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Parent Education Program

Parent Education Program: ClassDojo

*What is ClassDojo?

ClassDojo is a school communication platform that teachers, students, and

families use every day to build close-knit communities by sharing what’s being

learned in the classroom home through photos, videos, and messages. Dojo

classroom is where teachers and students build their classroom culture. They

choose skills and values- things like creativity or teamwork and share feedback on

progress with each other. Dojo classroom is the simplest way for teachers and

students to build and incredible classroom culture together. ClassDojo Beyond

School is an amazing way for families to bring the best of ClassDojo home.

Families can subscribe to get access to feedback points at home, a fun avatar

customizer, and character-building activities to help kids develop skills like

perseverance and mindfulness.

*Why I choose ClassDojo?

This great technology program creates a positive culture, teachers can

encourage students for any skill or value. Whether it’s working hard, being kind,

helping others or something else. This also gives students a voice. Students can

showcase and share their learning by adding photos and videos to their own
portfolios. This app also lets you share moments with the student’s parents. This

gets parents engaged by sharing photos and videos for wonderful classroom

moments. This app is actively used in 95% of all K-8 schools in the U.S. and 180

countries. 1 in 6 U.S. families with a child under 14 use ClassDojo every day. 15

million children have learned about Growth Mindset and Empathy with ClassDojo.

All the messages can be translated into 35 different languages automatically.

*An overview of the Parent Education Program:

The Parent Education Program will begin with a welcome from the Parent

Education Program Coordinator. The coordinator will then introduce each of the

speakers (there will be 2 speakers) to the audience. Next, the coordinator will

encourage the parents and families in the audience to participate in an icebreaker

activity together. The coordinator will explain the icebreaker and walk around to

provide assistance to parents and families, during the icebreaker, if needed.

Afterwards, the coordinator will allow the speakers to take turns speaking about

ClassDojo. The first speaker will provide the families with an explanation as to

what ClassDojo is and their mission/ vision. The second speaker will then

demonstrate how to sign up and login on ClassDojo and also how it works. While

the second speaker is talking, the first speaker will then pass out a paper on how to

sign up and login using the teachers access code. After the demonstration, the
speakers and coordinator will then hand out packets of information for everyone to

keep, as well as a brief evaluation to be completed, in order to provide the school

with adequate feedback. To conclude the program, the coordinator will encourage

the parents and families to ask any questions they may have, as well as any

thoughts they had about the program or any other events of the night. The

coordinator will also be sure to thank the parents and families for coming out and

participating as well.
Parent Education Program: ClassDojo

Needs Assessment
Dear Parents/Families,
Our school will be holding a Parent Education Program night very soon, and we would like to take this
opportunity to teach you more about ClassDojo, that we use at our school. By learning more about this
App, we believe you will gain a better understanding of why this App is so beneficial to you and your
children. During this program, we will provide you with many valuable resources. We will also have
plenty of time to answer any questions you may have. We hope that you will be attending this event and
can’t wait to see you! Please take the time to fill out the following needs assessment, so that we can make
this program best fit your needs and please return this assessment to your child’s teacher by Thursday,
May 5, 2020. Also, if you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me at anytime!
Thank you,
Kristine Davis, Parent Education Program Coordinator

*Please check one:

1. What topic would you be interested in learning more about?
[ ] ClassDojo [ ] Childhood Nutrition and Safety [ ] Early Childhood Development
2. What day of the week would you like this program to take place on?
[ ] Monday [ ] Tuesday [ ] Wednesday [ ] Thursday [ ] Friday
3. What time during the day works best for you?
[ ] Morning [ ] Afternoon [ ] Evening
4. Would you be interested in using childcare services if they were provided?
[ ] Yes [ ] No
5. Are you interested in attending this program?
[ ] Yes [ ] No

*Please provide any additional comments or suggestions you may have to help us make this
program better suite your needs in the box below.
Parent Education Program

Who: Parents/ Families

What: ClassDojo Parent Education Program
When: Thursday, May 26, 2020
Where: Milton Elementary School
Time: 6:00 pm

If you have any questions or would like more information please contact
our Parent Education Program Coordinator:
Name: Kristine Davis
Phone: (302)123-456
*Please use the box below to RSVP! Just cut it out and return it to
your child’s teacher by Thursday, May 5, 2020.
[ ] Yes, I will be attending this event.
[ ] No, I will not be attending this event.
Will you be using the childcare services provided? [ ]Yes [ ]No
Ice-breaker Activity

Title: Roll the Dice Break the Ice

Activity Overview:
Each parent will be partnered up in pairs. Each group will get two
dice. The first parent that goes will roll the dice and whatever number
they get will find the number on the sheet and answer the question listed.
Then the next parent will go and do the same thing and roll the dice.
First group finished will get a prize.

Purpose of the Activity:

The purpose of this activity is to provide a way for the parents and
families to communicate with one another. This activity also allows the
participants to learn more about one another and can be a fun and easy
way to relive tension in the room.

 20 sheets of paper
 20 sharpened pencils
 40 dice
The basics

Parent Accounts
Keep parents in the loop

Easily keep all your students’ parents engaged

with ClassDojo.

Parents can see their child’s feedback instantly

using any device. They will also see Class Story
(all of your classroom photos and
announcements), plus their child’s individual
Student Story (a digital portfolio).

Any device, any language Parents can use any

iOS device, Android device, Kindle Fire, or
computer to connect! They can also read all
Class Story posts in their preferred language

How to connect parents

You can connect parents by email, text, or by sending home unique parent codes! Here’s how
to use any of these options:

1. Select the class

2. Click the “Settings” wheel and choose “Connect parents”

3. To download all unique parent codes, click the blue “Download and print all invites”

or add parent emails or cell numbers to next to each student to invite them instantly!

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Common questions
Parent Accounts
What if a parent was connected last year to their child?

Students can add all of their student codes to the same account and track their progress across
multiple classes. It’s simple!

How far back in time can parents see feedback points?

Parents can see the last two weeks of their child’s feedback points. Teachers can always
download a full history of feedback points, though.

How do parents connect with multiple classes?

Parents can enter multiple parent codes to their account, letting them connect with all of their
children’s classes.

When do parents get notified by ClassDojo?

ClassDojo notifies parents whenever they receive a new private message, a new Class Story
post is added, their child has posted to their Student Story, and on Friday to review their child’s

feedback from class. ClassDojo Helpdesk

Visit our helpdesk at to find answers to
Helpful resources all of your ClassDojo questions! Still need
help? Email us at :)
ClassDojo Privacy Center

Visit to see

how ClassDojo protects its entire
community of teachers, parents, and
Everything you need to know about Student

Student ownership

Students love using ClassDojo because it gives

them more ownership of what they are doing
in class.

Students can view feedback given by their

teacher, view photos and videos on their
Story, and build their own monster to show
up in class!

Students can’t view other students’ point
totals, message with other students, or
message with teachers.

Creating Student Accounts

Using Student Codes

1. To set up a student account, ask your child’s teacher for their student code

2. Download the ClassDojo app or go to

3. Click “Sign Up” and select “Student”

4. Enter Student Code and click “Check code”

5. Create username, password, select age, and enter parent email address
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Common questions about Student

What if a student is in more than one class?

Students can add all of their student codes to the same account and track their progress across
multiple classes. It’s simple!

Is student information protected?

Of course! We take privacy very seriously — we never share any of your students’ personal
information. Check out for more information.

What if students forget their username or password?

To reset a student’s username or password, they will need help from their teacher. The teacher
will click the class settings button and select “Connect students”. Here, they’ll see the student’s
username and will have the option to reset their password if necessary.

How are student accounts different from parent accounts?

Both parents and students can view feedback points given by the teacher, however, only
parents can view teacher comments, Class Story, and message with the teacher.
Students love ClassDojo classroom decorations!

Download decorations for free at

Helpful resources

Student introduction video

Get students excited about ClassDojo by showing the student intro video at

Get your questions answered quickly

Visit our helpdesk at to find answers to all of your ClassDojo

questions! Still need help? Email us at :)
Parent Education Program: ClassDojo
Dear Parent/ Families,
Thank you very much for attending our Parent Education Program tonight! I hope this program provided
you with a better understanding of what the ClassDojo App is about and why we have chosen this
program to use in our school district. I also hope that you will find the resources that we provided you
with tonight to be beneficial in helping you support your children with their future development and
education. Please fill out the evaluation below, in order to help us evaluate tonight’s program.
Kristine Davis, Parent Education Program Coordinator

1. Did you find the information in this program useful and easy to understand?
[ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Somewhat
2. Were all the questions that you had answered?
[ ] Yes [ ] No
3. Would you consider attending another Parent Education Program at the Milton Elementary School?
[ ] Yes [ ] No
4. Did you think the classroom in which the Parent Education Program took place was comfortable and
spacious enough?
[ ] Yes [ ] No
5. Please provide any additional feedback you may have for us in the box below.
ClassDojo. (n.d.). ClassDojo. Retrieved from

Take Your Time, August! (2 Freebies): Ice breakers. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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