Reflection Question

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Tuesday, November 24

Reflection Questions

The article “7 strange questions that help you find your life purpose” was quite
interesting to me. Specifically, the last question regarding death. I’ve had a couple of different
friends talk about this topic with me before, mostly them worrying about the inevitability of
death and me trying to defuse the situation and make them feel less stressed, but I had never
really considered it myself. I mean I know that all that matters are what you make of your time
on this planet and the changes that you will be remembered by, but I hadn’t considered what
that means for me as I’m not super sure what I want to do with my life career wise and what
my mark on this world will be.
This ties interestingly into the TED Talk that we watched. It explored the ideas regarding
personal interests in terms of viable careers. The population was separated into specialists and
multipotentiallites (people who don’t have multiple interests able to be turned into careers.) I
didn’t find this TED Talk helpful whatsoever. I don’t really feel like I have a specific interest that
I want to turn into a career; I don’t really feel passionate about anything. The talk was about
dealing with having multiple interests with a lesser focus on having a specific thing they want to
dedicate their life to, while passing over people who just don’t really have a passion. It makes
me feel sort of lost and unsure of what I’m supposed to do, and I haven’t found any solid
resources for people who feel similarly to me.
One of the questions posed by “7 strange questions that help you find your life purpose”
asks “How are you going to save the world?” with the opening line “Everything is fucked and
we’re all going to die” was published February 17th of 2019. As I’m sure you’re aware, things
have gotten a whole lot worse as of recent. Unimaginably worse. This question is more
important than ever because it takes on less of a satirical meaning and becomes more of a
genuine, worried inquiry. Again, I’m not sure what I want to do with my life and what I’m going
to do in order to make stuff better, as that seems like quite a tall order. I’d say an important
thing that has been burning to the ground recently (literally) is the environment. I’ve always
enjoyed being outside in the wilderness so if I had to choose something to try and save I’d have
to go with that.

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