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1. Complete with the adjectives in brackets and too … , … enough or as … as.

1. I can’t reach the shelf. It’s …………………………………… (high).

2. This shirt is ………………………………….. (small). It’s a 36; I need a 38.
3. Is your coffee ……………………………….. (sweet) or do you need more sugar?
4. John is ……………………………….. (tall) his brother.
5. Can you help me? This box is …………………………………….. (heavy).
6. I didn’t win the race. I wasn’t ………………………………………….. (fast).

2. Complete the sentences with the superlative form of the adjectives below.
hot  long  tasty  expensive
1. Titanic is ………………………………….. film I have ever seen. It is more than three hours
2. August is ……………………………………………….. month of the year. I don’t like the heat.
3. The leather jacket was ……………………… ………………………item in the shop. It cost €150.
4. These are …………………………………………………….. biscuits in the shop. They are delicious.

3. Read the definitions and complete the words.

1. positive, cheerful and happy u............................
2. attractive and pleasing a............................
3. unpleasant and rude o............................
4. very strong p............................
5. very upsetting s............................

4. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the adjectives below. Use the
comparative or superlative.
rude  funny  old-fashioned  expensive  old
1. That’s ……………………………………… phone in the shop. I want something modern!
2. Chris is ……………………………………. me. He’s 16 but I’m only 15.
3. You are ……………………………… person I’ve ever met. You mustn’t talk to people like that.
4. This computer is …………………………… that one. I haven’t got enough money for it.
5. He’s …………………………… comedian in Hollywood. He always makes me laugh.

5. Complete the sentences with the words below and the gerund form of the verbs in
brackets. Use each word only once. dislike  love  hate  don’t mind  like
1. Belinda eats a hamburger every day. She ……………………… (eat) fast food.
2. Beth ……………………… (go) shopping with her mum because her mum doesn’t like
buying her things.
3. Even though I am very busy, I ……………………… (take) you to the cinema.
4. I ……………………… (visit) museums. It’s a great way to spend a day.
5. Brett is always on his computer. He ……………………… (play) sport with the other boys.

6. Write sentences with the same meaning as the sentences below. Use modals.
1. Perhaps I will come over later.
2. I knew how to read when I was three years old.

3. Maybe we will see Dave tonight.
4. It’s a good idea for you to take a break.

7. Complete the sentences about the future with the verbs below. Use will or won’t, be going
to, Present Continuous

1. Clothes ……………………… a lot of money. ( cost )

2. The boy bands of today ……………………… popular five years from now. (be)
3. People ……………………… more fruit. (eat )
4. Derek ………………………………………… (play) football this year.
5. Alison and Joel ……………………………………. (not meet) us later.
6. He ……………………………………. (bring) his guitar to the party.
7. I’m very excited. I 1. ………………………………… (travel) with my family to London next week.
We 2. …………………………………… (not stay) at a hotel because my aunt lives there. She
……………………………………………… (plan) some exciting activities for us.
8. Complete the sentences with the correct conditional of the verbs in brackets.

1. If I ……………………… (study), I ……………………………….. (pass)

2. Mary ……………………… (not come) to the party if you ………………………..(not change) it to
3. If you ……………………………… (bring) a jacket, you wouldn’t cold.
4. I would pay for your dinner if you ……………………… (not have) any money.

9 Complete the sentences with the modals below. Use each modal once.
don’t have to  might  could  must  can
1. You ………………… come over later. We can’t study without you.
2. ………………… you swim when you were five?
3. ………………… I help you? You look lost.
4. He ………………… help if you ask him nicely.
5. We ………………… bring food tomorrow. We’re going to a restaurant for lunch.

10. Complete the sentences with for, since, already, never or yet.
1. Brad has ………………… fed the cat. Don’t worry.
2. I have ………………… seen her before.
3. He has waited for you ………………… 3 o’clock.
4. My parents have been away ………………… a week.
5. No, we haven’t had a holiday ………………… .

11. Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use the Present Perfect Simple or Past
Simple. not feel  make  study  watch  not meet
1. Paul and I ……………………………………… TV last night.
2. We ……………………………………………………. Alan’s new girlfriend yet.
3. Brett ………………………………………… a delicious lunch yesterday.
4. My sister ……………………………………………….. well since last Saturday.

5. Eileen ……………………………………………… French for two years when she was a teenager.

12. Complete the text with the words below. Use the Past Continuous.
wear  happen  stand  hope  play  drive
On 31st March 1989, thousands of Londoners 1. ………………………….. in their cars when they saw a
flying saucer. People stopped their cars to see what 2. …………………………………….. . Many of them
 …………………………………… to see aliens. Suddenly, the door of the flying saucer opened. What
 ……………………… there? Not an alien. It was a man and he 5. ……………………… a silver suit. It was
a hoax. The man 6. ……………………… ……………………….a trick on everyone!

13. Write a subject (S) and an object (O) question for each of the sentences below.
1. S: ................................................................................................................................................
O: ................................................................................................................................................
The orchestra was playing classical music.
2. S: ................................................................................................................................................
O: ................................................................................................................................................
Ryan met Cathy last night.
3. S: ................................................................................................................................................
O: ................................................................................................................................................
Lisa bought a new car.
4. S: ................................................................................................................................................
O: ................................................................................................................................................
Tom was eating an ice cream when we arrived.

14. Read the definitions or descriptions and complete the words.

1. real g……u……e
2. This person repairs cars. m……h…n……
3. There aren’t many of them. r……e
4. Reporters must study this. … ou … n … l … … …
5. This person cooks food. … he …
6. Teachers must study this e……c…t………
7. positive …p…i……s………
8. type of doctor s……g……n
9. happy c……e…f……
10. Doctors must study this. …e……c……e

15.. Complete the chart with words from the same word family

Verb Noun Adjective Adverb

– suddenly
pay – –
announce – –
– artist


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