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What do I already know?


What do I know?  What new information do I What new information do I have?   What questions do I still
think I will gather?  have? 

Activating prior knowledge How to gage students' There are different levels of learning.  How do I activate prior
is important for getting background information. Surface learning is superficial learning, knowledge when
students to connect new deep learning which extends the longevity students are
information.  Ways to bridge past and application of knowledge and transfer uninterested in the
knowledge with new knowledge where students consolidate new subject matter?
Background information learning materials to create information with past information. 
engages past experiences a meaningful lesson. Using technology in the class can help us
helping students engage in visually and further deepen the engagement
the new learning material. How to filter through what and knowledge of students.
background information When students understand that they are
needs to be re-engaged capable of generating credible responses
and remembered.  they feel more engaged.

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