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Chapter 2

2.2 An object has acceleration a = 9t2. At time t = 0, its position x0 = 10 m and velocity
V0 = –5 m/s. What are its position and velocity when t = 1 s?
Find: Position x and velocity V at time t = 1 s.
Known: Acceleration a = 9t2, position at t = 0 of x0 = 10 m, velocity at t = 0 of V0 = –5
We can obtain velocity V by integrating acceleration:
V = ∫ adt = ∫ 9t 2 dt = 3t 3 + C1 ,

then using the boundary conditions of V0 = –5 m/s at t = 0 s,

V = 3t
! + C1 = −5,

C1 = −5.
V = 3t 3 − 5 = −2 m/s at t = 1 s.
We can obtain position x in a similar manner:
x = ∫ V dt = ∫ (3t 3 − 5) dt = t 4 − 5t + C2 ,
then using the boundary conditions of x0 = 10 m at t = 0 s,
x = t 4 − 5t
! + C2 = 10,
! 0

C2 = 10.
x = t 4 − 5t + 10 = 5.75 m at t = 1 s.
After one second, the position of the object is 5.75 m and the velocity is –2 m/s.
2.3 The acceleration of a mass is given by a = 4t – 10 where a is in m/s2 and t is in s. If
the mass starts at t = 0 with displacement x = 0 and velocity V = 2 m/s, find the
displacement as a function of time.
Find: Displacement x as a function of time.
Known: Acceleration a = 4t – 10 m/s2, displacement at t = 0 of x0 = 0, velocity at t = 0 of
V0 = 2 m/s.
We can obtain velocity V by integrating acceleration:
V = ∫ adt = ∫ (4t − 10)dt = 2t 2 − 10t + V0 ,

then applying the initial condition of V0 = 2 m/s when t = 0 we get

V = 2t 2 − 10t + 2.
Applying the same process to find position from velocity,
x = ∫ Vdt = ∫ (2t 2 − 10t + 2)dt = t 3 − 5t 2 + 2t + x0 ,
with initial condition of x0 = 0 m,
x = t 3 − 5t 2 + 2t.
2 3
The displacement as a function of time is t − 5t 2 + 2t.
2.11 A linear spring is one whose extension is proportional to the force applied. When a
mass is suspended from a linear spring on Earth its extension is 6.3 mm. When the same
mass is suspended from the spring on Mars, its extension is 2.5 mm. What is the
acceleration due to gravity on Mars?
Find: Gravitational acceleration on Mars gm.
Known: Linear spring extension on Earth xe = 6.3 mm, spring extension on Mars xm = 2.5
Properties: Gravitational acceleration on Earth ge = 9.81 m/s2.
From a force balance on a fully extended spring,
F = kx = mg ,
where spring constant k and mass m remain constant on both planets. The extension on
Earth is
xe = ge ,
and on Mars
xm = g ,
k m
so that:
xm g m
= ,
xe ge
xm 2.5 mm
gm = ge = × 9.81 m/s2 = 3.8929 m/s 2 .
xe 6.3 mm
The gravitational acceleration on Mars is 3.89 m/s2.
2.12 Acceleration due to gravity at Earth’s surface is g = 9.80665 m/s2 and decreases by
approximately 3.3×10-6 m/s2 for each metre of height above the ground. What is the
potential energy of a 100 kg mass raised to an altitude of 1000 m: a) assuming constant g,
b) accounting for the decrease in g with height?
Find: Potential energy PE of mass raised to an altitude with a) constant gravitational
acceleration g, b) variable gravitational acceleration g.
Known: Gravitational acceleration g = 9.80665 m/s2 – 3.3×10-6z m/s2, mass m = 100 kg,
altitude z = 1000 m.
The mass starts at the ground, a state of zero gravitational potential energy, so PE = ∆PE.
a) Assuming constant g:
Gravitational potential energy changes solely based on a change in altitude,
ΔPE = mgh = 100 kg × 9.80665 m/s2 × 1000 m = 980665 J.
b) Assuming variable g with altitude:
Intuition tells us that since g is decreasing with height, the final ∆PE value will be lower
than in part a. From the definition of potential energy,
d ( PE ) = d (mgz ),
h h
ΔPE = m ∫ gdz = m ∫ (9.80665 − 3.3 × 10−6 z )dz ,
0 0

ΔPE = m ⎡⎣9.80665h − 1.65 × 10 h ⎤⎦ = 100 × ⎡⎣9.80665(1000) − 1.65 × 10 −6 (1000) 2 ⎤⎦ ,

−6 2

ΔPE = 980500 J.
The final potential energy of the mass is a) 980665 J assuming constant g, and b) 980500
J assuming variable g.
2.15 A car travelling at 40 km/h collides with a wall and comes to rest in 0.3 s. What is
the force exerted by the seatbelt on the car driver, who has a mass of 75 kg?
Find: Force F exerted on car driver during collision.
Known: Car initial velocity V1 = 40 km/h, final velocity V2 = 0 km/h, elapsed time of
deceleration ∆t = 0.3s, mass of driver m = 75 kg.
The initial velocity of the car, converted into m/s, is
40 km/h × 1000 m/km
V1 = 40 km/h= = 11.11111 m/s.
3600 s/h
The deceleration of the car and the driver was then
ΔV 11.11111 m/s − 0
a= = = 37.03703 m/s 2 ,
Δt 0.3 s
and the force experienced by the car driver was
F = ma = 75 kg × 37 m/s2 = 2777.777 N.
The force exerted on the car driver by the seatbelt was 2777.8 N.
2.19 An aircraft with a mass of 8000 kg has engines that have a total thrust of 100 kN. If
it requires a speed of 50 m/s for take-off, what is the length of runway required?
Find: Length of runway ∆x required for takeoff.
Known: Aircraft mass m = 8000 kg, force from engine thrust F = 100 kN, required
velocity for takeoff V = 50 m/s.
Assumptions: No frictional forces on the aircraft.
From a force balance on the aircraft, it accelerates at a rate of
F 105 N
a= = = 12.5 m/s2 .
m 8000 kg
The definition of acceleration,
dV dV dx dV
a= = =V
dt dx dt dx

∫ a dx = ∫ V dV
Assuming a is constant
ax = +C
At the initial position x0 velocity is 0,
x = x0 + .
The displacement,

(50 m/s) = 100 m.

Δx = x − x0 = =
2a 2 × 12.5 m/s 2
The required runway length for takeoff is 100 m.
2.23 Find the acceleration of the two masses connected by rope in Fig. P2.23. Neglect
friction in the pulleys.

Figure P2.23
Find: Acceleration a of the masses (magnitude).
Known: Mass m1 = 20 kg, mass m2 = 40 kg.
Define T as the tension in the rope and do a force balance on each mass, knowing that m1
accelerates upwards and m2 accelerates downwards:
T − m1 g = m1a,
T − m2 g = −m2 a.
Then add both equations together to cancel out the unknown tension and solve for the
T − m1 g − (T − m2 g ) = m1a − (−m2 a ),
g (m2 − m1 ) = a(m2 + m1 ),
(m2 − m1 ) (40 kg − 20 kg) g 9.81 m/s 2
a= g= g= = ,
(m2 + m1 ) (40 kg + 20 kg) 3 3
a = 3.27 m/s 2 .
The acceleration of each mass is 3.27 m/s2; mass m1 accelerates upwards while mass m2
accelerates downwards.
2.29 A bucket of volume 0.2 m3 is filled with sand in which the pores between particles
constitute 40% of the total volume. Water is poured into the sand until all the pores are
filled. What is the weight of this mixture?
Find: Weight Fw of the mixture.
Known: Volume V = 0.2 m3, 40% volume between sand particles.
Properties: Density of water ρw = 1000 kg/m3 (A3), density of sand ρs = 1520 kg/m3 (A2),
gravitational acceleration g = 9.81 m/s2.
The masses of each component are
mw = ρ wV × 0.4 = 1000 kg/m3 × 0.2 m3 × 0.4 = 80 kg,

ms = ρ sV × 0.6 = 1520 kg/m3 × 0.2 m3 × 0.6 = 182.4 kg.

The total combined mass and weight are
mt = ms + mw = 182.4 kg + 80 kg = 262.4 kg,

Fw = mt g = 262.4 kg × 9.81 m/s 2 = 2574.144 N.

The weight of the mixture of sand and water is 2574.1 N.
2.30 A 300 kg mass at the bottom of a mine shaft is suspended from a 200 m long chain
that has a mass of 3 kg/m. How much work is done in lifting the mass to the top of the
Find: Work done W in lifting a mass up a mine shaft.
Known: Suspended mass ms = 300 kg, chain length l = 200 m, chain linear density λ = 3
Properties: Gravitational acceleration g = 9.81 m/s2.
The force required to lift the chain at each instant of the process is its total weight,
F ( x) = (ms + mc ) × g ,
F ( x) = (300 kg + (200 − x) m × 3 kg/m) × g ,
F ( x) = (900 − 3x) × g.
Then the work done in lifting the chain up the mine shaft is
l 200
W = ∫ F ( x)dx = g ∫ (900 − 3x)dx,
0 0

⎡ 3 ⎤
W = g ⎢900 x − x 2 ⎥ = 120000 g ,
⎣ 2 ⎦0
W = 1,177, 200 J.
The work required to lift the chain is 1.18 MJ.
2.31 A 2 m long chain with a mass of 10 kg hangs from the ceiling of a room. The bottom
end the chain is lifted until it touches the ceiling. How much work is done?
Find: Work W required to lift the bottom end of the chain to ceiling.
Known: Length of chain l = 2 m, mass of chain m = 10 kg.
Properties: Gravitational acceleration g = 9.81 m/s2.
The linear density of the chain is
m 10 kg
λ= = = 5 kg/m.
l 2m
Defining x as a reference distance from the ceiling, the bottom end of the chain with x = 2
m is lifted a total of 2 m to the ceiling. The portion at x = 1.5 m is lifted 1 m. In general, a
piece of chain that is 2 – x meters from the bottom of the chain has a final position of x
meters from the ceiling, and is lifted through a distance of 2(x – 1) meters. The force
exerted to lift each piece of chain is then
F = Fw = mg = 5 × 2(x − 1) × g = 10g(x − 1).
To lift the chain to the ceiling, only the bottom half of the chain must be lifted, so work is
found using limits of x = 1 m and x = 2 m:
2 2
W = ∫ Fdx = 10 g ∫ ( x − 1)dx
1 1

W = g ⎡⎣5x2 − 10⎤⎦ = 5g = 49.050 J.

It required 49.1 J of work to lift the bottom end of the chain to the ceiling.
2.36 A hair dryer is switched on inside a room. For each of the following systems list the
energy and mass transfers across the system boundary: a) the hair dryer, b) the room,
excluding the hair dryer, and c) the room and hair dryer combined.
A hair dryer intakes low temperature air and outputs high temperature air.
High temperature air has a higher internal energy than low temperature air.
a) Mass transfer: Air enters the system (hair dryer) from the surroundings (room) at a low
temperature, an equal mass of air exits the system to the surrounds at a high temperature;
no net mass transfer.
Energy transfer: Air entering the system has low internal energy, while air leaving the
system has high internal energy; the flow transports internal energy to the surroundings.
Also, the air has higher pressure leaving the hair dryer than it does when entering. The
system does flow work on the surroundings. Electrical work is supplied to the hair dryer
from the surroundings.
b) Mass transfer: Air enters the system (room) from the surroundings (hair dryer) at a
high temperature, an equal amount of air leaves the system to the surroundings at a low
Energy transfer: Air leaving the system has low internal energy, while air entering the
system has high internal energy. The surroundings do flow work on the system because
the pressure of the air entering is higher than that leaving.
c) Mass transfer: none, if the room is assumed to be perfectly sealed.
Energy transfer: The hair dryer is being supplied electrical work, across the system
boundary (walls of the room), which allows the system’s internal energy to increase. If
the room loses heat through the walls there is heat transfer from the system.

2.40 Classify the following quantities as a) intensive properties, b) extensive properties,

or c) not properties: T, x, a, W, KE, PE, P, m, e, v, ρ.
a) Intensive properties do not depend on the amount (mass) of material: T, x, a, P, e, v, ρ.
b) Extensive properties depend on the amount (mass) of material: KE, PE, m.
c) Properties can be measured without knowing the system’s history; not properties: W.

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