Orchestra and Strings Faqs

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Q: Can I receive a strings scholarship even if I’m not a

music major/minor?
A: Yes! All students are eligible for strings scholarships.
Scholarships are based off auditions.

Orchestra and Strings Q: How can I audition for a strings scholarship?

A: First, apply online. There, you can sign up to be considered
Frequently Asked Questions
for an audition through the school. Next, email Mrs. Rachel Dirks
(rdirks@ksu.edu) or Dr. Cora Cooper (corac@ksu.edu) to
arrange an audition time.
Q: What kinds of orchestras are there for me at KSU?
A: At K-State, we currently offer one full orchestra. In the
Q: What does a string scholarship audition require?
fall, it meets Mondays 7:30-9:30 pm and Tuesdays and
A: Two three-octave scales: one major and one melodic minor
Thursdays 2:30-3:20 pm. In the spring, it meets Tuesdays
scale, a concerto movement or equivalent piece, a contrasting
and Thursdays 2:30-4:20 pm. More options coming soon!
piece or etude, and sight reading. No accompanist is necessary.
Q: Can I still play in Orchestra even if I’m not a music
Q: May I take private lessons if I am not a music major?
A: Yes, if there is room in the professor’s studio and you have
A: Yes! Orchestra is open to string, winds, brass, and
his or her permission. You must be enrolled in Orchestra in order
percussion students of all majors.
to take private lessons.
Q: When do I audition for Orchestra?
Q: I’m overwhelmed by the thought of college. Will I have
A: Orchestra auditions take place the weekend before
time for Orchestra?
classes start in the fall.
A: Welcome to the feelings of millions of students over the years.
Studies have shown that students who are the busiest are often
Q: What does the Orchestra audition require?
the best students. Through the years, many students have told
A: Auditions for orchestra require scales and excerpts. Strings
us that Orchestra was a great stress reliever from engineering/
should prepare one 3-octave scale of their choosing. Winds
biology/math/etc. courses.
and brass should prepare a chromatic scale demonstrating
their full range. All excerpts can be found on the KSUSO page.



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