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Micro Teach Reflec-on

Group Members Names: Anna Featherston, Zach Wright, Morgan Egidy

Date: 9/19/18
Title of lesson, content area, and grade level: CreaGve WriGng, language
arts, 3rd grade
Using the SWIVL recording of the micro teach lesson, answer the following quesGons by ciGng
specific examples from the instrucGon and provide the -me range from the video in the column
on the leR.
Time Range Ques-ons

How were the mulGple modaliGes uGlized in the lesson?

1:15 Visual: PowerPoint
4:00 Auditory: Four Seasons
3:00 KinestheGc: move to groups
4:00 TacGle: doing the acGvity
How was flexibility and responsiveness to students demonstrated in the instrucGon?
6:00 walking around and talking to students and giving sugges-ons
How were the procedures of lesson managed?
throughout awkward moments of hesita-on/transi-ons between who’s talking
What was an example of a higher-order quesGon asked?
8:08 “How would you modify the plot?”
What was an example of a lower-order quesGon asked?
9:00 asking how the story would change with different group members
When were students most engaged in the learning/lesson?
5:00 doing the ac-vity in their groups
How was feedback provided to students?
6:00, 7:30 we could have improved on this, but we did walk around ask how students were doing and
told them they had a good story at the end
What classroom management techniques/strategies were used in the lesson? (gebng stu-
dents acenGon, management of materials, etc. -list all used)
0:30 4-square lesson got students’ aIen-on; asking students to put down their pencils look up at
6:50 the front when their group was finished
Explain how student learning was assessed and the effecGveness of the instrucGon. (Provide a
substanGal explanaGon of the assessment and what evidence it provided)
7:00 reading the stories out loud and answering the essen-al ques-ons
***Finally, answer these general quesGons about the lesson:
1. What was one thing that went really well in the lesson and why?
-ming was planned out well because we ended at just about 10 minutes; we also had planned out a
good amount of -me for the ac-vity to occur

2. Was the acGvity planned appropriate for the amount of Gme? (Why/why not, give specifics)
yes because we made the transi-ons from one stage of the lesson/ac-vity to next when we
had planned it and we ended basically right on -me

3. What would the the group do differently if given the opportunity to reteach this lesson?
not stand behind the podium, be more excited and engaging, less awkward transi-ons, give
students -me to think about the ques-ons, ask students to try and define words instead of just telling them all
of the informa-on


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