2011.05.06 APSG25 Bergstrom SurveyQualityConsiderations-APSG-20110506 PDF

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Wellbore Survey Quality

Presentation for APSG
Houston 6 May 2011
Neil S. Bergstrom P.E.
Halliburton Sperry Drilling

Copyright © Halliburton Company 2010 – All rights reserved

Wellpath as Surveyed (most likely path)

Copyright © Halliburton Company 2009 – All rights reserved

Wellpath Showing Error Ellipses

Copyright © Halliburton Company 2009 – All rights reserved

Why Wellbore Survey accuracy?
Regulation / Property Lines
Wellbore surveys are used for the life of the
asset – and beyond.

Geologic Targets
Plan Section

Relief Wells
Prevent Collisions Abandoment
Replacement Wells - EOR

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Wellbore Surveying Methodology
“Dead Reckoning”

Starting Position (uncertain)

Inclination (uncertain)
Azimuth (uncertain)
Distance (measured Depth) (uncertain)
Ending Position (even more uncertain)

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Minimum Curvature Calculation Algorithm
 Currently industry standard – obsoleting other methods such as
 Average angle, balanced tangential, or radius of curvature
 Equivalent to a “Great Circle” on a sphere
 Assumes a smooth curve connecting the end survey points

 Curvature is DLS = Dogleg Severity usually in Degrees / 100 ft.

 Apparent DLS depends upon survey spacing.
 Not the same as “Motor Yield”

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SAG (Misalignment Error)
 SAG is the error in inclination measurements caused by the
misalignment of the directional sensor in relation to the borehole.
 SAG correction is normally provided as an office support function
on request at extra cost.

Misalignment Angle
MWD Sensors
Stabiliser Stabiliser

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Uncertainty Ellipses from Monte-Carlo Simulation

1σ ellipse = 1 standard deviation ellipse

calculated hole
bottom location
2σ ellipse = 2 std.dev.ellipse

3σ ellipse = 3 std.dev.ellipse

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Error Ellipse size is specified by the IPM
• IPM = Instrument Performance Model (ISCWSA)
• Also called a toolcode
• Represents a model of the performance of the tool and the
way it was run and processed.
• Can be provided by instrument vendor, service company,
or operating company.
• The IPM is the technical specification of the advertised
survey accuracy

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The IPM is the mathematical description of the expected Errors

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Other Errors
• Surface Positioning Errors
• Can be minor or major (wrong site)
• These must be added to Ellipse of Uncertainty
• Declination Errors – correlate between adjacent wells
• This includes Grid Convergence Errors
• Wrong sign of declination or grid convergence
• These are Gross Errors or Blunders (> 3 S.D.) and are
not modeled by the EOU

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Ellipses of Uncertainty Overlap (Bad)

Reference Well Comparison Well




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Anti-Collision Risk

Minor Risk Major Risk

(Economic Only) (HSE)

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Magnetic and Gyroscopic measurements
• Magnetic (MWD or EMS)  Gyroscopic
• Azimuth from Earth’s field  Spinning mass
• Simple and reliable  SRG Surface Referenced
 NS North-seeking
• Can’t use in casing
 Gyrocompassing
• Affected by nearby steel
 Continuous Mode
• Well-known algorithms and
 Inclination limitations
error models
 Vendor error models
• Raw data can be verified
 Can’t be verified by 3rd party
and recomputed

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Magnetic Survey Tools

 Major Error Sources

 Uncertainty in Magnetic North

 Nearby Steel
 Drillstring (internal) Magnetometers
 External (adjacent casing or fish)

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Three sources of Earth’s Magnetic Field
 Internal (Iron Core)
 Predictable mathematical model
 Crustal minerals
 Constant
 Can be measured (one time)
 Solar wind
 Short term variations
 Geomagnetic storms are
predictable but effects are not
 Can be measured (ongoing)

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Improvements to Magnetic Surveys
 Correct for Z-axis magnetic interference (From Drillstring)
 Single-station corrections (Sperry term = Short Collar Correction)
 Measure actual magnetic field (IFR = In-Field Referencing)
 Ground Shots (on Surface)
 Downward Continuation from Aeromagnetic survey
 Source of anomalies is typically basement rocks
 Monitor changing magnetic field
 Local or interpolated geomagnetic observatory (IIFR)
 Apply SAG corrections
 Compensates for bending of BHA under its own weight
 Apply Multi-Station analysis
 Compensates for some sensor errors

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Other Survey Improvements / QC
(in addition to IFR1, IFR2, Multistation Analysis)
 Benchmark Surveys – Tripping in/out (memory data)
 Rotation check shots (cluster shots) at same MD
 Rig time required; may be difficult in Horizontal wells
 Repeated surveys with a different tool / technology
 Especially good for catching gross errors
 Overlap surveys if a trip is needed
 Store the raw data for re-computation with higher accuracy
 (such as a relief well or P&A)

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Error Ellipse Examples

Plan view showing error ellipses

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Error Ellipses for Typical Barnett Shale Well
 Profile: vertical to 6000 ft, curve 10 deg/100 to 7000, TD 12,000 ft MD
 5000 ft lateral section

 North direction: Standard MWD ellipse at TD is ~ 118 ft x 48 ft (radius)

 IFR1 (crustal) correction: 71 x 48 ft.
 IFR2 (crustal + realtime + MS + dual sensor SAG): 57 x 19 ft
 Error reduction of 50% through advanced processing

 East direction: Standard MWD ellipse at TD is ~ 184 x 48 ft

 IFR1 (crustal) correction: 158 x 48
 IFR2 (crustal + realtime + MS + dual sensor SAG): 73 x 19
 Error reduction of 60% through advanced processing

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Example travelling cylinder plots

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Example Ladder Plot

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Example Separation Factor Plot

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Archiving Survey Information
 Every survey needs an associated error model.
 All useful positional data should be stored.
 All corrections (declination, grid correction, magnetic interference) should be
 Raw data, check shots, and QC information are valuable for future checks.
 This data may be needed at well plug and abandonment many years in the
 Archiving survey data is the well owner’s responsibility.

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Questions and

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