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Case Study

ROI for a Customer Relationship Management

Initiative at GST

Professor Robert J. Sweeney, Wright State University

Robert J. Davis, Teradata, a division of NCR
Professor Mark Jeffery, Kellogg School of Management
Case Study
ROI for a Customer Relationship Management
Initiative at GST

“Your new enterprise data warehouse combined with

analytical CRM solutions could significantly contribute
to top line growth.”
Overview investments and improve sales revenues. Davis
Professor Robert J.
Robert Davis of Teradata, a division of NCR , explained that the natural next step for GST
Sweeney of Wright entered the management conference room at was to leverage their new enterprise data ware-
State University and GST Inc. and was greeted by Mark Johnson, house for top-line growth with Customer
GST CFO. Johnson had a big smile and gave an Relationship Management (CRM) solutions.
Robert J. Davis of
enthusiastic: ‘Hi Bob, good to see you.’
Teradata, a division Johnson suddenly looked perplexed. It was not
It was three years since the original data mart exactly what he had anticipated hearing,“We
of NCR prepared
consolidation pilot program was initiated. The already have CRM—the sales team sold me on
this case study in results of the pilot study originally proposed by funding CRM some time ago, and I have no
idea what return we are getting on the $3 mil-
collaboration with Davis exceeded even the most optimistic fore-
cast. The documented ROI prompted GST to lion I dump into it every year.”
Professor Mark Jeffery consolidate the remaining 45 data marts into
from Northwestern an enterprise data warehouse (EDW). The now Kolks explained that four years ago, Jill
complete EDW had a documented return on Newberg, Vice President of Sales Region #2 and
University's Dominique Arnold, Vice President of Sales,
investment of 65%, and had saved GST $27
Kellogg School of million in just one year. Johnson was eager to Region #3 convinced Johnson that GST needed
learn from Davis how GST might further lever- CRM. That resulted in an updated call center
Management as
age the $32 million infrastructure investment and a new sales force automation tool.
the basis for class to help grow top-line revenue.
Kolks added that although the CRM
discussion rather
Erica Kolks, Vice President of Marketing, investments seemed to be worthwhile, it was
than to illustrate arrived at the meeting a few minutes later. not what marketing needed. She needed to
effectiveness of Kolks came to GST ten years ago shortly after identify which customers to best target for new
obtaining her MBA from the Kellogg School of service offerings, cross sell/up sell the most
management. Some profitable mix of product offerings, and to
Management. She joined the GST management
facts within the case team with an impressive background in mar- maximize return from their marketing invest-
keting and over 15 years of experience in the ments. Kolks clearly wanted to analyze cus-
have been altered
telecommunications industry. Through the tomer behavior over time and more quickly act
for reasons of years, Kolks had made several recommenda- on detailed customer information for
enhanced decision making.
confidentiality. tions that helped GST better compete, especial-
ly in the growing wireless market.
Johnson did not want to acknowledge the CRM
Johnson remarked that Davis had some ideas investments had any payback, in spite of the
on how GST might maximize marketing fact that Newberg and Arnold were convinced

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Case Study
ROI for a Customer Relationship Management
Initiative at GST

that they recognized return. He declared,“Since TELECOMMUNICATIONS Analysts were not expecting the industry to
performance metrics to determine the ROI INDUSTRY return to the earlier level of profitability for
were not established during the adoption several years.
phase and have not been monitored through- The explosion in the demand for wireless serv-
out the implementation, the calculation of ROI ices, deregulation, the elimination of barriers However, there were bright spots in an otherwise
at this point is pure speculation.” in the European markets, and an ever-growing bleak picture. Wireless continued to be a high
Internet market characterized the telecommu- demand item and revenue growth was expect-
Davis could sense the tension. It was obvious nications industry as the millennium came to ed in metropolitan markets. According to
that this was not the first time that the ROI of a close. However, once attractive profit margins industry analysts:
GST CRM initiative was discussed. It was also were shrinking or disappearing altogether.
apparent that CRM was a topic of confusion. Consolidation had replaced expansion as the “The up-tick in wireless will also come in spite
Johnson looked at Davis. He wanted to focus industry practice, and the trend of almost of rapidly slowing spending on next-generation
on discussing new possibilities. unlimited spending for new infrastructure had (also known as 3G) designed to dramatically
been reversed. In 2001, many viewed the tele- increase the speed of moving wireless data.
“Actually,” said Davis,“I was thinking about com industry as ‘melting down’. Rather, wireless carriers will be spending on
analytical CRM.Your new enterprise data hybrid wireless local area networks, a more eco-
warehouse combined with analytical CRM Bankruptcies have been filed and many more nomical way to offer high-bandwidth wireless
solutions could improve the take rate of your were expected. Experts believed the U.S. and data coverage in key areas. They’ll also spend to
important marketing programs and the reten- European telecom companies, burdened with expand current-generation wireless infrastruc-
tion of your most profitable customers, signifi- about $700 billion in debt, would either default ture and upgrade their networks to accommo-
cantly contributing to top-line growth.” on, or force lenders to restructure, over $100 date increased customer demand, ...” 2
billion of this debt.1 The telecommunications
Johnson was skeptical, but he knew that Davis industry crisis was reminiscent of the real With technologies coming and going,
had not disappointed him with the data mart estate debacle that befell the savings and loan mergers and acquisitions that blurred the
consolidation program. Kolks liked what she industry in the 1980s. boundaries between service providers, and
heard and wanted to learn more. Johnson and fickle customers that had a countless array of
Kolks concurred, if Davis could demonstrate a The promise of heightened competition choices (both wireless and long distance), the
believable ROI, GST would be very interested. following deregulation was proving illusory. communications environment had never been
Consolidation within the industry, coupled more challenging. The industry found itself in
Davis was excited with this response and start- with a dampened enthusiasm by Wall Street the unenviable position of scrambling to keep
ed to map out the next steps. He believed that limiting available capital for new entrants, was up with a technological explosion while mar-
the first step was to propose a detailed busi- negatively affecting everything from customer gins evaporated and the regulatory landscape
ness discovery. Once the business discovery service to spending on new technologies. changed. In addition, Telco’s faced these condi-
was complete, the ultimate question was “what Although the number of telephone calls and tions in the midst of the worst economic reces-
was the ROI and payback for the Teradata CRM the amount of data transmitted were both ris- sion in a decade that had lessened Wall Street’s
solution?” Davis knew his team had a lot of ing, companies had found customers demand- willingness to pump funding into the industry.
work to do, but he felt confident that this new ing lower prices. This combination results in
project would be a success, provided that he modest revenue growth and a declining return
could convince Johnson and Kolks it was worth on equity. According to Lehman Brothers, Inc.,
the investment. the 5.9% return on equity in 2000 was down
from the 13.8% figure achieved in 1996.1

Telecom Meltdown, Peter Elstrom and Heather Timmons, BusinessWeek, April 23, 2001.
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Tailwinds in the Telecom Tempest, Olga Kharif, BusinessWeek, June 20, 2001.
Case Study
ROI for a Customer Relationship Management
Initiative at GST

As the telecommunications challenges had In addition, all resources of the firm must be in this market space. CRM should be viewed
evolved, so had their strategies for survival. managed optimally to maximize value. These first and foremost as an organizational strategy
Fred Harris, vice-president for research, archi- resources include the operational aspects of to understand and influence customer behavior
tecture, and design at Sprint succinctly the firm—product supply chain management, through continuous communication to
described the situation for the entire industry enterprise resource management, services sup- improve customer acquisition, customer reten-
when he said: ply chain management — as well as the man- tion, and customer profitability.
agement of the financial aspects of the opera-
“We are in the business to make money, so tions. Decision-makers need a single view of Another commonly used definition places the
our investments follow where our customer the enterprise in order to get the most out of focus of the strategy on identifying the right
demand is.”2 the resources of the firm. This integrated view customer with the right offer, at the right time,
is made possible with enterprise data using the right channel. Armed with this per-
warehousing (EDW) technology, and is spective, CRM should therefore not be consid-
SURVIVING THE STORM enhanced with Customer Relationship ered “product point solutions” but rather, tech-
Management (CRM) solutions. nology-enabled solutions and associated skills
To win in these new conditions businesses must that support the organizational strategy of
understand what their customers’ demand is CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP being customer centric.
today and what that demand will become MANAGEMENT
tomorrow. It is not enough to understand what In 2002, the market for CRM oriented solutions
happened.A successful communications service Confusion in the marketplace seems to abound has been estimated to be $3.6 billion dollars
provider must analyze detailed customer data to about CRM, not only from the need to clearly with a compound annual growth rate of 37%
better understand ‘why’ it happened and proac- understand the potential return on investment per recent analysis compiled from IDC and
tively manage to better forecast ‘what will’ hap- but also with basic definitions and the compet- AMR data. Exhibit 1 is a schematic of the CRM
pen—and then make it happen. itive landscape of technology vendors that sell and E-business market.

For example, managers should ask:

how do you analyze a customer’s Estimated CRM, eCRM, eBusiness Revenue ($B) =
Compound Annual Growth Rate for 2003
propensity to buy new or addition-
al bundles of services? How do you E-Business ($25B/34%)
predict and respond to events that ERM/SCM ($22B/34%) CRM ($3.6B/37%)
may lure away current customers Back-Office Operational Analytical Front-Office Operational
to the competition? How do you
satisfy the customer and maintain Enterprise Resource=
double-digit growth while control-
ling costs? How do you communi-

Back-Office= Front-Office=
cate with your most valuable cus- Analytical Analytical
Product Supply= Sales
tomers to increase the depth of the Chain Management =

relationship and important wallet

share of that customer? In order to Customer=
Services Supply=
answer these questions, a corpo- Chain Management

rate commitment must be taken to Source: IDC. AMR, Teradata Team Analysis

shift the entire organization from a Source: Tara Kaskocsak, Marketing Specialist, Teradata, a division of NCR
product centric focus to a cus- 1
tomer centric focus.

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Tailwinds in the Telecom Tempest, Olga Kharif, BusinessWeek, June 20, 2001.
Case Study
ROI for a Customer Relationship Management
Initiative at GST

Exhibit 2 provides more detailed insight into service and support solutions provide real- oped based on perceived vendor activity at a
what issues each of the available solutions time customer understanding via the inbound point in time, January 2002. Note that if this
address and where specific vendors are posi- interactions. exhibit were recreated 3 months or one year in
tioned. For example, in the top half of the the future, the players and the solutions would
exhibit, within the front-office operational seg- Vendors within each of these spaces are identi- most likely be dramatically different.
ment, marketing automation solutions form fied in the bottom half of the exhibit. It is
the hub of all customer understanding and important to note here that the solutions and As a framework for how technology enabled
communications planning. Similarly, customer the vendors are fluid. This exhibit was devel- solutions and vendors fit, CRM Solutions can
be separated into two segments: Operational
CRM and Analytical CRM.

CRM Segment Definitions and Business Objectives

Operational CRM
Enterprise =
Sales Force=
Operational CRM Solutions are focused on col-
Provide Enterprise- Form Hub of All Customer Own Front-office-
lecting and managing the interaction with the
View at Interface Understanding and Channels and Customer
Communications Planning Understanding customer through the variety of touch points
Resource Planning
E-Business ($28B/34%) Communications/=
where a firm provides sales, service and sup-
Align Organization-
ERM/SCM ($22B/34%)

Back-Office Operational Analytical

CRM ($3.6B/37%)

Front-Office Operational
Manage Integrated
port. These touch points include direct sales,
Around the Customer Communications Across -
All Channels the web, retail outlets, ATMs, call centers, direct
Enterprise Resource=

Supply Chain= Customer Service= mail, email—fax, etc.


Back-Office= Front-Office=

Product Supply=
Analytical Analytical =
Management & Support
Chain Management

Shift to Demand Chain to- Services Supply=

Chain Management
Service Provide Real-time-
Align Suppliers and- Customer Understanding- =
Partners Around the Customer
Source: IDC. AMR, Teradata Team Analysis

Via Inbound Interaction Operational CRM solutions are generally cate-

gorized to address marketing automation, sales
OLAP Modeling Analytics Personalization
force automation and customer service/sup-
Own Reporting and- Intelligent, Actionable, - Own Customer Understanding Manage Personalization-
Analysis Infrastructure Closed-loop Customer-
& Support All Operational-
CRM Applications
Rules Across All Channels
port. Siebel is the most widely recognized ven-
dor of operational CRM systems.

- Analytical CRM
CRM Segment Definitions & the Competitive Landscape in January 2002 Analytic CRM solutions enable companies to
Enterpise = Marketing= Sales Force=
derive greater knowledge of their customers
Portals= Automation Automation
= through analysis and modeling of detailed data
Provide Enterprise- NCR, Xchange,- Siebel, Clarify,-
View at Interface Chordian, E. piphany,- Vantive, Pivotal,- collected from various customer interactions
Unica Onyx

Enterpise= Communications/=
throughout the organization. In essence,
E-Business ($28B/34%)
Resource Planning Queuing
ERM/SCM ($22B/34%) CRM ($3.6B/37%) analytical CRM solutions provide clear
SAP, Peoplesoft, Baan,- Nortel, Lucent, Alcatel,-
Oracle, Epicor, Lawson
Back-Office Operational Analytical Front-Office Operational
Cisco, BEA, IBM customer insight enabling an organization
Enterprise Resource=

Supply Chain= Customer Service=

to take action to strengthen their customer

Back-Office= Front-Office=

Product Supply=
Analytical Analytical =
Management & Support

relationships and enhance profitability.

Chain Management

Manugistics, Ariba, i2,- Services Supply= Customer=

Siebel, Octoane, Silknet,-
Focus is given to leveraging detailed data
Chain Management Service

CommerceOne Source: IDC. AMR, Teradata Team Analysis Clarify, Vanitive, Quintus =

via analytical modeling—this enables an

OLAP Modeling Analytics Personalization
organization to be proactive in serving their
Microstrategy, Brio,- SAS, SPSS, Unica Quadstone, KD1, MarketSwitch, Broadvision, atg, Vignette,-
Cognos, Business Objects i2, Broadbase, Accrue,- Net Perceptions customers by adapting to change as well as
improving the effectiveness and efficiency of
2 operational CRM solutions.

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Case Study
ROI for a Customer Relationship Management
Initiative at GST

invoked or “triggered” as a result of a significant

customer event or entry into a new segmenta-
Position of Teradata's Solution within CRM Space
tion threshold.

ERM/SCM CRM Note that the competitive landscape of CRM

Back-Office Operational Analytical Front-Office Operational solution providers is ever changing. Companies
whose strengths had been in offering opera-
Resource= Marketing tional CRM solutions are attempting to address
Communications Management

Communications Management
= analytic solutions and vice versa.

Back-Office= Front-Office=
Product Analytical Analytical
Supply Chain
= Exhibit 4 describes the linkages between the
critical steps in an effective CRM program:
Services Customer=
From analyzing customer profiles, to building
Supply Chain Service
Management predictive models, through to developing a
communication plan, to optimizing the deploy-
The red line denotes the Teradata Analytical CRM solution
ment of personalized offers resulting in more
3 timely interactions with customers with man-
Exhibit 3 shows the proposed Teradata CRM trum of operational and analytical solutions. aged feedback. The strength of the EDW is that
solution for GST. This CRM solution is posi- Teradata had therefore uniquely positioned their a single view of the enterprise allows a compa-
tioned in the analytical space and also touches analytical application to address event driven ny to better integrate analytical CRM and
upon marketing automation in the operational marketing by integrating with leading opera- operational CRM. This integrated strategy is
segment. tional CRM solutions. Event driven marketing more effective than if either CRM strategy were
enables pre-determined action to be taken, initiated alone.
According to Ruth Fornell, Teradata Chief
Marketing Officer, Teradata’s CRM
value proposition is in providing:
The Critical Steps in a Fully Integrated CRM Strategy

“Breakthrough CRM solutions

Analytical CRM
that drive intelligent, cross-channel
Analysis Communication, Personalization
personalization based upon a
common understanding of all
customer interactions, resulting Business= CRM=
Intelligence Analysis Modeling Optimization Interaction Front-Office Operational

in enhanced customer knowledge

Reporting Marketing
and increased bottom-line profit.” Communication

In order to implement effective
solutions that support an organiza- Data Mining Service

tion’s CRM strategy, complementary

operational and analytical CRM
Enterprise Active Data Warehouse
solutions are required.As of January
This Exhibit shows schematically the linkages between an Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW) and a fully integrated CRM strategy.
2002, it is difficult to find a single The EDW is essential to executing the CRM strategy

vendor that addresses the full spec- 4

Note that in some cases, you may want to use the next 30% or 40%
EB-3104 PAGE 6 OF 14 as the “Migration” segment.
Case Study
ROI for a Customer Relationship Management
Initiative at GST

Note that an effective CRM program

will result in maximum ROI only
with “better data.” The more com- Evolving the Decision-making Environment to Achieve Greater ROI
plete the data, the more complete
the analysis, and the more prof- Enterprise Data Warehouse=
itable the strategy. This complete Environment
set of data is obtained via the
EDW. As Exhibit 4 shows, the EDW Back-Office Operational • Customer= Front-Office Operational

Customer Communications
supports the entire CRM initiative. Enterprise= • Demand Chain=

Operational Actions
• Supply Chain= Marketing

Better, Faster=

Better, Faster=
• Financial=
Management Operations=
Exhibit 5 reinforces the importance

• Business=
of the EDW. Not only does the Product= Management= =
Supply Chain= • E-commerce= Sales
EDW facilitate better, faster com- Management • Industry-=
munication between the firm and operations=
the customer, this exhibit high- Services= = Customer=
Supply Chain= Service
lights that the EDW helps to Management • Single view of the business=
• Detail-level data=
improve the operations of the firm.
• Unlimited growth=
With a single view of the enter- • Strategic, tactical and event driven=
decision making=
prise, and detail customer data, the • Significant cost savings=
firm can create strategic and tacti-
cal plans to more profitably utilize
the assets of the firm and to create
ever-increasing ROIs.
target 100,000 individuals as a part of an acqui- advanced analytical modeling, you anticipated
sition campaign, and you realized a 3% take rate, a 100% lift or improvement to an existing base-
TELECOMMUNICATIONS you will have added 3,000 new customers. line of a 2% take rate, the resulting take rate
INDUSTRY CUSTOMER RELA- would be 4%. Lift could also be viewed as a
TIONSHIP BEST PRACTICES Churn percentage increase in monthly spending.
Churn is synonymous with customer attrition.
Exhibit 6 contains industry averages and indus- More specifically, churn rate represents the Within the industry, customer acquisition pro-
try best practices for some communication percentage of active customers that voluntarily grams occur monthly, have approximately a 3%
service providers on several elements within the choose to discontinue use of your service or take rate and very little is currently being done
CRM space . These areas include customer product. For example, if you had a customer with analytical modeling. Best practice indi-
acquisition, customer churn, revenue assurance, base of 2,000,000 subscribers with an annual cates that multiple acquisition campaigns are
network optimization, and data warehousing. churn rate of 25%, you would lose 500,000 run daily, the take rate averages 6.5% and
subscribers a year. This is a key metric for utilizing analytical modeling improves
Following are definitions of important terms: measuring an organization’s effectiveness at the lift by more than 400%.
customer retention.
Take Rate The average customer churn for wireless cus-
Within the context of marketing campaigns, take Lift tomers in the industry is 29%; best practices
rate is defined as the percentage of the total Lift is viewed to be the percentage improvement experience customer churn of only 16%. Best
recipients who accept or “do business with you” for a given metric. For example, if through practices result in an attrition rate approxi-
as a result the targeted offer. For example, if you

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Case Study
ROI for a Customer Relationship Management
Initiative at GST

mately one-half the industry average. For long

distance, the industry average is 25% annually Industry Averages and Industry Best Practices
Telecommunications Industry
while best practice only loses 20% per year.
Business Driver Industry Averages Industry Best Practices
Customer churn for cable, on average, is 28%;
Customer Acquisition Campaigns
for firms demonstrating best practice, they a. Quantity of Campaigns a. Monthly (12/year) a. 20–50 per day
b. Take rates b. _ – 5% b. 5 – 8%
only lose 7.3% to attrition. c. Lift with analytical modeling c. n/a c. 442%
Customer Churn
a. Wireless a. 29% a. 16%
Revenue assurance statistics contained in b. Long Distance b. 25% b. 20%
c. Cable c. 28% c. 7.3%
Exhibit 6 refers to fraud management. On aver- Revenue Assurance
a. Lost revenue to fraud a. 5–6% a. 1%
age, the industry loses over 5% of revenue to b. Days: fraud detect-to-remove b. 90–120 days b. 2–3 days
fraud, takes 90-120 days to detect and remove c. Fraud % of bad debt c. 15% c. 2%
Network Optimization
fraud, and fraud constitutes about 15% of bad a. Data trending a. Every 30 days a. daily
b. Engineering reports b. Every 30 days b. daily
debts. Best practice, on the other hand, detects c. Customer complaints c. 50-100 per day c. 1–2 per day
and removes fraud in fewer than 3 days—this Data Warehousing
a. Organizations supported a. 1–2 a. Entire enterprise
reduces the percent of bad debts associated b. Average number of end users b. 5–20 b > 10,000
Average number of applications c. 1–10 c. > 100
with fraud to 2% and the percent of revenue 6
lost to fraud to 1%. Adapted from: “Communications Strategies and Best Practices” by Jack Knapp, Director of Marketing,
Teradata, a division of NCR, and Carol Martin, Marketing Specialist, Teradata, a division of NCR

The management of operational assets is also their customers. End users and decision-mak- customers are, patterns and trends in their
compared for the industry and best practice. ers no longer had to search for information behavior, and to craft communications tailored
The industry examines monthly data trends, gen- about its business, customers and competitors to individual customer needs.
erates engineering reports monthly and receives in multiple data silos. One marketing manager
50–100 customer complaints per day. Best prac- commented: Davis also wanted to position the value of
tice in the same industry produces daily data GST’s existing Teradata data warehouse
trends, daily engineering reports, and receives “With the new enterprise data warehouse I no as the foundation to store all customer
fewer than 2 customer complaints per day. longer have to wait weeks before getting important information (transactional, external and/or
information on my largest corporate accounts.” purchased data). The data warehouse would
Finally, considering the industry’s use of data therefore enable the development of new
warehouses, on average, 1–2 operations are sup- Several marketing mangers wanted to under- creative approaches to better understand and
ported, fewer than 20 end users, and fewer than stand how to take more complete advantage of predict customer behavior. He knew that
10 applications. Firms that fully exploit their the customer information in the Teradata data GST’s EDW combined with Teradata CRM
warehouse typically handle more than 10,000 warehouse. With the EDW they could access solutions would enhance decision-making,
end users and run more than 100 applications. customer information quickly, but they lacked especially given the dynamic environment
the right analytical tools to improve take rates. that GST was forced to compete in.
Davis knew that the Teradata CRM solution
A CRM STRATEGY FOR could assist in this and other areas. Exhibit 1 and Exhibit 3 illustrate the CRM
GST INC. landscape and an enterprise view of CRM
The Power of Analytics using the Teradata data warehouse. The EDW
A Single Integrated View of the Customer Davis wanted to clearly position the Teradata would act as a bridge between operational
As a result of the data mart consolidation proj- CRM solution. Operational CRM is typically CRM (such as sales force automation tools)
ect, GST had made significant progress in only effective when combined with robust and analytical CRM (predictive capabilities)
bringing together a wide variety of processes analysis and planning tools. These tools enable for improved business insights.
and systems to achieve an integrated view of managers to understand who the

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ROI for a Customer Relationship Management
Initiative at GST

Davis planned to focus his recommendation business issues. She also knew that Johnson in his final recommendation.
on the business benefits of CRM. With she would need assistance in defining metrics The main finding, described below, was
appreciation for the internal battles for the ROI. Teradata’s business discovery was that GST needed to embark on a targeted
that Kolks might face, Davis prepared a appealing to GST senior management, since it acquisition campaign.
business discovery proposal (see Exhibit 7). would assess GST’s standing within the indus-
The business discovery was an important try and propose a solution to help GST move A review of GST’s 5-year strategic plan by the
starting point for GST’s analytic CRM initiative. towards best practices. Teradata team discovered a growth target for
a portion of their customer base. Specifically,
The proposal defined a business discovery as a Findings GST management believed the 13,000,000
statement of work between Teradata and GST to The business discovery process uncovered wireless accounts should grow by 5% per year.
identify the “pain points” most critical to senior many facts, summarized in Exhibit 8, Furthermore, GST currently ran monthly
management and to suggest a specific solution which Davis would present to Kolks and campaigns to acquire new customers.
based on the findings. During the
business discovery, Teradata professional Statement of Work Between Teradata and GST Inc.
services would also collect current
This Statement of Work (“SOW”) between Teradata, a division of NCR Corporation (“TERADATA”) and GST Inc. (“GST”) is
financial and operational information for services to be provided to GST by TERADATA in connection with Business Impact Consulting.
and develop a projection of the return
1. Project SCOPE/Services
on investment (ROI) associated with the 1.1 Scope. TERADATA will have its consultant(s) review and analyse GST’s current financial and operational results and will
facilitate a meeting to discuss TERADATA’s findings and make recommendations. TERADATA will interface with a
proposed Teradata CRM solution.
person appointed by GST to sponsor the work (“Business Impact Assessment Sponsor”).
TERADATA will provide the following:
• Business Impact Assessment
• Development and Delivery of Business Impact Model
BUSINESS DISCOVERY 1.2 Business Impact Assessment. TERADATA will interview a number of GST employees to collect current financial
and operational information and develop a projection of the return on investment (ROI) associated with the proposed
solution. TERADATA will provide a presentation of business impact assessment findings to GST.
Statement of Work 1.3 Development and Delivery of Business Impact Model. TERADATA will leverage the knowledge gained from the Business
Impact Assessment task to develop and deliver a detailed Business Impact Report and a GST specific Business Impact
The Statement of Work (SOW) between Model for further analysis and use. TERADATA will provide a presentation of the anticipated financial results and
Teradata and GST, is included in overview of the business impact model.

Exhibit 7. The SOW details, step by 2. Project Deliverables

step the process Teradata would follow TERADATA will provide a written report covering its findings and recommendations from the assessment services. The
report may cover areas such as:
when developing a specific solution. Business Impact Assessment
• An Executive Summary
The exhibit describes the business
• Recap of Business/Operational Impact Findings
impact assessment as well as the • Financial Impact Report
Business Impact Model
development and delivery of the • Development of a GST specific business impact model based on TERADATA’s impact model(s)
business impact model. In addition, • Restricted access to customer specific Business Impact Model (Microsoft Excel Version with access to formulas
the project’s duration and the responsi-
bilities of the parties to the agreement 3. Project DURATION
3.1 The parties anticipate that TERADATA service delivery will begin on 7th January 2002 (“Start Date”) and be
are detailed. completed within approximately 4 weeks from the Start Date (“End Date”). Should the Start Date be postponed due to
a delay in the execution of this SOW, or non-availability of GST personnel, the End Date may be extended. GST will grant
this extension with no penalty to TERADATA.
Kolks was successful in selling the 3.2 GST recognises that any delay that GST may incur in providing to TERADATA the technological and human resources,
data, and necessary information for the execution of the objectives of this Service may, in turn, generate a delay in
business discovery to her peers. Kolks
TERADATA’s provision of services. GST also recognizes that the provision of information that is inexact, incomplete,
liked that the business discovery would and/or different from specified requirements may generate similar delays. When these delays result in an increase in
Service cost, TERADATA will inform GST of any impact to cost, schedule, services, or Deliverables.
help enable buy-in across multiple Continued next page

business units on the most critical 7

Note that marketing research studies may provide additional insights into what constitutes
a reasonable percentage increase in value.

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This is where some thought will have to be given as to what marketing actions will be taken.
Case Study
ROI for a Customer Relationship Management
Initiative at GST

As an example, one targeted acquisition

Continued from previous page
campaign started with GST’s analysis
of their customer base and prospect 4. RESPONSIBILITIES
4.1 TERADATA will provide the resource described in this SOW. GST will work with the TERADATA to provide the services
list (augmented by external information called for in this SOW and, as reasonably requested, will provide the required personnel to complete the services.
4.2 GST will provide TERADATA personnel and third-party vendors with safe and reasonable access, working space and
on the household) for children
facilities (including heat, light, ventilation, electric current, and outlets), convenient fax access, local telephone extensions
between the ages of 15 – 17 who were (including outgoing analogue telephone lines for modems), computer space, and other necessary physical facilities for
TERADATA and third-party personnel.
celebrating a birthday. The offer was 4.3 GST is responsible for the identification and interpretation of any applicable laws, regulations, and statutes that affect the
made through direct mail to the par- existing GST application system or programs that TERADATA will have access to under this SOW. It is the responsibility of
GST to assure that the systems and processes meet the requirements of those laws.
ent(s) with a special package on a pre- 4.4 GST is responsible for the articulation and approval of the business requirements driving the definition of this phase of the
paid wireless phone. For $99, the par- service. Additionally, GST is responsible to provide all the necessary data elements (customer specific responses) required
to adequately assess the impact of the solution on their business.Any information provided regarding the return on invest-
ent could buy the phone and the initial ment of the Project is a non-binding estimate only.
1,000 minutes of use. The customer 4.5 The services to be provided by TERADATA include only what is expressly described in the SOW. The services and deliver-
ables excluded from the present contract include, but are not limited to, the solution of any problem originating from the
would then have the option of prepay- quality of the data used to develop the Business Impact Model.
5. Personnel
ing ongoing required increments of
5.1 TERADATA and GST will assign personnel to execute the roles required for this Project. Such personnel will constitute the
time with options available for $30, $50 Project Team. Actual individuals assigned to the Project may fill different combinations of roles. TERADATA and GST will
make available additional personnel as needed.
or $100 with cost per minute being 5.2 Roles required for this SOW are as follows:
lower as you buy larger “blocks” of air- TERADATA Roles:
• Business Impact Modelling Analyst
time. The value of the offer stressed a • Professional Services Consultant
“manageable plan” from a cost stand- GST Roles
• Business Impact Assessment Sponsor
point that provides the added security • Departmental Level Executives
of being in touch with your ever more • Business Users
5.2 During the performance of this SOW, and for a period of one year thereafter, GST agrees to not employ, make an offer
mobile children. of employment to, or enter into a consulting relationship with any employee of, or subcontractor of, TERADATA who is
directly involved with the delivery of services under this SOW, except upon the prior written consent of TERADATA, as
stated in the Addendum.
The process for designing and execut-
6. Payment
ing other campaigns was the same 6.1 TERADATA will perform the services specified in this SOW for $30,000, made up of 15 days professional services at $2,000
independent of the details of the offer. per day. GST will be billed on a monthly basis.
6.2 This price does not include travel and living expenses or the price for products, software, Third-Party Deliverables, or
The process began with analysis and maintenance.
segmentation of targeted prospects for 6.3 Travel and living expenses, including travel time to and from GST locations for TERADATA and its subcontractors, will be
invoiced on a monthly basis. GST will pay all invoices in accordance with the Master Agreement.
increased probability of acceptance. 6.4 All taxes incurred and all duties assessed on the products and services, except for income taxes levied against TERADATA,
A personalized offer was then extended are GST’s responsibility.
6.5 The total amount billed to GST against this SOW, for both services and expenses will not exceed $50,000.
through single or multi channels
7. Change Control Process
(direct mail, telemarketers, and
Any changes to this SOW, including scope, services, fees, etc., will be made in a written document signed by both parties.
email) — the results were tracked
for continued knowledge of customers 8.1 Deliverables will be considered accepted upon delivery. GST Program Sponsor will complete a “Deliverable Completion
and prospects. Sign-Off Form” for each Deliverable or billing milestone.
8.2 If GST requires rework or modifications beyond the scope of the Deliverable as provided in this SOW, TERADATA will
be entitled to an adjustment in price equal to TERADATA’s standard price for the additional work and a corresponding
GST’s latest experience shows that the adjustment in the Project schedule. The Change Control Process will be followed to determine the impact of additional work
required and both TERADATA and GST will agree to this work before it begins. Such rework or modifications may not be
cost to contact a single potential new limited to the affected Deliverable and may include items such as regression testing or integrating the affected Deliverable
customer is $5. Approximately 3% of into the overall solution.

the potential customers contacted 7

recently became new customers (3%
take rate). In addition, the average
monthly spending by a customer in the

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Case Study
ROI for a Customer Relationship Management
Initiative at GST

ignored in this analysis. Typically,

Summary Findings from the GST Business Discovery firms initiating CRM activities for
Relevant to the Proposed CRM Acquisition Campaign the first time tend to experience a
Finding Values larger than average improvement
How many customers are considered relevant for while firms further along the CRM
the proposed CRM program? journey receive a less than average
What is the annual growth target for the relevant improvement. As a result of the
customer base embedded in the strategic plan? 5.0% work with Teradata’s Professional
How frequently does GST run acquisition campaigns? Monthly Services associates, it was deter-
On average, what does it cost GST to contact one customer? $5 mined that GST was in the early
Historically, what is the current average campaign take rate phases of CRM development.
for acquisition campaigns by GST customers?

What does Teradata suggest as the anticipated improvement In addition, the report indicated that
in the acquisition campaign take rate? with better data, firms could target
Currently, what is the average monthly revenue per customers likely to spend more per
GST customer for the relevant customer base?
month than the average customer.
What does Teradata propose as the anticipated increase in For example, the data might indicate
average monthly revenue per customer?
married couples with two phones
What is GST’s average incremental gross margin percentage
40% and children spend 20% more per
on the goods and services offered through the campaign?
month on average than does the
What is the appropriate tax rate for the analysis? 38%
typical customer. In addition, these
What is GST’s appropriate required return for the analysis? 16%
same couples exhibit an attrition
rate one-half the typical customer.
A targeted campaign would be
targeted group is $42 for the goods and servic- whom Teradata has worked, and propose a designed to attract more married couples with
es included in the proposed campaign offer. solution where appropriate. The original children. Similar campaigns can be designed
Teradata contract was for $120,000 per year for around single parents, couples without chil-
In order for GST to grow by 5% per year, the second and third years of the pilot program. dren, retired people, or company CEOs. If the
it must replace any customers lost to churn Davis estimates that one-fourth of the buying experience of a cohort of current cus-
throughout the year. Within the industry, the contract cost was linked to the CRM study and tomers is something the firm would like to
average number of customers leaving each year the remaining 75% tied to collapsing the replicate, better data makes that possible.
is 29%. For the metric “Customer Churn,” GST remaining 45 data marts into a data warehouse.
is considered one of the best in the industry Teradata suggested GST could expect an
losing approximately 18% per year. Therefore, Teradata’s experience with acquisition increase in average customer spending by the
in order to increase the customer base by 5%, programs in the communications industry had new group in the range of 10% to 32%. The
GST must acquire approximately 23% new produced an improvement in the underlying business discovery cautioned GST that while
customers each year. firm’s take rate in the range of 3% to 15%. The they might attract customers with increased
average improvement was 8%. While smaller spending habits, the competition for these cus-
During the data mart consolidation pilot pro- improvements and much larger improvements tomers is intense so that when GST signs a
gram GST had contracted with Teradata, in had been achieved, Davis suggested the obser- customer, it should highly discount projected
part, to study the characteristics of a subset of vations outside the range be tied to unique cir- revenue beyond one year.
GST’s customer base and to compare those cumstances within those firms and should be
characteristics with other companies with

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ROI for a Customer Relationship Management
Initiative at GST

Given the nature of the products and services The one-time and ongoing charges for hard- sulting, hardware maintenance and software
being offered (telecommunications) GST ware, software and Professional Services are maintenance. GST could shorten or lengthen the
should expect to begin receiving revenue from contained in Exhibit 9 for the CRM proposal contract at their discretion. The penalty for
any new customers in the month following the implementation. The immediate payment shortening the contract was a payment equal to

The process for planning, delivering and measuring ROI

is a science that requires discipline and consistency.
campaign. In addition, from past experience (T=0) for hardware and software for the one-quarters worth of the ongoing costs for
GST could assume the initial contract between Teradata CRM solution was $1,500,00 and hardware, software and consulting. The contract
GST and the new customer would be for one $2,500,000, respectively. Annual maintenance could be extended for a maximum of one year
year. For example, a campaign run in January and upgrades would be 12% of the list price at the same rate quoted in the original contract.
would produce a new customer in February for hardware and 18% of the list price for soft-
and this new customer could be expected to ware. These charges would be billed at the end Davis realized that for Johnson and Kolks to
maintain his/her level of spending through the of each quarter. Professional Services’ immedi- accept the ROI analysis, a detailed breakdown of
following January. The first acquisition cam- ate charge (T=0) for the implementation is the implementation project was not necessary.
paign would be initiated one month after the $1,000,000. The contract calls for an additional For the business discovery ROI analysis, it was
Teradata proposal was adopted. 20% of the original charge per year for consulting. safe to assume the up-front implementation costs
occurred at time zero, even though in reality
Billing for consulting would be monthly. The these costs would be spread over a few months.
GST FINANCIAL DATA contract between GST and Teradata called for The weighted average cost of capital for GST
& THE CRM PROJECT an initial commitment of three years for con- was 14%, however, for projects determined to
One-time Costs, Ongoing Charges and Cancellation/Extension
Fee for Hardware, Software and Professional Services
The Teradata Professional Services
One-time Costs – Payable at T=0 and Depreciated Using Straight-line Depreciation
team suggested which items to
1. Hardware (Nodes and Disk Array) 1. $1,500,000
include in the product service offer. 2. Software 2. $2,500,000
These items included: 500 monthly 3. Professional Services (Consulting) 3. $1,000,000
minutes of from anywhere to any- Ongoing Maintenance/Upgrade Fees – Billed at the End of the Monthly
where, 24/7, worldwide calling and 1. Professional Services (Consulting) 1. 20%/yr of one-time cost, paid monthly
1000 peak-time monthly minutes Ongoing Maintenance/Upgrade Fees – Billed at the End of the Quarter
of Internet access through the 1. Hardware 1. 12%/yr of one-time cost, paid quarterly
handset, laptop or television. 2. Software 2. 18%/yr of one-time cost, paid quarterly

Standard with any offer were call Cancellation/Extension Fees

forwarding, call waiting, instant 1. Cancellation Fee 1. payment at time of cancellation totaling
three months of ongoing PS, hardware
paging/instant messaging, and
and software charges
voice mail. Dan Wymer, CAO, deter- 2. Extension Fee 2. billed at current rates – maximum one
mined the gross margin on those year extension
items would be 40%. 9

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ROI for a Customer Relationship Management
Initiative at GST

be riskier than average, a 16% required return Davis went on to explain that he would like to “Where does GST find the names and addresses
was used. For projects determined to be less position the proposed acquisition campaign of potential new customers?”
risky than average, a 12% return was required. within the context of an overall CRM solution
The appropriate tax rate was 38%. strategy that would include other key business At this point, GST was most likely relying on
benefits. He wondered aloud to the team: the data reliability of a third party supplier of
mailing lists—sophisticated analytics are
THE PROFESSIONAL “Should the financial analysis account for worth nothing if the database employed is
SERVICES TEAM MEETING valuable cross sell/up sell opportunities facilitated incorrect. Davis wanted to know:
by the investment in the infrastructure for the
Davis convened the Professional Services team proposed acquisition program?” “What safe guards should be in place prior to
meeting on Thursday morning with a rather initiating a targeted campaign? How should this
startling announcement: Davis recognized that this was only one of many knowledge of ‘data reliability’ affect GST’s
“Well folks, we have a week. I have committed our additional benefits that the analytical CRM required return?”
team to present the Business Impact Assessment investment could enable.Additional benefits
to Mark Johnson and Erica Kolks next Thursday could include better evaluation of GST’s net- The final issue that needed to be resolved by
at 11AM ... I know we will be ready. We’ll be work capacity, fraud detection, improved reten- the team was the appropriate time period for
ready or we’ll lose the opportunity!” tion programs, etc. Davis asked the Teradata the analysis. The team agreed that it would
After a brief pause to make eye contact with Business Impact Modeling team for their sug- take several months for the hardware and soft-
the team, he continued: gestions when evaluating these real options. ware to be in place so clearly a one-year time

Davis needed his team to make a decision and be prepared

to defend their position in the meeting on Thursday.
“And by ready, I expect our analysis to be thor- A second issue Davis highlighted for the team’s horizon from today was unreasonably short.
ough. We should be answering Mark Johnson’s discussion concerned the leads for the acquisi- They could never expect such a quick payback.
questions long before he has tion campaigns. Developing the profile of an On the other hand, the team also knew that if
had a chance to even think them up. ideal new customer utilizing current customer the analysis continued far enough into the
The business discovery process has been data was fraught with risk. GST would have future, the mathematics alone would
completed. You have the results in front of you. access to the demographic data of its existing probably produce a rather decent ROI. Davis
Now all that is left is to resolve the remaining customers. Ideally, the data had been screened, needed his team to make a decision and be
issues, calculate the ROI, and write the report.” cleaned, and the appropriate information prepared to defend their position in the
obtained. This information provided a sense of meeting on Thursday.
the kinds of new customers the firm would
like to attract. However, a big question was:

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Case Study
ROI for a Customer Relationship Management
Initiative at GST


The following questions may help your analysis:

• What is the investment cash outflow

required to initiate the proposed
acquisition program?

• What are the monthly cash flows GST should

expect to realize from the new program?

• What is the expected ROI? Payback?

• How does the team’s decision to utilize

a three-year horizon affect the ROI? Payback?

• How should the team incorporate their dis-

cussion of data reliability into the Business
Impact Assessment?

• Why might using a higher hurdle rate

for risky investments be a good idea? Why
might it be a bad idea?

• Should Kolks and Johnson adopt Teradata’s

proposed acquisition solution?

• Are there any other factors Johnson and

Kolks should consider prior to making their

© 2002 by Mark Jeffery. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, used in a spreadsheet, or transmitted in any for by means -
electronic, mechanical, photocopying, or otherwise - without the permission of Mark Jeffery. Teradata is a registered trademark and WorldMark is a trademark of
NCR Corporation. All other brand and product names appearing in this release are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective holders. NCR continually
improves products as new technologies and components become available. NCR therefore, reserves the right to change specifications without prior notice. All fea-
tures, functions and operations described herein may not be marketed in all parts of the world. Consult your NCR representative for further information.

© 2002 NCR Corporation Dayton, OH U.S.A. Produced in U.S.A. All rights reserved.

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