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Information System for Management

CP -207
BY ABDUL KHALIQ (19MBE002) –MBA Exe. 2nd Sem

Qno.1 What are some of the limitations or dangers you see in the use of AI
technologies such as Expert system, virtual reality and intelligent agents?
Ans –

Limitations of Expert System:-

 Following are the disadvantages to expert systems, such as:

 No common sense used in making decisions
 Lack of creative responses that human experts are capable of
 Not capable of explaining the logic and reasoning behind a decision
 It is not easy to automate complex processes
 There is no flexibility and ability to adapt to changing environments
 Not able to recognize when there is no answer

Limitations of Virtual Reality :

In practice, it is currently very difficult to create a high-fidelity virtual reality
experience, due largely to technical limitations on processing power, image
resolution and communication bandwidth. However, those limitations are expected
to eventually be overcome as processor, imaging and data communication
technologies become more powerful and cost-effective over time.

Limitations of Intelligent Agent:

No overall system controller: intelligent agents may not be appropriate where there
are global constraints that need to be enforced, due to the fact that each agent is
effectively acting independently of any central controller. Applications requiring
real-time responses are also inappropriate.
No global perspective: an agent can only make decisions based on locally
accumulated knowledge, therefore an agent might be missing the "big picture" of a
problem domain.

May 13, 2020 1

Assignment No -3 - Submitted by Abdul Khaliq (19MBE002) Submitted to - Syed Zakir Hussain Sir
Trusting delegation: a user of an intelligent agent is effectively giving responsibility
of data acquisition and decision making to a piece of computer code, therefore they
must be sure that they can trust the agent to carry out the delegated task with

Qno 2. Should every company become a Customer-focused business, how does

Information technologies are helping them to achieve these goals?


Basically company’s success relies on their customers. Without them, the company
wouldn’t have sales or revenue or, really, a business at all. This means that in order
to succeed, the company need to make them a priority. And that requires going
beyond standard customer service. The best approach for achieving excellent
customer satisfaction levels (along with your business goals) is to develop a
customer-focused culture.

When we are operating a business, we probably already using a variety of technology

tools to operate and grow your company. There are specific ways, however, to make
the most of the latest technology to increase productivity and customer service.

The following are 8 ways we can make better use of technology to reach our business

1. Incorporate Automation

There are plenty of tools available that can automate several business-critical tasks.
A few include paying bills, email responses, and scheduling employees for shifts.
There are even valuable automated programs that can help us better manage our
social media platforms.

Investments in automation systems can pay for themselves within a short span of
time. Automation reduces human error and waste, as well as being a catalyst for
productivity. Implementing automation for even a few basic tasks can save our
company an incredible amount of time and resources in the long run.

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Assignment No -3 - Submitted by Abdul Khaliq (19MBE002) Submitted to - Syed Zakir Hussain Sir
2. Use Productivity Apps

Calendar apps are a great example of how to efficiently use our time to reach
business goals. Finding and implementing a good calendar app is essential for almost
any company. It can take a lot of time just scheduling all your meetings and calls. A
scheduling tool can free up time and can keep us organized.

Fast Company lists several apps that can help in organize our time and work more
efficiently. Everything from Grammarly (for polishing our writing) to camera and
scheduling apps are available to help move your business forward.

3. Evaluate of our Networks

It’s necessary to periodically evaluate our networks for security and efficiency.
Security problems and system failures can result in lost data, reduction in
productivity, and even the loss of your business in extreme cases.

These evaluations need to be done fairly often in order to detect and eliminate
problems as early as possible. Many companies may need an off-site IT team to
effectively evaluate and maintain their networks.Security technology can help keep
our network secure so that we never have to deal with cyberthreats in the first place.

4. We should invest in the Best Technology

We must consider investing in a cloud-based VoIP phone system. Depending on the

type of business we have, we should always consider investing in artificial
intelligence and blockchain technologies.

It’s important to remember that the best technology available won’t do much good
for us ,if our employees aren’t using it correctly. Whenever we invest in new
technology it’s imperative that our employees also receive the right training so
they’ll make the most of ourr new investments.

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Assignment No -3 - Submitted by Abdul Khaliq (19MBE002) Submitted to - Syed Zakir Hussain Sir
6. Take Advantage of CRM

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a system that can help our organize
and manage everything from customer contact information to specific marketing
strategies. According to Forbes, there are several specific areas that CRM software
can focus on. A few include marketing, sales, service operations and analyzing
customer data. There’s also collaborative CRM that enables businesses to pool data.

When you have a variety of data all connected together in a CRM system you have
the tools available to target and bring in new customers. You can also more precisely
target existing customers. A CRM platform organizes information such as what
services and products your customers purchase and exactly how they’re using it.

Q. no 3 What can be done to improve the security of business uses of the

Internet? Give several examples of security measures and technologies you
would use?


One unfortunate byproduct of using the Internet on business computers and mobile
devices is viruses and other security threats. effective anti virus software and
addressing security issues is so important for averting threats.

Here are four types of protection that can keep your business’s network safe.


A major catalyst for viruses, malware, trojans, and adware is email attachments. A
good example is the “Melissa virus” that was created in the late ’90s, which wreaked
havoc on numerous accounts. With email being a primary form of communication
for many businesses, this is one of the first areas to address. Choosing an email
provider that places an emphasis on security through anti virus and spam protection
is smart and should minimize your risks considerably. Ideally, they will also offer
email encryption so sensitive information is safeguarded at all times.

May 13, 2020 4

Assignment No -3 - Submitted by Abdul Khaliq (19MBE002) Submitted to - Syed Zakir Hussain Sir

Another way to prevent viruses and other unwanted intrusions is by installing a

quality firewall. This can be either software or hardware-based and will analyze the
incoming data to your network. If something looks questionable and doesn’t meet
security criteria, it will be blocked. A firewall works as a buffer zone between your
business’s private network and the Internet, so anything malicious can be stopped
before it gains access to your network. This way, you can stop problems from ever
happening in the first place. The specific features and overall comprehensiveness of
firewalls can vary so definitely take a look at recent reviews.

Wireless Network Security

It’s become common for businesses to create wireless networks via a router so
multiple team members can conveniently access the Internet. The downside is that
sensitive information can be leaked to external sources, which can create a host of
problem when placed in the wrong hands. To tighten network security, it’s best to
select a router with an encryption feature and always leave it on. Wi-Fi Protected
Access (WPA) encryption is considered to be superior to Wireless Encryption
Protocol (WEP) because it offers stronger encryption through temporal key integrity
protocol. You may also want to turn off your wireless network after hours or during
the weekend when it won’t be used for a prolonged period of time. This should
reduce the likelihood of any security threats occurring on your company’s network.

Browser Security

Finally, there is the issue of keeping your Internet browser functioning at a high level
and maximizing the security settings. For starters, you should take advantage of
automatic updates if you’re using Microsoft Windows. This will ensure that your
browser is continually kept up-to-date through periodic updates. Increasing
password security is smart if there is the potential for outside parties accessing the
Internet on the computers or mobile devices of employees. This can be done by only
using strong passwords that are at least eight characters in length with a combination
of numbers. If your business uses a browser like Mozilla Firefox that automatically
remembers passwords, you should also uncheck “Remember Passwords for Sites.”

May 13, 2020 5

Assignment No -3 - Submitted by Abdul Khaliq (19MBE002) Submitted to - Syed Zakir Hussain Sir
Q. No 4 What would be the examples of one positive and one negative effect of
the use of information technologies in each of the ethical and societal

Ans- Ethics are the principles of right and wrong individuals, acting as free moral
agents, use to make choices to guide their behavior. Information systems raise new
ethical questions for both individuals and societies because they create opportunities
for intense social change.

Ethical, social, and political issues are closely linked. Introduction of new
technology has a ripple effect in the current equilibrium, creating new ethical, social,
and political issues that must be dealt with on individual, social, and political levels.
Both social and political institutions require time before developing new behaviors,
rules, and laws.

The introduction of new information technology has a ripple effect, raising new
ethical, social, and political issues that must be dealt with on the individual, social,

May 13, 2020 6

Assignment No -3 - Submitted by Abdul Khaliq (19MBE002) Submitted to - Syed Zakir Hussain Sir
and political levels. These issues have five moral dimensions: information rights and
obligations, property rights and obligations, system quality, quality of life, and
accountability and control.

There are five main moral dimensions that tie together ethical, social, and political
issues in an information society. These moral dimensions are:

1. Information rights and obligations

2. Property rights and obligations
3. Accountability and control
4. System quality
5. Quality of life

Four key technology trends have heightened the ethical stresses on existing social
arrangements and laws.

Ethical Issue - Information systems enable people to manipulate records within a

short period, thus raising questions on whether the information is genuine or vague.
Moreover, will genetic engineering improve the quality of life or destroy it? These
are some ethical dilemmas that are yet to be solved.
Positive aspect of the same is that now .

Social Issues IT has created:

Communication Breakdown

Socializing within a family unit has always been important, as it strengthens the
bonds between us and ensures cohesion within the group. But with more and more
households owning several computers and numerous portable devices granting
access to information and entertainment, some argue that this is leading to a lack of
family communication.
Each member is engrossed in their laptop, smartphone or tablet each evening, even
communal things like watching television are compromised. Meanwhile, you can
see whole families who are out to dinner and still staring into a touchscreen rather
than talking to one another.

May 13, 2020 7

Assignment No -3 - Submitted by Abdul Khaliq (19MBE002) Submitted to - Syed Zakir Hussain Sir
Q. No 5 Will the increasing use of the internet by firms with global business
operations change their move towards a transnational business strategy?
Explain in brief.

Small businesses are often at the forefront of adapting to the many online
innovations that can make their work more efficient. From communications tools to
social media to e-commerce platforms, companies are no stranger to online tools,
but they may still be missing out on a major opportunity. With technology expanding
daily, the barriers to entry have lowered for international marketing and sales,
making growth through exporting more accessible than ever.
Finding international buyers used to be expensive, largely because the process of
designing and producing ads was beyond the reach of most small business owners.
This made selling beyond local markets difficult. With the rise of free and low-cost
platforms companies know well, such as social media, podcasts, blogs, videos and
other online properties, reaching the 95 percent of buyers outside the U.S. is much
less difficult than in the past . These digital platforms help companies reach
international customers by building a strong online presence, creating customized
materials and posts, generating and handling inquiries as well as simplifying
Almost half of small and mid-sized businesses that sell internationally
began exporting “accidentally” when foreign buyers found them online, and 77
percent are confident international sales will increase by 30 percent on average in
five years, according to the 2017 American Express Grow Global survey. (The
survey sampled 501 U.S. companies, ranging in size from $250,000 to less than $1
billion in annual revenues, who report a portion of their company’s annual revenue
is currently derived from the sale of goods or services outside of the United States.)

May 13, 2020 8

Assignment No -3 - Submitted by Abdul Khaliq (19MBE002) Submitted to - Syed Zakir Hussain Sir

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