – –
Buyback 139.27 15 – – – – –
Case III Revenue sharing 139.27 – 10.1 0.6 – – –
Quantity flexibility 139.27 – – – 0.201 – –
Case IV APD contract 111.32 – – – – 24 29

Table 3
Performance measures and profit results from simulation.

Performance measures Case I (no coordination) Case II (push contract) Case III Case IV (APD) r = 24 Rq = 29
Buyback Revenue sharing Quantity flexibility
b = 15 w0 = 10, u = 0.6 d = 0.201
Revenue realized 2746.14 2938.79 2938.79 2938.79 2940.96 2941.30
Salvage realized 197.84 413.15 619.73 413.15 293.17 191.90
Goodwill incurred 71.88 18.39 18.39 18.39 17.38 17.21
Marginal cost incurred 222.64 278.55 278.55 278.55 244.40 234.47
Wholesale value incurred 2226.44 2785.50 2785.50 1406.68 2443.97 2368.31
Leftover inventory 19.78 41.32 41.32 41.32 24.17 19.19
Units short 5.13 1.31 1.31 1.31 1.24 1.23
Average sale 91.54 97.96 97.96 97.96 98.03 98.04
Salvage realized 0.00 0.00 371.84 0.00 44.77 207.80
Goodwill incurred 41.07 10.51 10.51 10.51 9.93 9.84
Marginal cost incurred 1335.86 1671.30 1671.30 1671.30 1466.38 1683.31
Wholesale value incurred 2226.44 2785.50 2785.50 1406.68 2443.97 2368.31
Return cost 0 0 619.73 0 99.48 0.00
Inventory level 0 0 41.32 0 13.15 23.09
Units short 5.13 1.31 1.31 1.31 1.24 1.23
Average sale 111.32 139.28 97.96 139.28 122.20 117.23
Retailer’s profit 423.02 269.51 476.08 320.46 528.38 513.21
Supplier’s profit 849.50 1103.70 855.80 1052.74 911.01 882.41
Total supply chain profit 1272.52 1373.20 1331.89 1373.20 1439.39 1395.62
64 K. Govindan et al. / Computers & Industrial Engineering 63 (2012) 58–74

Table 9). In order to justify the differences between our results and 5.3.1. Profit function evaluation
the results obtained by Arshinder et al. (2009a, 2009b), our find- Based on performance measures results, Fig. 3 shows a graphic
ings, along with additional observations to the work of Arshinder representation of the contribution to the profit of the retailer and
et al. (2009a, 2009b) – for both Phases I and II, are presented in de- the supplier. According to the four cases considered for investiga-
tail and can be referred to in Appendix A. tion, the behavior of profit function presents variations from one
Because these differences bring no impact to our analysis, we setting to the other.
proceed in this section with presenting the results from calcula-
tions for the four different cases described in Section 4: no coordi- Impact on profit function of the retailer. From Fig. 3(i), it can
nation, push contract, coordination contracts, and APD contracts.
be observed that retailer’s profit is decreasing under push contract
The computations have been conducted by simulating 100 runs
when compared with the decentralized case as a consequence of
of demand in Excel. These results from simulation for retailer, sup-
supply chain optimal order quantity Q sc the retailer is now maxi-
plier and supply chain as one entity are presented in Table 3.
mizing supply chain profit and is not acting in his interest by max-
A brief look at Table 3 reveals that the total supply chain profit
imizing own profit). This decrease in performance of push contract
improves under push, buyback, revenue sharing, quantity flexibil-
is improved in Case III with the implementation of coordination
ity, and APD contracts when compared with the non-coordinated
contracts, where the profit value increases with the increase in de-
case. However, when compared with push contract, buyback gen-
mand up to optimal order quantity and decreases for demand lev-
erates in a decrease of total profit, while revenue sharing provides
els higher than optimal order quantity. For the retailer, the best
the same results but offers a fairer split of the profit. Among all
improvement is brought by quantity flexibility, followed by APD,
cases, quantity flexibility brings the highest increase, followed by
buyback, no coordination, revenue sharing, and wholesale cases.
APD contract with a difference of 44 MU. These data sets, along
with individual member results for the retailer and the buyer,
are analyzed in further detail in Section 5.3. Impact on profit function of the supplier. As visualized in
Fig. 3(ii), both the non-coordinated and quantity flexibility cases
5.3. Discussion give the same results up to quantity flexibility level, where, due
to inventory control, the quantity flexibility setting improves profit
In line with the objectives of the research, this section will focus over the non-coordinated case. Among coordination contracts,
on discussing the behavior of performance measures and profit buyback seems to offer the lowest values due to return cost
function improvement for all cases under consideration. Further considerations. By holding inventory for replenishment during
observations on APD are drawn, and the expected fill rate as an the selling season, the salvage value is increased for the supplier
additional performance measure to the model is calculated and under the APD contract generating in low profit values. Best profit
analyzed. improvement is brought to the supplier by wholesale and revenue


( )
Fig. 3. The profit functions of retailer and supplier based on the results from simulation.
K. Govindan et al. / Computers & Industrial Engineering 63 (2012) 58–74 65

sharing contracts, followed by quantity flexibility, APD, and dix B (Table 17). Having the results illustrated in Fig. 4, it can be
buyback. observed that each contract resembles the setting and the assump-
Based on the expected profit values, the best contract choice for tions behind the model.
the buyer is a buyback contract for very low levels of demand, APD
contract for demand levels exceeding the optimal order quantity
under the decentralized scenario, and quantity flexibility in case 5.3.3. Impact on performance measures of the retailer
of medium and high demand levels. From the supplier’s perspec- Disregarding the loss brought to the retailer’s profit by the
tive, he would form a wholesale agreement with the retailer for wholesale term in buyback contract, the profit is improved by an
low demand situations and a revenue sharing agreement in the increase in revenue and salvage realized (as result of the supplier
case of medium and high demand levels. Overall, in the retailer’s buying back unsold items from the retailer at a price higher than
case, the APD contract exceeds the performance improvement retailer’s salvage cost). Under the revenue sharing contract, the
brought by Cases I–III but is outperformed by quantity flexibility benefit realized by buying at a discounted price is overcome by
contract. In the supplier’s case, the APD contract is outperformed the loss of sharing the revenue leading to a decrease in theretailer’s
by the non-coordinated case, push, and quantity flexibility for total profit. Both quantity flexibility and APD generate the best per-
low demand levels, and by revenue sharing for high demand formance improvement results as a consequence of the increase in
levels. revenue term; there is a better match of supply with demand.

5.3.2. Performance measures evaluation 5.3.4. Impact on performance measures of the supplier
In order to understand the implications of the different contrac- Related to the non-coordinated case, the profit function pre-
tual models on the supply chain bottom line, the relative contribu- sents improvement in all cases considered for comparison. This
tion of performance measures in the profit function is presented in improvement is generated by salvage and wholesale value terms
relation to the non-coordinated case (Case I), in relation to the in the buyback case that are higher than marginal and return costs.
wholesale price contract (Case II – Push model), and in relation By having the retailer sharing its revenue, the wholesale term for
to APD contract (Case IV). the supplier is increased by 58.1% covering all the marginal costs
and improving supply chain performance under the revenue shar- Evaluation in relation to Case I – no coordination. Based on ing contract. In quantity flexibility and APD, the loss in marginal
the results presented in Fig. 4, the impact on performance mea- cost is covered by wholesale and salvage terms as a consequence
sures of the retailer have been calculated and presented in Appen- of inventory risk allocation, with a slight profit improvement.


( )
Fig. 4. Performance measures of the retailer and the supplier related to Case I – no coordination.
66 K. Govindan et al. / Computers & Industrial Engineering 63 (2012) 58–74

Table 4
Profit values matrix under APD contract.

Supplier’s inventory Retailer’s order quantity

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 139.27 140
0 1317 1373 1373
4 1346 1373 1372
6 1358 1373 1372
8 291 861 1208 1366 1372 1371
10 307 353 910 1231 1372 1371 1369
20 674 33 644 1102 1330 1390 1355 1353
30 307 355 914 1239 1385 1386 1333 1330
40 33 646 1105 1337 1402 1370 1307
50 307 355 915 1242 1396 1399 1347 1277
60 33 646 1107 1341 1410 1382 1321 1247
70 355 915 1244 1396 1406 1360 1291 1217
80 646 1107 1342 1413 1390 1334 1261
90 915 1244 1397 1410 1367 1304 1231
100 1107 1343 1414 1393 1341 1274 1201
125 1378 1414 1384 1330 1266 1199
150 1411 1372 1316 1255 1191 1124
175 1359 1301 1241 1180 1116
200 1286 1226 1166 1105 1041
225 1211 1151 1091 1030
250 1136 1076 1016

Bold values denotes the maximum profit.


( )
Fig. 5. Performance measures of the retailer and the supplier related to Case II – Push.

Following these implications, the highest overall improvement Evaluation in relation to Case II – Push contract. In line with
to retaileŕs profit is generated under APD contract with a total gain the objectives of this article, the contribution of buyback, revenue
of 61.01%. The supplier has the highest benefit by implementation sharing, quantity flexibility, and APD is also compared to the
of revenue sharing contract with a total gain of 61.6% (results avail- wholesale price contract (Case II – Push contract). Based on the rel-
able in Appendix B – Table 17). ative contribution of different performance measures in the profit
K. Govindan et al. / Computers & Industrial Engineering 63 (2012) 58–74 67

function presented in Appendix B (Table 18), a graph representa- quantity flexibility contract with a total gain of 75.95% while the
tion of performance measures variation has been generated and supplieŕs profit has the highest increase by utilizing buyback con-
shown in Fig. 5. tracts with a total gain of 37.5%.

5.3.5. Impact on performance measures of the retailer Evaluation in relation to Case IV – APD contract. Based on the
In buyback case, the increase in profit performance is generated affirmation made by Cachon (2004) on coordination contracts being
by the salvage term with a contribution of 100%. This increase is compared to an inappropriate benchmark (push contracts) and
realized by the buyback price of 15 MU paid by the supplier on based on Table 19 (available in Appendix B), Fig. 6 graphically shows
the leftover units, higher by 5 MU than retailer’s salvage value. Un- the impact on the performance measures in relation to APD setting.
der revenue sharing, quantity flexibility, and APD, the positive con-
tribution to the profit is brought by the wholesale value incurred 5.3.7. Impact on performance measures of the retailer
while some of the losses are generated by revenue terms in the Under buyback and quantity flexibility contracts (Fig. 6(i)), the
revenue sharing contract and by salvage value in quantity flexibil- loss generated by the wholesale value is covered by an approxi-
ity and APD. mate gain in the salvage value realized. With a revenue sharing
contract, the revenue realized decreases due to the share with
5.3.6. Impact on performance measures of the supplier the supplier, but it is partly covered by the increase in wholesale
The decrease in buyback profit for the supplier is imposed by price (generated by the discounted price).
the return cost, which is the amount paid for the units bought back
at the end of the selling season. In this case the salvage realized by 5.3.8. Impact on performance measures of the supplier
the retailer is equal to the return cost paid by the supplier, equal to With a 51% loss on the cost of returns, profit values under buy-
619.73 MU. Some of these costs are covered by the salvage value back contracts results in a decrease against the APD contract. Hav-
applied to the returned units. In revenue sharing, the drop in val- ing high gains on the wholesale value and respectively on the
ues is generated by the decrease in wholesale value, this being re- incurred marginal cost, revenue sharing and quantity flexibility
lated to the share of the revenue received from the retailer for the contracts bring about a positive profit change.
goods sold. The loss in wholesale value realized in the quantity Based on the above considerations and on the results of Table
flexibility case is partially covered by marginal cost and salvage 19 (Appendix B), the sole contract in the retaileŕs case that gener-
values, while under the APD contract, the loss is covered by the sal- ates in a profit improvement when compared with APD is quantity
vage of the unsold units. flexibility contract (54.05% total gain). With a total gain of 64.5%
Following the comparison of hybrid models with push con- over APD contract, the supplieŕs profit is increased under the
tracts, the results presented in Table 18 (Appendix B) indicate that revenue sharing setting, followed by quantity flexibility with a to-
the best improvement to the retaileŕs profit is brought by the tal gain of 52.75%.


( )
Fig. 6. Performance measures of the retailer and the supplier related to Case IV – APD.
68 K. Govindan et al. / Computers & Industrial Engineering 63 (2012) 58–74

Table 5 6. Conclusions
Fill rate results.

Fill rate (%) In order to observe the implications of different contractual

Case I No coordination 94.69 models on supply chain performance, this article evaluated the per-
formance measures and profit behavior of (1) buyback, revenue
Case II Push contract 98.68
Buyback 98.68 sharing, quantity flexibility, and APD contracts in relation to the re-
Case III Revenue sharing 98.68
sults obtained under the decentralized supply chain and pure push
Quantity flexibility 98.75 systems (wholesale price setting) and (2) buyback, revenue sharing,
Case IV APD 98.76 and quantity flexibility in relation to APD contracts. In this respect
we defined an analytical model along with the profit functions of
supply chain members for each contractual model, followed by
From the discussion presented in this section, it results that by
model evaluation through a numerical example and Excel simula-
shifting some inventory risk from retailer to supplier (hybrid mod-
tion, with the findings of the research summarized in Table 6.
els), the supply chain performs better than when the entire risk is
Based on these findings and following the affirmation made by
allocated to the retailer (non-coordinated and push systems). Fur-
Cachon (2004) regarding the comparison of coordination contracts
thermore, considering the highest overall supply chain perfor-
with an inappropriate benchmark as visualized in Section 5.2, buy-
mance improvement of hybrid contracts (APD and quantity
back, revenue sharing, and quantity flexibility settings present effi-
flexibility) in relation to the decentralized and push cases, the re-
ciency improvement when compared with Cases I and II. An
sults show that the main contribution is generated by the improve-
exception exists when comparing the buyback contract against
ment in the retailer’s wholesale value and realized revenue as a
the push system that indicatesa total supply chain profit decrease
result of the possibility of replenishment during the selling season.
of 3%. However, when compared with the APD contract, buyback
and revenue sharing fail to meet the efficiency expectations im-
5.3.9. APD contract posed by coordination, demonstrating a negative 7.2% profit contri-
In computing the calculations for APD contract, the optimal sup- bution under buyback contract and a negative 37.6% under revenue
ply chain order quantity has been considered equal to the optimal sharing contract. With quantity flexibility as the only contract that
order quantity placed by the retailer in the decentralized case. With confirms the affirmation made by Cachon (2004), total profit is im-
an order quantity of 111.32 units, the replacement stock to be held proved by 3% for the retailer and 3.2% for the supplier.
by the supplier and suggested by simulation is 29 units leading to a Under the consideration that high returns are realized along
total supply chain profit of 1395.62 MU. However, there are a series with high sales volume, based on demand levels equal to optimal
of ‘‘retailer’s order quantity – supplier’s inventory’’ combinations order quantities and higher, an overview of contract preferences
that generate better supply chain performance improvement. These of the retailer and the supplier is presented here with quantity
results, as generated from simulation, are presented in Table 4. flexibility, APD, and revenue sharing offering best results.
From the results it can be observed that maximum supply chain
profit is achieved when the retailer places an order range between Retailer Supplier
0 and 60 and with the supplier holding 90 to 150 units in stock for
replenishment in case of high levels of demand. With a decrease in 1 Quantity flexibility Revenue sharing
the order quantity placed by the retailer, the risk of inventory is 2 APD APD
shifted to the supplier. Furthermore, with the retailer placing the 3 Revenue sharing Quantity flexibility
optimal supply chain order quantity of 139.27 as specified for 4 Buyback/push Buyback/push
the coordinating contracts and with no replenishments during 5 No coordination No coordination
the selling season, the APD contract is reduced to a pure push sys-
tem with total supply chain profit equal to 1373 MU.
Although quantity flexibility is the first preference for the retai-
5.3.10. Expected fill rate ler, the contract provides low profit values for the supplier with its
As an additional performance measure, the expected fill rate to best contract choice being revenue sharing. In case of conflict, a
evaluate customer satisfaction has been calculated for the four second option is the APD contract with good performance results
cases considered for evaluation. From the results presented in for both members.
Table 5, we can observe that the decentralized case brings the low- In case of medium demand levels, the first preference of the re-
est customer satisfaction, followed by the cases where the supplier tailer is APD, while in case of low demand he will choose buyback
takes indirect inventory risk (buyback and revenue sharing), and contract. The supplier is best served by choosing a push contract
with the highest demand coverage realized by hybrid cases where under both low and medium customer demand levels.
the supplier takes direct inventory risk (quantity flexibility with In addition to the outcome of the research, the numerical exam-
98.75% and APD with 98.76%). ple used for model evaluation is based on the work on Arshinder

Table 6
Profit improvement of buyback, revenue sharing, quantity flexibility, and APD models in relation to Cases I, II, and IV.

Profit Buyback vs. Revenue sharing vs.

Case I (%) Case II (%) Case IV (%) Case I (%) Case II (%) Case IV (%)
Retailer 12.5 76.6 7.2 24.2 18.9 37.6
Supplier 0.7 22.5 3.0 23.9 4.6 19.3
Total SC Profit 4.7 3.0 4.6 7.9 0.0 1.6
Quantity flexibility vs. APD vs.
Retailer 24.9 96.1 3.0 21.3 90.4 –
Supplier 7.2 17.5 3.2 3.9 20.0 –
Total SC Profit 13.1 4.8 3.1 9.7 1.6 –
K. Govindan et al. / Computers & Industrial Engineering 63 (2012) 58–74 69

et al. (2009a, 2009b). Model and procedure similarity between the der quantity with quantity flexibility (S4). Phase I concludes with a
two studies should have led to similar results in terms of perfor- comparison of the various scenarios for coordination – based on
mance measures computations. However, different values were Excel simulations – and performance measures evaluation.
obtained and presented in Tables 3 and 9. These varying results
triggered investigations that uncovered inconsistencies in the A.1.1. Notations and formulas
work done by Arshinder et al. (2009a, 2009b) with respect to nota- Looking at the overview of notations, Arshinder et al. (2009a,
tions, formulas, and computations. In order to justify the differ- 2009b) have defined u as the fraction of the revenue generated
ences, detailed explanations and additional observations are by the buyer and shared with the supplier, while in the presenta-
presented at the end of the article (Appendix A) in order to facili- tion of the profit formulas for the revenue sharing contract, the
tate an understanding of the procedure followed for evaluation. notation used to represent the fraction of the revenue is /. On
While the focus of this research studied the implications on the the formula side, there seem to be missing or mistakenly used
performance measures and profit function of a limited number of parameters. For instance, optimal order quantity is used instead
contractual models with their applicability within a two-echelon of expected sales, and the price parameter is missing from the rev-
supply chain, further research can be made to extend the model enue realized term. In order for the considerations to be precise on
to multi-echelon settings (three or more members of the supply the revenues sharing profit function of the retailer, the revenue to
chain) or to observe these implications (especially APD contract) be considered for allocation should include the revenue generated
in comparison to other coordination contracts such as quantity dis- from sales, as well as the salvage and goodwill terms of the retailer.
count and sales rebate with big influence on demand levels. Based on these observations, all formulas have been scrutinized
and the corresponding adjustments are presented in Table 7 and
Appendix A. Additional observation to Arshinder et al. (2009a, marked in bold letters.
2009b) Furthermore, the optimal supply chain order quantity consid-
ered for the coordinated scenarios seem to be incorrect. By sum-
This section brings additional observations to the evaluation of ming the profits of the retailer and the supplier as available in
coordination by contracts framework developed by Arshinder et al. the optimal order quantity scenario, the correct formula resulted
(2009a, 2009b). We examine the decision support tool in terms of from calculating the derivative should be as presented in Table 8.
notations, formulas, and results followed by graph theoretical
model observations. A.1.2. Impact on the performance measures and profit function
The performance measures (i.e. revenue realized, salvage real-
A.1. Decision support tool – recalculation and additional observations ized, goodwill incurred, marginal cost incurred, wholesale value

The decision support tool – Phase I – utilizes the newsvendor

model, cost and price parameters, different types of contracts, Table 8
and customer demand. The resulting output of the decision tool Optimal supply chain quantity.
is the profit functions that stay as a foundation for generating a Supply chain optimal order Arshinder et al. ðcs þcr Þss þsr Þ
FðQ Þ ¼ 1  pðs s þsr Þþðg þg rÞ
five-scenario approach to coordination: no coordination (S0), opti- quantity (S1–S4) (2009a, 2009b)

mal order quantity (S1), optimal order quantity with buyback (S2), Adjustment f ðQ sc Þ ¼ 1  ps
cr þcs sr
r þg þg
r s

optimal order quantity with revenue sharing (S3), and optimal or-

Table 7
Arshinder et al. (2009a, 2009b) versus adjusted profit equations.a

Scenario Source Profit equation

S0 – No coordination Arshinder et al. (2009a, 2009b) P b ðqÞ ¼ pSðqÞ þ sb ðq  SðqÞÞ  g b ðD  qÞ  cb q  wq
Adjustment P b ðqÞ ¼ pSðqÞ þ sb ðq  SðqÞÞ  g b ðD  SðqÞÞ  cb q  wq

S1 – Optimal order quantity Arshinder et al. (2009a, 2009b) P 0 ðQ sc Þ ¼ pS ðQ sc Þ þ sb ðQ sc  SðQ sc ÞÞ  g b ðD  Q sc Þ  cb Q dc  wQ sc
P 0s ðQ sc Þ ¼ g s ðD  Q sv Þ  cs Q sc þ wQ sc
Adjustment P 0b ðQ sc Þ ¼ pSðQ sc þ sb ðQ sc  SðQ sc ÞÞ  g b ðD  SðQ sc ÞÞ  cb Q sc  wQ sc
P 0s ðQ sc Þ ¼ g s ðD  SðQ sc ÞÞ  cs Q sc þ wQ sc
S3 – Revenue sharing contract Arshinder et al. (2009a, 2009b) P RB       0 
b ðQ sc Þ ¼ /SðQ sc Þ þ sb ðQ sc  SðQ sc ÞÞ  g b ðD  SðQ sc ÞÞ  c b Q sc  w Q sc
P RS    0  
s ðQ sc Þ ¼ g s ðD  SðQ sc ÞÞ  c s Q sc þ w Q sc þ ð1  /ÞSðQ sc Þ

Adjustment P RS       0 
b ðQ sc Þ ¼ uðpSðQ sc Þ þ sb ðQ sc  SðQ sc ÞÞ  g b ðD  SðQ sc ÞÞÞ  c b Q sc  w Q sc
P RS    0     
s ðQ sc Þ ¼ g s ðD  SðQ sc ÞÞ  c s Q sc þ w Q sc þ ð1  uÞðpSðQ sc Þ þ sb ðQ sc  SðQ sc ÞÞ  g b ðD  SðQ sc ÞÞÞ

S4 – Quantity flexibility contract Arshinder et al. (2009a, 2009b) P QF

ðQ sc Þ ¼ pQ sc þ sb ðð1  dÞQ sc  DÞ  0  cb ðð1  dÞQ sc Þwðð1  dÞQ sc Þ ðaÞ
ðQ sc Þ ¼ pQ sc þ wðQ sc  DÞ  0  cb Q sc  wQ sc ðbÞ
P QF    
s ðqÞ ¼ pQ sc þ 0  0g b ðD  sðQ sc ÞÞ  c b Q sc  wQ sc ðcÞ
P QF    
s ðQ sc Þ ¼ g s ðD  Q sc Þ  c s Q sc þ wQ sc ðcÞ

Adjustment P QF     
s ðQ sc Þ ¼ pSðQ sc Þ þ sb ðð1  dÞQ sc  D  0  c b ðð1  dÞQ sc  wðð1  dÞQ sc ðaÞ
ðQ sc Þ ¼ pSðQ sc Þ þ wðQ sc  DÞ  0  cb Q sc  wQ sc ðbÞ
P Qf
ðQ sc Þ ¼ pSðQ sc Þ þ 0  g b ðD  SðQ sc ÞÞ  cb Q sc  wQ sc ðcÞ
P QF    
s ðQ sc Þ ¼ g s ðD  SðQ sc ÞÞ  c s Q sc þ wQ sc Þ ðcÞ

(a)–(c) stay as notations for different profit equations given a lower limit and an upper limit of the quantity commitment of the buyer as follows: a: Demand higher than
commitment quantity, D > ð1  dÞQ sc . b: Demand higher than commitment quantity but smaller that optimal order quantity, ð1  dÞQ sc < D < Q sc . c: Demand higher than
optimal order quantity, D > Q sc .
70 K. Govindan et al. / Computers & Industrial Engineering 63 (2012) 58–74

Table 9
Comparison of the performance measures for different scenarios of the numerical example.

Performance Scenario 0 (no Scenario 1 (coordination Scenario 2 (S1 + buyback) Scenario 3 (S1 + revenue Scenario 4 (S1 + quantity
measures coordination) with optimal) sharing) flexibility)
b = 15 w0 = 10, u = 0.6 d = 0.201
Re- Arshinder Re- Arshinder Re- Arshinder Re- Arshinder Re- Arshinder
calculation et al. (2009a, calculation et al. (2009a, calculation et al. (2009a, calculation et al. (2009a, calculation et al. (2009a,
2009b) 2009b) 2009b) 2009b) 2009b)
Revenue 2746.14 2744.18 2938.79 2915.22 2938.79 2915.22 2938.79 1894.9 2940.96 2915.22
Salvage 197.84 199.18 413.15 422.63 619.73 632.68 413.15 422.63 293.17 238.67
Goodwill 71.88 95.32 18.39 15.5 18.39 15.5 18.39 15.5 17.38 15.5
Marginal cost 222.64 222.71 278.55 278.71 278.55 278.71 278.55 278.71 244.4 241.99
Wholesale 2226.44 2227.07 2785.5 2787.12 2785.5 2787.12 1406.68 1427.79 2443.97 2419.92
Leftover 19.78 19.88 41.32 42.18 41.32 42.18 41.32 42.18 24.17 23.82
Units short 5.13 6.81 1.31 1.11 1.31 1.11 1.31 1.11 1.24 1.11
Average sale 91.54 91.47 97.96 97.17 97.96 97.17 97.96 97.17 98.03 97.17
Salvage 0 0 0 0 371.84 379.61 0 0 44.77 26.9
Goodwill 41.07 54.49 10.51 8.86 10.51 8.86 10.51 8.86 9.93 8.86
Marginal cost 1335.86 1336.22 1671.3 1672.24 1671.3 1672.24 1671.3 1672.24 1466.38 1451.92
Wholesale 2226.44 2227.07 2785.5 2787.12 2785.5 2787.12 1406.68 2448.12 2443.97 2419.92
Return cost 0 0 0 0 619.37 631.62 0 0 99.48 0
Inventory 0 0 0 0 41.32 42.18 0 0 13.15 2.99
Units short 5.13 6.81 1.31 1.11 1.31 1.11 1.31 1.11 0 1.11
Average sale 111.32 91.47 139.28 97.17 97.96 97.17 139.28 97.17 122.2 97.17
Buyer’s profit 423.02 398.27 269.51 256.53 476.08 466.58 320.46 595.53 vs. 549.77 476.48 vs.
469.58 539.52
Supplier’s 849.5 836.36 1103.7 1106.02 855.8 852.95 1052.74 767.02 vs. 899.14 986.04 vs.
profit 892.97 926.26
Total supply 1272.52 1234.63 1373.3 1362.55 1349.47 1319.53 1373.20 1362.55 1441.33 1465.78
chain profit

Bold values denotes the maximum profit.

incurred, and return cost incurred) are affected by the imperfec- – In the revenue sharing scenario (S3) and in the quantity flexibility
tions highlighted above. Therefore, these differences are presented scenario (S4), there seems to be some miscalculation when it
in Table 9 by making a parallel between the re-calculated values comes to total profit values of the buyer and the supplier. By
and the original values obtained by Arshinder et al. (2009a, applying the formulas, the correct summation based on obtained
2009b). In addition to the refinement provided here, some observa- data should have been 596.53 for the buyer and 767.02 for the
tions are worth mentioning: supplier in revenue sharing case (not 469.58 and 892.97 as made
by Arshinder et al. (2009a, 2009b). Inthe quantity flexibility case,
– The average sales values used for re-calculation in the buyer’s the correct profit values are 476.48 for the buyer and 986.04 for
case are slightly higher than the ones used in Arshinder et al. the supplier (versus the erroneously given values of 539.52 and
(2009a, 2009b): 91.54 versus 91.47 for non-coordination, and 926.26). As a result, the total supply chain profit reflects an incor-
97.96 versus 97.17 for coordination. The reason for this adjust- rect value by adding any of the two sets of buyer and supplier
ment is that Excel generates random numbers to obtain the profits. The correct totals are 1362.55 versus the 1373.20 origi-
demand data needed for simulation. The same precise numbers nally given by Arshinder et al. (2009a, 2009b).
cannot be obtained and used in computing the calculations – From a closer look at the data, it can be observed that the profit
because Excel generates different random numbers every time function by re-calculation follows the same pattern as the
the program runs, thereby making it impossible to obtain the one presented in Arshinder et al. (2009a, 2009b): in the non-
same exact values and the same means as the ones obtained coordinated case, the profit takes the lowest value whereas
by Arshinder et al. (2009a, 2009b). the highest profit value is achieved within optimal order quan-
– In the supplier’s case, the average sale should be equal with the tity with the quantity flexibility scenario. Within the coordi-
optimal order quantity under S0, S1, and S3, a consequence of nated cases, the buyback contract offers the minimum profit
the assumption stating that the supplier produces to order. In while optimal order quantity and revenue sharing give the same
S2 and S4, however, the average sale numbers should be expected profit values. However, individual retailer and sup-
adjusted according to buyback and quantity flexibility implica- plier profits seem to suffer some changes in profit allocation
tions as presented in Table 9. (i.e. revenue sharing contract).
K. Govindan et al. / Computers & Industrial Engineering 63 (2012) 58–74 71

The impact on the performance measures and on the supply A.2. Graph theoretical model – recalculation and additional
chain total profit can be better emphasized by comparing the rela- observations
tive contribution to the profit of the performance measures ob-
tained by re-calculation and the ones obtained by Arshinder In order to verify model and data accuracy and referring to the
et al. (2009a, 2009b). The total gains and losses for the three coor- diagraph representation, the matrix representation and the perma-
dinated contracts are presented by comparison in Table 10. nent function representation of Phase II, values have again been re-
Referring to the impact of contracts on the performance mea- calculated for the quantity flexibility scenario, the model Arshinder
sures of the retailer and the supplier, the outcome shows that in et al. (2009a, 2009b) considered as the contract that brings maxi-
Arshinder et al. (2009a, 2009b) the lowest contribution to the prof- mum improvement to the profit. Inconsistencies in notations and
it is brought to the retailer by buyback contract. By re-calculation, formulas, along with required re-calculations of the inheritance
the lowest contribution appears to be brought by implementing values, affect the effectiveness of coordination formulas and the
revenue sharing contract. For the supplier, the highest contribution permanent function representations, as shown here:
to the profit, as per Arshinder et al. (2009a, 2009b), is brought by
quantity flexibility contract followed by revenue sharing and buy-
back contracts. By re-calculation, the highest contribution to the A.2.1. Notations and formulas
supplier’s profit is brought by revenue sharing, followed by quan- Referring to the permanent function representation and to the
tity flexibility and buyback contracts. As a result, quantity flexibil- Supply Chain Coordination Index (SCCI), the effectiveness of
ity offers the highest percentage of improving the performance coordination formulas seem to consider the wrong mathematical
measures of the retailer, i.e. 59.0% and revenue sharing offers the operations: specifically, summation instead of product. The adjust-
highest value for the supplier, i.e. 61.6%. ments of the formulas are presented in Table 11.

Table 10
Relative contribution to the profit of the performance measures.

Contribution to the profits (%) buyback Contribution to the profits (%) revenue sharing Contribution to the profits (%) quantity flexibility
Arshinder et al. (2009a, 2009b) Re-calculation Arshinder et al. (2009a, 2009b) Re-calculation Arshinder et al. (2009a, 2009b) Re-calculation
Total gain 50.4 52.1 51.6 47.4 57.8 59.0
Total loss 49.6 47.9 48.4 52.6 42.2 41.0
Total gain 50.5 50.2 53.9 61.6 60.2 56.06
Total loss 49.5 49.8 42.1 38.4 39.8 43.94

Table 11
Arshinder et al. (2009a, 2009b) versus adjusted quantitative measures of coordination.

Measure of coordination Source Profit equation

Effectiveness of coordination – supplier Arshinder et al. (2009a, 2009b) P P PP P PP
EC s ¼ 31 As þ k l m ðakl alk ÞAm þ k l m ðakl alk amk þ akm aml alk Þ
Adjustment EC s ¼ 31 As þ k l m ðakl alk ÞAm þ k l m ðakl alk amk þ akm aml alk Þ
Effectiveness of coordination – retailer Arshinder et al. (2009a, 2009b) EC s ¼ 31 Db þ 31 þ k l m ðdkl dlk ÞDm þ k l m ðdkl dlk dmk þ dkm dml dlk Þ
Adjustment Q3 P PP P PP
EC s ¼ 1 Db þ k l m ðdkl dlk ÞDm þ k l m ðdkl dlk dmk þ dkm dml dlk
Permanent function SCCI Arshinder et al. (2009a, 2009b) P
SCCI ¼ 2u¼1 P u þ p12 p21
Adjustment SCCI ¼ 2u¼1 pu þ p12 p21

Table 12
Corrected inheritance values starting from the values obtained in Phase I by Arshinder et al. (2009a, 2009b).

Buyer’s Contrib. to the Inheritance value Arshinder Inheritance value Supplier’s Contrib. to the Inheritance value Arshinder
performance profits (%) et al. (2009a, 2009b) (corrected) performance profits (%) et al. (2009a, 2009b)
measure measure
D1 (Sb) 7.9 0.589 0.136 A1 (Ss) 6.1 0.101
D2 (GWb) 15.9 0.136 0.266 A2 (GWs) 10.4 0.172
D3 (Rb) 34 0.275 0.568 A3 (WSs) 43.7 0.727

Table 13
Corrected effectiveness of coordination values.

Values of inheritance and relative importance of perf. Effectiveness of Values of inheritance and relative importance of perf. Effectiveness of
measures of the buyer (wrong) coordination (wrong) measures of the buyer (correct) coordination(correct)
D1 D2 D3 D1 D2 D3
D1 0.589 0.8 0.7 0.416 D1 0.136 0.8 0.7 0.380
D2 0.2 0.136 0.4 D2 0.2 0.266 0.4
D3 0.3 0.6 0.275 D3 0.3 0.6 0.568
72 K. Govindan et al. / Computers & Industrial Engineering 63 (2012) 58–74

Table 14
SCC and SCCI – Arshinder et al. (2009a, 2009b) versus corrected values.

Arshinder et al. (2009a, 2009b) Corrected values

 0:4488 0:4   0:5292 0:4 
SCC ¼   SCC ¼  
0:6 0:5511  0:6 0:4708 
Permanent function: SCCI ¼ zu¼1 P u þ p12 p21 Permanent function: SCCI ¼ 2u¼1 P u þ p12 p21
SCCI = (0.4488)  (0.5511) + (0.4)  (0.6) = 0.4874 SCCI = (0.5292)  (0.4708) + (0.4)  (0.6) = 0.4891

Table 15
Re-calculated inheritance values for the buyer and the supplier, based on re-calculated profit functions.

Buyer’s performance Contrib. to Inheritance Supplier’s performance Contrib. to Inheritance

measure the value measure the value
profits (%) profits (%)
D1 (Sr) 16.33 0.2766 A1 (Ss) 8.55 0.1526
D2 (GWr) 9.33 0.1581 A2 (GWs) 5.95 0.1061
D3 (Rr) 33.36 0.5653 A3 (WSs) 41.56 0.7413

Table 16
A.2.2. Impact on normalized values of inheritance of performance
Re-calculated effectiveness of coordination values. measures, the effectiveness of coordination and the permanent
function representations
Values of inheritance and relative importance of the Effectiveness of
performance measures of the buyer coordination
Due to observed miscalculations in Arshinder et al. (2009a,
2009b), this section will allocate separate attention to graph theo-
Buyer 0.3947
D1 D2 D3
retical model based on the figures obtained by Arshinder et al.
D1 0.2766 0.8 0.7 (2009a, 2009b) and based on the results obtained in this article
D2 0.2 0.1581 0.4 by re-calculation.
D3 0.3 0.6 0.5653
Supplier 0.3438 – Re-calculations based on Arshinder et al. (2009a, 2009b).
D1 D2 D3
A1 0.1526 0.4 0.1
The inheritance values computed by Arshinder et al. (2009a,
A2 0.6 0.1061 0.2
A3 0.9 0.8 0.7413 2009b) according to the data obtained in Phase I of their computa-
tion are incorrectly calculated for the buyer. These should be 0.136

Table 17
Relative contribution of different performance measures in the profit function – related to Case I.

Performance Scenarios
Buyback Contribution to Revenue Contribution to Quantity Contribution to Advanced Contribution to
contract profits (%) sharing profits (%) flexibility profits (%) purchase profits (%)
contract contract discount
Revenue 192.65 15.0 977.97 49.8 194.81 33.4 195.16 47.7
Salvage realized 421.89 32.9 50.74 2.6 95.33 16.3 5.94 1.5
Goodwill 53.49 4.2 60.82 3.1 54.50 9.3 54.66 13.3
Marginal cost 55.91 4.4 55.91 2.8 21.75 3.7 11.82 2.9
Wholesale 559.07 43.6 819.76 41.7 217.54 37.3 141.88 34.6
Total gain 668.04 52.1 931.32 47.4 344.65 59.0 249.83 61.01
Total loss 614.97 47.9 1033.88 52.6 239.29 41.0 159.64 38.99
Total 1283.01 100.0 1965.19 100.0 583.94 100.0 409.47 100.0
Salvage realized 371.84 19.4 0.00 0.0 44.77 8.6 207.80 28.5
Goodwill 30.57 1.6 30.57 3.5 31.14 5.9 31.24 4.3
Marginal cost 335.44 17.5 335.44 38.4 130.52 24.9 348.00 47.7
Wholesale 559.07 29.2 508.11 58.1 217.54 41.6 141.88 19.5
Returns cost 619.73 32.3 0.00 0.0 99.48 19.0 0.00 0.0
Total gain 961.47 50.2 538.68 61.6 293.45 56.06 380.91 52.26
Total loss 955.17 49.8 335.44 38.4 230.00 43.94 348.00 47.74
Total 1916.64 100.0 874.12 100.0 523.45 100.0 728.91 100.0
K. Govindan et al. / Computers & Industrial Engineering 63 (2012) 58–74 73

instead of 0.589 for the salvage realized, 0.266 instead of 0.136 for of coordination of the buyer should be 0.380 instead of 0.416. One of
the goodwill term, and 0.568 instead of 0.275 for the revenue real- the conclusions drawn by Arshinder et al. (2009a, 2009b) is that the
ized. The values in the supplier’s case are correctly calculated. The larger value of the effectiveness of coordination for the buyer shows
overview of the inheritance values of the buyer and the supplier that coordination at the buyer’s end is more effective than coordina-
are presented in Table 12. tion at the supplier’s end. Having values of effectiveness of 0.338
Having wrongly calculated inheritance values, the values of the and 0.380 proves that the coordination gap is not as large as con-
effectiveness of coordination (EC) are incorrect. In Arshinder et al. cluded by Arshinder et al. (2009a, 2009b) in their calculations. As
(2009a, 2009b), these values come out to be 0.338 for the supplier a consequence, the total effectiveness of coordination takes the va-
and 0.416 for the buyer. As presented in Table 13, the effectiveness lue of 0.7179 and not 0.7547.

Table 18
Relative contribution of different performance measures in the profit function – related to Case II.

Performance Scenarios
Buyback Contribution to Revenue Contribution to Quantity Contribution to Advanced Contribution to
contract profits (%) sharing profits (%) flexibility profits (%) purchase profits (%)
contract contract discount
Revenue 0.00 0.0 1170.62 43.0 2.16 0.4 2.51 0.4
Salvage realized 206.58 100.0 164.57 6.0 119.99 24.1 221.25 32.2
Goodwill 0.00 0.0 7.32 0.3 1.01 0.2 1.17 0.2
Marginal cost 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.0 34.15 6.8 44.08 6.4
Wholesale 0.00 0.0 1378.82 50.7 341.53 68.5 417.19 60.8
Total gain 206.58 100.0 1386.15 50.94 119.99 75.95 464.96 67.76
Total loss 0.00 0.0 1335.19 49.06 378.86 24.05 221.25 32.24
Total 206.58 100.0 2721.34 100.0 498.84 100.0 686.21 100.0
Salvage realized 371.84 37.5 0.00 0.0 44.77 6.5 207.80 32.6
Goodwill 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.58 0.1 0.67 0.1
Marginal cost 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.0 204.92 29.6 12.56 2.0
Wholesale 0.00 0.0 50.96 100.0 341.53 49.4 417.19 65.4
Returns cost 619.73 62.5 0.00 0.0 99.48 14.4 0.00 0.0
Total gain 371.84 37.5 0.00 0.0 250.26 36.20 208.47 32.66
Total loss 619.73 62.5 50.96 100.0 441.01 63.80 429.75 67.34
Total 991.57 100.0 50.96 100.0 691.27 100.0 638.21 100.0

Table 19
Relative contribution of different performance measures in profit function – related to Case IV.

Performance Scenarios
Buyback Contribution to the Revenue sharing Contribution to the Quantity flexibility Contribution to the
contract profits (%) contract profits (%) contract profits (%)
Revenue realized 2.51 0.3 1173.13 52.3 0.35 0.2
Salvage realized 427.83 47.9 56.68 2.5 101.27 54.0
Goodwill incurred 1.17 0.1 6.15 0.3 0.16 0.1
Marginal cost 44.08 4.9 44.08 2.0 9.93 5.3
Wholesale value 417.19 46.7 961.64 42.9 75.66 40.4
Total gain 427.83 47.92 1024.47 45.70 101.27 54.05
Total loss 464.96 52.08 1217.21 54.30 86.10 45.95
Total 892.79 100.0 2241.68 100.0 187.37 100.0
Salvage realized 164.04 13.5 207.80 35.4 163.03 29.3
Goodwill incurred 0.67 0.1 0.67 0.1 0.09 0.0
Marginal cost 12.56 1.0 12.56 2.1 217.48 39.1
Wholesale value 417.19 34.4 366.23 62.4 75.66 13.6
Returns cost 619.73 51.0 0.00 0.0 99.48 17.9
Total gain 593.79 48.90 378.79 64.50 293.14 52.75
Total loss 620.40 51.10 208.47 35.50 262.60 47.25
Total 1214.19 100.0 587.26 100.0 555.74 100.0
74 K. Govindan et al. / Computers & Industrial Engineering 63 (2012) 58–74

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